I stand corrected: In a recent post I suggested that Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, after at least two Twitter permabans, had been successfully kicked off the social media platform. As was pointed out to me shortly after I put up that post, she had already returned to Twitter with a new account. Welcome the new “Janet Bloomfield,” same as the old “Janet Bloomfield.”
I hadn’t done much more than glance at her latest account until yesterday, but it turns out she’s been keeping pretty busy. In my previous post, I discussed her thoughts on the possibility of nuking Mecca and killing all the millions of Muslims living or visiting there (she would be all in favor of it if she thought it would be “effective” against Islam).
But she has equally terrible thoughts on many other important issues of the day as well! For example, she’s been …
Calling for the murder of Canada’s Prime Minister:
Attention #ISISちゃん PLEASE KILL @JustinTrudeau FIRST. He's fucking gay. You don't know what that means. It's Ok. https://t.co/v88SuJIlYD
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 18, 2016
Suggesting that women shouldn’t have the vote because women are more likely to file for divorce than men:
Women destroy children and men if they are allowed. #WhyWomenShouldNotVote https://t.co/r93YL35kcX
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 24, 2016
Advocating religious discrimination in the workplace:
Get the fuck out now #FuckYourHijab #MuslimAwarenessMonth #ISIS #ElectionDayIn5Words https://t.co/FyIfQ2Y1gN
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 5, 2016
Using the anti-gay slur favored by her Internet idol, the egotistical yet self-hating Milo Yiannopoulos:
Hey did you know #Facebook will suspend you for 3 days if you call @JustinTrudeau a faggot? What a bunch of faggots. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻😂😂😂
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) July 31, 2016
Declaring rape in marriage to be a bit of a dick move, but not real rape:
I agree with @voxday Unwise to exercise your right against her wishes but there is no such thing as #MaritalRape https://t.co/uIFchEfrva
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 14, 2016
Basically auditioning for the Klan, or whatever equivalent group they have up in Canada:
Hmmm. Good question. #AltRight pic.twitter.com/6sYMt880BB
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 7, 2016
You could act like a ni**er. That would do the trick. #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/mklYJlrS24
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 11, 2016
The #FourthReich rises #Germany #AfD #MakeEuropeGreatAgain https://t.co/KkItjIqGLM
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) July 27, 2016
But there’s one thing she disagrees about with the proudly racist #altright: She doesn’t think that “White Genocide” is a real thing.
Of course, her reasons for this are racist as hell.
Universal preference for light skin means evolution will always be towards white. White is the #GoldStandard https://t.co/bDnUoZHkiF
— 🐸Deplorable Janet🐸 (@infidelchick79) August 18, 2016
Er, what?
As I mentioned in my last post, Hardie is still listed on A Voice for Men as the site’s “Director [of] Social Media,” and she was one of the speakers at last month’s International Conference on Men’s Issues in London.
White supremacists: There are huge differences between the races! Race affects cognitive ability, artistic ability, propensity to violence, and more!
Also white supremacists: Arab, non-white Latin@, same diff.
Whites are an endangered species and need special protection. But don’t worry! Evolution is going to make everyone white.
I’m so freaking pissed! Seeing this, and also what just happened to Leslie Jones.
There needs to be real life consequences for people who spew all this hate online and engage in cyber harassment.
Aren’t they breaking some discrimination laws or something??
In Australia there was video footage of this person racially abusing someone on the train. Later on she was brought before a judge and charged.
The same should happen to Janet Bloomfield and people like her.
@RCMPAlberta and @edmontonpolice exist. >:D
And it’s still wrong. Like, I’m a nerd. Massive. My nerdiness, not my body volume. I like demographics. It’s interesting to me. There are not even close to 1.4b black people. Unless you’re counting any and every dark skinned person, but then why not count every light skinned person as white? Maybe 1b if you stretch the definition to the breaking point. What’s left over after taking the non ‘other’ groups out is in the billions. None of these numbers add up. These are the people who’ll try to tell you that 80,000% of dead white people are killed by black people. It’s in a sinister chart, so it must be true
(Of course, people don’t fit into clean categories. Plenty of overlap, so there might be 1.4b black people. Tho, if you’re a white supremacist, you reject all that. So, like, pick one)
I guess those would be lumped in “other” together with Arabic-speaking Latin Americans and Spanish-speaking Middle Easterners.
I would, if it were effective against sockpuppeting.
Wait, you’re telling me Heat street had a debate where Vox Day basically said ‘Yeh marital rape isnt real’ and Hest street were like ‘Yeh take that SJWs’?
This can’t be good
I notice that according to JB, men and white people manage to be superior and responsible for all the good things yet are simotaneously oppressed minorities.
That’s an impressive a mount of double think.
I have to second what everyone else said about Latte Cat’s comment. Don’t… do that, please. Some of us have been through abuse as children, and none of us are JudgyBitch. Abuse doesn’t automatically turn people into assholes, and people don’t need abuse to become assholes : they’re the only ones ultimately responsible for that.
Denialism, maybe ? It’s not uncommon for them to pretend that their precious white man never, y’know, killed off a lot of pretty much everyone else. They often bloat figures just to support that point.
Find a way to have her deported to France, make her a citizen here. We’ll take care of the rest, trust us.
Our laws are much, much stricter on what constitutes hate speech. I don’t fully agree with it on principle, but principle only applies in a perfect world so we’ll make do with what we got now. It’s only ever had positive effects on our own fascistoid dipshits. Mostly they’re fucking quieter.
