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JudgyBitch on marital rape, killing Trudeau, and why she thinks white skin is GOLD

The self-proclaimed Judgy Bitch is back
The self-proclaimed Judgy Bitch is back

I stand corrected: In a recent post I suggested that Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, after at least two Twitter permabans, had been successfully kicked off the social media platform. As was pointed out to me shortly after I put up that post, she had already returned to Twitter with a new account. Welcome the new “Janet Bloomfield,” same as the old “Janet Bloomfield.”

I hadn’t done much more than glance at her latest account until yesterday, but it turns out she’s been keeping pretty busy. In my previous post, I discussed her thoughts on the possibility of nuking Mecca and killing all the millions of Muslims living or visiting there (she would be all in favor of it if she thought it would be “effective” against Islam).

But she has equally terrible thoughts on many other important issues of the day as well! For example, she’s been …

Calling for the murder of Canada’s Prime Minister:

Suggesting that women shouldn’t have the vote because women are more likely to file for divorce than men:

Advocating religious discrimination in the workplace:

Using the anti-gay slur favored by her Internet idol, the egotistical yet self-hating Milo Yiannopoulos:

Declaring rape in marriage to be a bit of a dick move, but not real rape:

Basically auditioning for the Klan, or whatever equivalent group they have up in Canada:

But there’s one thing she disagrees about with the proudly racist #altright: She doesn’t think that “White Genocide” is a real thing.

Of course, her reasons for this are racist as hell.

Er, what?

As I mentioned in my last post, Hardie is still listed on A Voice for Men as the site’s “Director [of] Social Media,” and she was one of the speakers at last month’s International Conference on Men’s Issues in London.


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(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

@Alan: That or the Benadryl

8 years ago

I consider internalized misogyny way more dangerous than male misogyny. Slaves maintain the slave system.

I am uncomfortable with this comment on two levels. One, misogyny is not even close to on the same level as slavery. Don’t compare them. Two, don’t shift the blame for oppression onto the oppressed just because they fall in line. Certainly don’t call that worse than the original oppressor. Women wouldn’t “correct” the unacceptable-to-the-patriarchy behavior if the patriarchy didn’t exist, and they have less power so their actions have less impact.

Dog Gone
8 years ago

So………following this idiot’s logic, it would be acceptable for a wife to drug her husband or knock him out or perhaps hold him at gun point, while she violently sodomized his ass against his will. And THAT wouldn’t be rape, because of the marital relationship?

Let’s be clear that is just one version of rape perpetrated on not only men but on women too. A spousal relationship makes no difference to rape being rape. Consent is still consent, and rape is not consensual.

I would not wish rape on anyone, but clearly this airheaded bimbo needs to spend some time raising her consciousness from one of the levels of hell to at least primitive, by perhaps serving for a considerable period of time in a rape crisis center — one where she was not allowed to express her heinous opinions.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Oh dear, I had a quick look at that Roosh-of-the-unhygenic-arse link and it all seemed pretty sad. What did amuse me was a pop up asking me to sign up for his gaming newsletter. Did he learn nothing from the Reaxxion fiasco? It really does feel like another attempt to be down with the kids, when the average gamers age is probably older than he is now.

ETA: What is grammar? Really time to get some sleep.

8 years ago


She thinks whiteness is evolutionarily favorable?

Dude, simply living closer to the equator increases our risk of skin cancer.

While it is entirely possible that simple genetic drift accounts for varying regional skin tones, this sort of thing is a perfect example of why people who talk about ‘pinnacles of evolution’ or even ‘x trait is evolutionarily favorable/unfavorable’. Whether a trait is favorable, unfavorable, or neutral in regards to the survival/propagation of any given gene pool is entirely situational, and a changing situation can totally alter which it is. For instance, while pale skin takes a beating in equatorial areas, it allows the generation of more Vitamin D from available sunlight. In cloudy northern latitudes, this may well have been evolutionarily favorable, since the problem is more often too little sun than too much. Of course, that requires understanding and taking into account context, which conservatives refuse to do. It undermines their ability to divide the world into absolutes.

8 years ago

@Dalillama: As if evolution *could* reach a pinnacle; it never stops.

8 years ago

David, please delete my comment at the top of this page. Thanks.

8 years ago


I also expected it to be her, but I was more sure when I saw the headline.

Goodness. What an awful crime. I hope they find the sicko responsible.

