I stand corrected: In a recent post I suggested that Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, after at least two Twitter permabans, had been successfully kicked off the social media platform. As was pointed out to me shortly after I put up that post, she had already returned to Twitter with a new account. Welcome the new “Janet Bloomfield,” same as the old “Janet Bloomfield.”
I hadn’t done much more than glance at her latest account until yesterday, but it turns out she’s been keeping pretty busy. In my previous post, I discussed her thoughts on the possibility of nuking Mecca and killing all the millions of Muslims living or visiting there (she would be all in favor of it if she thought it would be “effective” against Islam).
But she has equally terrible thoughts on many other important issues of the day as well! For example, she’s been …
Calling for the murder of Canada’s Prime Minister:
Attention #ISISちゃん PLEASE KILL @JustinTrudeau FIRST. He's fucking gay. You don't know what that means. It's Ok. https://t.co/v88SuJIlYD
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 18, 2016
Suggesting that women shouldn’t have the vote because women are more likely to file for divorce than men:
Women destroy children and men if they are allowed. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote https://t.co/r93YL35kcX
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 24, 2016
Advocating religious discrimination in the workplace:
Get the fuck out now #FuckYourHijab #MuslimAwarenessMonth #ISIS #ElectionDayIn5Words https://t.co/FyIfQ2Y1gN
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 5, 2016
Using the anti-gay slur favored by her Internet idol, the egotistical yet self-hating Milo Yiannopoulos:
Hey did you know #Facebook will suspend you for 3 days if you call @JustinTrudeau a faggot? What a bunch of faggots. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻😂😂😂
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) July 31, 2016
Declaring rape in marriage to be a bit of a dick move, but not real rape:
I agree with @voxday Unwise to exercise your right against her wishes but there is no such thing as #MaritalRape https://t.co/uIFchEfrva
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 14, 2016
Basically auditioning for the Klan, or whatever equivalent group they have up in Canada:
Hmmm. Good question. #AltRight pic.twitter.com/6sYMt880BB
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 7, 2016
You could act like a ni**er. That would do the trick. #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/mklYJlrS24
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 11, 2016
The #FourthReich rises #Germany #AfD #MakeEuropeGreatAgain https://t.co/KkItjIqGLM
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) July 27, 2016
But there’s one thing she disagrees about with the proudly racist #altright: She doesn’t think that “White Genocide” is a real thing.
Of course, her reasons for this are racist as hell.
Universal preference for light skin means evolution will always be towards white. White is the #GoldStandard https://t.co/bDnUoZHkiF
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 18, 2016
Er, what?
As I mentioned in my last post, Hardie is still listed on A Voice for Men as the site’s “Director [of] Social Media,” and she was one of the speakers at last month’s International Conference on Men’s Issues in London.
You were right the first time.
Oh, you mean Andrea Hardie? I don’t consider her to be anyone.
If we assume there really is a universal preference for white skin, doesn’t that mean that all the non-whites want to get with the whites too? And won’t that lead to the loss of the white race because although whiteness is somehow superior in every aspect to non-whiteness, a single drop of non-white blood renders you non-white?
I mean, yeah, I guess most white people would also want to breed with white people in this scenario, but not every white person is going to find their perfect pasty soulmate, and some idiots might fall in love with a non-white person due to foolishly valuing a trait other than the color of their skin. Also, since everyone is clamoring for pale skin, and because women are hedonistic hypergamous slatterns, chances are most white women are going to have sex with a non-white person and forever taint their vagina, even if they don’t have a child from that encounter. After all, vaginas totally retain DNA from sperm that they encounter, even stuff that never fertilized an egg, and that corrupts any white children she might have in the future.
So in short, the white race is doomed because they’re just so damn irresistibly sexy.
Thinking like these fuckheads makes my brain hurt.
Sea kale is a new one on me. I did an Internet search and it sounds delicious.
Around my home, we talk about kale a lot. We get it at the farmers’ market every week (3 bunches for $6 — yay!), and then we have to use it up quickly because our refrigerator tends to drip. I’m in charge of Vegetable Management.
Yeah, everyone hates you when you’re in management, but someone’s got to do it.
1. Remove the kale from the refrigerator.
2. Remove the kale from its plastic bag.
3. Turn the bag inside out.
4. Wipe off the water and such from the outside of the bag.
5. Return the kale to the now inside-out bag.
6. Return the kale to the refrigerator.
7. Repeat every other day unless you want to encounter tragic kale: yellowed leaves, pale leaves, brown leaves, stinky kale.
Bihari, Marathi, Tamil, what’s the difference really? /s
Tangent activate:
OK, so the US census is weird about ethnicity. White and black are just that, but then there’s Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Chamorro, Mexican, etc. And pretty much anyone east of the Afghani Pakistani border is Asian and to the west is white. Tho there’s talk of getting a separate MENA category, seeing as they definitely aren’t treated very white here. It’s kind of a mess, but it was way worse when they started it. Progress?