Not sure that is what it means but Louise Mensch’s replies to Vox are in parts less than admirable. And outright ridiculous in others.
I’m guessing having the Bible as your guide with regards to what constitutes rape is no guarantee for getting it right.
She also claims Galileo was burnt at the stake by Catholics. What kind of an ignoramus doesn’t know that simply never happened?
Bruno Giordano, yes. Not Galileo.
TW: Child Abuse
JB herself used to have a post about what childhood experiences “taught” her what she knows about men and women and feminism. Her feminist mother divorced JB’s father and then bad-mouthed him to the kids, she ended up hating both her parents for a while then “reconnected” with her father and learned everything was her mother’s fault. She also said both her parents physically abused her, if I remember correctly.
The blog post seems to be deleted, if you’re interested I found a post on a forum called “freejinger” that discusses the contents of the post.
Careful, they are kind of snarky most times and can be quite nasty sometimes when they dislike people.
She must have deleted it only a short time ago, because I remember reading it a month or so ago… Anyway, maybe that’s where LatteCat got her opinion from, because JB herself used to say she was abused and that’s why she is this way…
Anyway, not having had the most perfect childhood myself, I still don’t think it’s okay to claim that as an excuse. As you said, plenty of people with actually pretty horrible lives manage to be decent people. And what I got from that post both her parents acted shitty, she just completely blames her mother and “feminism”.
And she has two daughters, one a young teen. Which makes you sick when you think about how she advocates for example things like “conscription” for pregnancy for young women and then when one of her creepy commenters says something like: “And it should be okay to rape them if they don’t want”, she answers: “I like that idea.” I seriously hope her daughter never sees that. Quite apart from the fact that the whole thing was a bit to close to Lebensborn ideology to not be scary…
ETA: Not entirely sure, but if this post is out of line, too, delete it right along with the other one please! I just thought this might help stop speculation?
Gosh. Graphs really work well getting your point across if you just throw in all the data that works against your point in as “OTHER”.
I forgot something above.
If I were to say: “No matter what your experiences are, being an asshole is a choice!”, would that be disrespectful towards any kind of survivor by minimizing the impact their experiences had on their lives?
That’s what I would intuitively say to people like JB, but I’m never sure about this and I know I was really privileged in how much help I got with my own issues, so. I don’t want to hurt anyone by minimizing their experiences.
As always, I can only speak from my own experience, but maybe this will help.
I drift into asshole mode pretty often, and mental health issues as well as past experiences can in part be blamed for those events. Additionally, I eventually end up realizing how much of an asshole I’ve been, and apologize for it, and basically spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it.
I don’t think I’m an asshole of JB’s caliber – especially since it seems to be her default setting. (that goes for the whole alt-right movement, by the way)
Hope that helps with the distinction.
“Evolution will always be towards white” but there are less white people now then before, so…evidently evolution didn’t get the memo? Or she’s spouting off nonsense to get a reaction/attention?
Yeah, probably the second one.
When you make an effort to inflict your assholish ways on the world (i.e. registering for multiple Twitter accounts), then, yes, it is indeed a choice.
I’m surprised no one said anything yet about how the chart refers to “ethnic minorities” but it is clearly addressing only race. It’s a breathtaking display of ignorance to lump all “Orientals” into one group and claim we’re discussing ethnicity.
Even without that hilarious “other” category and the extremely questionable numbers, the chart fails on the most fundamental level. Somehow it’s not surprising that JB thinks it’s making a fair point!
Moe is a disease.
Awww, Jandrea sweetie. No matter how scared and angry you get, the world isn’t going to stop changing around you.
A history of abuse in childhood is common among people with personality disorders. That is not saying “abuse automatically makes people assholes” or “all abused children grow up to have personality disorders.” It’s not saying “all mentally ill people (or even all personality-disordered people) are bigots.”
(I’m mentally ill, in case anyone’s keeping score.)
The lumping together of Arab and non-white Hispanic is just…what? You’d think even a rabid racist would spot that flaw. And what about Brazilians who are non-white? They’re not on the Indian subcontinent but they’re also not Hispanic. Further, the entirety of Central/South America is racially diverse but I’d bet large sums of real money I don’t have that people like JB wouldn’t consider anyone hailing from Central/South America to be white even though many would pass as white (in the estimation of racists) until they spoke.
Maybe it’s because Hispanics-as-in-Spanish were contaminated back in the days of al-Andalus?
This is sort of an ideological death spiral you see from a lot of “edgy” folks. They start by bucking “political correctness” to get attention as “truth telling free thinkers”, only to find that attention fading when people categorize them. Some snag on the remaining fibers of their moral compass and stop dropping into the abyss, some get in a fight with their new allies and push off in a new direction, and some become true believers and spiral into… well… that.
Yes, it helped. Thank you for answering.
That was my first thought as well. Just wanted to make sure, but it seems I’m not the only one who thinks like this. Thanks.
Plus it’s extremely peculiar, in terms of “racial” classification, to lump together everybody in the South Asian subcontinent as “Indian and other”. There’s at least much variation in skin color and other physical characteristics among South Asian people as there is between white and black Americans:
“White”-looking child from Pakistan
“Asian/Oriental”-looking child from Ladakh
“Indian”-looking child from central India
“Black”-looking child from Sri Lanka
Racist “White Power” types really have no clue what they’re talking about.