Ok, so I’m assembling a list of the worst things Donald Trump has said and done, at any point in his long and illustrious career. I’ve got dozens of examples already, but I don’t want to miss any good ones.
If you’d like to help out, please post any you can think of in the comments. These can be vague — “didn’t he once say something along the lines of x?” — to specific, with links to sources, if you’ve got them.
@Virgin Mary
I understand how that would make sense if one blindly believes in a God who systematically rewards the faithful and blessed with happiness. But their only metric for happiness is wealth ? That’s not even as messed up as some of the other shit they peddle, but still, that’s seriously and pretty obviously flawed.
Also, from the beginning of the video you posted (granted, I started cringing so much that I could only watch the first 10 seconds or so) :
Hate to break it to them, but by definition he’ll never “put himself in jeopardy for what he believes” since the only thing he ever believed in was his own personal gain. Then again, come to think of it, that probably applies to each and every last person in that room.
But raping an unconscious woman obviously was. MORALS.
Not even gonna try to sarcasm my way through the rest of the story. I’d puke, if only there was a way I could do so on their shoes.
OT: For those who don’t follow fandom, science fiction’s Hugo Awards were given out last night. And for the second year in a row, Vox Day’s Rabid Puppy slate crashed and burned. The only Puppy-backed titles that won were ones that didn’t need his help anyway, like The Martian. And the only category that his nominees dominated, Best Related Work, got a No Award.
I was going to pick apart Janet’s column, but…
…nevermind, keep talking.
I’m reading this while sitting in service at my own, very liberal, reconciling (GLBTQ friendly) United Methodist church, with about a dozen other people, and I need to rant a little. TW for religious language: I’m sorry if the following is at all similar to language used to oppress women, GLBTQI’s, or any marginalized group. The Jesus I follow calls all to repentance and welcomes all into the kingdom.
The prosperity gospel is an abomination. It fuses the worst aspects of the two philosophies that went into the USA, Puritan pietism and libertarianism, and in so doing has become a form of Christianity that is of the world, rather than in it. Those who follow it do not know the Christian Gospel, and do not know Christ. The prosperity gospel works directly against the Living Word, and that Word, Christ Jesus, is calling them to repent and to rejoin the work of building Gods kingdom.
David: if this was too preachy, please block it.
This is from #4 “You will look like hell as he encourages you to ‘reject patriarchal beauty standards'”
I think she meant *skin* oils but that was funny.
To her “credit” at least she kept size out of it. Here, JB…have a lollipop.
(On an unrelated note, I HATE that she calls herself Janet…that’s my mother’s name. That’s an insult to the name Janet…but then again, any name she uses is an insult to that name)
Cut off medical care to his seriously sick nephew. http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/what-sort-of-man-is-donald-trump
Trump, for his part, was unapologetic about his actions. “Why should we give him medical coverage?” he told Evans. When she asked him if he thought he might come across as cold-hearted, given the baby’s medical condition, he said, “I can’t help that. It’s cold when someone sues my father. Had he come to see me, things could very possibly have been much different for them.”
I just discovered that there is Trump-brand wine.
As a French, I am morally obligated to put this at the very top of my list of grievances.
Trump wants to scrap the regulations on CFCs and rip the hole in the Ozone layer back open. Why? Because he liked his old hair spray better.
Also, I love how she thinks consent is always him asking her every 15 seconds…I mean, it’s not like they’d *know* each other and-Heaven forbid-that she would EVER ask him, because *puts on a hoity-toity accent* a lady never propositions a gentleman. The gentleman propositions the lady. /sarcasm
I think JB lives under the assumption that relationships are made up of people who literally never talk to each other. I mean, if you function like that, OBVIOUSLY there’s gonna be a lot of frustration on either side if people don’t, y’know, express their feelings regarding each other’s attitude.
I was in a relationship for two years and a half with an American who’d been raised through extensive Bible-thumping. She was basically my nemesis : big on gender roles, a repressed bisexual homophobe, transphobe, prone to slut-shaming the whole world (including me for my own err, “volatile” past). Guess what ? We talked. A lot. In the end our differences are not the reason we broke up. We actually ended up agreeing on everything, and changed our attitudes accordingly. (Okay, so, as you can observe today, I’m not actually the one who “agreed” to anything or changed in anyway. But still.)
