Ok, so I’m assembling a list of the worst things Donald Trump has said and done, at any point in his long and illustrious career. I’ve got dozens of examples already, but I don’t want to miss any good ones.
If you’d like to help out, please post any you can think of in the comments. These can be vague — “didn’t he once say something along the lines of x?” — to specific, with links to sources, if you’ve got them.
I guess he didn’t say this so much as repeat someone else who said it, but one thing that really sticks with me as deeply offensive, factually false, and potentially dangerous is the assertion that 81% of white murder victims are killed by black people.
It might be easier to make a list of things he’s done that demonstrate decency. It would be shorter, at least.
Oh and I know it’s kind of old, but in 1999 he said, regarding women, “You’ve gotta treat ’em like crap”
Not cool!
Protip: When a girl screams “Fuck you!” that doesn’t mean she wants to…
This might be the boring way to answer, but /r/EnoughTrumpSpam has put together several “final response” posts on their subreddit that have been codified into one impossibly long “masterpost”: http://quantum-displacement.tumblr.com/post/146015554444/anti-trump-masterpost
My favorites, since his personal evils are being covered very well here, are his promises to rearm South Korea and Japan; his suggestion to repeal the Fourteenth Amendment, making US citizenship conditional on absolute loyalty to his government; and his stated belief that he can fix the national debt by going back to the gold standard and printing a lot more money.
Think saying he sacrificed to create jobs in response to the Kahn’s sacrifice has to rank pretty high.
Claiming that we need global warming because it’s freezing and snowing in New York might have the most long term consequences.
On second thought, repeatedly asking during a briefing why the US can’t use nuclear weapons might be.
Realize it’s minor, but calling the book of the bible two Corinthians is an appalling lack of basic knowledge about a book he claims to know.
Because we’re not at war with Russia.
Anyone got one?
@ Dalillama – treason is betraying your country to another country at any time, a state of war is not a prerequisite.
As for Trump. Off the top of my head and in no particular order:
supporting Brexit;
falsely claiming to be the reason Brexit won;
congratulating the Scots for voting for Brexit (they didn’t);
going to court to force Great Britain to abandon a large off-shore wind farm because on a clear day it could (just) be seen from his golf course (he lost);
encouraging violence against protesters at his rallies;
wanting the USA to default on its debts which would bring about a worldwide financial collapse;
wanting to end the nuclear non-proliferation treaty;
defaming an American Federal court justice for being Hispanic;
barely concealing the desire to date his daughter;
not said but overtly “touching up” another of his children at the Republican Convention;
wanting to expand the war against ISIS;
re-Tweeting ideas from racists and American fascists.
This is far from the worst thing ol’ Tiny Hands has done, but it was back on Celebrity Apprentice. In the boardroom, a woman made the mistake of mentioning a fellow contestant’s use of the restroom. Chef Curtis Stone had used the bathroom reserved for the ladies, and he apparently stunk it up quite a bit (and did not avail himself of any air-freshening devices). The women’s team was forced to smell what he left behind, and Maria Kanelis pointed to how rude this was of Curtis Stone.
Donald called her “disgusting” for having brought up the topic of stinky poop, and he pulled the Maria-you’re-fired on her right after chewing her out.
This was the only link I could find related to it, but I used to watch Celebrity Apprentice {insert red face here}, and remembered how perturbed Donald got at the mere mention of poop. http://www.flashnews.com/news/wfn02100519fn23340.html (If link doesn’t show, google “Maria Kanellis Causes Stink On `Celebrity Apprentice'”.)
Also, whatever the hell this is.
(Would threatening to break up NATO and the UN because money something something Putin count as “Borderline treason” or “Cartoon villainy”? Maybe “Plot of a Die Hard sequel.”)
Or “Emperor Palpatine.”
Certainly not the worst thing he’s ever done, but probably the most bizarre: Pretending to be a publicist speaking on his behalf to brag about what a lady’s man he is. It’s freakin’ hilarious. Trump denies it was him, but you only have to listen to the voice and speech pattern and sentence structure to know. The piece by Chris Hayes also includes some of Trump’s other lies, and the following almost-14-minutes are some of the most satisfying ever (Enjoy!):
There’s a whole lot of long-before-he-ran-for-president stuff in Rachel Maddow’s overview here. (the second video in this piece) https://climatecrocks.com/2016/08/20/trumps-new-ceo-runs-an-empire-of-racism-and-climate-denial/
One that’s not really awful, but that the “he’s a businessman” crowd might do well to remember : he managed to go bankrupt with casinos. CASINOS. HOW DO YOU EVEN GO BANKRUPT WITH CASINOS.
To his “credit” – and this is where the awful starts : when he brags about how much money he made in Atlantic City, it’s only half the story, but it’s true. He did manage to make a lot of money out of that… everyone else involved with him, not so much.
