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Just some MGTOWS dreaming of the apocalypse – and how it’ll make ladies less stuck-up

Man going his post-apocalyptic way
Man going his post-apocalyptic way

It’s no big secret that many doomsday preppers yearn for the apocalypse — if for no other reason than the opportunities it will provide them to say “I told you so” to all those who doubted their paranoid fantasies. And to possibly shoot some of these unprepared scoffers when they come begging for food.

Nowhere is this more obvious than amongst those apocalypse-fantasizers who’ve convinced themselves that it will be feminism, rather than volcanic eruptions or nuclear war or Donald Trump, that will bring about the end of the world.

On the Men Going Their Own way subreddit, the regulars are talking apocalypse, as modern misogynists are wont to do. And it is as revealing as these exercises always are.

A fellow called BagOfBrokenBits dreams of a not-very-distant future in which uppity ladies “will do whatever they are told.”

The future as I see it, is that as society collapses around us (5-15 years?) most women outside of a tightly controlled patriarchal group simply will not survive, because nobody will put up with their sh*t long enough to feed them. When resources are scarce they will not be able to defend what they have and most lack the health, strength and abilities to obtain or build what they need. There will be no feminism, there will be patriarchy. Men will work together as they always have, in challenging and horrific conditions. Women will do whatever they are told because conditions will be too harsh to tolerate dissent.

And Mr. Bag will be one of those doing the telling, because of all the toiletries he is hoarding:

I am a Prepper. I currently have stores of food, toiletries etc for five years with tools, seeds etc to extend that.

He’s apparently filling his doomsday bunker with as many canned goods as he can get his hands on:

It has been noted that in past shortages due to wars an afternoon with a woman can be had for a tin of … anything really.

You know what I mean, you know what I mean? Nudge nudge say no more!

The pros and cons of the apocalypse:


  • Death of most of the human race
  • Contamination of water sources with dead bodies
  • No medical care beyond basic first aid
  • Return to stone age civilization


  • Women will have sex with you for a can of beans

AOF_Semiramis suggests moving to New Zealand. And he has some interesting thoughts about Pokemon GO.

Go complete ghost in New Zealand or the likes.Heck even in the US with private as fuck properties.Grow your own food,have stable ways to get water and raise animals a la farm.Fish too if your near a lake.Assuming your far away enough,lake is isolated enough,your too far from idiot humans and any large concentration of them,then nukes won’t land on your spot too since it would be a waste of resources.(Its why the CIA funded Pokemon GO. So the brainless droves would fill the map for them.Obviusly there are still holes.)

Surviving the apocalypse is so easy that even a kid could do it!

Also..a 15 year old discovered an ancient city due to studying the stars in Central America.So you can bet that there are other places in the world where you can live safely.

Make sure to pack popcorn, for all the gloating you’ll be doing.

I know its f*cked up,but nothing you can do to stop it. You can only save yourself at most.So just chill,get some popcorn,and just accept the f*cking up.

timoppenheimer, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to be doing any prepping beyond living as selfishly as he can:

WWIII is coming, and I am horrified too, OP.

My plan is to enjoy my life. They already took my foreskin; fuck society, I’m living my life for me.

Talkytalktalk is evidently a fan of Alex Jones:

This is the great culling of the human population. The eugenics population reduction freaks are going to kill billions and out the rest under the yoke of totalitarianism. It takes a woman to pick the runts and dispose of them.

But which woman? WHICH WOMAN!?

I need to know now so I can mangina my way into her good graces before the culling.

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Judas Peckerwood
8 years ago

A fellow called BagOfBrokenBits dreams of a not-very-distant future in which uppity ladies “will do whatever they are told.”

I hereby propose renaming the MGTOW movement “BagOfBrokenBits”.

All in favor say “aye”.

Paradoxical Intention- Mobile
Paradoxical Intention- Mobile
8 years ago

I can’t get over the cognitive dissonance that always happens in these kinds of posts. These men claim to be oppressed and under the stiletto jackboot of the matriarchy, but somehow they are still the only ones capable of basic shit like “working together”.

