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After Hillary puts them in the spotlight, Nazis Nazi-splain the alt-right on Twitter

The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary's speech
The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary’s speech

The alt-right celebrated Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday on the alt-right by posting a host of memes on Twitter purporting to explain what #AltRightMeans.

So for today’s episode of Memeday, let’s look at this unique self-portrait of and by some of the worst people on planet earth.

According to them, alt-right means:

Pepe with a gun:

Multiple Pepes with multiple guns:

Blatant anti-Semitism:

Blatant anti-Semitism:that is also … anti-Christianism?

Appropriating Don Draper for your crappy racist memes:

I can only assume Fionn here never actually watched Mad Men, because Don Draper would have reacted to all this Nazi gibberish with, well, you know:


Or possibly this:

He can't even
He can’t even

Proudly boasting of your complete lack of shame:

Making very clear that yes, you are the baddies:

Islamophobic fearmongering:

Nazis complaining about the word “Nazi” being oppressive to Nazis:

Nazi-splaining “white genocide.”

Attacking Michelle Obama for … eating?

Celebrating diversity, white supremacist-style:

Posting pictures of cats?

Posting pics of cats, and also some white ladies:

Posting more white ladies:

Weird mystical Fascist crap, plus castles:

Whatever is going on in this picture. Which actually looks sort of delicious.

BRB, joining the alt-right.

More on Hillary’s speech and the alt-right tomorrow, probably.

NOTE: In case it wasn’t obvious, that last tweet from Wolf (@boissongazeuse) with the dawgie in it is a joke; the guy who posted it is not actually a Nazi.

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8 years ago

@Axecalibur: Oh, someone beat me to it. That’s what I get for not reading all the comments.

EDIT: Oh fuck, it’s in the middle of David’s last post.

In my defense, I’ve been knackering myself with Pokemon Go.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Nazis. I hate these guys.

Indiana Jones?

Of course we all hate Nazis but Indiana Jones popped into my head when I read that.

8 years ago

Shouldn’t people who claim to champion freedom of speech also champion “shaming?” Why are you allowed to say sexist, racist, or homophobic bullshit but I’m not allowed to call you on it? How does verbal criticism silence you? It’s just ironic how the people who disdain sensitivity are this sensitive.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Our working hypothesis is that originally there were only streets…



Oh fuck, it’s in the middle of David’s last post


8 years ago

I’m not sure why Professor Stockphoto up there is going on about race in front of a chalkboard full of differential equations. That could be an interesting class. (Or maybe he just forgot to erase the last lecturer’s notes, I suppose.)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


Probably because they also hate math. ’cause, y’know, it involves logic.

On a somewhat related note, can anyone explain to me how come the only troll who didn’t get the memo that the roof is on fire, also happens to be one of the most excruciatingly tedious, AND is the one on the other thread ? Getting tired of that guy.

8 years ago

Won’t someone think of that poor pug?! Pugs are not for eating! 😛

8 years ago


Knowing the dogs in my life, I wouldn’t be surprised if the pug insinuated itself onto the table, ate the tasty food that was previously on the plate and then settled down to consider which plate to empty next. This was the moment of the photo.

Or have I overthought this?

ETA: I’ve given this more thought. Given the size of the pug and the table height, I’m hearing the Mission Impossible theme playing over the pug’s journey onto the table. Possibly coming down from the ceiling on a rope? Yes, definitely overthinking!

8 years ago

I’ve started to obsess over the food on that table now. It’s… eclectic. I see salad vegetables, pecan pie, charcuterie with crackers, pumpkin pie, potato salad and an assortment which defies description. The last plate screams “5 mins before the guests arrived, I panicked that there wasn’t enough food and emptied the contents of the fridge onto a plate”. Who hasn’t done that?

So I think the processed meat is the pug’s next target.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

Re : pug

I think the person who posted that is actually trolling the alt-right. Can’t be sure but it seemed like it. If someone who’s better than me at reading twitter feeds (ie literally everyone) can take a look and confirm, that’d be great.

Thiazin red
Thiazin red
8 years ago

I applaud that pug’s self restraint. Any of the pets I’ve owned would have dove head first into that tray of cold cuts.

(So alt-right is coldcuts and crackers, crudite, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, a giant bowl of mashed potatoes, more cold cuts and crackers, and is that macaroni salad in the back?)