Reading out a rivals cell phone number to encourage harassment of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLEIEm7WBLc
Bout time for another round up. Continuing from before:
Fraud, racist business practices, stubborn racist thing, fraud, imperialist thing, fuckin up my city, campaign finance violations, general hypocrisy, racist conspiratorial thing, sexist thing, stupid thing, unconstitutional thing, unconstitutional thing, stupid thing, insensitive thing, stupid thing, omnicidal thing, stupid thing, narcissistic stupid thing, stupid thing, cartoon villainy, stupid thing, omnicidal thing, incestuous behavior, stupid thing, stupid thing, cartoon villainy (SFHC), shady business practices, fraud, petty thing, harassment apologia, sexist thing, legitimizing Breitbart, pedorasty apologia, cartoon villainy, overbranding, cartoon villainy, predatorial stupid thing, doxing
Still waiting on that ‘both sides are equally bad’ Hill Clinton rundown…
Pretty sure legitimizing Breitbart counts as overbranding. I mean he already pretty much owned it if not by name.
That is pretty much the opposite of how the gold standard works. Your money supply is limited by how much gold your nation has. I have no clue how this makes any sense since gold is far from the only thing of financial value in the world, but the people who believe it are very fanatical.
Seeing as JB and my WTF-reaction to her blog was what brought me to WHTM in the first place, I think I’m going to comment on some of the stuff she writes in her latest “article”. The fascinating things about JB are in my opinion:
a) How much she actually says about herself when trying to speak about the “evil” feminists.
b) How utterly and completely she contradicts herself in almost every post she makes.
So, just for the purposes of this comment (and because I have been wanting to do this for a long time now) let’s assume her central premise “The radical notion that women are adults” to be true. Meaning that the statement in itself is problematic insofar as it presupposes a certain kind of “adulthood” a.k.a privileges some traits above others when it comes to taking someone seriously. But, let’s for the moment use it as is and show that even in her own (flawed) reasoning she is inconsistent as all hell.
Among other things Janet defines “adult” as:
1. Taking responsibility for your own life and not putting that responsibility on someone else.
2. Articulating your wants, needs and boundaries clearly and defending them.
Not acting like that she labels “being spoiled”.
So let’s look at her points, keeping that in mind especially (but not exclusively). In other words let’s play “take her at her word” for a second here and marvel at how little sense she makes:
ad 1
First, why would an “adult” need to be “swept off their feet” when they want sex. An “adult” should be able to clearly articulate to their partner (verbally or nonverbally) what they would like from them (presumably as comfort in this case). Why put the responsibility on your partner here? Do you have a problem articulating your own wants and needs and are you only comfortable when you feel as if the choice is taken from you?
Second, most people will have developed a certain empathy for others as part of growing up. If they for some reason couldn’t (for example if they are non-neurotypical) they will probably (as responsible “adults”) have discussed this with their partner. Meaning if your partner has to truly ask those questions like that and can’t take a bloody hint from your reaction whether you like what they’re doing or not, I’d be seriously worried for you both.
But you are apparently assuming they *would* need to ask (which is where she tells us some interesting things of how she sees men), so what exactly is your picture of men? Unable to take a hint? Not “grown up” enough to not think with their dicks when the poor little babies are “overcome by their lust for you”? Lack of impulse control is usually attributed to children in the version of “adult-child” dichotomy you’re using, Janet. So, are men in your opinion in fact children who themselves can’t be trusted with impulse control and by extension “rational” decision making? Interesting.
By the time he has her coat off, Janet the “adult” would then “punch him in the face” because she is becoming frustrated. Showing that a) She isn’t able to articulate her wants and needs at all until it becomes emotionally unbearable to her and b) The only way she *can* think of even then is physical violence. As you are a mother, Janet, are you aware that this is a behaviour most commonly found in very young children that have not learned to communicate verbally yet? Most people who share your dichotomic worldview also attribute this to what they and you would call “spoilt children” or – wait for it – “spoilt princesses” who just can’t be bothered to learn how to articulate their wants and needs in a minimally non-disruptive way (a.k.a by not immediately resorting to violence).
