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After Hillary puts them in the spotlight, Nazis Nazi-splain the alt-right on Twitter

The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary's speech
The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary’s speech

The alt-right celebrated Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday on the alt-right by posting a host of memes on Twitter purporting to explain what #AltRightMeans.

So for today’s episode of Memeday, let’s look at this unique self-portrait of and by some of the worst people on planet earth.

According to them, alt-right means:

Pepe with a gun:

Multiple Pepes with multiple guns:

Blatant anti-Semitism:

Blatant anti-Semitism:that is also … anti-Christianism?

Appropriating Don Draper for your crappy racist memes:

I can only assume Fionn here never actually watched Mad Men, because Don Draper would have reacted to all this Nazi gibberish with, well, you know:


Or possibly this:

He can't even
He can’t even

Proudly boasting of your complete lack of shame:

Making very clear that yes, you are the baddies:

Islamophobic fearmongering:

Nazis complaining about the word “Nazi” being oppressive to Nazis:

Nazi-splaining “white genocide.”

Attacking Michelle Obama for … eating?

Celebrating diversity, white supremacist-style:

Posting pictures of cats?

Posting pics of cats, and also some white ladies:

Posting more white ladies:

Weird mystical Fascist crap, plus castles:

Whatever is going on in this picture. Which actually looks sort of delicious.

BRB, joining the alt-right.

More on Hillary’s speech and the alt-right tomorrow, probably.

NOTE: In case it wasn’t obvious, that last tweet from Wolf (@boissongazeuse) with the dawgie in it is a joke; the guy who posted it is not actually a Nazi.

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varalys the dark
8 years ago

Ironically our shit and nasty tabloid press was whipping up hysteria about Poles becoming the largest immigrant group in the UK, overtaking the Asians (UK definition) today although I don’t know how they work these things out most of the Asians I knew when I lived in the major Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi bits of Bristol and Manchester were UK 2nd and 3rd generation citizens. I didn’t want to pick the newspaper up to investigate further lest it cause me to spontaneously combust.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I dunno what they’re talking about with ancestral homelands. My ancestors evolved from great apes somewhere in East Africa. Since then we’ve just been migrating around a bit.

@Policy of Madness:
I haven’t seen it yet but I really want to. I love Clinton’s speeches when she decides to cut loose and spit fire.

8 years ago

OMG EJ, you too? We must be related!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

From the Don Draper one.

Anti-Whites are out in force & tracking extremists. What they mean by that is they’re tracking White people. We’re the only race not allowed to publicly show pride & love ourselves. That needs to end.

We are a global minority & are expected to become even more of one. Every other race gets to protect themselves by having organizations. Why can’t we ? To hell with them & their evil anti-White agenda.

I’m working on fixing this steaming pile of shit, but I’m a bit stumped. In case anyone wants a go, feel free to use this copy-pastable version so you don’t have to type it out. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go dip my fingertips in acid.

8 years ago

Great job proving Trump isn’t cozying up to blatant racists, blatant racists.

Up to and including the guy credited with inventing the term Alt-Right

8 years ago

Wait, being white automatically turns me into a supermodel?

*looks down at herself*

Dang, they should have told me sooner.

Also, different eye-colours are diversity! I’m crying.

8 years ago

I keep thinking of this (which may be looks-shaming, but what the hell):

comment image

8 years ago

Where do the alt-right get the notion that being anti-racist means that you hate your own race? I’m assuming “white shaming” is just an in-group extrapolation which, when actually presented to the people who are supposedly shaming whites, are just baffled at the assertion?

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@Nequam: Ah good old Jesse Custer. As an Northern Irishman living in New York Garth Ennis does have very strong views on the cultural melting pot dream of the USA. He’s all for it and won an award for a comic where Tommy “Hitman” Monaghan and Superman just chatted on a roof about what it meant to be an American.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

That’s racist… Can’t stop laughin tho ?

