creepy empathy deficit entitled babies gloating lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit TROOOOLLLL? yeah that's the ticket

Reddit MGTOW: It “feels good” my ex-wife was murdered


So today some anonymous someone posted an almost certainly bullshit story on Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way subreddit claiming that he just learned that his ex-wife (and mother to his children) had been murdered — and that he was feeling pretty happy about it.

Found out my wife had an affair, left her, she divorced, find out today she's been murdered. (self.MGTOW) submitted 6 hours ago * by [deleted] I was gone the week and the weekend. If I have to guess it was the other guy. Feels good actually. Was not so fun being arrested and questioned, but I'm out. Had an alibi; my entire family. Pretty sick though. I have a feeling I'd on my way to be doing time if I'd just gone away alone like I'd planned to. Am I a bad man for being happy with this? Probably. But she said this word for word last we spoke "I'm going to take our children and the house is mine, our children are staying in what's going to be my house, you're going to be bought out and leave or never see our children again"

Nothing about the story rings true, but Reddit’s MGTOWs, who like nothing so much as hearing about allegedly evil women getting their comeuppance, were happy to take all these alleged facts on faith — and, in many cases, even happier to have a chance to crow over the death of a “c*nt.”

fruguy 5 points 2 hours ago Am I a bad man for being happy with this? No. After what she did and said to you, good riddance to the piece of sh*t.

Noomene 2 points 3 hours ago Happy for you brother.

lonewolf-chicago 1 point an hour ago Dude, You are living my dream. Whether or not its true... I blame no man for being happy if a spouse says that type of thing. Mine said almost exactly that - actually worse. No remorse over here.


RowdyBusch 1 point 59 minutes ago Congrats!

Someone called justaskingman7 acknowledged that the situation might be a little rough for the children of the allegedly murdered woman, but, hey, she was probably a crappy mother anyway.

justaskingman7 13 points 5 hours ago Eh, sucks on a few levels (kids being the most important) but then again, she sounds like a c*nt so maybe they are better off - who knows. Just move on and be the best dad you can be for the kiddos and don't fall into the same trap twice, or else it's definitely your fault.

Divorcedbp suggested that her death was nothing to celebrate — but also the equivalent of winning the lottery.


MGTOWs sometimes show up in the comments here at WHTM, asking why feminists are so critical of men like them who just want to lead independent lives with no financial or emotional entanglements with women. This is why. MGTOW has never actually been about men “going their own way.” It has always been about providing a space for misogynistic men to reinforce and even revel in their hatred of women.

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8 years ago

Oh yes, you are a bad man for being happy that your ex-wife is dead.

Which is probably a bullshit story.

In which case, you are a bad man for making up a vile story.

I never wished my father, who badmouthed my mother, were dead. I just wished he would disappear.

Maybe your kids feel the same way.

ETA: I tried several times to post a comment on “Fight for the Real Victims of Prostitution” with no luck.

8 years ago


Maybe it’s quibbling, but the “protagonist” in this bullshit dreamt up scenario doesn’t come out and say his ex deserved it. It’s left to the comments to say it.

8 years ago

Why do these guys find this such a pleasing thought, having your ex-wife murdered?

My sister’s ex once said to her he’d gotten to know people that would gladly murder her for money if he wanted. In his case it was most certainly bullshit but I guess he just wanted her to know that he hated her enough to consider it a viable scenario. (Also, he’s incapable of saving up money, so…)

8 years ago

True, but he does the wishy washy “should I feel good about something I know you all will agree with?” He knew exactly what kind of response he would get from something so trite. I honestly can only laugh and mock, this is the TvTropes of edgy writing. If this was real I’d hope the kids grow up to know exactly what type of father they unfortunately got.

Since I highly doubt any of these people are married, it’s mostly a revenge fantasy of getting back at a symbol of society that wronged you somehow.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

So… bullshitting a story about being happy your ex-wife was murdered basically amounts to wishing it would actually happen, right ? That’s extra freaking worrying, and also eerily familiar.


Was there a /link command in your post ? I had trouble with those yesterday, they seemed to prevent me from posting at all (although I did manage to post one later). Could be what’s giving you trouble.

8 years ago

@Sinkable John

Yeah, there were some links.

Maybe I’ll try again later and leave out the links.


8 years ago

@Sinkable John
It’s like taking those stories where you got back at the bullies in junior high, then taking it to its logical conclusion.

snork maiden
8 years ago

I call bullshit, he’s too blase about the children.