Here in the real world (as opposed to Janet-land) I’d also add that not everyone actually shares your preferences when it comes to sex. Why is that difficult for you? The entire point you make literally only works if every woman would expect the things you outlined here. Why is it difficult? An “adult” in your worldview should certainly be able to have preferences and stand by them regardless of them being shared? The kind of validation provided by telling yourself that everyone must be like you or “abnormal” is usually not needed by such “adults”. In fact, it’s also more suitable to the steretype of the “spoilt princess” you so often use.
ad 2 and 3
We can do this together because at it’s heart the answer is incredibly simple and has been delivered to you a million times already. Feminism is at it’s core about treating women as people. Now, I don’t know how you treat people in general but neither I nor anyone I know would ever so belittle another person as to act towards them the way you describe. Your “feminist boyfriend” would in fact respect you enough to realize that your choices are your own, he would not utterly deny your agency by constantly asserting that what you do has no influence on the world around you. He would not deny it by “shielding” you and taking it away.
However, in my experience, people who love each other or even just like each other will usually offer support if the other is clearly in pain. Support does not mean telling someone you think they are blameless. In fact, it often involves not giving priority to *your* thoughts and feelings on the matter at all (as a “spoilt princess” in your worldview would, perhaps? Thinking no doubt that their opinion matters most and under all circumstances? Is that the kind of non-feminist men you refer to as “alpha”? A little – in your own words – “spoilt princess”?). Support can involve taking the *effort* – look, another of your “adult” things – of thinking about: “What does this person feel right now? What can I do to ease their pain?” as well as “Is this a good and productive moment to discuss who or what is to blame for whatever happened?” Has no one ever showed you that basic respect? Valued you enough to make some fucking effort on your behalf? Put themselves in second place because a situation was clearly not about them? What kind of people are you hanging out with, Janet? Clearly they are not by your definition “adults”.
A second point regarding shielding someone from responsibility and the consequences of their actions? There was a post on JB a while back about the value of “obedience” more accurately “mindless obedience”. Janet tells us how much she likes to practice this. In fact voluntarily practices this with her partner although he wouldn’t ask for it. What is this? What’s the point of obedience, of letting someone else make the ultimate decisions, even if you yourself offer some input and do not “mindlessly” obey? It’s not taking responsibility. It’s avoiding consequences in all situations where those could potentially matter. It’s burdening your partner, by putting the responsibility solely on him and thereby making sure whatever consequences happen are due to his decision, his actions. That you neither have to make the effort of making an important decision ever, nor face the consequences of your actions as you in fact refuse to act in the first place. How are you fitting what you constantly demand of women, i.e. being an “adult”, taking responsibility and facing consequences?
ad 4
Right, about 90% of things I can think of right now would be crossing a line however pissed at JB I might be at this point. So let’s focus on the other, important 10%. First. As I said above, Janet, try to understand that not everyone shares your preferences. That goes for looks as well. And it’s fine. Really, it is. Second, as you have doubtless been told a hundred times already as well, feminism is about respect. Respect means – among us “adults” – that it’s none of your fucking business what your partner does or doesn’t do to their body. You don’t like it, you tell them. They don’t wanna change and it’s a deal breaker to you, you bloody well leave and find someone else.
ad 5
See above. Some people love this kind of sharing everything and make it a top priority, some people don’t. Those who do generally find another partner when they realize their current one isn’t compatible with them in what they like to do. However, you will never have to “hide” you hobbies from your partner. How come you would assume that? Again, what kind of people *are* you spending your time with??
ad 6
No, he won’t. If he is a feminist, he will know to respect other people, men and women. How often do you need to be told that?
And now, the best of them all. Let me just quote, emphasis mine:
The irony is stunning.
To spell it out: Dear Janet, by your own definition of “adult”, this person would not be you. You would, in fact, fit your own definition of a “giant toddler”. Unwilling to take responsibility, unable to articulate your wants and needs without resorting to not only a tantrum but actual violence.
