It’s no big secret that many doomsday preppers yearn for the apocalypse — if for no other reason than the opportunities it will provide them to say “I told you so” to all those who doubted their paranoid fantasies. And to possibly shoot some of these unprepared scoffers when they come begging for food.
Nowhere is this more obvious than amongst those apocalypse-fantasizers who’ve convinced themselves that it will be feminism, rather than volcanic eruptions or nuclear war or Donald Trump, that will bring about the end of the world.
On the Men Going Their Own way subreddit, the regulars are talking apocalypse, as modern misogynists are wont to do. And it is as revealing as these exercises always are.
A fellow called BagOfBrokenBits dreams of a not-very-distant future in which uppity ladies “will do whatever they are told.”
The future as I see it, is that as society collapses around us (5-15 years?) most women outside of a tightly controlled patriarchal group simply will not survive, because nobody will put up with their sh*t long enough to feed them. When resources are scarce they will not be able to defend what they have and most lack the health, strength and abilities to obtain or build what they need. There will be no feminism, there will be patriarchy. Men will work together as they always have, in challenging and horrific conditions. Women will do whatever they are told because conditions will be too harsh to tolerate dissent.
And Mr. Bag will be one of those doing the telling, because of all the toiletries he is hoarding:
I am a Prepper. I currently have stores of food, toiletries etc for five years with tools, seeds etc to extend that.
He’s apparently filling his doomsday bunker with as many canned goods as he can get his hands on:
It has been noted that in past shortages due to wars an afternoon with a woman can be had for a tin of … anything really.
You know what I mean, you know what I mean? Nudge nudge say no more!
The pros and cons of the apocalypse:
- Death of most of the human race
- Contamination of water sources with dead bodies
- No medical care beyond basic first aid
- Return to stone age civilization
- Women will have sex with you for a can of beans
AOF_Semiramis suggests moving to New Zealand. And he has some interesting thoughts about Pokemon GO.
Go complete ghost in New Zealand or the likes.Heck even in the US with private as fuck properties.Grow your own food,have stable ways to get water and raise animals a la farm.Fish too if your near a lake.Assuming your far away enough,lake is isolated enough,your too far from idiot humans and any large concentration of them,then nukes won’t land on your spot too since it would be a waste of resources.(Its why the CIA funded Pokemon GO. So the brainless droves would fill the map for them.Obviusly there are still holes.)
Surviving the apocalypse is so easy that even a kid could do it!
Also..a 15 year old discovered an ancient city due to studying the stars in Central America.So you can bet that there are other places in the world where you can live safely.
Make sure to pack popcorn, for all the gloating you’ll be doing.
I know its f*cked up,but nothing you can do to stop it. You can only save yourself at most.So just chill,get some popcorn,and just accept the f*cking up.
timoppenheimer, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be doing any prepping beyond living as selfishly as he can:
WWIII is coming, and I am horrified too, OP.
My plan is to enjoy my life. They already took my foreskin; fuck society, I’m living my life for me.
Talkytalktalk is evidently a fan of Alex Jones:
This is the great culling of the human population. The eugenics population reduction freaks are going to kill billions and out the rest under the yoke of totalitarianism. It takes a woman to pick the runts and dispose of them.
But which woman? WHICH WOMAN!?
I need to know now so I can mangina my way into her good graces before the culling.
Professor Snugglesworth, you have the best classes.
Sorry to hear that, man. I get that way with dairy. Wish you luck, dude.
Unless you think trollevopsych is a legitimate scientific field, it’s pretty obvious that I was being jokey.
I know I’ve posted too much GoT stuff tonight, but what the hey? One more!
@Handsome Jack –
Except for all of the ghost children that Martha kept sneakily adopting, of course.
(I freaking love Lady History’s The Captioned Adventures of George Washington)
(Crosses fingers for the HTML Mammoth)
I know, it’s awesome.
Well, that was fun. Haven’t had a good visitor in awhile! It’s a shame that it devolved back into cranky-pants grumplestiltskins trying to spin garbage into gold. Thank you, Sedentary Reactionary, and do think about what I had suggested about your opinions. You’ll be much happier once you discover why you believe what you believe.
Mark, you keep on bein’ you, ya big lug!
Didn’t you mention earlier that you once got into an online fight because you refused to stop sharing your sex fantasies about fictional women? Is it only degenerate if it’s a cartoon character? What if it’s a realistic cartoon character, like Prince Valiant? I’m asking for a friend.
