Today, a food metaphor that won’t make you hungry, courtesy of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit:
Men Are Hamburger. Women Are Hamburger Helper.
Does hamburger need Hamburger Helper? Of course not. Hamburger can be made into a simple hamburger, or a hearty meatloaf. Bachelors and MGTOW are hamburgers and meatloaves.
Hamburger Helper, on the other hand, is nothing without hamburger. It will sit in the pantry, collecting dust and mites and attracting mice, while the clock ticks closer to the expiration date. Where’s the beef?
Cat ladies and single mothers are boxes of stale Hamburger Helper.
Now, Hamburger Helper is nice to have, if you like Hamburger Helper, and don’t mind all the salt. But hamburger doesn’tneed it. There’s a million other things we can do with hamburger.
Well, if nothing else I think this gives us a little insight into the MGTOW diet.
@WWTH: 17 years ago he was sorry he was caught (and caught gaslighting). Now, he’s telling us it’s a fair cop, but society was to blame. Who knows what he will be telling us in another 17 years.
@Axe, fret not, I would have read you the same way without the clarification.
Personal growth is the most alchemical transformation there is IMHO, but I don’t think that’s the wizardry we are seeing here – or it would have happened as a response to these events, not to media interest in these events.
Nevertheless, if he wants to go on a tour of campuses presenting himself as an object lesson in how one’s rapey actions can affect not only one’s victim but more importantly one’s future career, it might be a more compelling argument to some rape-inclined folk than an appeal to their sense of common humanity would be.
Croquembouche – I wonder if there was a dead fish upon the landing? Joking aside, I think you’re right.
It also has a “She turned me into a newt…
I got better” vibe.
to mix metaphors, [citation needed]. ETA : For the getting better aspect, that is.
Also (((Hambeast))), I tried to ignore the dead fish Mondegreen, but I just can’t. You are a cunning hambeast.