Cf. points 1-3 especially. It’s as if she’s trying to help with exposing her internal inconsistencies, here…
So people who are able to – again – articulate their wants and needs and don’t expect to – again – have the responsibility taken from them by being “swept off their feet”? Or maybe “adults” who are able to tell if their partner likes what they’re doing and do not need to ask a hundred questions? But as shown above that’s not how you see men, is it? Clearly you assume that “consent” can only be ignored or established with a thousand explicit questions, at least for men. Do the men you know generally appreciate that you seem to think of them as some kind of mindless animal? The ones I know – even the fairly conservative ones – tend to get pretty angry when someone implies that. Something about it being “disrespectful”, you see.
As to the second point… Janet, you’re not even able to grasp the fact that there are differences between human beings in general (cf. 4-6). Maybe you want to deal with that, before you try to tackle such a complex topic as to how much of a role hormonal differences and socialization play in specific cases of those differences.
So, tl;dr:
1. JB’s argumentation doesn’t even make sense if you assume – for arguments sake – that her notion of “adult” is tenable, a.k.a take her seriously and just check for *internal* inconsistencies.
2. JB’s “Alphas” are a funny mix of widdle babies needing coddling and dangerous animals who cannot for the life of them control their impulses.
3. What kind of experiences has she had with people to even develop such ideas?!
Finally, just in case it wasn’t clear, I think JB’s notion of “adults” is extremely simplified and inadequate. I didn’t use it here because I agree, I wrote this because her sheer cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy have been annoying me for a while now.
I apologize for any mistakes and for the length of this.
So, huh, kinda like MRAs in general ? 🙂
No but in all seriousness, that was a great post, thank you.
Trump is scheduled to appear in court for his FOURTH alleged rape trial. This one for a child. No more needs to be said.
Oh, and his incest like statements towards his daughter. That too.
This is an interesting read. Perhaps not the worst things Drumpf has done, but it raises questions about his actual wealth.
I honestly think that the (maybe not worst, but certainly most revealing thing he ever did was when he claimed that the US could prevent IS from spreading their message online by ‘shutting down parts of the internet,’ that ‘our brilliant people’ could ‘stop them from using our internet.’
Because it reveals just how little this supposed champion knows- anyone in their first year of high-school software could tell you that that’s not at all how the internet does or has ever worked.
Trump is trying to be president of theoretically the most powerful nation on Earth, with reign over the most advanced military and a substantial arsenal of nuclear weapons, but he seems to have learnt all he knows about tech from the 1995 movie Hackers with Angelina Jolie.
Yep. His own gain, nothing else.
As an aside, I wonder how the true believers are gonna react when their God Emperor ultimately lets them down.
Yeah actually, let’s add this to the list : using dogwhistle politics to lead the worst people on the internet to believe he’s the Second Coming… of Hitler. And then dancing on the edge between denying it, and not denying it, like he did with David Duke.
Admittedly they’re shitty people. But using them like that proves he’s somehow even shittier than them.
@I Blame Myself
To be fair, bad movies seem to be the only sources he learned anything from. I mean the guy himself a wannabe cartoon villain. Not a particularly cool one at that either.
Did anyone mention the Purple Heart?
Or the fact that the “bone spurs” that kept him out of Vietnam magically resolved and were not mentioned in the “HEALTHIEST PRESIDENT EVARRRRR!” letter?*
*Not that draft avoidance is awful. What’s awful is avoiding the draft, then making gleeful mockery of servicepeople who were legit wounded in combat. And meanwhile advocating war.
Does Trump have a single policy proposal that isn’t essentially a belligerent upraised middle finger?
Here’s a link to Fortune magazine with several Trump racist quotes.
Reading through this I can’t shake the idea that Trump is LITERALLY the Beast from Transmetropolitan 🙁
Now I’m scrolling back up to read your FAB POST again 🙂
Honestly I think that asking “What’s the worst thing that Donald Trump has ever said or done?” is kind of like asking “What’s the wettest spot in the ocean?”