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After Hillary puts them in the spotlight, Nazis Nazi-splain the alt-right on Twitter

The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary's speech
The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary’s speech

The alt-right celebrated Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday on the alt-right by posting a host of memes on Twitter purporting to explain what #AltRightMeans.

So for today’s episode of Memeday, let’s look at this unique self-portrait of and by some of the worst people on planet earth.

According to them, alt-right means:

Pepe with a gun:

Multiple Pepes with multiple guns:

Blatant anti-Semitism:

Blatant anti-Semitism:that is also … anti-Christianism?

Appropriating Don Draper for your crappy racist memes:

I can only assume Fionn here never actually watched Mad Men, because Don Draper would have reacted to all this Nazi gibberish with, well, you know:


Or possibly this:

He can't even
He can’t even

Proudly boasting of your complete lack of shame:

Making very clear that yes, you are the baddies:

Islamophobic fearmongering:

Nazis complaining about the word “Nazi” being oppressive to Nazis:

Nazi-splaining “white genocide.”

Attacking Michelle Obama for … eating?

Celebrating diversity, white supremacist-style:

Posting pictures of cats?

Posting pics of cats, and also some white ladies:

Posting more white ladies:

Weird mystical Fascist crap, plus castles:

Whatever is going on in this picture. Which actually looks sort of delicious.

BRB, joining the alt-right.

More on Hillary’s speech and the alt-right tomorrow, probably.

NOTE: In case it wasn’t obvious, that last tweet from Wolf (@boissongazeuse) with the dawgie in it is a joke; the guy who posted it is not actually a Nazi.

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8 years ago

This article made me want to go get pregnant by some nonwhite guy. XD

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago

I especially enjoyed the hijacking of the hashtag to mock it.

Johanna "Actually Godzilla" Roberts
Johanna "Actually Godzilla" Roberts
8 years ago

I do have to say in response to John Rivers that I don’t mind that either because if these bastards aren’t shamed into silence we know exactly who they are and can watch and monitor their asses for political violence because let’s be real, the extreme right wing is the biggest terrorist movement in the States.

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
8 years ago

So, like, AltRight means the puppy is the main course for dinner?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

More on Hillary’s speech and the alt-right tomorrow, probably.

Oh, man, can I wait that long? That speech was a killer. Really want to see what you have to say about it.

8 years ago

the extreme right wing is the biggest terrorist movement in the States.

The extreme right wing is the biggest terrorist movement in the world; I figure that Daesh and the other horrible groups are just the alt-right of those regions. The alt-righties here don’t hate ISIL, they’re jealous.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

The “Love Your Enemies” meme appears to be advocating the conspiracy theory that Christianity was deliberately created by the Jews as a plot to pacify and control European gentiles. This idea is commonplace among neopagans on the Alt-Right (and its European counterpart, the Nouvelle Droite).

Another related conspiracy theory is that the Vatican is run by Jews (an idea that was also popular among racist Protestants in the 1920s, such as Alma White).

8 years ago

“Every other race gets to protect themselves…” Yeah, from bigots who think like you. The lack of self-awareness is astounding, but not surprising.

8 years ago

I like the first European ‘diversity’ meme, as three of the five groups presented have historically not been white. Celts, Slavs, and people from the Mediterranean have seen discrimination from other Europeans and in the U.S. as degenerate or unworthy.

Also, they seem to have forgotten about the Iberian peninsula. Too many ‘mooslem-sounding’ names there?

Also also, I chuckled at the idea that people just don’t like the term ‘Nazi’.
“I know, alt-right buddies! Let’s tell people that the jooz came up with the name to mock us.”
“Ok, but only if we tell them with barely covered antisemitism and state that there is a single, true European culture and ignore the parts of Europe we don’t like.”
“Of course, we both know that people just don’t like the word ‘Nazi’, they’re totally chill with the awful stuff we believe.”
“Perfect! Break for lunch?”

