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After Hillary puts them in the spotlight, Nazis Nazi-splain the alt-right on Twitter

The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary's speech
The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary’s speech

The alt-right celebrated Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday on the alt-right by posting a host of memes on Twitter purporting to explain what #AltRightMeans.

So for today’s episode of Memeday, let’s look at this unique self-portrait of and by some of the worst people on planet earth.

According to them, alt-right means:

Pepe with a gun:

Multiple Pepes with multiple guns:

Blatant anti-Semitism:

Blatant anti-Semitism:that is also … anti-Christianism?

Appropriating Don Draper for your crappy racist memes:

I can only assume Fionn here never actually watched Mad Men, because Don Draper would have reacted to all this Nazi gibberish with, well, you know:


Or possibly this:

He can't even
He can’t even

Proudly boasting of your complete lack of shame:

Making very clear that yes, you are the baddies:

Islamophobic fearmongering:

Nazis complaining about the word “Nazi” being oppressive to Nazis:

Nazi-splaining “white genocide.”

Attacking Michelle Obama for … eating?

Celebrating diversity, white supremacist-style:

Posting pictures of cats?

Posting pics of cats, and also some white ladies:

Posting more white ladies:

Weird mystical Fascist crap, plus castles:

Whatever is going on in this picture. Which actually looks sort of delicious.

BRB, joining the alt-right.

More on Hillary’s speech and the alt-right tomorrow, probably.

NOTE: In case it wasn’t obvious, that last tweet from Wolf (@boissongazeuse) with the dawgie in it is a joke; the guy who posted it is not actually a Nazi.

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8 years ago


That makes no fucking sense, purely from a linguistic viewpoint. I’m pretty sure that “e-” has never been used as a negating/opposite prefix for any English word.

Emasculate? Eviscerate?

8 years ago


This is interesting and all, but I also had a productive day. We stapled 18 expired Slim Jims together into a long rope, then tried to make a miniature dachshund jump skiprope with it. The experiment was ultimately a failure, but that’s just how it is with science projects.

comment image

8 years ago


This is interesting and all, but I also had a productive day. We stapled 18 expired Slim Jims together into a long rope, then tried to make a miniature dachshund jump skiprope with it. The experiment was ultimately a failure, but that’s just how it is with science projects.

Can I have a hit off of whatever you’re smoking?

8 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit, @ooglyboggles
I’m going to echo ooglyboggles and thank Rabid Rabbit and the Canadian newspaper editor.

I used to know someone who lived in St. John’s, Newfoundland, for five years. (New-fund-land, she would say. That’s how the natives pronounce it.) According to her, St. John’s isn’t a progressive place. It’s also pretty poor. Of course, the place may have changed since she lived there in the 1960s and 1970s.

8 years ago


(Btw, the moment has passed for me to say it there, but I really enjoyed your summary categorisations of Trump’s misdeeds in the Worst Things Trump’s Ever Done thread.)

Mention of that thread reminds me to recommend David Cay Johnston’s recent book The Making of Donald Trump. It’s rather overwhelming. The book really brings it home to the reader: this is not a normally flawed individual, but someone who is rotten to the core.

8 years ago

Far-right assholes of nearly all sorts (except those who are honest and proud of being assholes) resent being explicitly called what they are. Our racist anti-immigration party has been known to compare being called racist to… saying racist things? (whu…?) Problem is, they are not fooling anyone, and they are frequently called out on their racist bullshit. To justify their persecution complex, they have made up a fictional group of white non-muslims who want our proud country to turn into an oppressive islamic state where whites are a silenced, tread-upon minority because… reasons. Yeah, no motive is ever presented.

It is imperative for far-right groups that their insults (like, for instance, cuck or SJW) are never properly defined. That way, they can continue calling specific people that name while still reserving the right to define the word however they see fit in other contexts, thus creating an illusion that the dreaded “other extreme” (think commies or satanists) exists and is not merely part of their make-believe version of reality. In short, having their cake and eating it too.

On the flipside, they wish the negative things said about them to have very specific, narrow meanings that nobody ever qualifies for. “Nazi” is a comic book villain. “Racist” is someone who is openly and proudly racist and has murdered at least a dozen non-white people and admitted to being motivated by racism in doing so (come to think of it, even that seems to never qualify, as was the case with Dylann Roof)*. A misogynist must walk around with a sign stating as much, otherwise there’s always reasonable doubt that maybe, just maybe, he’s really a good guy who just really, really often says and does some very, very misogynistic things. And maybe the sign is just irony or something, a bold statement against the terrible gynocracy, which is real, by the way, and how dare you say misandry is not an actual thing in our society did you know a woman rejected me yesterday and also I’m not the CEO of a multinational corporation and I have a female boss so sexism can’t be real checkmate feminsits

Point being, a far-righter always resents clear definitions, i.e. calling a spade a spade, and, of course, they hate historical and social context. Context is misandry, after all, and apparently, it is also white genocide.

