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Just some MGTOWS dreaming of the apocalypse – and how it’ll make ladies less stuck-up

Man going his post-apocalyptic way
Man going his post-apocalyptic way

It’s no big secret that many doomsday preppers yearn for the apocalypse — if for no other reason than the opportunities it will provide them to say “I told you so” to all those who doubted their paranoid fantasies. And to possibly shoot some of these unprepared scoffers when they come begging for food.

Nowhere is this more obvious than amongst those apocalypse-fantasizers who’ve convinced themselves that it will be feminism, rather than volcanic eruptions or nuclear war or Donald Trump, that will bring about the end of the world.

On the Men Going Their Own way subreddit, the regulars are talking apocalypse, as modern misogynists are wont to do. And it is as revealing as these exercises always are.

A fellow called BagOfBrokenBits dreams of a not-very-distant future in which uppity ladies “will do whatever they are told.”

The future as I see it, is that as society collapses around us (5-15 years?) most women outside of a tightly controlled patriarchal group simply will not survive, because nobody will put up with their sh*t long enough to feed them. When resources are scarce they will not be able to defend what they have and most lack the health, strength and abilities to obtain or build what they need. There will be no feminism, there will be patriarchy. Men will work together as they always have, in challenging and horrific conditions. Women will do whatever they are told because conditions will be too harsh to tolerate dissent.

And Mr. Bag will be one of those doing the telling, because of all the toiletries he is hoarding:

I am a Prepper. I currently have stores of food, toiletries etc for five years with tools, seeds etc to extend that.

He’s apparently filling his doomsday bunker with as many canned goods as he can get his hands on:

It has been noted that in past shortages due to wars an afternoon with a woman can be had for a tin of … anything really.

You know what I mean, you know what I mean? Nudge nudge say no more!

The pros and cons of the apocalypse:


  • Death of most of the human race
  • Contamination of water sources with dead bodies
  • No medical care beyond basic first aid
  • Return to stone age civilization


  • Women will have sex with you for a can of beans

AOF_Semiramis suggests moving to New Zealand. And he has some interesting thoughts about Pokemon GO.

Go complete ghost in New Zealand or the likes.Heck even in the US with private as fuck properties.Grow your own food,have stable ways to get water and raise animals a la farm.Fish too if your near a lake.Assuming your far away enough,lake is isolated enough,your too far from idiot humans and any large concentration of them,then nukes won’t land on your spot too since it would be a waste of resources.(Its why the CIA funded Pokemon GO. So the brainless droves would fill the map for them.Obviusly there are still holes.)

Surviving the apocalypse is so easy that even a kid could do it!

Also..a 15 year old discovered an ancient city due to studying the stars in Central America.So you can bet that there are other places in the world where you can live safely.

Make sure to pack popcorn, for all the gloating you’ll be doing.

I know its f*cked up,but nothing you can do to stop it. You can only save yourself at most.So just chill,get some popcorn,and just accept the f*cking up.

timoppenheimer, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be doing any prepping beyond living as selfishly as he can:

WWIII is coming, and I am horrified too, OP.

My plan is to enjoy my life. They already took my foreskin; fuck society, I’m living my life for me.

Talkytalktalk is evidently a fan of Alex Jones:

This is the great culling of the human population. The eugenics population reduction freaks are going to kill billions and out the rest under the yoke of totalitarianism. It takes a woman to pick the runts and dispose of them.

But which woman? WHICH WOMAN!?

I need to know now so I can mangina my way into her good graces before the culling.

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8 years ago

I find it strange that many of these people think the apocalypse will bring back a stringent form of the patriarchal system into their lives and that finally women will be at their boots (insert evil laugh here). Didn’t they heard that many primitive societies like the Hurons, the Hopi, the Mohigans, etc. were matriarchal societies. Shouldn’t they be affraid that the apocalypse, an event that wipes out most of the human population, would make women even more important? Shouldn’t they be affraid that without civilisation, their long awaited Sexbot will never come (or stop fonctionning quickly should there be some)?