Johanna "Actually Godzilla" Roberts
Johanna "Actually Godzilla" Roberts
8 years ago


You’re right, theyr’e just as right wing, these guys are just as deadly and dangerous as ISIL.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

I figure that Daesh and the other horrible groups are just the alt-right of those regions. The alt-righties here don’t hate ISIL, they’re jealous.

This. It’s commonly accepted among French feminists and anti-racists by now (obviously Daesh and the various “efforts” of our government at “countering” it are kind of a big deal for us there’s a lot of focus on the matter) and the american alt-right absolutely proves it whenever they APPLAUD what Daesh does to minorities. The term “objective ally” (might be a mistranslation on my part, it’s pretty literal, sorry) is commonly used here to describe the whole thing.

Also, I feel really bad for all the women whose stock-photos are used in those memes…

And also, what the hell does “enoughl” mean ?

8 years ago

I love how clueless they are as to the reasons/origins of things such as black history month that they feel ‘hey these damn progressives are hurting our culture isn’t this bad too’ is somehow equivalent.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

My takeaway from this is that alt-righters agree with what normal people think “alt-right” means. What’s even the point of this hashtag?

8 years ago

how exactly can immigration be “forced”?

& how are whites a “global minority”? Doesnt that Us vs Them mentality just illustrate how fucked up the history of colonization and all that shit is?

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

They’re still bringing up Hillary Clinton’s mention of the vast right-wing conspiracy that actually existed to try and force Bill Clinton out of office? A conspiracy doesn’t have to be hidden to be a conspiracy. It was right out there in the open.

8 years ago

Nazis. I hate these guys.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

I’m sorry, but since when was Bane a member of the alt right? Wasn’t he a member of the League of Shadows? Hmm. Maybe they got them confused.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Re: *fancy*Europe*font*
Germanic, Nordic (mostly Germanic), Celtic, Slavic, and Mediterranean (none of which were white until, like, yesterday). And what’s a Mediterranean? Egyptians, Turks, Moroccans? Somehow I doubt it. Everyone else is a linguistic group. Why not Gallic, Italic, Hellenic, Iberian? Too much work? Aight then…
That’s their groups. Then there’s Arabs + Others on the other side. Some of that math don’t add up. Any and everyone’s a ‘global minority’ with the right (ie wrong) groupings.

Re: “diversity”
So it’s eye color now? I thought it was skin. So confusing

Re: white pride
When your the majority (and not the oppressed majority either) being proud of your ‘race’ is stupid. Germanic pride? Don’t be all Hitlery about it, but sure. Food, language, you can argue with the French over who gets to claim Charlemagne. Fun times! Nobody’s stopping you. White pride is still nonsense


I figure that Daesh and the other horrible groups are just the alt-right of those regions

Preachity preach

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

So, anyone who wasn’t aware of the alt-right before Clinton’s speech will Google it and find these memes. That’s not to going to work out so well for them.

8 years ago


how exactly can immigration be “forced”

One way is military invasion. They other is the Middle Passage. Once this type of context is established, the ludicrous nature of the fascist claims is thrown into sharp relief.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

They’re forced to accept that immigration is a thing.

There you go, forced immigration.

ETA : full credit to Viscaria for coming up with the whole “cherry-pick random words in an actual sentence to create an entirely new sentence” thing, inspired by what the painfully tedious troll in that other thread was doing.

I’m trying my hand at it now, but I’m bad, as shown here.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Well as a blue-eyed, white Englishwoman I am feeling pretty damn proud right now. Yes sirree bob, full o’pride. Oh wait no, what’s the exact opposite of pride? Mortified would be the term. Brain bleach needed >_<

Also the “ancestral homeland” also jumped out at me. Utterly shameless and awful.

8 years ago

Forced assimilation? I… what? Do they think that immigrants are going to go all European Imperialist on North America? How would that even work? Do they think that living peacefully alongside non-white immigrants is tantamount to assimilation? I just.. what???

8 years ago

@ Bakunin: “Also also, I chuckled at the idea that people just don’t like the term ‘Nazi’.” Yeah, as if it’s the word “Nazi” that turns people off, as opposed to the atrocities the Nazis actually committed.

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