As I understand it, Australia just leaves a blank space to write whatever. Is that so?
Hold on. Arabs plus other people including nonwhite Hispanics equals 1.1 billion people?
Two can play at that game. ‘Blacks’ plus ‘whites’ equals more than any other group, so white people are NOT a minority, they’re part of a global majority group I just made up by randomly combining them with some other people!
How real, for lack of a better word, is this woman’s ideology? I mean, Phyllis Schlafly made a career of travelling around being a high-powered professional woman who told women to stay home and be homemakers.
Does this woman actually incorporate this nonsense into her life and her daughter’s, or is it just a schtick?
I used to say of John Boehner that Dr. King taught us to judge a man not by the color of his skin, but the content of his character, but that when the color of a man’s skin is orange, and he did it to himself on purpose, I think it can be considered an indicator of the content of his character.
It gets worse. Once a white woman’s vagina becomes infused with all that dusky DNA, it has the power to infect, not only her unborn children, but also any snowy-white Alpha thoughtless enough to take the bait and follow the furrow. Succumbing to the sickly smell of a tarbrush-tainted vag could induce a pair of once-proud, golden testes to turn traitor and start producing miscegenous bastard sperm of their own. To extrapolate, any time a White Male so much as glances at one of these fallen women, He and the entirety of His Race are retroactively cucked with all the cucking of 1.4 billion swarthy cocks. It’s an inescapable matrix of cuck! Meanwhile, White Jesus and his mate Odin sit in Valhalla and weep pure tears of fire and blood. All for the love of white gold.
Did I miss anything? I’m angling for a ghostwriting gig at the ‘Chateau’.
Canadian here, we do have white supremacy groups here, although their main targets are the First Nations and (oddly enough) Ukranians. Also, they first sprang up in my home province of Saskatchewan and have spread out to Alberta and Manitoba. Just your fun fact of the day!
There’s been a crossbow killing in Toronto recently:
JB hasn’t been visiting, has she?
With how many times she likes to mention human skin flaying, I wouldn’t call this her MO.
OK, I was not actually prepared for the number of hits to DIFFERENT crimes you get when you type ‘crossbow murder’ into Google. What the hell?
This. So. Fucking. Much.
On a personal as opposed to a political level, this is what gets to most me every time about JB and people like her. I am not a thing for others to use! Just causes incoherent rage for me, really.
Thank you. I generally go with the first position, too.
Yeah, after all, for Asia, the Orient is America… (unless the earth is flat, arh arh ! … ok, not funny)
If Miss Hardy is so proud of white skin people, i am sure she can go and milit for this kind of white person.
About Isis-chan, yeah, she did not even try to look what it is. In my opinion, she was just thinking : “Let us appeal to my anilover fan base !” With great procrastination come great failures.
But maybe she should begin a new trend, like #IsisMoose or #IsisCaribou /s (Hello to our Quebec cousins !)
Well, men did not have waited to destroy children, women and other men. But i guess they do not need authorization…
One thing that is challenging me, if i am allowed to throw a pebble in the puddle, is why she uses “infidel” as an alias. Should not it be the “cuckingchick79” ?
Have a nice day.
Here’s what I know about “infidel.”
A lot of people who’re active in movement atheism will self-identify as infidels. It’s a way to reclaim a slur and show solidarity with atheists who live in countries where publicly being an infidel is a criminal offence.
Sadly, given the white supremacism and Islamophobia that overlaps with movement atheism, that term seems to be spreading to non-godless white supremacists, who seem to be using it more as a (barely) coded phrase for “person who hates Muslims.”
@LSC: my mom still occasionally uses “Oriental” when she means “Asian”, but not out of malice; it was the term she’d grown up with. She’s pretty good about correcting herself though.
Off-topic science enthusiasm:
Check out this article in Nature. It’s kind of a big deal.
Short version: we found a potentially habitable planet very close to us.
Proxima b is a planet bigger than Earth which orbits a star much smaller than the Sun. Most exoplanets which we discover are like this, because it’s the easiest way to discover them. However, the exoplanet is barely bigger than Earth (only 1.3 Earth masses!) which means that spotting it is a milestone in planet hunting; and it’s close enough that we might be able to get much more information about it than we normally would. This could potentially be very interesting.
Notably, several badass women astronomers were involved in this, including Zaira Berdiñas, Sandra V. Jeffers and Cristina Rodriguez-López; and the authors list on the paper is full of people of colour, men and women. Andrea Hardie may believe that progress depends upon white men, but we would like to differ.
@Podkayne Lives,
in JB’s case, she’s making a virtue out of necessity. She did go to college, but found herself in the role of SAHM, and now makes out it’s what she wanted all along, and it’s what all other women should want to. Now while I have nothing but respect for SAHMs, it is utterly ridiculous to go around prescribing that or any other role for all women.
