![What? I'll stand here if I want.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/catbath.jpg?resize=580%2C418&ssl=1)
Hey, folks. I’m taking care of some non-blog business (nothing bad), so posts will likely be a bit light for a few days, and moderation will be a bit slow. But please keep sending tips!
In the meantime, here’s a cat. I posted this one before but, come on, this is an excellent cat who deserves some more publicity.
Kimchi is gorgeous. I’m glad that he was so resilient in the face of very difficult circumstances. And then he found you. All is well.
I’ve been wondering about Katz too. Also Argenti Aertheri. And autosoma, who popped in a few months ago but didn’t stay. And I’m sure that there are others who don’t come to mind right now.
Here’s hoping that they’re all too busy writing a novel/getting married/finishing medical school/etc. to post here lately.
I forgot to mention Nicola Luna, who also used to be a regular poster here. I hope that she and her family are well.
There are other wonderful posters who used to post but haven’t done so lately. I remember their stories but not their names. Stay well.
@ Victorious Parasol: That’s excellent news! I’m glad you’re recovering so quickly. As the late great Gene Wilder said: “A small step for mankind, a giant step for us”
@ JoeB: I did a Wilder marathon too…watched Young Frankenstein, Haunted Honeymoon and then Willy Wonka. Pick whichever you want but may I suggest Willy Wonka? (Sure I may be a bit biased, I mean, my username derives from there and I grew up with it…but hey)
PZ Myers is picking up the slack for you, David. He posted a link to this jaw-dropper:
Then the guy gets rejected by a young woman aaaaaaannnnnnnndddd…
@ lindsayirene
I’ve just read those pieces, and some others he’s written and I can’t shake the feeling that this is some fantastic piece of performance art.
It’s like someone has created a character based on the archetype stereotypical ‘nice guy’; the attitudes, the terminology, the scenarios. He’s even got a photo where he’s doing that ‘hand hover’ thing.
But then, even limited reading around the net, shows that there are really people like this so he’s probably, worryingly, genuine.
Heh, I don’t even know what’s real any more! đŸ™‚
I’ll drop this here, instead of the other thread
Since Trump’s on his way to meet President Peña Nieto, the Clinton campaign website has put up a (purportedly exhaustive) list of every tweet Trump has made about Mexico or Mexicans. This guy could be president ?
OMG, you guys.
I saw this a few days ago and my reaction was to go make some coffee while dancing all the way there (that includes two sets of stairs and yes I did dance down those) and back (where stairs become even more challenging, especially with the mug in hand).
This is simply glorious.
I saw that! There’s been speculation on Chris Ladd’s blog about how that came to be. The hypothesis I subscribe to is that it was a pro forma invitation which Nieto sent but didn’t expect a response to. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.
Do we have any Mexican readers or lurkers? What’s Nieto like? Is he likely to take the opportunity to rip into Trump, like Vincente Fox says he might?
@Axe & EJ :
Build his precious wall while he’s away, so that he can never come back. Is there a way to let everyone else through but not him ?
I mean if he wants a “Trump wall”, then a “specifically anti-Trump wall” should also be possible. Because science.
I read that first article ‘5 things’ and to my mind this guy is not a troll playing up to the ‘nice guy’ trope. He’s an actual ‘nice guy’. I have come across this kind of earnest article from Christian evangelical boys. These guys really buy into the ‘biblical gender roles’ thing so big, they are told from a young age how boys and girls are supposed to behave in God’s eyes, about Adam being from the earth, and Eve being the ‘helpmeet’ born of Adam’s rib, and how men have the ‘headship’ of Christ, and women have to be subservient. They know all that, it’s been browbeaten into them, then they spend all their confused adult life trying to justify it, when the world around them grows more confusing and the pieces don’t fit the way they thought they would. Some get angry. We’ve seen where that ends up and it isn’t pretty. So, not a troll, but a very confused young man trying to make sense of the world through a lens of Christian fundamentalism and conspiracy theory. Did you notice tho most of the up votes were from female readers? Interesting that.
Yeah, politeness was the only reason I could imagine for this
Come now, that’s not cool. He’s not Mexico’s problem, we can’t leave him there. Besides, then they’ll be talking about how we’re sending them our rapists and criminals. And they’d be right! Thanks, but we’ll (completely metaphorically) slay our own dragons… I hope
Fair point. 4 smaller walls then ?
