Ah, the good old days, when me were men and women were c**ts!
You know, just regular c**ts, not the pampered, stuck-up, fat c**ts of today.
Such is the argument of an unusually spirited, if sometimes incoherent, mini-manifesto winning plaudits from the regulars in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today.
In a post titled “Women/society made us think we were losers,” a proud MGTOW warrior calling himself shogunronin looks back with nostalgia on what he sees as the golden age of the nineties.
As a man who was gifted with growing up in the nineties, I experienced a time when women were c**ts but not as egotistical, a time where political correctness only was conjured in parliamentary buildings.
Ah, the nineties, “a time where SJWs were too busy listening to Korn or Marliyn Manson” to cause much trouble and when “fat women [weren’t] trying so hard to raise their sexual market value above men.” (Or at least above the sort of men who post angry manifestos on the MGTOW subreddit.)
How far we have fallen! In the nightmare world of today, some of these fatties actually have the gall to think of themselves as valuable human beings who deserve respect from others.
Now, we live in the times of self-made female celebrities, single mother culture, the media who language shames anyone who speaks the truth, down to the gagging of conservative thinkers on popular social media platforms, fat shaming and it’s reactionaries,
Er, in case you had trouble diagramming that last sentence, I think that bit at the end means he’s mad anyone complains about fat-shaming.
He continues, making up words as he goes:
And lastly, the detasteful rise of Feminism and their eternal hatred for anything with a dick. As a result of the army of manginas, white knights, beta-facebook pleasers, man-begging on dating platforms, women now are in control of the dating market and are free to act how they wish.
Imagine, women — some of them fatties! — actually having the gall to reject good and decent, if maybe just a teensy bit misogynistic, men like shogunronin!
They are free to treat a man like crap because 50 others are queing up on her social media account. Some women are even calling themselves celebrities as 5,000 manginas cheerlead her on Twitter in the hopes of one day bagging those golden vagina lips that could never do anything wrong.
You may wonder what exactly shogunronin thinks vagina lips are doing wrong. Robbing banks? Writing bad checks? Going to see Lady Ghostbusters?
Shogunronin does not specify. He is apparently more angry at the owners of these “golden vagina lips” for refusing him and other perfectly decent woman-hating men access to said lips.
I believe MGTOW is a reaction to the woman uprising. Men who are sick and tired of female priviledge in both society and the court room. If you noticed, MGTOW on the internet had risen just about the same time that online dating went mainstream. It is a F**K YOU to all women who think they’re above men. We are going our own way, bye hunny.
But shogunronin isn’t just angry at women and the manginas who love them too much. He’s also mad at pickup artists for suggesting that the value of men is determined in large part by the hotness of the hot babes they date (or date rape).
Yes, that’s right. There’s actually a portion of his manifesto that sort of has a point.
As a man in my early twenties, I was indoctrinated into the PUA cult. I was led to believe that if i couldn’t attract a woman than I was a failure with women which equaled a failure at life. It was only after reaching my later twenties that I began to realise how dangerous this mindset can be.
Alas, after this brief moment of clarity, shogunronin is once against swallowed up by the ideological fog of MGTOWism.
Women were the only ones who benefitted from the PUA movement.
Because nothing benefits women more than having an army of aggressively creepy dudes using every psychological trick in the book to overcome “last-minute resistance” and get them into bed. (Or just plain date raping them if that don’t work)
It turned awesome men into tools. It provided women with a stream of unappreciated attention. It was full of men who went out building their entire confidence around women. I know this because we would discuss how shitty we felt when being rejected multiple times in one day and successful when we got laid. Women were constantly pressuring men to impress them, and now with the rise of social media dating, women have a eternal pool of meatheads and manginas who are thirsty.
Sorry, MGTOW dudes. Your self-esteem problems are not the fault of women who don’t want to have sex with you.
We now live in a culture that demonises men and rewards women for their shitty behaviour.
