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JudgyBitch on marital rape, killing Trudeau, and why she thinks white skin is GOLD

The self-proclaimed Judgy Bitch is back
The self-proclaimed Judgy Bitch is back

I stand corrected: In a recent post I suggested that Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, after at least two Twitter permabans, had been successfully kicked off the social media platform. As was pointed out to me shortly after I put up that post, she had already returned to Twitter with a new account. Welcome the new “Janet Bloomfield,” same as the old “Janet Bloomfield.”

I hadn’t done much more than glance at her latest account until yesterday, but it turns out she’s been keeping pretty busy. In my previous post, I discussed her thoughts on the possibility of nuking Mecca and killing all the millions of Muslims living or visiting there (she would be all in favor of it if she thought it would be “effective” against Islam).

But she has equally terrible thoughts on many other important issues of the day as well! For example, she’s been …

Calling for the murder of Canada’s Prime Minister:

Suggesting that women shouldn’t have the vote because women are more likely to file for divorce than men:

Advocating religious discrimination in the workplace:

Using the anti-gay slur favored by her Internet idol, the egotistical yet self-hating Milo Yiannopoulos:

Declaring rape in marriage to be a bit of a dick move, but not real rape:

Basically auditioning for the Klan, or whatever equivalent group they have up in Canada:

But there’s one thing she disagrees about with the proudly racist #altright: She doesn’t think that “White Genocide” is a real thing.

Of course, her reasons for this are racist as hell.

Er, what?

As I mentioned in my last post, Hardie is still listed on A Voice for Men as the site’s “Director [of] Social Media,” and she was one of the speakers at last month’s International Conference on Men’s Issues in London.


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Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

She actually has some sort of social disorder. Maybe her mother abused her growing up. Either way, she has some serious issues. No normal thinking person behaves the way she does or says the things she does. What’s even more sickening is the fact she has children, and at least one is a girl as far as I know. Imagine being raised in such a poisonous environment.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

I’m more of a fractional-reserve whitey myself.

Berdache from a previous life
Berdache from a previous life
8 years ago

Universal preference for white skin? Since when? Judging by all the couples I see with radically different skin tones in the two people, looks likes it’s hardly universal among people with white skin, much less the rest of the world.

Love to know if she has any “facts” to back that up or if it’s just her making up stuff as she goes along.

8 years ago

What in the serious hell?

She realized somebody was arrested for threatening to kill Trudeau two weeks ago.

And he was associated with that group Soldiers of Odin.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

@Latte Cat:
I didn’t know she had a daughter. That poor girl; do we know if anyone can do anything for her?

Regardless, I’m going to have to disagree with you and cite the comments policy on something you mentioned: please do not internet-diagnose people with disordered behaviour. There are many perfectly healthy people who believe what she believes (once upon a time, a significant chunk of the nation that I was born in, for example.)

8 years ago

I’m not sure it’s entirely accurate to group different ethnicities together (“Arab & Other – including non white Hispanics”) to fabricate a racial group, then claim “White” is the smallest.

OTOH, given that the entire notion of race is a social construct, maybe she has every right to make up her own definitions. At least she’s included the definition for our edification.

Can we all start making up our own arbitrary categories of people, or is it just her?

8 years ago

Reading anything by/about JudgyBitch arouses in me a desperate longing to study and better understand human psychology.

As the psychiatrist says in the relevant Fawlty Towers episode re. one of Basil’s many self-inflicted kerfuffles: “there’s enough material there to fill an entire conference!”

8 years ago

Latte Cat, please no armchair diagnoses. Lots of people are abuse survivors and manage not to be antagonistic jerks like Bloomfield.

Does anyone know wtf “ISISchan” is supposed to mean? I studied Japanese and know what the -chan form of address is, but not what the significance is here. Anime Nazis making a joke?

8 years ago

Yeah, sure, white skin is the gold standard, but just try trading some skins for goods and people get all upset and use hurtful words like ‘serial killer’.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Attention #ISISちゃん PLEASE KILL @JustinTrudeau FIRST. He’s fucking gay. You don’t know what that means. It’s Ok.

She does know that they don’t have Twitter in prison, right?