*Unless we find a case of a non-white person saying something mean about or to a white person, then it’s a clear-cut case of reverse racism.

/pointless rant

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I really enjoyed your summary categorisations of Trump’s misdeeds in the Worst Things Trump’s Ever Done thread

Well, shucks. Just as fun to write, I assure you 🙂

8 years ago


Point being, a far-righter always resents clear definitions, i.e. calling a spade a spade, and, of course, they hate historical and social context. Context is misandry, after all, and apparently, it is also white genocide.

You make some excellent points. Thanks!

My late, proto-MRA, old-school-right father was very good at couching his attacks in vague terms. “Your mother has me so shook up,” he’d say, “I don’t know whether I’m coming or going.”

Because . . .? Yeah, that was a big effin’ mystery.

I told my boyfriend about this statement my father repeated a lot. He marveled at my father’s apparent extreme fragility.

Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

Oh please, please let this be true!

“Donald Trump’s new presidential campaign chief is registered to vote in a key swing state at an empty house where he does not live, in an apparent breach of election laws.”

“When the Guardian visited the property on Thursday a large window in the front aspect was missing. A soiled curtain was blowing through it. The driveway was a mess of tree branches and mud.”

“Wilfully submitting false information on a Florida voter registration – or helping someone to do so – is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.”

8 years ago
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Domestic abuse and fraud? Trump and Bannon are just 2 peas, ain’t they?

8 years ago

@Sheila, @Moggie, @Axecalibur

What’s the occasion? Why am I getting all these presents?!


Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

Could the pug possible be a Sad Puppy? It looks sad to me.

8 years ago

Is the pug part of that spread? Or are the snacks being presented to him?

8 years ago

Okay, I got a present for everyone.

Warning: satire follows.

Pence Recaptured After Fleeing Trump Campaign Bus

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Why am I getting all these presents?!

Trump’s campaign: the gift that keeps on giving… and siphoning all hope from the soul of a nation… *forced smile* Yay!?

8 years ago

Wait… ‘muh Putin’? So… They’re implying Hillary is in it with Putin, despite Drumpf literally asking him for help against her?

The other stuff is horrifyingly fucked up, obviously, but that kind of willful ignorance about something that happened like a month ago always blows my mind…

Critical Dragon1177
8 years ago

David Futrelle,

Whatever is going on in this picture. Which actually looks sort of delicious.

Is @boissongazeuse saying that being alt right means that you enjoy eating dogs? I guess that’s what he’s saying since why would he show a picture of a dog on a plate.

That doesn’t look delicious to me, It looks like that guy loves to eat his pets. I think we might want to keep our dogs and cats locked up, if he’s in the neighborhood.

8 years ago


The New Yorker article is pure gold.

Unfortunately the state of the Trump campaign is such that I found myself actually believing it for a moment.

Poe’s Law strikes again.

8 years ago

@that article about Bannon registering to vote using vacant house:

He changed his registration! Now he’s apparently living with one of his writers, still in Florida:

Solid choice, fellow. I wonder if the charges stack? This seems to be the third wrong address he’s given in a row, that’s 15 years in jail!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kat

It all started with Della Street . .

I went out with a girl whose surname was Street. One day I came across a road with the same name, down to the unusual spelling of her first name.

Cue shimmying up a lamp post with bolt cutters 🙂

8 years ago

I’m going to be quite surprised if Bannon actually gets nailed for this.

One of the Guardian articles about him mentions that Bannon has four bankruptcies to his name.

8 years ago

Optometrists haven’t be interested in my eye color but bored bureaucrats have gotten super into it. I say blue/grey since a flat blue is dominant but there’s tons of green and brown in them, it really depends on where you focus.

8 years ago

“Appropriating Don Draper for your crappy racist memes”

At least it isn’t Rick and Morty

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Very OT (apologies, but I had to share): So, a town in Maine had an interracial dog wedding last week (golden retriever/black lab). The bride is post-wall, older than the groom, and has a career. Horrors!

Best line: “You may now lick the bride.”

Wonder if Gulf of Maine Gunsmiths will have anything to say about this.


We stapled 18 expired Slim Jims together into a long rope, then tried to make a miniature dachshund jump skiprope with it.

This is the best sentence I’ve ever read on the internet.