Apparently he’s very angry that women are “rewarded” for saying no to sex with men they don’t like by, er, not actually having to have sex with men they don’t like?
A fat whale now has access to the more attractive men while the average joe has to ‘brand’ himself both metaphorically and physically just to meet the outlandish standards of modern women.
How dare these “fat whales” only sleep with men they’re attracted to and who want to have sex with them!
The truth is none of us were losers because of these women,
TRUE. Your loserdom has nothing to do with these women.
the truth is women priced themselves out of the dating market.
NOT TRUE. They just said “no” to you when you came at them with your PUA bag of tricks.
Upon being MGTOW, I have been financially better off, I have been happier, I have more time to follow my passions in life other than chasing some egotistical self-made celebrity c**t.
Apparently one of these passions is posting bitter, woman-hating manifestos on the MGTOW subreddit.
Life is good for me now.
I don’t … actually believe you. This manifesto is pretty obviously not the work of a man enjoying the good life.
Not surprisingly, the regulars in the MGTOW subreddit disagree with me on this point, applauding shogunronin’s mini-manifesto and responding with mini-manifestos of their own.
2045_revolution laments how exploitative the current sexual marketplace is. Exploitative of men, that is. Sure, he admits,
Men may use women as wet holes attached to a uterus, but women use men as wallets and sources of high quality genetic material. It gets demoralizing. As a man, the best you can hope for is to be a strong and healthy host for a female parasite to latch onto. When you think of guys in their expensive clothes, expensive cars, etc just advertising how filled with resources they are to parasites, it loses its appeal.
Meanwhile, 2045_revolution complains, some women he thinks aren’t so hot are trying to date men he thinks are hotter!
Internet dating and the rise of PUA culture have created a generation of crap women who think they are amazing catches. It used to be that a woman who as a 6 knew she was a 6. Now the 4s and 5s think they are 8s because of all the validation they get from thirsty men.
How dare women have the gall to try to date men they find attractive!
People can ridicule MGTOW all they want, but the exodus is really just starting. I think there will be sociological consequences. In ten years there will be tons of angry MGTOW men and bitter, used up women who got kicked off the CC. A society full of angry, bitter women (many of whom will be single mothers) who chased a hypergamous fantasy and ended up feeling used and empty handed, and lots of angry, bitter MGTOW men who felt ignored and devalued is what we are looking at. Nobody will win.
And if single mothers think they can have 2045_revolution’s “beta bucks,” well, NUH-UH!
Just as there is not an infinite supply of male 9s and 10s willing to enter committed, monogamous relationships with female 5s, 6s and 7s, there is not an infinite suppply of gainfully employed male 6s and 7s willing to clean up these women’s messes as they push 40. I say this as a BB who has had a half dozen single mothers try to use him in the last few years.
A fellow calling himself cheaperautoinsurance puts the blame on “smartphones and social media” for “basically destroy[ing] american women,” presumably because so many dudes who want to have sex with them say nice things about their selfies and sometimes send them lovely photos of their penises.
For blackierobinsun2, though, the roots of our current situation are rather more basic:
Women f**ked up America when they wanted jobs
Most of these btches going to college only work for a couple of years to end up getting pregnant and not wanting to work again, stupid whore just wasted a college degree and stole a job opportunity from a man feeding his family
Such a tragedy that blackierobinsun2 is taking himself out of the marriage market. What a lovely husband and father he could be!
Let me say it again: If you’re going your own way, fellas, just freaking GO. Lead your own life however the hell you want, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else in the process. Just stop cluttering up the internet with your ridiculous rants.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, so if YOU believe in it it’s philosophy, but if WE believe in something it’s religion, even though feminism has real studies and theories behind it and MGTOW only has random statements pulled out of your ass that you supposedly can prove with science but haven’t proved yet, even with SO MANY stemlords among you, because *long fart noise*? Ok.