8 years ago

@dalilama oh sure. I meant, something like. how is the specific willing immigration theyre annoyed with “forced “. As someone said, “theyre forced to deal with it”

8 years ago
8 years ago

@ Thiazin Red

Cold cuts! Thank you! I knew there was a collective term but, as a vegetarian, it’s not uppermost in my mind and I just couldn’t recall it.

Also, you’re quite right, that’s mashed potato. I don’t think my British brain allowed me to see that as it would never occur to me to serve it with what else is on the table. Wacky cultural differences; where would we be without them?

8 years ago

@ Sinkable John

I think you’re right. I’m a novice at this but their feed isn’t a screed of awfulness, plus there’s this from Aug 23:

“When is the straw man that tolerance means “putting up with literally anything without a fight” going away? It’s lasted soooo long”

ETA Also on Aug 21 they retweeted a sign in a shop saying there was a surcharge for anyone wearing Trump propaganda, with no negative comment attached.

8 years ago

Hey, alt-right, who will protect white women and our children from you?

8 years ago

Sorry for not sharing screen grabs or what have you. I haven’t worked out the tech quite yet, despite the useful how-tos I’ve seen here.

ETA Plus their name is French for “fizzy drink” which is not the kind of name I’d expect.

8 years ago

Best one I’ve seen making fun of the tag

@SJWsnoke Aug 25
#AltRightMeans having to make the tough decisions.comment image

8 years ago
8 years ago

@Violet Beauregarde: That’s what I thought of, too.

8 years ago


Yes! Thank you!

I think there was a dog food ad a few years ago in the UK which inspired me. Dogs were working collaboratively to break into a vault containing said food, involving the Tom Cruise move. But I think it was a Jack Russell rather than a pug, and I don’t know if the music was used.

Still, hamsters would be better.

8 years ago

All these Nazis remind me.

Took a call today at work from a guy who had inherited an original German edition of “Adolf Hitler’s autobiography,” taken by his grandfather “off of Hitler’s own shelf in his Eagle’s Nest near Munich,” and which, he asserted, the Smithsonian would value at a minimum $18,000.

He was unhappy ’cause the pawn shop where he’d hocked the thing had lost it.


8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Consider Road names. When we say, for example, Oxford Street we put the stress on the first word, but when we say Park Avenue we put the stress on the second word.

Anyone know why that is?

It all started with Della Street . . .

Something I’ve been pondering for years now is how we know that a proper noun (for example, Della Street of Perry Mason fame) is a person’s name and not the name of a roadway is the emphasis:

Della Street
Della Street

By the way, have you ever noticed that many of the names in the Perry Mason books and TV series are also nouns?

Perry Mason
Della Street
Hamilton Burger
Paul Drake
Lieutenant Steve Drumm
Gertie Glade (My favorite character — she’s the receptionist who’s always filing her nails)

It’s good that I have something to occupy my mind while I’m doing dishes and such.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


Yep those two tweets are the reason I was thinking they were trolling the alt-right. The sign in the shop also had a mention from the original tweet, “I love my town” so the original at least definitely wasn’t a Trumpet. Thanks for looking into it.

8 years ago

Speaking of explaining the alt-right, a few days back Vox Day gave it a go, trying somewhat harder than the Tweets above. It’s the usual alt-right dross, but a few things leaped out at me.

The Alt Right is scientodific. It presumptively accepts the current conclusions of the scientific method (scientody), while understanding a) these conclusions are liable to future revision, b) that scientistry is susceptible to corruption, and c) that the so-called scientific consensus is not based on scientody, but democracy, and is therefore intrinsically unscientific.

Vox Day: A creationist who demonstrates his scientific prowess by pulling words out of his ass.

The Alt Right doesn’t care what you think of it.

This is a movement that begins screaming incoherently over any and all criticism, then starts jabbering about free speech and censorship.

The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.

There’s nothing classier than paraphrasing a terrorist (in turn paraphrasing Mein Kampf).

The Alt Right is a philosophy that values peace among the various nations of the world and opposes wars to impose the values of one nation upon another as well as efforts to exterminate individual nations through war, genocide, immigration, or genetic assimilation.

Aw, Vox only wants peace! Any race wars are the fault of those damn multicuturalists because “diversity + proximity = war!” Vox said it, so of course it’s true!

Remember though, this is only a work in progress! I’m sure Vox can improve it immensely over time!