So the Hugo awards happened. And last night was a pretty decisive defeat for the would-be awardwreckers behind the Sad and Rabid Puppies’ slates, and for Rabid Puppies ringmaster Theodore “Vox Day” Beale in particular: not only did his slate fail to crack the awards (aside from two nominees who didn’t need his help to win), but he also saw his longtime nemesis N.K. Jemisin take the top award for her novel The Fifth Season.
Teddy Baby is trying his best to spin the defeat as a victory (“we have the SF-SJWs exactly where we want them at this point in time”) but even the fake sci-fi boys on Reddit’s gamergate hangout KotakuInAction can see what happened. And they are indeed sad little puppies about it.
Here are some of their highly edifying reactions:
(I had to cross out YESmovement’s Reddit flair because it was a rape joke.)
And then there was this ever-so-slightly ironic comment.
Hey, speak for yourself, dude. The only science fiction, er, books I’ve read in ages have been Chuck Tingle’s Pounded By The Pound: Turned Gay By The Socioeconomic Implications Of Britain Leaving The European Union and My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass.
But I do like the irony inherent in lambasting unnamed authors for not being able to “write a coherent sentence” in a group of words that is not actually a sentence.
Ugh! These shitheads NEED to stop appropriating the names of cute, cool and interesting animals, like yesterday! Especially “puppies”…such an insult to actual puppies!
Cool! IMO, it’s not as good as Daredevil season 1 (or even the 1st half of season 2), but it’s plenty worth a watch. To be real, I didn’t actually like it. Pacing issues, pretty tame fight scenes, everything involving that fuckin divorce subplot ?. It didn’t like it much, and yet I appreciated the shit out of it. They ‘go there’ and don’t turn back. Love the movies to death (even the not so good ones), but this was refreshingly, brutally different. Happy watching!
Thanks 🙂 what will make me enjoy it even more is knowing that it vexes the manurespherians ?
As you said in a previous comment, their tears are very refreshing and I think they complement popcorn even better than soda does
Isn’t this the third straight loss for the Puppies? You’d think they’d find something better to do with their free time by now.
Aw hell, who am I kidding? They’d probably spend that free time on r/RedPill.
Captain Homo: He always gets the guy!
And yeah, I would read the shit out of that, if anyone wrote it.
As for the Kicked Puppies: Too bad, so sad, nobody reads boring ol’ bigoted white guys anymore. Cry me a river, your tears are salty and I need the electrolytes.
Also, dude who says he read Ursula Le Guin: I doubt very much you did. You can’t even get her name right, much less the jist of the book.
@Robyn, I don’t know Heinlein had some pretty sexist moments. The entirety of “I Will Fear No Evil” is sexist dribble about how women are totally the best when they’re having babies because this old guy with his brain in a woman’s body totally said so! (And then died giving birth to his/her own child…what)
That being said… popcorn.gif towards the Saaaad Puppies
Honestly, have these fake geek boys even seen an episode of Star Trek? Maybe leave speculative fiction up to those of us who can understand it, special snowflakes of the puppy clubs.
I would imagine If the original Star Trek came out today instead of the 1960s they would be complaining about it as well.
They like scifi when it is Conan the Barbarian IN SPACE. Outside of that, ethics of cloning, the worries of corporate control, media influencing society, world’s without disease, understanding cultures completely alien to our own, or the hard scifi like “how to make near instantaneous interstellar communication” or the consequences of jaunts seem to be too difficult of literature for them.
Like War of the Worlds, one of the easiest early sci fi novels to read, parodies the idea of British imperialist ideology and how disease wipes out races. I have a strange feeling that instead of getting the message, they’d rather have the story be the call of duty square hardass protag starts making his BJ impression and guns down all the aliens and is loved by all the women.
Paging Chuck Tingle… Chuck Tingle to aisle four…
It’s amazing how much they think progressivism in movies, TV, and books is some completely new invention.
I was rewatching the Matrix trilogy for the first time in years. You know, the story they named one of their “movements” after? And it struck me just how much it has every quality they whine about. Yet they name themselves red pillers.
Seriously, for all its flaws, the casting was so nice an diverse. Even more so than the dreaded Star Wars TFA. Almost none of the main characters were white men. Only Agent Smith. But he was a villain and not actually a real human man. You could view Neo as white, I guess. But his race is never mentioned. When that happens I just default to the race of the character matching the name of the actor and Keanu Reeves is multiracial. Since Will Smith was one of the actors approached to play Neo, there’s really no reason to assume he’s white.
Sorry, kind of a tangent. It’s just that the whole time I was watching I remember wondering how manurespherians can name themselves after a thing from these movies! It’s not just the diverse casting. It’s the fact that it was made by trans women.. And that The Machines would seem to be much more relatable to them than the revolutionaries.
