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Fake sci-fi boys cry salty tears over Puppies defeat at the Hugo Awards

N.K. Jemisin: Winner
N.K. Jemisin: Winner

So the Hugo awards happened. And last night was a pretty decisive defeat for the would-be awardwreckers behind the Sad and Rabid Puppies’ slates, and for Rabid Puppies ringmaster Theodore “Vox Day” Beale in particular: not only did his slate fail to crack the awards (aside from two nominees who didn’t need his help to win), but he also saw his longtime nemesis N.K. Jemisin take the top award for her novel The Fifth Season.

Teddy Baby is trying his best to spin the defeat as a victory (“we have the SF-SJWs exactly where we want them at this point in time”) but even the fake sci-fi boys on Reddit’s gamergate hangout KotakuInAction can see what happened. And they are indeed sad little puppies about it.

Here are some of their highly edifying reactions:

YESmovementLaci Green raped me. 5 points 12 hours ago  So was NK Jemisin the best author this year or are they doing exactly what they're shitting on the Puppies for doing? permalinkembedsavereportreply [–]BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points 10 hours ago  No, she is the best black woman of the year. That is what matters. permalinkembedsaveparentreportreply [–]alexdrac 4 points 8 hours ago  Black woman writes about "climate change". What more could they want ? I stopped caring what other people think of sci-fi writers when i gave Ursula le Guan (?) a try. The internet was all "omg, such great sci-fi. and from a woman, no less". Well, i couldn't be bothered to finish the book, because it was painfully obvious that it was a book written by a woman for women. The main character (a guy) was going through all kinds of shit, but it seemed his only concern was with the feelings of someone or another. 90% of his inner dialogue was what women think men should be thinking about more.

(I had to cross out YESmovement’s Reddit flair because it was a rape joke.)

And then there was this ever-so-slightly ironic comment.

GG_Number_9 12 points 11 hours ago*  I don't think they realize, that by awarding Hugos based on sex and skin color, and not if the author can actually write a coherent sentence. They are basically telling SF fans to avoid books that get a Hugo award. I read somewhere that the average SF reader is getting older and older, because they have trouble attracting new readers. As a kid I read authors like Asimov and Herbert, but I have to wonder if books about Captain Homo's gay adventures on planet Diversity, is something that attracts all that many new readers.

Hey, speak for yourself, dude. The only science fiction, er, books I’ve read in ages have been Chuck Tingle’s Pounded By The Pound: Turned Gay By The Socioeconomic Implications Of Britain Leaving The European Union and My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass.

But I do like the irony inherent in lambasting unnamed authors for not being able to “write a coherent sentence” in a group of words that is not actually a sentence.

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NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
8 years ago

anent the “ladies under pseudonyms” topic:

Probably most of you know this already, but it’s kind of a moot point; this has already happened.

For pretty much the entirety of the 20th century, most female Sci-Fi authors wrote under either outright male or plausibly androgynous names; sometimes this was mere good fortune( ‘Leigh’ and ‘Marion’, for instance, are gender-neutral names) and sometimes a pseudonym but in either case this was primarily because otherwise editors and publishers wouldn’t even read their work. This was true right through the ’60’s and into the mid-’70’s. It really wasn’t until the ’80’s that the major publishers got over their terror of publishing female authors and started marketing science fiction and fantasy to women directly.

A lot of these authors were able to ‘come out’ once they’d proven their writing ability and gained some name recognition. Here’s a short-and-by-no-means-comprehensive list of female sci-fi authors/pen names from the 1920’s on:

Alice Mary Norton/Andre Norton, Andrew North
Greye La Spina
C.L. Moore
Gertrude Barrows Bennett/Francis Stephens
Leigh Brackett
Dorothy Fontana/D. C. Fontana
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Janet Asimov/J. O. Jeppson
Alice Sheldon/James Tiptree, Jr.
Patricia Jo Clayton/Jo Clayton
Carolyn Janice Cherry/C.J. Cherryh

Robert Silverberg famously came under fire for using James Tiptree as an example of a ‘true (masculine) science fiction author’ during an argument where he was positing that women didn’t write good science fiction. When ‘Tiptree’ was revealed as a female author, he had to walk back a lot of his rhetoric, and he wasn’t the only one. (Shaenon can probably talk more authoritatively about this subject than I)

Wikipedia’s ‘List of female science fiction authors, by the way, is a wonderful rabbit-hole to go down. Find it here:

tl;dr, a lot of these nimrods probably already do like ‘diverse’ golden-age science fiction, they’re just google-averse.