(Hey, David, can you delete Latte Cat’s post? I’m trying not to dogpile them, but as someone who’s a mentally ill child abuse survivor yet decidedly not a bigoted, murderous asshole… Yeah.)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Arabs number about 400m, and all MENA peoples only ~800. But sure, 1.1b. Same thing really… And I like (/s) how ‘Oriental’, south Asian, white, and black are categories alongside Arab. As if that makes any fuckin sense. Also, so we’re just not gonna talk about indigenous Americans or Pacific islanders? Don’t wanna mess with your victim complex? Aight, just askin…

Re: marital rape
OK, so it’s sex against someone’s wishes. And it’s illegal. But it’s not rape. Cos reasons? Ignoring whether or not it should be illegal (ABSO FUCKIN LUTELY), it definitely is. So you can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. It does, and, if you do it, don’t be surprised when burly types with sticks throw you in a cage

Re: white skin
[citation needed]

I super wish I couldn’t read kana right about now. Cleanse that knowledge from my mind. “ISIS-chan” makes my brain cry

8 years ago

I second SFHC’s request.

8 years ago

This leaky ziplock baggie of bile and excrement makes me embarrassed to be an Albertan. Fortunately, even here in the redneck capital of the redneck province, the annual white power rally at city hall is attended only by a few idiots, and counter protested by many times their number. I don’t know how she could call herself a minority though, given the ethnic demographics of Alberta:
(These are self described so there is considerable overlap, but basically in a population of 3.2 million, 3 million are accounted for by the first three categories – European origin, Britush Isles origin, and English.)

J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
8 years ago

@Mel’s –

“ISISchan” is probably a reference related to 4chan, At least that’s my guess.

8 years ago

I am sorry for the children of JudgyBitch, especially for the daughter. Her mother will most probably transmit her internalized misogyny to her. So the potential the poor kid had that doesn’t revolves around kitchen work and raising children, will never be discovered by her.

And the daughter of JudgyBitch will probably transmit it to her own daughters.

I consider internalized misogyny way more dangerous than male misogyny. Slaves maintain the slave system.

On the other note, it is good that JudgyBitch “spits” her poison again. She thinks what the MRA/MGTOW think and says it out loudly. And what she says isn’t pretty to hear to the average person. She does more good for us than we think.

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago

All in favor of nuking this account from orbit?

8 years ago

In the light of calls for Latte Cat’s post to be deleted, I may need to clarify my own comment.

There’s no reason to believe JudgyBitch is mentally ill.

But I do wonder what kind of psychology (for want of a better term) makes a person (like JB and her followers) choose the wrong side of clear-cut arguments so consistently and forcefully.

Why is it that what are clear, open and shut cases makes certain people come up with the exact wrong position?

That’s the spirit of my previous comment.

8 years ago


Does anyone know wtf “ISISchan” is supposed to mean? I studied Japanese and know what the -chan form of address is, but not what the significance is here. Anime Nazis making a joke?

Fucking disrespectful is what it is. Should definitely be ISIS-sama.

And yes, pretty sure this is Anime Nazism. But why is that a thing?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

*Dries brain tears… mostly*

8 years ago

AFAIK, ISIS-chan is a moe anthropomorphism (google it) of ISIS made by people from 2channel (basically the Japanese equivalent of 4chan). The goal was to flood google searches for ISIS with pictures of ISIS-chan, and try and drown out their propaganda.

Not sure why Hardie is referencing this, though.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


I thought that was weird too. According to that chart, Native American and First Nation people are more numerous than Europeans. Huh?

8 years ago

I sent a link to one of her earlier posts directly to @twitter. She’s still here. I doubt anything will happen if i show them her encouraging murder… again. That site continues to be a joke.

8 years ago


Arabs number about 400m, and all MENA peoples only ~800. But sure, 1.1b. Same thing really… And I like (/s) how ‘Oriental’, south Asian, white, and black are categories alongside Arab.

I laughed out loud at “Arab + Other.” Like, yes, of course white people will make up the smallest group if you take all of the smaller groups and combine them.

@Flora, I share your Albertan embarrassment. Albertassment?

8 years ago

In my experience I find that people who hold bigoted views like hardie have had easy lives and have a lot of privilege and generally have had a shelteted life. That said I don’t get this idea of jumping to explain WHY someone thinks the things they think, rather than talking about WHAT they think. Just cos someone suffered or didn’t suffer never excuses horrible views and behaviours.

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