But how can it be a philosophy? I don’t believe in philosophies. Have you ever SEEN a philosophy? Ever STEPPED in a philosophy? Can you empirically prove that? Seems to me it’s just a religion.
I can’t resist one more.
Look at these positive claims from the first page that remain neglected by the hypocrite. Numbers added by me.
I can probably break that down onto subclaims. There is a pattern to what the troll is doing and part of it involves being able to assert things that are likely to get a reaction while avoiding all attempts to get the coward to support any of it. Trying to turn it around on us by claiming we are the ones with something to prove is all part of the strategy. The sad part is that it’s entirely possible that this is unconscious and that the were raised on a diet of fallacious authoritarian psychology and have no ability to defend anything beyond the level of social dominance gymnastics. There are more than one of those in my family.
Yep, I’m totally turning that into yet another one of my pet spoof religions. It’s going right up there next to my Ten Commandments of Beer.
why do you keep calling me troll I am getting tired of all the verbal abuse
Oh my HOLY KATIE, this was actually hilarious. Thank you very much for that, I’ll write that in my profile description somewhere. David, David, write that down and save it, and put it in a post of “memorable troll quotes”. Thank you.
Unfortunately I’ve witnessed some otherwise non bigoted, single male acquaintances repeating MGTOW ideas over facebook and on a couple of social anxiety/loneliness forums. Nowhere near this level of hatred and grossness, but some general tenets nonetheless not that uncommon.
Mick Dash
Well, there are a few reasons for these numbers and :
Are nowhere at all a part of it. what’s hilarious is that feminism is the group actually working to change things. But of course, not in the way MGTOW want. Also, keep in mind that a vast majority of divorces do not end with alimony, aaaand even then the numbers are pretty small nowadays.
OK, Alimony exists for a few reason a couple of which are:
1) When one spouse works and the other doesn’t the spouse not working is out of the workforce, basically wasting away all the time they could be spending maxing out their resume. So when a divorce happens, the person who was out of the workforce is kinda SOL. This also applies to one spouse making significantly less (for various reasons).
2) Kinda an extension of 1), the spouse not working is very unhappy and wants to leave. This could be for various reasons, just no more spark in the marriage and there’s no real way to work it out, the spouse is abusive, or maybe the kind of person who would later become a MGTOW. Now, without alimony, the spouse who didn’t work would basically be cast off into nothingness, leaving is almost impossible because they are completely dependent on the other spouse. It’d be like you just quitting your job, leaving your home and going off for a long walk (maybe your own way). What would you do? So alimony allows the person to leave without walking into the great abyss. And since it’s a common practice for abusers to separate the other from friends and loved one, it’s often necessary.
The above is all gender neutral, so now we have to look at why women are receiving more of the alimony.
1) Historically women are more often the one to become the primary caregivers for children and give up jobs to do so when the marriage allows. (This has other effects of course.)
2) Women will often make less than men (see wage gap).
3) There is a patriarchal tradition of women not working when married because it’s the maaaan’s job to do so.
4) Even though feminism has decreased 1 through 3 to where a larger than ever portion of households have a female breadwinner, men who are eligible to receive alimony don’t even try because they see it as unmanly and hurts their male pride if they try.
So support feminism! Or I dunno, tell men who could receive alimony to take it and not to let their pride get in the way.
*Note alimony is a much more complicated thing, I simplified it for clarity and it is not monolith and can be very different depending on country and state.
funny thing is I haven’t made any blaming statements and all the “hate” has been directed at me, I haven’t disrespected anyone here
If this was cooking he’d keep insisting that kebabs and cereal with milk are exactly the same because they’re both food.