If this were true he’d either have his traumatized kids staying with him, or they’d be with relatives and he’d be fighting to see them, either way he wouldn’t have time to gloat on the internet.

8 years ago

“Yay an ex partner of mine was brutally murdered woo”

Yeah, I’m sure joint custody would have worked out just great :^)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


As a kid I spent two years or so in joint custody, with shit of that caliber happening pretty much every week. That includes the asshole telling my mom he’d “send her to the psychiatric ward”.

Seems like this MGTOW asshole didn’t get custody at all, and I’m really glad for those kids.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

I thought MGTOWs and MRAs were always bitching that their ex-wives took all their money and then demanded alimony. This guy (assuming the story is real) says his wife was going to/did buy out his half of the house! Poor baby-man only gets his half of the home’s equity. If the story’s true, I hope the divorce was done prior to the murder of the mother of his children — he shouldn’t be allowed to touch a penny of her estate.

8 years ago

Gawd, seriously. My ex did some spectacularly cruel things to me, including trying to take my son away, and was generally shitty about everything in regard to the divorce. We don’t even speak now, because he’s angry about something or other. Whatever.

I don’t wish death on him, and if he died or heaven forbid was murdered I would be very sad. This was a man I loved and who is a brilliant musician and I admired so many things about him, and he helped make a completely awesome kid. I’m not going to turn around and dance on his grave because he left me, or was cruel to me, or even because he tried to take my kid away from me. Despite what he did to me, I don’t think he deserves to be murdered.

Possibly I’m soft on this issue, but seriously, I could not bring myself to celebrate, at all.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


All in all, they are maybe the kind of persons who can enjoy the death of anybody as long it is not their.
I find this lack of empathy… disturbing.

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

I always thought MGTOWs were by far the worst of the manospherians, but this is just… ugh… so chilling. It’s hard to believe people can actually be like this. Makes me saaaad

8 years ago

They don’t really seem to know the difference between fiction and real life. Or, say, a video game: the only real person involved is the player, and “children” and such are just points in a storyline that you can forget about when it is convenient for you. Also killing someone only lasts until you restart the game.

I wish they would sit on a lonely island with a fake internet where they interact only with bots, they probably wouldn’t even know the difference…

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

Paradoxy, calling in from her layover in her new timezone:

I have actually wished death upon two people in my life: my abuser, and his mother, who caught him in the act and tried to convince me that my family loved him more than me, enough to send me away if they knew, to keep me silent.

I would be pleased at the news, though I still feel enough awareness to feel sorry for their family, including the sibs, as he is their bio father.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

For real tho, where’s that fake MGTOW internet? Like, whadda we gotta do to make that happen? Fuck it, where’s our fake internet? Readit, Chirrup, Hibrary, etc. Ya know, for decent human beings. I’ll take the loss of being on the ‘knockoff’ web to not hafta see these assholes everywhere…

8 years ago

Even if this is just a fantasy and their mother is still alive and happy, poor kids. Nobody deserves a father like that.

I like to think that absolutely all of this is a fantasy and that the poster is a bitter man who never got married or had children in the first place. It certainly sounds like he doesn’t know the first thing about divorce proceedings and is just operating off of what he’s read from TRP, considering that he seems to think that his ex can just kick him out of his house and keep his children from him without any kind of effort or legal proceeding.

8 years ago

I want to meet the lawyer who said “Go ahead and post on the internet that you’re happy about this murder you’re a suspect for.”

8 years ago


I like to think that absolutely all of this is a fantasy and that the poster is a bitter man who never got married or had children in the first place.

That’s what I think about the poster and the commenters. They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

Each one of them, I believe, would have lots of nightmares about an ex getting murdered.

And then the guy would have to explain it to his kids and deal with that emotional fallout. . . .

Regardless of whether this narrative is a reality or a fantasy, like dust bunny, I hope that the poster and the commenters suddenly realize how vile their words are.

@ikanreed: Ha!

8 years ago

I’m in agreement that this story is made up whole cloth.

The manosphere is all about misogynist dudes sharing fantasies and preforming for one another.

PeeVee the Sarcastic
PeeVee the Sarcastic
8 years ago

I didn’t read the whole post, because it sickened me, but I was under the impression that the OP deleted his account?

Smells like BS to me.

8 years ago

Can we talk about what his wife supposedly said that marks her as deserving of death?