Yeah, business acumen. Imagine the Titanic sinking and Trump escaping on the only lifeboat, and that lifeboat is gilded and has a bar. That’s basically his business acumen right there.
So if someone tells you that “he’s an asshole, but he’d do the job” – no, no, no, fuck no.
Hey David!
Janet Bloomfield strikes again with hilarious satire!
Of course she is in fact serious.
In U.S. law, treason has a very specific definition:
It’s like something I’ve been waiting all my life for.
Or not.
But at any rate, I get to say this : “Don’t worry JB, we don’t want to date you either.”
That was gross, but of course it was just the icing on the cake of ripping off vulnerable people with a fraudulent course in the first place.
Not paying his contractors.
Playing some shitty game about not endorsing current GOP candidates like Paul Ryan. I mean – I’m no fan of the GOP and I love the sweet taste of the schadenfreude, but it shows what a vindictive nasty little piece Trump is.
His ENTIRE Twitter feed. I’m not being silly here, but his lack of control and discretion there is disgusting and not for a Commander in Chief or even a member of a district council.
His racist and illegal attempts to keep black people out of his properties.
His unconstitutional proposals on immigration, on freedom of the press, and on some of the off-the-cuff policy proposals. I don’t know why this doesn’t get more attention!
His shitty slum landlord tactics (like cutting off heating, etc) to try to get people out of a building he wanted to tear down.
His saying women should just move on if they are sexually harassed at work.
Telling a breastfeeding new mother that she was disgusting for needing a break to pump.
Appointing Breitbart folk to his campaign. I think Breitbart needs a little more exposing, frankly.
Ugh, the more you think about it the more skanky shite you realise he’s done. It’s almost like we’ve gotten used to the stink of the shit so that when the next thing comes up we’re not even shocked anymore. Alright, I’m repainting my kitchen cupboards, I need to get back to that.
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.
Re : Trump University
Hasn’t he declared bankruptcy at least 11 times?
This comment on celebrity paedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
@Handsome Jack
Pretty much. What’s scary is that people actually buy into all of his bullshit, like the thing about a “blue-collar billionaire” who made a fortune from nothing.
It seems the only real business acumen he’s ever shown was actually his daughter’s. Claiming other’s successes as your own is already bad enough, but your own daughter’s ? COME ON.
Now, the nice thing is that, contrary to anything else Trump-related, the business stuff is actually funny. Normally I don’t really take an interest, but that’s stuff you can laugh at. You can make fun of him. The rest is just overwhelmingly depressing.
ETA : @Virgin Mary
Case in point. I’m gonna go play some Terraria or something before I start throwing up.
I posted this already on another thread, but cosying up to these bigots in order to get the white evangelical Christian vote practically makes me vomit.
Does his hypocracy know no bounds?
Their religion, which they call ‘christian’ is in fact a form of Calvinism. They consider the wealthiest people to be the most blessed by the Good Lord, and the poorest people to be in that condition because of their sinful natures. That is why you see so many attempts by the right wing media, in the UK as well (Murdoch) who seek to demonise the working class. That’s why you see the Tea Baggers up on their hind legs over their tax dollars paying social security for Muslin lesbian single mothers, stuff like that.
They portray the ruling class as virtuous beyond contempt, obviously do not consider ‘white collar’ crimes, off shore banking, hedge funding and vulture capitalism immoral. Quite the opposite, they are seen as Godly and aspirational.
So much for Jesus’s teachings, feed the poor, heal the sick, tolerance.
As an aside here, Murdoch is a good friend of both Trump and Billy Graham. He is behind the right wing media both sides of the Atlantic. His publishing company also produces the worlds largest output of bibles and pornography.
Nate Parker, The Birth of a Nation, and Nate Parker’s past
Nate Parker’s new film, The Birth of a Nation, received rave reviews at Sundance. Due to be released in October, it’s about the real-life Nat Turner rebellion against slavery in the USA of the 1800s.
Although Nat Turner himself said that he was inspired to lead the rebellion because of a sign from God, in this movie, he is pushed beyond endurance because a gang of white men rape his wife.
Now it turns out that Nate Parker, along with his longtime friend and collaborator on this film, Jean Celestin, were both accused of the rape of an unconscious women while all three of them were students at Penn State. Parker was found innocent because he and the woman had previously had consensual sex. Celestin was found guilty. This conviction was overturned when the victim refused to testify on appeal.
According to the victim, Parker and Celestin harassed her on campus. Twice she tried to kill herself. She finally succeeded when she was 30. Her brother says that this horrific time in her life was a turning point for her, leading to her suicide.
Sometimes karma must be reckoned with at the most inopportune time.