8 years ago

If you enjoy books from Baen publishers ( scifi / fantasy, generally competes with Tor ) you can get their books in many formats directly from their Webscription website. No DRM. I still have my account from back when it was called webscription ( you can still type in but it’s here now and you’ll be redirected ), and I can still download every single purchase without worry or being locked into a format.

Baen did it right a long time ago and I’ve been rather happy with them for that. Otherwise basically limited to Smashwords / etc and / or Calibre + *cough cough unintelligible muttering about addons to fix Amazon DRM cough cough*

8 years ago

As an addendum to NiOg’s observation:

JK Rowling is known to us as JK and not Joanne because she let her publisher convince her that boys wouldn’t read her work if they thought it was written by a woman. The first HP book came out in 1997.

More on topic:

I’m super happy for NK Jemison. I just finished The Fifth Season and I’m now beside myself waiting for my library to get hold of the sequel and/or any of her other work.

On the subject of douchebros railing against “forced” diversity: Diversity is not forced. It’s what happens when you stop forcing homogeneity.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Speaking of fiction writing, can you say (in US English) that a car is “officer issue” when it’s been given to a high military officer for job-related personal transport? I wasn’t entirely sure about this.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

This thread is becoming amazing. WHTM needs a new Books thread, with a link to this one.


Funnily enough I always assumed/knew Marion Zimmer Bradley to be a woman, without ever doing any more research, because LANGUAGE. In french, Marion is a strictly female name, not gender neutral*. I loved her Avalon series, by the way. Still have it on hand in case I wanna reread it.

*Although maybe that explains why her books are pretty much unknown here, come to think of it…

8 years ago

I can no longer bring myself to read Marion Zimmer Bradley. (It’s not pretty, possibly triggery.)

8 years ago

Wait, the Puppies are still a thing? Man, they’re just clinging on for grim death aren’t they

Oh, I think they’ll cling on for another year or two before they get bored. Even though they don’t get any of their candidates selected, they can taint the awards for that year and that’s enough for them. They will, eventually, run out of steam, I think. The whole thing is so pointless, even internet manbabies will not be able to sustain themselves on petulance alone.

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

…only concern is what women think men should be thinking about more…

I’ll, uh, just leave this plot summary of Gravity’s Rainbow here, then, shall I? It’s well-written, I think, but I wonder if it can be considered quite gender-neutral.

And let’s not forget, the utopia these fellows strive for was detailed in “The Screwfly Solution,” written by James Tiptree (who turned out to be a woman) under a further pseudonym.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


I read about that right after I posted, while doing the homework I knew I should’ve been doing years ago.

“Separate the art from the artist” they say. I find that increasingly difficult to do as years go by…

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

If I manage to live through the day without throwing up from stress, I will consider today a victory.

I’m thinking I’m going to have to get rid of a majority of my stuff, considering I have a 50 lbs per box limit, and my bathroom scale is kind of wonky so I literally have no idea what weight my boxes are.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


No more beer to sacrifice in cheers but I reiterate my support for what it’s worth.

(it was damn good beer, surely it can count twice ?)

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Yep, talk is Disney fucked her head up pretty bad…


Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago
8 years ago

Sod pseudonyms. No one writes a legal text book for the money; its just a kudos/CV thing

Do the authors actually get paid in the UK? The series that gets the most use at my workplace doesn’t pay authors anything, it’s exclusively a CV thing. You get one free copy of the book, temporary free access to the electronic version, and a “certificate of publication”.

ETA: Another listed benefit is that if you are the general editor, your name will appear on the spine/cover. Seriously.

8 years ago

@ Lorcan Nagle

Seriously, I’ve seen the most amazing criticisms of the Imperial Radtch trilogy, including it being man-hating[1], that you can’t tell if it’s science fiction or fantasy (and that came from a professional writer!)[2], that it undermines military SF as a genre because a soldier cries[3], and they talk about drinking tea[4].

1) just… lolwhut.

2) there’s literally nothing magical/fantastical in there…? i mean, there are a lot of books in the “any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” genre that sits halfway between scifi and fantasy (I’d put 5th season into this category), but The Radch Trilogy has none of that. this is fucking ridiculous.

3) oh noes, real portrayal of real humans with real emotions and PTSD.

4) but… the British Empire… and feudal Japan…

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
8 years ago
Reply to  Jadehawk

1) just… lolwhut.

Well, nobody is referred to as male (except Seviarden is described as ‘obviously male’ at the start when Breq finds her naked in the street, but let’s not bring details into things), so obviously Leckie is a RARR RARR SJW FEMINAZI MESSAGEFIC RARR

2) there’s literally nothing magical/fantastical in there…? i mean, there are a lot of books in the “any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” genre that sits halfway between scifi and fantasy (I’d put 5th season into this category), but The Radch Trilogy has none of that. this is fucking ridiculous.