That Nice Guy said that people were calling him a pedophile. Reading between the lines, it sounds like he cornered an underaged coworker and she felt pressured into giving him her number. Then when he called, she felt safe saying no.
I mean, why would he be called a pedophile for asking out an adult coworker? The fact that he referred to her as a girl, not a woman doesn’t help his case.
I was just thinking about some things… A “CGTOW” reddit, but that’d pretty much be redundant. “What female cats really want”. “How to get a cat wearing headphones to pay attention to you”.
Ha, sorry…
According to the commenters on Pharyngula he’s 20 and she’s 17. I don’t feel like reading his comments to verify.
Well, ideally 3 walls and some metal bars… ?
Nah, he’d manage to get cameras and mics on the other side of those bars. So really, four walls, and some way or other to bring in food and other essentials, while keeping sight and sound to a minimum.
As far as I know he’s not a comic/movie/etc maker so it’s still safe.
(GET IT !?)
Having read that first article, I can completely believe that he would do that. This guy has a view of women in which they are defined entirely by the things they can do to make him happy, in which non-attractive non-submissive women don’t exist, and in which childishness and inexperience are seen as attractive qualities.
Seriously, his definition of women pretty much consists of “attractive childish immature people who never say no and who always work to make men happy.” This is an odd definition of women, seeing as it doesn’t appear to include Clinton, Merkel, May, Atwood, Hopper, de Beauvoir, Ashrawi, O’Keefe or any number of other humans whom I’d class as women. However, they don’t make his penis happy and would probably stand up to him, so they evidently can’t be women.
He also has the ability to say, within two consecutive paragraphs, that a) women should save themselves for marriage because their femininity is diminished by experience or even by showing their bodies off, and b) that his ideal woman is Marissa Miller, an underwear model who did her first nude photoshoot at age nineteen.
There is nothing wrong with saving yourself for marriage or with doing nude modelling, if that’s what you want to do with your own body. However, the fact that he sees no contradiction between urging women to do the first but lusting after a woman who does the second, suggests a Madonna/Whore complex the size of the Sistene Chapel.
So, do I think he would creep on an inexperienced younger woman and try to into something she’s uncomfortable with? Why yes, yes I do. He doesn’t believe that women are capable of saying no, so of course he’s not going to hear any no she says to him.
Fuck this guy. He can stop purporting to speak on behalf of men any time now.
Oh, and:
He keeps on getting accused of absurd things by females. I can’t imagine why. It’s a good thing that they’re only females and therefore their statements are only accusations, unworthy of being considered or taken seriously.
Remember, he loves women. As long as they’re childish, inexperienced, petite, demure, conventionally attractive, easily cowed, desperate to please and have no desire except making others happy. Anyone who doesn’t fall on this list isn’t a woman to him and… I don’t know what. Is probably just a female who should stop levelling accusations at him.
Really, fuck this guy.
He posted another teal deer. I couldn’t get through the thing. So much self-pity.
20 and 17 is not a big enough age difference to justify him being called pedophile, but creepy is certainly appropriate. 17 year old girls for the most part have not learned how to gently but assertively turn a guy down and may not have learned all the soft no excuses. The author of this rant expects sympathy for being awkward when it comes to dating, but he is unwilling to extend this same sympathy to young women. I hate how these types of guys just assume that all girls are somehow born with perfect social skills and never ever feel awkward, insecure or unsure of how to deal with a social situation.
I have a hard time feeling bad for socially awkward men who refuse to believe that women have to learn how to navigate the dating scene too. How is it fair for a college age man to expect a high school age girl to be more socially advanced than he?
And I just read the link with his response. Wow. He’s still calling her a lying c**t. It also looks like he maybe posted her picture? Something tells me that she’s not actually lying about the sexual harassment. Am I supposed to just assume that she is on his say so? No fucking way. I’d like to hear her side of the story, although I certainly understand if she’d like to hide under a rock right now.
I remember at 17 being really creeped out by the 20 year old guys looking to date high school girls. Though 3 years isn’t too creepy, it’s still questionable at best. I can understand why she would call him a pedophile for that (I would have gone with creep myself).
3 years isn’t in itself creepy, but I think that a 20 year old pursuing a 17 year old definitely is. Like, if they worked together, and happened to hit it off and grew close and that turned into something, I wouldn’t be rushing for my pitchfork. But at that age, that is a significant life experience gap, and it sets off a ton of red flags about his motivations in approaching someone that young.
Yeah, I meant 3 years at those ages. 3 years at my age is nothing.