Today, a food metaphor that won’t make you hungry, courtesy of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit:
Men Are Hamburger. Women Are Hamburger Helper.
Does hamburger need Hamburger Helper? Of course not. Hamburger can be made into a simple hamburger, or a hearty meatloaf. Bachelors and MGTOW are hamburgers and meatloaves.
Hamburger Helper, on the other hand, is nothing without hamburger. It will sit in the pantry, collecting dust and mites and attracting mice, while the clock ticks closer to the expiration date. Where’s the beef?
Cat ladies and single mothers are boxes of stale Hamburger Helper.
Now, Hamburger Helper is nice to have, if you like Hamburger Helper, and don’t mind all the salt. But hamburger doesn’tneed it. There’s a million other things we can do with hamburger.
Well, if nothing else I think this gives us a little insight into the MGTOW diet.
I don’t know if this has been posted before but it is powerful.
The opening is difficult because gendered slurs are used but there is a point and in context it is needed to make the point about violence against women.
David, please delete if necessary
And will you look at that like ratio? Was expecting much worse
@Virgin Mary
I don’t think we’ve got that in France. Really, the last time I saw any sort of creamer was in California. But then again I tend to go through the store and grab what I need pretty quickly so it’s entirely possible it’s been sitting right there next to my coffee/beer/foodz my whole life and I never noticed it once.
The thing with powdered milk though is that it also seems to last forever (well, actually, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t, but with the amount of coffee I drink the boxes tend to go out pretty quick) but creates an entirely different result from what you’d get with actual milk or even creamer. My theory is that it’s because it doesn’t add any more water and just mixes with the coffee, but chemistry ain’t exactly my field so I dunno.
I liked that video. It’s nice to see some men stepping up to the plate to prevent domestic violence. Thanks!
@Penny Psmith
No apologies needed, tho I was a sub guy, LA Class even. My main problem with the food is that you were always shoveling it down because people are waiting for your seat in the galley and you need to get back to working quickly. Just dump the weak ass Texas Pete hotsauce on everything and put it in your face.
They only ever think of a woman in terms of what she can do for a man, and then assume this reveals an inherent attribute of women, rather than their own bias.
@ Imaginary Petal, have you ever tried salty plums? They are wonderful – salty, sour, sweet, and even a bit plummy. Haw flakes are not bad either, and don’t have the big plum pit.
Ok, I came here expecting to see a clip from Cousin Eddie in National Lampoon’s Vacation and I have not yet! Totally spot on for this crazy meme.
My link failed.
Here is the clip I am referring to
Cousin Eddie Hamburger Helper
I don’t like powdered milk, I only use Coffee Mate because it’s non dairy. I’m not sure what it is tho, maybe vegetable based?
What’s funny is that us in the UK do basically have all the same products as you US peeps, but you have to shop about to find out what you are buying and the closest comparitive product. A lot of the Knorr stuff the Polish shops sell are exactly the same as the U.S. products. It’s harder with candy, but since we got Poundland there are more American sweets doing the rounds over here than there used to be. Some of my favourites are hard to get tho, the Lifesavers which glow in the dark (wintergreen) and anything cinnamon based. Seems American tastes are a bit more spicy than UK tastes. Some stuff is a British spin on the same thing, ie Jelly Babies are pretty much like Gummy Bears. All Haribo stuff is the same both sides the pond.
If anyone I know goes to America I ask them to bring me back Hot Tamales and Big Red gum.
@Playonwords: That was an amazing video, I got goosebumps. I also regretted that I apparently don’t have the herp derp plug in installed in firefox at work because of course the first comment is awful.
This was a suggested video:
“Private Violence Presents: Why We Stayed”
Trigger warning for discussion of domestic abuse.
I nearly cried.
(The MGTOW post, I mean.)
Food quirk #1: At fast food restaurants I dip my fries and/or chicken nuggets in honey and then in ketchup.
Food quirk #2: I put ketchup on my mac and cheese.