As best anyone who read that criticism can tell, it’s because a tavern is mentioned in the first chapter, and they’re called bars or pubs in contemporary or SF?

3) oh noes, real portrayal of real humans with real emotions and PTSD.

4) but… the British Empire… and feudal Japan…

I know, I know

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ maisrechat

With the MOD stuff it all falls under a general contract I have with them to lecture on law and policy. So I don’t get anything extra for writing ‘JSPs’ as they call them (‘Joint Service Publications’); it’s all part of the remit.

With ‘civvie’ publications I usually clear a few hundred quid. That just about pays for the ink cartridges.

I was asked to write the new armed forces law manual when they introduced the new Armed Forces Act (the author of the previous version had snuffed it). But as I put it at the time “It’ll take a year to write, you’ll put (dead guy’s) name on the cover and it’ll be read by 50 people; most of whom I know”.

(And, knowing that lot, they’d have just pointed out all the mistakes)

8 years ago

*hugs* and sympathies. We’re moving first of next month, and scrambling to get everything packed (and deal with all kinds of bs paperwork because it’s an income restricted place and we need to prove we’re poor enough).

@Lorcan Nagle

that it undermines military SF as a genre because a soldier cries[3], and they talk about drinking tea[4].

I cannot imagine anyone who has read any significant amount of military fiction being genuinely surprised by a focus on tea. (Coffee is more common when the writer’s a Yank, but tea has certainly come up plenty. Sometimes it’s a fictitious caffeinated beverage that’s functionally identical to tea/coffee though.)
Moreover, as someone who’s read a lot of military SF, soldiers crying over lost comrades, horribly necessary decisions, and various other causes is also routine.
Every time these jackasses complain about this crap, it reinforces for me how little SF they must have actually read, and makes me wonder exactly which 4-5 Heinlein books they reread endlessly.
That said, I wouldn’t personally characterize the Radch books as military sf per se, despite the protagonist being a warship. It’s much more focused on intrigue and investigation, and relatively little of the narrative actually takes place in a military environment. It would be like calling Firefly military SF because Mal and Zoe are veterans.

@Arctic Ape

Speaking of fiction writing, can you say (in US English) that a car is “officer issue” when it’s been given to a high military officer for job-related personal transport?

Offcial issue, perhaps, but not officer issue. Alternately it might be described as a motor pool vehicle,

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ artic ape

In the UK they’re called ‘staff cars’. Don’t know if that’s any use?

8 years ago

August 21, 2016 at 11:35 pm
Honestly, have these fake geek boys even seen an episode of Star Trek? Maybe leave speculative fiction up to those of us who can understand it, special snowflakes of the puppy clubs.

August 21, 2016 at 11:45 pm
I would imagine If the original Star Trek came out today instead of the 1960s they would be complaining about it as well.

I can’t find it now, but some puppy or another actually did wax nostalgic about how great scifi was before the sjw’s invaded it because back then it was all about innovation and discovery. and he used star trek tos as an example of such a show and how he and his fellow star trek watching nerds got into engineering because of the awesomeness of moving doors on the enterprise.

people can be very obtuse about things when they’re sufficiently motivated to be so.

8 years ago

As best anyone who read that criticism can tell, it’s because a tavern is mentioned in the first chapter, and they’re called bars or pubs in contemporary or SF?

that is even more ridiculous than i expected

8 years ago

And Alan provided the part of my comment after the comma that got cut off. Thank you Alan.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ dalillama

No worries. It was my mates at GCHQ who told me what you’d meant to write anyway, so the thanks should go to them. 😉

8 years ago

That said, I wouldn’t personally characterize the Radch books as military sf per se, despite the protagonist being a warship. It’s much more focused on intrigue and investigation, and relatively little of the narrative actually takes place in a military environment.

Half the first book is set in a military environment. This gets maybe a bit fuzzier with the 2nd and 3rd books because it’s hard to tell whether stations count as military or civ installations, but a lot of the story lines happen on military ships and involve members of the military.

there’s certainly a lot less official war-making and large-scale battles than is typical for military sf tho, i guess.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: drinking establishments

Technically the names have specific meanings originally:

Bar – any place that serves alcohol
Public house – bar that’s not exclusively for members
Inn – provides accommodation
Tavern – not sure but think it’s something about serving food

ETA: bars, in the sense you went up to a counter for service were first introduced at railway stations. Prior to that it was all table service.