Which is it dudes? Am I your oppressor or am I too weak and unskilled to survive without you?

Because here’s the thing: I know I can survive without some pissant little turd telling me how awful I am because some man cut off their foreskin, and it’s somehow MY fault because vagina.

I’m doing it right now. While playing Fallout Shelter, funnily enough.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Yep, so long as nuclear weapons “don’t land on your spot”, you’re good. Fallout? Oh, yeah. I like that game…


All in favor say “aye”


Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@ Judas Peckerwood

Aye, aye, and lots more ayes.

I see in this morning’s news that Brock Turner has been released. Very strict parole conditions apparently.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

“AOF_Semiramis”? Semiramis was a legendary queen (or in some versions, a Goddess) who slew her one-night stands.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Jebus these guys are depressing. Just eat your fucking beans and play a videogame, dudebro. Your foreskin ain’t coming back. Stop whining about it. It’s over.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

I’m very greedy posting another comment so quickly. I’ve read and re-read David’s post because it’s so goddamn funny. This is one of my favourites (aside from “a la farm”, ohmygod):

Also..a 15 year old discovered an ancient city due to studying the stars in Central America.So you can bet that there are other places in the world where you can live safely.


weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

You can take my foreskin but you can never take my freedom!!!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ mish

The conditions are:

Three years probation supervision
Can’t drink alcohol or go to places that mainly sell alcohol
One year sex offender programme
Lifetime sex offender register
Must attend sheriff office every 3 months to re-register
Must notify authorities of address
People within 1000 feet of address can ask to be notified of his status (but they aren’t pre emptively told)

ETA: the stars in Central America – is that why it’s so warm there?

8 years ago

Also..a 15 year old discovered an ancient city due to studying the stars in Central America.So you can bet that there are other places in the world where you can live safely.


Here’s the actual story:

8 years ago

I don’t follow the tie between the two either but he’s definitely referring to this.

Central America is a loosely defined term, usually talking about from Panama to the US border (though sometimes excludes Mexico). Continents aren’t actually that easy to define and separate. Like where does Europe stop?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Adding my voice to the “aye” chorus.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

MGTOWs are always whining about women preferring alpha males. That’s what always baffles me about these screeds. Wouldn’t the poor oppressed and lonely beta and omega males be even less desirable in an apocalyptic hellscape than they are now? If women will be trading sex for protection, we’ll be flocking to the alphaist of alphas, won’t we?

Sometimes I don’t think MGTOWs are good at thinking things through.

8 years ago

the central american city is… an old cornfield.

8 years ago

MGTOW must all be urban and suburban guys, because no country boy could possibly think women can’t survive a from scratch existence.

8 years ago

There is actually a monument at the geographic center of the US (well lower 48). I kinda want to go there just because of American Gods.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

They already took my foreskin; fuck society

Well, like, it sucks you were circumcised, but that seems a bit extreme. I’m not a fan of genital mutilation but I think it would be easier to get rid of it rather than destroy everything else.

Where, pray, is Central America?

Between North and South America; it’s where El Salvador and Nicaragua are…if that was a serious question.

(Ninja’d. But I like my answer better.)

8 years ago

I bet they’ve never even eaten brains in their eggs or know how to make squirrel gravy.

I bet they can’t sew or knit. I bet they can’t weave a basket to save their lives.

Ya think they know how to get yeast for baking bread without a store or how to raise livestock or hunt turkeys? I bet they can’t even snare a rabbit.

Dudes, the country is full of women who can do all those things and keep their eyeliner points sharp and their test scores high. You don’t know them because they ain’t got time for your loser bullshit.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ joeb

Like where does Europe stop?

We’ve just voted for it to stop at Calais.