I used to dip my fries in my frosty (for anyone who doesn’t know what that is, it’s somewhere between a milkshake and soft-serve ice cream, and only came in chocolate at the time). One time I and a group of friends were all doing that and a woman came over to complain to us that now her kid wanted to dip their fries in their frosty, too. We all looked at her and said, “So? It’s good that way.” And we went back to eating them.
@kupo: I’ve tried that…it IS good! Fries in Frosty FTW! Now you’ve gone and made me hungry, thanks π
Impeachment of Brazil’s President Rousseff
It’s a sad day for Brazil and a sad day for democracy everywhere.
Dilma Rousseff, the first female president of Brazil, was also a victim of torture by the military dictatorship several decades ago.
Fifty-nine percent of the Brazilian Senate members who voted for impeachment are under investigation for corruption.
The acting president is under investigation for corruption. Because of this, he is ineligible to run for office in 2018.
Dilma Rousseff, however, is eligible to run.
May Katie guide and protect the newly impeached president of Brazil.
My thoughts are with our Brazilian commenters and the nation of Brazil. Stay safe. Stay strong.
In happier news . . .
A young, conventionally beautiful woman of color who doesn’t have a high school diploma has just scored a scholarship to the highly prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where she’ll pursue a degree in computer science.
Is that the sound of heads exploding among men’s rights activists everywhere?
PS: Clean up that mess you made, MRAs. Don’t give me the excuse that you no longer have heads!
JoeB: Ha, that pretty much sounds like something he’d say. If it turns out you served on OK City in the early 2000s I might need to try and remember his nickname.
@Kat: Pity it does no good; MRAs function primarily from the brainstem.
Kat, thanks for posting about Brazil, I was coming to do exactly that.
It is a hard blow to all of LatibnAmerica. Only three strong popular governments remain: Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela. Brasil was rhe largest, most powerful ally and was now brought down.
The region’s right wing gorvernments are already pushing the international organism like Mercosur to an alliance with the Us -which would mean big business for the tiny elites and hunger for the rest of us.
I’m Argentina, the right wing government was rightfully elected (unless we count the disproportionate and intended manipulation of mass media) and things are already getting ugly, poverty- and violence-wise.
Please, I’m begging all of you, do not let this go unnoticed! Share the news, post something on social networks, contact the newspaper or comment on their websites. Whatever it is you do will help.
Don’t let them silently get their way with this, because they are waiting for the world to look elsewhere in order to begin the extermination.
This is not exaggeration or fear mongering. Our military troops are already being trained by the U.S., like in the 1970s dictatorship.
Mass media and key economic activities are monopolized in very few hands. The cover-up is ready.
Please don’t let us go down unnoticed. Roussef’s fake impeachment is not the end goal, it’s merely the beginning. The end goal is to wipe out all opposition to the right wing plans, especially unions (they really, really hat the strongly unionized Argentinean workforce. They. Hate. Us.).
Okay, I’ll do it.
I’m sorry that my country (the USA) is unhelpful.
It’s good to hear from you. All the best.
@Kat thank you.
I know governments and powerful business men are NOT the whole of US people.
And you guys have your own huge orange priblem to deal with, whuch I can hardly help with.
I don’t feel really good about my posting here lately, but it’s about the only place where I can find people from all over the world who care about all of us.
I don’t want to become a troll who only posts about this, either.
I’m just very sad and scared and worried.
David, please consider an open post about Dilma Roussef.
I know it’s kind of off topic, but the type of violence she suffered is *exactly* what we can expect in a world where Trump is president of the US. And if we’re lucky and Clinton wins, she will be subject to most of the treatement Roussef and Kirchner endured.
On a slightly different and less depressing note, I rather liked this reponse to the ‘how to pick up women wearing headphones’ thing. Apologies if it is already old news to you all.
I, for one, don’t mind getting updates on the political situation in South America. It’s severly underreported here as well, and my Spanish/Portuguese is far from good enough to be able to read news sources in those languages.