8 years ago

You ever briefly become authoritarian enough your head to think “Wow the world would just be a much better place if you took all these people, put them in a giant pit, and paved over it?”

But then you remember that’s the kind of childish thinking that makes these people so intolerable in the first place.

8 years ago


Well, white supremacists have been pushing the “anti-racism means anti-white/white genocide” line for years now, so I guess it “follows” that if you’re white and anti-racist, you must hate your own race.

8 years ago

@ikan: All too often, though I tend to think of it less as “authoritarian” and more as “homicidal”.

8 years ago

Did someone say “brain bleach”?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

It’s also funny that they included Mediterranean in the European diversity meme. Did they not realize that not all Mediterraneans are European? I doubt they meant to say that they consider North Africans white!

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@AsAboveSoBelow: D’awwww. Reminds me of when I used to have hamsters and would treat them to some freshly popped unflavoured popcorn.

8 years ago

Note to the Alt Right(or Fascist) : European isn’t a race. I think you might be looking for the word Caucasian. And if you think white people need a “homeland” so badly, may I recommend Snake Island. Off you go, the rest of us won’t miss you.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Completely O/T but this question has just arisen and some clever peep here will know the answer.

Consider Road names. When we say, for example, Oxford Street we put the stress on the first word, but when we say Park Avenue we put the stress on the second word.

Anyone know why that is?

(And is it just a Brit thing?)

8 years ago

Ah, yes, love thy neighbor. Said by the world’s most obscure Jew…hmmm, his name escapes me at the moment. *shrugs* I’m sure I’ll remember it someday.

The “Love Your Enemies” meme appears to be advocating the conspiracy theory that Christianity was deliberately created by the Jews

I think it was created by that one really obscure Jewish guy that I mentioned above, but I still can’t remember his name….

[End Sarcasm]

8 years ago

I saw an “infographic” on Tumblr that purported to show the relative numbers of the various “races” but was so blatantly massaged that I don’t see how anyone could take it seriously unless they wanted to believe it.

It claimed that whites were the smallest minority group. None of the other groups got to be in their own category — all Asians were lumped together, and the poor Arabians had to share with “Other.”

These alt-righter, “White Pride” folks are such crybabies.

8 years ago


I can’t even start to guess as to why that is, though that is a neat observation. Also there are a couple cases where it differs (at least for me):
-Numbered avenues (Eleventh Avenue), I stress the number.
-When abbreviating avenue (Park Ave), I stress the name.

8 years ago

If they’re really turning their backs on modernity, they should have the decency to get off the fucking Internet, because it’s obviously way too modern for their simple archaic minds.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Park Avenue, but Church Avenue, Clarendon Avenue, Flatbush Avenue, etc. Mixed bag


I saw an “infographic” on Tumblr that purported to show the relative numbers of the various “races” but was so blatantly massaged that I don’t see how anyone could take it seriously unless they wanted to believe it

One page back 🙂

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

The fever swamps are burning right now. It seems like they can’t stop crying about the speech. It’s pretty hilarious to watch.

The Daily Stormer keeps running new articles about the speech and reactions from inside the alt-right. RoK felt obliged to mansplain why the speech “is a failure”. The french far-right and “dissidents” are in uproar. Alex Jones sees “death threats” on his person in the speech.

This is beautiful. Hillary Clinton just broke the internet, or at least its dirty corners.

ETA : And Andrew “Fuckwad” Anglin is feeling so depressed he wrote a post about how he’s feeling depressed.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ dlouwe & Axe

A proper peer reviewed scientific survey (me and my mates saying stuff and nodding) would suggest that, for Brits at least:

1. It’s Street that’s the exception. Everything else, Avenue, Road, Drive etc gets the stress on the type of thoroughfare

2. That’s unless we’re clarifying directions (“Is that First Avenue or Park Avenue?)

3. It’s the other way round in German

Our working hypothesis is that originally there were only streets, so you needed just to differentiate which one. Then someone invented Avenues and that threw people so you needed to emphasise that you meant the new thing.