8 years ago

“Universal preferance for white skin”?
You might want to let your lord and saviour Oberstdumkopf Donnie Drumpf in on that secret Hardie.

Why is the hero of white nationalists a goddamn pumpkin-american?

8 years ago

Andrea Hardie: hater, blamer of others

Andy Hardy: enthusiastic, makes mistakes but learns from them, happy to make your acquaintance, tolerant

Sometimes the universe makes jokes at our expense.

PS: Unlike Andrea Hardie, Andy Hardy is an American, so he can actually vote in the upcoming election. Or he could if he weren’t fictional.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


Why is the hero of white nationalists a goddamn pumpkin-american?

You just won the thread. I for one am in favor of making Hallowe’en the official International Trump Day. Actually, not.

8 years ago


Why is the hero of white nationalists a goddamn pumpkin-american?

I’m pretty sure David doesn’t allow vegetable-American slurs. I concur with his policy.

Pumpkin adds flavor and nutrition to any dish. (Pumpkin ice cream! Yay!)

Carved pumpkin heads are either frightening or funny on the porch come Halloween.

Native Americans introduced the Pilgrims to the pumpkin.

Pumpkin plays an important role in American literature: the Headless Horseman of the Ichabod Crane story; the Great Pumpkin.

And don’t get me started on kale — the bitter green vegetable that is sweeping the nation!

8 years ago

@Dog Gone

So………following this idiot’s logic, it would be acceptable for a wife to drug her husband or knock him out or perhaps hold him at gun point, while she violently sodomized his ass against his will. And THAT wouldn’t be rape, because of the marital relationship?

Andrea Hardie had a post about that not so long ago. She claimed that she’d raped every man she slept with, and that it was all fine and good and okay with the guy. No mention of violence, of course. It was all a way to say that it’s “fine” when women do it, so CHECKMATE FEMINISTS!

Of course, she has done no such thing.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kat

We get a lot of sea kale growing on the cliffs round here; I really like it. I’m a big fan of foraging. It’s amazing what’s both edible and free (my favourite food combo)

8 years ago

@Sinkable John
Thanks folks, you’re terrific audience.

But seriously though, there should be some kind of tanning-bed awareness month, where we tell people about the dangers of exhessive tanning.

Like: skin-cancer, leathery skin, verbal diarrhéa, lack of self-awereness, obsessive-compulsive racism and an inability to distinguish oneself from a cartoon character from Jersey Shore.


8 years ago


Ah. I see now. This is a proud people, with a rich cultural heritage.

Truly the republican party has succeded in their efforts of minority outreach…

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


She claimed that she’d raped every man she slept with, and that it was all fine and good and okay with the guy. No mention of violence, of course. It was all a way to say that it’s “fine” when women do it, so CHECKMATE FEMINISTS!

Incidentally, you just summed up another one of the reasons one might have a hard time believing anyone would be willing to sleep with someone like her. Also she has a fucking crossbow.

But then again she hangs around MRAs so it’s not like red flags like being a rape apologist apply.

8 years ago


Racist “White Power” types really have no clue what they’re talking about.

People call racists ignorant for a reason.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

You just won the thread. I for one am in favor of making Hallowe’en the official International Trump Day. Actually, not.

I’m offended that you would even joke about such a sacred holiday. Or any holiday. I’m offended that Trump was ever conceived.

8 years ago

Off-topic, but not as off-topic as I’d like.

My alma mater’s Dean of Students just sent a letter to the incoming first years saying, among other things, that he does not “support so-called ‘trigger warnings’ ” or “. . . condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces. . .”

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


Not many people have the honesty to introduce themselves by admitting flat-out that they’re morons. Gotta at least give him credit for that.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Oh dear, I had a quick look at that Roosh-of-the-unhygenic-arse link and it all seemed pretty sad.

I apologize for inflicting that on anyone. In my own defense, I did post a trigger warning

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

“The debate an SJW didn’t want to happen -”

I suppose that’s…metaphorically true. I know this one didn’t, in the sense of “dear Bob in heaven, why is this in question?!

8 years ago

My partner is from northern India – try telling him that the whole sub-continent is basically a homogeneous lump of people. Too funny.
Silly, silly JB. Better not tell her who the original Aryans were 😀

8 years ago

Oh man, I didn’t realize “Oriental” was a thing anyone said anymore. I remember dating a young Chinese America woman in college and that was where I first learned that that word was considered outmoded within the Asian American community.