I’d say she’s full of it, given that a while back she was doing a PhD, but dropped out before the end. Not to mention her attempts at novel writing, and her excited at the one time she got to appear on television. JB desperately wants to ‘be somebody’, to the extent she’ll say anything that gets people looking in her direction.
Apologies if I seem to be armchair diagnosing, but I am not suggesting JB is mentally ill. I reckon she’s just frustrated and mean spirited, and lashing out without any regard for others.
I think it may be a variation of the “backfire effect”.
The effect described applies to people who already have strong views. However, I don’t think it’s stretching too far to see that people who hold a view that others object to might double down if they’re inclined to be defensive or self-righteous or otherwise super-sensitive to criticism or opposition.
A few years of doing that and they can paint themselves into a corner of their own devising.
@ EJ
I’m pretty excited about this too, but with those characteristics won’t it be tidal locked? Not that that’s necessarily inconducive to life, but it might complicate things. Also, doesn’t Proxima kick of massive X-Ray bursts every now and then? Again though, that might just mean all life there has superpowers.
I suspect that Earth type planets are quite common, but it’s just an observation bias at the moment that means we mainly hear about the very big ones. I subscribe to the theory that most solar systems will be ‘full’ so the chances of Earth like planets in the right place will be high; although it now looks like solar system formation is a rather more dynamic process than we originally thought so who knows.
As we are now mothballing a lot of nuclear warheads this would be a good time to dust off the plans for the Orion spacecraft. Let’s do some exploring.
That “intellectual safe-space” thing, what is that about? I did some googling and all I came up with seemed to be pretty one-sided articles for each side that seemed to be exaggerating.
I have quite a bit of experience with German university and I’ve never come across that here. What I found seemed a bit weird to be honest. I mean, over here I would say respect and consideration of students’ feelings is normal. And at the same time no-one would “forbid” anyone from saying anything in class. Which is unneccessary, too, because if they say something shitty, they will be torn to shreds by profs and students alike.
What I found about calming, comforting rooms for upset students seems like a very good idea, why would someone be against that? Trigger warnings, too. If someone sees it and thinks it might trigger them, they don’t have to attend the class… Or are there bad consequences for grades in such cases in the U.S? Here you would just go to the professor and they’d help you find some solution. Or if you’re triggered during a discussion, you can always say so and either leave or people will incorporate your experience in the discussion as a valuable point… How can that not be happening?
Oh, and concerning “controversial” speakers? Of course they get invited… And have to deal with a whole campus full of angry, protesting students. And others (including profs) flaying them alive during the debate of their “points”. Those who say they’re upset or triggered are always supported/protected by other students.
I mean, this just seems to me as if that dean writing about “no trigger warnings” and “intellectual safe spaces” just…I don’t know. Either he has a wrong picture of what people are actually asking for, which seems to be consideration and respect, or he misrepresents it intentionally (“Oh no, debate is forbidden at universities!”) to…start a fight. What’s happening there? And I really need to check whether there maybe are some of those rules in effect at my university. But as I said, it isn’t really noticable here that there is any kind of problem in either direction, so I really don’t understand the issue. But if everyone gets so upset, there has to be something to it, which I’m not getting, so maybe someone familiar with American universities can explain? As usual, only if you feel it’s not too much of a burden, though.
@Alan, gathering samphire? Dreadful trade.
Respects and salutations to the Mammotheers.
> EJ
Ah, indeed, you are right, it fits better the character. Infidel linked to the faith. I was thinking about the one linked to love. Well, there are a lot of meaning to this word, so it is confusing.
> about the new planet :
Good ! We lack of space to test powerful weapons. This planet will do !
Proxima b is exciting and depressing at the same time.
It’s right in our back yard! But…
Even the James Webb Space Telescope won’t be able to image it. Maybe the European Extremely Large Telescope? But that won’t be in use until 2024, if we’re lucky.
We could just send a probe! Except… space is big. Really big. If Voyager 1, launched in 1977, were headed that way (it’s not), it would take many thousands of years to get there.
There’s a project, Breakthrough Starshot, to build tiny “light sail” probes which would be accelerated to a substantial fraction of the speed of light. But there are huge challenges involved, they’re not expecting to launch anything for twenty years yet, and at the speeds they’re planning the journey will take at least twenty years. So, I won’t be around to see the results.
For anyone brought up on space opera – or just anyone who was enthralled by the Apollo programme as a kid, as I was – being stuck on this rock is kind of a bummer. I want to hitch a ride on a GSV and pop over there for a look!
@ opposable thumbs
I get confused over samphire. We’re told not to pick the regular kind round here because it needs to grow or something; but we can pick rock samphire (which is apparently different).
There are a few test places growing one or other of them though to make bio-diesel (Cornwall is a bit of a hub for alternative energy stuff) so maybe I should hop over the fence there?