(Serious answer: traditionally the Urals. But that’s an arbitrary geo-political thing; there’s a reason geologists talk of Eurasia)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

My name is Timotheus Decimus Oppenheimer, commenter of the MGTOWs of Reddit, Generally shitty person, loyal servant to my own victim complex. Owner of a cut penis, whiner at a totes misandrist society. And I will have my schadenfreude, in this world or the next


One year sex offender programme

1)He’s a Murican criminal, it’s spelled program *harrumphs snootily*
2)Any idea what said program’s about? Not expecting him to turn in a dissertation on rape culture by the end of it, but is it a real thing? Or is it something he has to sit thru to make it seem like justice is being served?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Semiramis“? Am I going to have to bust out the Resident Evil jokes again?

(Goddamnit, MRAs, get out of my fandom. The power of Jill compels you!)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Axe

Heh, fair enough. But anyway, now he’s out of gaol….

Not sure about the contents, our own schemes are a combination of education and ‘therapy’. Sort of ‘this is why what you did is rape’ and ‘what can you do to modify your behaviour’ thing. Ours are usually done within the prison though; it’s often a prerequisite before you can be released.

Sedentary Reactionary
Sedentary Reactionary
8 years ago

I find that you are all out of your elements here; you might say that this isn’t going to happen, that it’s all a grand lie of some sort, but mark my words, it’s going to happen. People thought Galileo was wrong too; do you want to go there?

Personally, my calculations have lead me to believe that women are going to be responsible for the dissolution of western civilization for at least several reasons:

1. Women have an innate desire to bond with strong men in order to provide for their families, but in modern democratic societies they can use their votes to take money from those that are well-off in order to provide for themselves and their multiple offspring from multiple men. Giving the vote to women was one of western civilization’s biggest mistakes, next to ditching monarchy in favor democracy because it allows those who don’t contribute society to take the resources of others by standing in a line and pulling a lever. Women are the worst at thinking only in the short term, and this, combined with their innate need to be protected by and fed by a strong man, will cause them to steal resources from the propertied classes via voting. Eventually, they will run out of resources and cause economic and infrastructural collapse

2. Women only think in the short term, rarely do they ever think ahead and this is evidenced by the fact that they sleep with men who abandon them and their children all the time, and then use the state alpha male apparatus to swipe up taxes to feed themselves and their deprived children. Because women only think in the short term, they will often purchase various goods that they don’t need, and will in doing so contribute to environmental devastation. The planet cannot produce resources at a rate fast enough to satisfy the needs of women. Their failure to think ahead will ensure that they vote for tyrants and support political orders which will ensure short term gains in favor of long term gains.

3. Women have a desire to breed with men who show traits of classical masculinity, and will thus breed with societies which give birth to more primitive men; they will support rampant immigration (again, they can’t think ahead and they think that the government can pay for the upkeep of everyone, immigrants included), which will bring men who do not share western values into the west. The immigrants, legal or not, shall be given the right to vote (most likely by women, who will want more of them) and they will use their right to vote to support the entry of more immigrants into their society.These men will refuse to integrate into our society, and with their hatred of all things western and their unenlightened views, they will cause strife in the west and bring our society to its knees.

You’re gonna wish you listened to common sense when all of this “progress” of yours has dragged society off a cliff.

Sedentary Reactionary
Sedentary Reactionary
8 years ago

How many of you have honestly even read Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s oeuvres?

8 years ago

I hereby propose renaming the MGTOW movement “BagOfBrokenBits”.

All in favor say “aye”.


And ay-ay-AY:

Also..a 15 year old discovered an ancient city due to studying the stars in Central America.So you can bet that there are other places in the world where you can live safely.

Somehow, I doubt this dude has the smarts to do anything remotely similar. He strikes me as the type to buy Jim Bakker’s yummy dehydrated, er, FOOD.

It has been noted that in past shortages due to wars an afternoon with a woman can be had for a tin of … anything really.

O RLY? I grow my own veggies, and if I ever have to hunt for my own meat, so be it, I’ll learn how. I won’t be sharing with any MGTOW, though…they can go their own way (preferably straight to hell). And I doubt very much that I’ll be sleeping with anyone for a measly can of beans, in any event.

I also see this guy’s oh-so-carefully-preserved seed supply falling unexpectedly victim to a plague of rats and/or locusts.

Well, not SO unexpectedly, actually.

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