@WWTH: Right? Then there’s the “Return of Kings” asshats, who I can’t help but wonder if they named their movement after the last Lord of the Rings movie (Return of the King)…but in that one, the Witch-King was defeated by *gasp* a woman! They (the RoKer jokers) are more like the Nazguls than Aragorn (though they might fancy themselves as being like him)
Beyond that, Seraph (the coolest muffuga) is Asian, as is the key maker. The Oracle, Niobe, and a few of Zion’s highest leadership are black. The South Asian(?) kid with the spoon…
Meanwhile, the bad guys are almost all white dudes. Smith and the 1st asshole who tries to sell the good guys out to the machines, but also the asshole that fucks up Neo in Revelations. The architect isn’t bad per se, but still an asshole. The Merovingian holding Monica Bellucci captive. Even the white ghost twins with dreads (the 2nd & 3rd coolest muffugas) are villainous
Zion’s design also has a lot of African and Afrocaribbean elements mixed in with the apocalyptic stuff. Oh, and how bullets (the West) become useless when Neo’s ‘oneness’ manifests, while martial arts (the East) is how he overcomes Smith in the 1st movie. Seeing the code is probably some Nirvana thing, but my grasp of Eastern religion is tenuous at best
That’s a shit ton of cultural Marxism from just my incredibly superficial understanding of the series…
Hell, if you take a good look at the rave scene, there’re few to no white dudes in Zion at all. Far more white women, but mostly PoC.
Which, of course, would indicate that white dudes are the least likely people to see the truth and break free of the Matrix.
Science fiction is my passion… Has been since I read my first Asimov as a pre-teen. Sadly, I haven’t had the time or energy to read for a while now, but however drained and anxious I feel there are always TV-series and movies. And writing, when I can focus for long enough. (Studying, working and therapy make an exhausting combo…)
The best thing about sci-fi is that it really allows one to explore the what if. What if the natural laws were different? Or the rules of society? What if manbabies didn’t need to spoil the fun for the rest of us? 😀

@Pearl Clutched
I’m not sure if I have the suspension of disbelief necessary for that 😉
It really surprises me that science fiction apparently can’t attract any young readers, because books like the hunger games and divergent are immensely popular and what are they if not science fiction?
But those books are mostly written by women and most popular with teenage girls, so I guess they don’t count or whatever :S
And to that guy that can’t read Ursula le Guin because “it’s a woman writing for women” Gee, poor guy! Can’t imagine what that feels like! 🙂
Hm… I might need to get me something to read ebooks comfortably*. The way I see this, most books I wanna read right now won’t be available in France anytime soon (besides ew french translations) and it would be way above my means to order them from abroad.
*Anyone got an idea ? I have about zero experience in this.
[Blatant self-promotion incoming]
My own stuff is coming along nicely. Got about half the novel down by now… ‘cept about half of that is in numbered, organized chapters. The other half is chapters that can’t be connected to any others because I never wrote that stuff in order. To the point where I have the first AND LAST chapter of a second book down too.
Four years and a half of planning the whole thing while writing what you feel like writing at the moment, this is what you end up with. It’s kind of a nightmare to reread now. Fun times.
I identify completely with this. I’ve got about 50% of the words of mine done. About half of that is in loose chapters ordered only by chronology, and the other half is in sub-chapter snippets.
The more I labour at this, the more I realise that katz is my hero for actually being able to finish it.
Wait, the Puppies are still a thing? Man, they’re just clinging on for grim death aren’t they
@Sinkable John:
I’m not sure how available/accessible it is in France, but I am a big fan of the plain old Amazon Kindle (the one that uses “electronic ink” rather than a glowing screen). Sticking to the electronic ink version means that it doesn’t cause eye strain or fatigue any more than a paper book does, solving the #1 annoyance I have with reading books on a computer or tablet.
Nothing does it for me quite like a printed book, but the Kindle is a reasonably close second, IMO.
I feel your pain.
I’ve never, ever been able to finish a single novel, and I’ve been at this since I was, oh, maybe 6. I have several volumes of short stories that are finished, but not a single novel. To the point where I actually have a whole bunch of short stories that connect with the novel I’m writing now.
I blame father issues.
ETA : @Kootiepatra
Thank you. That’s exactly the kind of advice I needed 😀
@ valentine
She doesn’t though. She actually leaves out the details so no one can replicate the work.
So now I’m stuck with a load of body parts. I probably should have read the whole book through before getting my shovel out.
I’ve had some short stories published. Have you considered doing that? Or just putting them on the web for people to read? I don’t know about you but I get a huge kick out of people reading my stuff, even if they go on to tell me how much it sucks.
Re: writing
This is a story that I’m usually pretty coy about, but we’re all friends here so I trust you not to tell anyone.
I once faced a negligence claim. It arose out of a case where there’d been an issue as to when a time limit for bringing a private prosecution began. I’d argued one thing, the court had ruled against me.
The insurers came to see me. Luckily I was able to point to a standard practitioner textbook on the subject. That book said that my approach was the correct one. The insurers were happy with that. Regardless of who was ultimately correct, you can’t be held negligent if you adopt the standard view on a matter. So they went on their way and the claim was dismissed.
I breathed a sigh of relief as they left and my friend whispered “Good job they didn’t check to see who’d written the book”.