I’m going to take our children and the house is mine, our children are staying in what’s going to be my house, you’re going to be bought out and leave or never see our children again

Alright. So, in essence, she’s saying 2 things: 1) that she wants majority, but not exclusive, physical custody of the kids, and 2) that he should be the one who has to move.

Now, she’s not saying she should just be given the house, because something something bitches something something taking all my money; she’s saying that she should be the one to buy out his share. Somebody is going to have to buy out somebody’s share, unless Prince MGTOW up there was planning that the two of them live together for the rest of their lives. Ex-wife wants him to have to move, and for that, it’s cool if she dies. MGTOW obviously wants her to have to move. Does he also deserve to be murdered?

Her reason for wanting to stay in the house appears to be connected to point 1): She wants the kids to live with her most of the time, and she wants them to stay in the house that they’re already living in. That’s… pretty damn reasonable? He’s obviously not qualified to be the primary caregiver: the man is fantasizing about his children’s other parent dying and he’s showing absolutely no concern for how that could harm them. Not exactly Daddy of the Year material. And trying to minimize the impact of the divorce on the kids by not uprooting them is an example of responsible parenting.

Of course, she caps it all off with a shitty threat. I can actually believe that she might have made that threat, and I can agree that it’s a pretty awful thing to say. People say some heinous, unforgivable stuff in acrimonious divorces sometimes, from what I understand. But she can’t follow through on it, unless she has evidence of child abuse. It’s just shitty, vindictive words she’s flinging out to hurt him. She doesn’t deserve to die for that.

Daughter of Bilitis
8 years ago

My mother left my father when I was three years old; she knew I wouldn’t grow up happy in that household, with her miserable and my father being my… father.

The thing about some divorced men like my father is that they thrive off bitterness and the hatred of their past spouse. (And this goes for some divorced women, as well, I know one who’s one of the worst women I’ve met.) Who knows what he says about my mom; he likely claims to people she was cheating on him because he doesn’t know why she left him. He certainly blames all my supposed short-comings on her because she split up the family.

I am certainly biased because of this; I mistrust divorced men and the reasons why they were divorced. Because things aren’t always seem the way they are on the surface. My dad hates the fact that my mom has primary care and portrays her as, basically, a c***. But in reality, my mom ran away because he’s abusive and she was unhappy. She ran away to protect me, as well. (Though I still fear he will hurt us more). In retaliation, he took all their money for himself, leaving her essentially homeless. It took her four years to actually divorce him because of his stubbornness. He still withholds checks he owes her. Etc. Not to mention he’s likely the root of all my mental health problems, including my androphobia.

In short… I’m less than surprised that these men rejoice over the death, even the fantasy of it, of their ex-wife. And honestly, I would give most of their ex-wives the benefit of the doubt.

8 years ago

I’m in the process of getting divorced. We’re in mediation because dividing up debt and stuff is complicated and neither of us feel comfortable doing this on our own.

As to taking someone’s house, here is the truth: If my estranged husband came in the house and decided to throw the dining room chairs through the windows, he legally could. Because this is still our house. It is not his residence, but it is his property. Detangling your possessions is not so simple as moving out.

Happily, when he spends evenings with the kids while I’m at work, he doesn’t do that.

These guys wouldn’t believe this but my ex pays no child support. The judge has not ruled yet but she has advised us that she sees the children’s care as already sufficiantly provided for. I agree. I have some issues with how other things are being handled, but when it comes to the kids, he’s doing his best. Everybody is trying to make the best of it and frankly, I think the kids like having two homes. We are lucky enough to live near enough to one another that the kids can rides bikes between our places.
Ideal, right?
Its a struggle. You have to make an effort to have a good relationship with your ex when you have a family together. If you didn’t have a good relationship when you broke up, you have to build one post break up. It’s tedious, unpleasent, grown up shit.

…or I guess you could just hope they get murdered. If thats how you solve your problems. Here, we have mandatory parenting classes and I met some sad people grieving horrible break ups there. People were so stressed a were going through so much. Nobody was like, “You know what would make this better? Murder.” Most people know that murder in the family isn’t a good thing.

Could I deny visitation to try to force my ex to pay up? No. I do not have the right to deny him reasonable visitation with the kids. If I tried the court would get involved. Visitation rights are not tied to child support payments in any way. In my state all parents share custody regardless of who the children live with most often, unless a special exception needs to be made.