@Mick Dash
>Says he hasn’t insulted anyone
>Kept insisting feminism is a religion but won’t demonstrate how MGTOW is not a religion based on his own definition
>Avoids papers like the plague, can’t even bear to look at them
>Then despite being in the US decided to claim that no rights exist
>Somehow doesn’t mention how by picking this statement all other statements are moot since he rejects the concept of a concept
>quote mining
>says that MGTOW doesn’t do any of the things he says they do then doesn’t speak up when we show him that he’s full of it
>keep going back on his words like no one would notice
>keep talking about females in the same bullshit stereotypes of MGTOW
Breh. Breh.
Mick Dash
I find it disrespectful to state that it’s a trait of femaleness to only marry for wealth and not out of love, or a trait of femaleness to screw alpha dudes while using beta dudes for bucks. That is what your “theories” are ascribing to women and you find it “respectful” to say that?
Oh, I agree, it’s certainly a test-and-iterate process, Brony, I agree. Searching responses for the most exploitable lines, shedding the rest, proceeding with only the threads that have earned capital. I agree. And yes, could be subconscious! Hard to say.
Either way, well past time I was interested by it. Good night all!
If the theory can be disproven I am open to it… I didn’t make up the theory – really I don’t have any emotional investment in it either way…do you?
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
ok goodnight – I appreciate the fairness of the debate style you use…some very interesting points – very thoughtful
’cause true to MGTOW dogma, you don’t believe that lying, gaslighting, argumentum ad nauseam, throwing PRATTs, etc are disrespectful. That’s also what makes you a troll, by the way.
The truth is, the only abuse that’s going on here is from you, and the only thing it’s harming is our patience.
Good night ! Enjoy the well-deserved rest.
Oh, oh no. They don’t know what verbal means. Now I’m starting to feel bad because I haven’t been fucking calling this shit for brains worst enough names this entire time. It’s a real pity that this troll is so sensative because I haven’t even started yet.
Well I’m off to bed now. I am all tuckered out from making almost all my responses in haiku. Have a nice night everyone.
k good night thanks for the poetry it is very impressive talent
WT actual F!
Why would we want to “cull” the male population? That population includes our brothers, our sons, our fathers, grandfathers, husbands, cousins, neighbours, workmates, friends, lovers, the blokes we sing with in choirs or go bushwalking with.
All feminists want is that men and women should have the same freedoms, rights and responsibilities and equitable sharing of social rights, duties and obligations. No violence is needed, let alone desired, to achieve these fairly pedestrian goals.
Worst catechism ever. Where in the Sam Hill did you get “culling of male population” from?
And now I’m imagining little winged “rights” flitting around the sky and the forest, revealing themselves only to true believers.
MTGOWs, how can we miss you if you won’t go away?
of course because if we don’t want to play the afbb game then we aren’t really much use to you so like what’s the point of us existing ammiright
Seriously, stop that. You’re heading into Nice Guy territory, and the only thing that pisses most of us off more than a MGTOW is a Nice Guy.
Pulling the “polite” shit off so you can then complain about all the others being so mean to you, while you fail to adress every legitimate complaint that’s been made about you… yep, that’s definitely not something you wanna do here.
Regarding the Vice article, where the fuck did you see that this woman was a feminist ? Tip : ctrl+f the article. She also states that she doesn’t advocate for culling. Which doesn’t matter, since she never even said she was a feminist, so there’s strictly no relevance there.
Mick Dash
Calling something a theory doesn’t make it a theory. What you are making, or more accurately parroting, is an accusation. Ascribing a motive and action to the very nature of a segment of the population. It’s interesting (and hypocritical) that you say that while also earlier stating that in your imaginary gender studies class your professor talked about how the violence of the world was attributed to men, as that was obviously your way of stating that colleges are teaching that men are inherently violent. But that’s just my theory about your statement.
“If feminists make a claim, they have to test and prove it! If MGTOWs make a claim, they have to test and prove it too! LOGICS! STEM! Also, everything is nothing, unless it’s something, and I personally determinate when that is!”
Mickey. Or almost.
Goodnight, you all, I’m already bored.
Spare me of the fake respect, MD.