8 years ago

Its why the CIA funded Pokemon GO. So the brainless droves would fill the map for them.Obviusly there are still holes.

… Yeah, that sure makes sense considering FUCKING GOOGLE has had satellite mapping of the US (as well as the rest of the fucking planet) for 15 years. Or do you think there are cities somewhere that you can only see from street level?

8 years ago

They don’t cook, they don’t clean, they can’t get along with everyday people, unable to sew, knit, weave, blacksmith, judge, lookout, trader, engineer, mechanic, basic medical and hygiene care, and most importantly of all, they buy into the idea that stockpiling is a good idea.

Do these people realize stock pile resources + alot of people in need of resources + no law to protect you = getting gunned down and raided all the time?

For pete’s sake in all the survival games people beeline for that stuff.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


Believe it or not, that’s become a common conspiracy theory. There’s also a brother theory that replaces the CIA with the NSA. And the CIA theorists are fighting with the NSA theorists over which one of the two groups are the paid government plants.

I swear I’m not making any of this up.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Heh, fair enough. But anyway, now he’s out of gaol….

*sigh* ?

it’s often a prerequisite before you can be released

Imagine that…

8 years ago

And in other fun news, Milo Yeah-Nope got told off by an ABC journalist. Watch out, dude, your tweeter’s about to get slathered in angry troll shit.

8 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs and coleyote

I’ve seen a meme claiming that Pokemon GO is a Japanese plot to lure people into bombing zones. not sure if it the claim is a joke or not.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Funnily enough, during the Cold War there was a black market in CIA maps of Moscow (and other Warsaw Pact cities) because they were more accurate than the official home produced ones, which were deliberately inaccurate.

Me and not you
Me and not you
8 years ago

And that 15 year old was proven wrong by actual scientists. So good luck with that, boys.

As someone working on her phd in archaeology that whole story annoys me. To be fair to them, though, I have a hard time remembering that central America isn’t an actual thing outside of archaeology and the like. It’s outside my area of interest and I’m lazy about this sort of thing, but I associate it roughly with Mexico and bits south of there until actual south America.

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

David, you’re already in my good graces. If I end up getting to choose who lives and who dies, you’re set.
Also, @Judas, aye!

8 years ago

PLEASE don’t move to New Zealand!!
I like it here…

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

Indistinguishable from satire, yet again, I see. Do these clowns ever stop and think……”what the f*ck am I doing with my life?”

8 years ago

I’ll go ahead and bet that any given single mom in an urban area has better survial skills than any of these whiny manbabies. They couldn’t walk a mile in most women’s shoes for a month, much less compete with them for survival.

MGTOW better hope the system that allows mediocre white men to see themselves as the end all be all never falters. Its all that is keeping them afloat.

8 years ago

Latte Cat,
Self examination is hard. It requires skills these men lack. So, no.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

Why do these guys expect women to fall before them?

An online fan of the walking dead brought up how most southern grannies spend a lifetime shooting rattlers, zombies would pose no issue.

On a more realistic level, in Iraq/Syria, Daesh is being opposed quite effectively by all female kurdish units.

During the rise of modern feminism in the west, many suffragettes were beaten, arrested and worse. Feminists of color still faced far worse violence.

where do they see women just rolling over in light of all that?

8 years ago

I always think of this whenever I see “survivalist” writing.
But even then, I can’t imagine most people will be assholes and I also live in a city. I think I’ll have a good chance at surviving for a bit. We’re on Lake Michigan, and people are fishing, I could probably barter hats I’ve knitted for food.

Also, I’m amused at most of those survival/apocalypse types. Don’t they know that there are people who are currently living in their version of the apocalypse at this moment? And that it’s nothing like what they’ve prepared for nor is it anything like they think it’s going to happen?

8 years ago


He thinks the body positivity movement is “revolting”, yet he calls Trump “daddy”.