Yes, I’m aware that in your ideal society I would be enslaved or dead. It’s not great to bring that up if you’re trying to sell me on the idea.
This is like the one time I got in a real-world argument with Trump supporters. “Once Trump gets into power, you’ll be sorry!” “I know, that’s why I’m not voting for him.” “I mean you won’t be sorry! You’ll be happy! You’ll be winning so hard!” I swear this was an actual conversation.
I don’t like the yelling.
Okay, that’s a good blog
Good shit, right there.
Who told you to come onto a feminist website and talk trash about women?
Where are the effin’ trolls of yore?
The almost certainly mythical creatures who could argue nonstop all week and entertain us at the same time?!
Katie, send them to us!
Create Serious Computer Issues for the rest.
@Handsome Jack
Two of my favorites:
As a horror fan, I appreciate the Halloween themed George adventures
@ Marky Mark: I’m not sure what country you hail from, but I’m going to assume it’s the USA. Please let me know if I’m wrong. If so, your reply to me is a bewildering mess of faulty logic and downright factual error.
A simple Google search brings up this article, which tells me that the US senate voted in June 2016 to extend the draft to women from 2018. The same article tells me that the US Supreme Court blocked adding women to the draft in 1981, ruling “they should not face the same requirements as men because they did not participate on the front lines of combat”. The main dissenters against the bill were all men. A military analyst quoted as saying the change is “inevitable” and “It just seems that now that you have women allowed to serve in any position in the military, there is no logical basis to say women should not be drafted” is a woman.
You say that change within the military is due to “the ERA” rather than feminist action. This ignores the historical fact that the ERA was written by feminists. It took 50 years of sustained feminist agitation to have the amendment passed in 1972.
Googling “the draft vietnam images” shows me anti-draft protests included a number of women. Not to mention that a woman was among those who challenged the constitutionality of the USA’s draft, during freaking WWI.
If you’re NOT from the USA, the issue is even simpler – it’s not likely you live in a country which has conscription for men only while allowing full military service (including combat positions) to women. That’s because there are very few such countries. Most places either don’t have conscription: have conscription for men and women equally: or have conscription for men and not women, but exclude women from full military service. This handy website will show you. http://chartsbin.com/view/1887
Seriously, I spent longer writing this post than I did finding the information to write it. If your arguments can be shown to rely on factual inaccuracies with four Google searches, they are bad arguments.
Oh, George Washington, that’s not going to work. No one likes candy corn.
Katie: Two trolls?!
What is it we did — or didn’t do?
I promise to redouble my feministing — just bring us the trolls of yesteryear.
Besqueeze me?
I love candy corn. Especially the orange part.
Fuck circus peanuts though.
If you were less boring, perhaps the trolls would stay longer and put more effort into it.
@WWTH – Circus peanuts are definitely the worst thing to ever masquerade as candy.
They’re worse than Nickleback and Limp Biskit combined 🙁
Does…does the orange part taste different from anythign else? I thought the entire thing was just disgusting, like, I can’t even describe it. It’s like fondant. Harder, crumblier fondant.
We agree on something, at least. Gross fucking circus peanuts.
Speaking of candies people think are gross, does anyone here like Botan Rice Candy? I feel like I’m the only one. They’re one of my favorite candies.
I have never heard of Botan Rice Candy, but you have my interest. I generally like rice-based-almost-anything.
Is there anything more creepy and pathetic than an authoritarian desperate for a Big Dog to grovel to?
They’re, like, citrusy flavored candies that come with a sticker in every box. They’re wrapped in plastic and then have a rice paper wrapped around the main candy, and they’re soft and chewy. Botan is a brand that imports to America but there’s other brands of it. You usually find them in the Asian part or Asian food aisle near the Japanese stuff.
Well ain’t that a bit rude. In a sense Kat is being the bigger person here seeing that she decided not to respond to you since page 5.
As for me I gave you links to governments and other official resources that run concurrent to your claims. I don’t really know what else you want me to do, Schildfreja has logical arguments and human cognitive systems down to an art, and everyone else seems to be having fun at your expense, brought up their own counterclaims with sources, examined your thoughts, posted alot of gifs/Captions and gave you plenty of olive branches. What you want Kat to write a musical number about historical romantics or something?