There’s not enough barf bags in the world for that.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago

What is up with them always fantasising about the end of the world like it is good thing? What the hell makes them think that they will be one of the few survivors? What the bloody fuck that makes them believe that they will be getting lots of sex out this?! Wouldn’t they be more concerned about, you know, SURVIVING?!?!? It is obvious that the only thing they care about is pleasing their boners. If, for example, a nuclear apocalypse would really happen, it would be a tragedy in which billions of people will die (and these idiots would most likely would also die. Probably as soon as the bombs go off, just like the vast majority of everyone else), it’s not something to celebrate. I for one do not want the human race to go through something like that.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@ JoeB
Movie adaptation of American Gods is lookin’ good! Gaiman is happy. I just read a piece where he recalls how nervous he was when it was first published – he thought he’d get piled on as an English chap who’d written an American road trip movie 🙂

@ Axe

it’s often a prerequisite before you can be released
Imagine that…

Cheeky bugger 😀 😀

8 years ago

Women have done back-breaking labour for centuries to survive. Women can hunt too. All across the world, historically, often the toughest farming jobs were relegated to women. For example, Native American women did much of the farming. Women throughout the ages have sewed all the clothes, gathered and made their own food, churned butter, learned what herbs to use for medicines, washed the laundry by hand, stored preservatives, etc. etc. We could learn these skills again. We would be just fine. Our great-great-etc. grandmothers survived many things, including male violence. We are survivors by nature.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

I hereby propose renaming the MGTOW movement “BagOfBrokenBits”.


Okay, on one hand… it kinda terrifies me that there’s people somewhere who can fantasize about a hypothetical apocalypse, thinking women will “fall in line”. I mean what the fuck ? How much bullshit do you have to take as TROOF before you get to that ? How do you even function ?

On the other hand, I’m still kinda glad for reddit MGTOW, because this shit is hilarious (seriously, a la farm). Keep that echo chamber up, guys. Can’t wait to see what it churns next.

8 years ago

It’s highly entertaining that a group that can’t think of much other than their boners and can’t make their own sammiches think they are going to rise to the top of the pecking order if society ever collapses.

The delusion is endless.

8 years ago

•Women require husbands as default
•Women naturally are subservient
•Women in modern society won’t listen to them
•Women require the modern system to be independent
•Therefore if the modern system collapses, women revert to “require husband” factory settings

Taken from the spheres of sexism, dominance and glory days.

8 years ago

It all comes back to ‘if this or that happens women will FINALLY have to sleep with me!’, doesn’t it?

What I would like to know is how these men, who constantly judge women based on their appearance and find them lacking because *gasp* curves or *gasp* body hair, are going to deal with the women that’ll then supposedly be forced to have sex with them.

Newsflash, dudes. If the apocalypse comes, shaving and even basic hygiene will be the least of our worries. We’re all gonna stink. We’ll have hair sprouting everywhere. Our boobs will take their natural course once our bras wear out and new ones become a rarity. We’re gonna bleed everywhere once tampons and such are gone and we only have rags to work with (if we even have that).

I’m just saying, be careful what you wish for because I am pretty sure your delicate boners are not gonna be happy.

That said, I’ll be the first one to admit that I have no survival skills to speak of. I can cook and I’m pretty strong, though, so if anyone needs me to wrestle something into submission for them, I’m happy to lend my services.

Also, I actually manage to work with people. Which is more than can be said for these fuckers.

8 years ago


Please don’t use the word “primitive” to describe cultures not your own. This word use is not divorceable from the sense of cultural supremacy that brought us imperialism and genocide. Research into any one of the cultures you named should demonstrate that, while they had different technology from the Europeans, they all had complex societies.

The Hopi, for example, are one of the oldest living cultures in documented history, with a highly ordered society based around their religious values, who traditionally survived due to sophisticated agricultural techniques that allowed crops to grow in a desert with no irrigation.