Ok, so I’m assembling a list of the worst things Donald Trump has said and done, at any point in his long and illustrious career. I’ve got dozens of examples already, but I don’t want to miss any good ones.
If you’d like to help out, please post any you can think of in the comments. These can be vague — “didn’t he once say something along the lines of x?” — to specific, with links to sources, if you’ve got them.
I hope you’re right, but Trumpton does have that Breitfart guy as a campaign manager now. I thought that was satire, but it turned out to be true.
“What in the hell do you have to lose” – said to African American voters.
@Virgin Mary
From that article:
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be satire. Or “Satire,” since the headline is totally believable, the site’s a ripoff and the butt of the “Joke” is Snopes for some fuck-knows how-is-that-even-related reason.
Apparently he’s tried on multiple occasions to use his money and clout to operate the machinery of government to his own ends, especially trying to use eminent domain to force people out of their homes and small businesses so he can expand his casinoes and such. There’s more here: https://youtu.be/UYK72KXFhr8
This is going back a while, and he’s topped it since, but remember how he was the one who kept the Obama birth certificate thing going?
Where the hell does a draft-dodger like Trump get the nerve to criticize someone for being a POW, anyway? His handlers should put a shock collar on him, so they can zap when when he’s about to say something truly boneheaded.
This is more about his supporters than him, but he made that comment about being able to shoot someone and not lose voters.
If you’re looking for the worst things he’s ever DONE a woman has come forward saying he sexually assaulted her when she was thirteen years old back in the 90s. There’s also the reported rape of his wife Ivana and the groping/attempted assault of a… writer, I believe it was?
He does this and talks about how great he’d be for women.
Oh, and he wants to date his daughter.
Not particularly awful but probably the most delusional: Saying last night that in his 2020 reelection campaign he’ll win 95% of the African American vote.
Social Justice Necromancer: I’m neurotypical and my flabber was gassted by that remark . I remember looking at my TV, and asking out loud, “Man, what the Hell did you just do?!!” I sat with my mouth open for a good ten seconds.
That Is a perfect example of the kind of juvenile, narcissistic dudbro isht, that sums him out. No sense, no class, and the complete and utter opposite of the classy, suave, and thoughtful Obama.
Lindsayirene: I think a shock collar would have the unintended side effect of killing him, they’d be shocking him too often.
The worst things Donald Trump has done? Where do you even start? Or end?
Here’s a few random sleazy escapades. (TW for the first item)
– Ripped out Ivana’s hair in a fit of fury and retaliation over a botched scalp operation (she had recommended the doctor) prior to raping her
– Used the tragic deaths of three of his top executives in a helicopter crash to plant a fake PR story that he, too, was supposed to be on that helicopter, and miraculously cheated death at the last minute, isn’t that amazing. I’m sure the families of those executives loved that.
– Destroyed two Art Deco friezes from the old Bonwit Teller building, which the Metropolitan Museum of Art had wanted to preserve for their collection. The building was to be demolished to make way for Trump Towers. Reportedly Trump was angry that it was going to delay the project by two weeks, so he ordered the sculptures to be cut up with acetylene torches and smashed. Then, posing as his own publicist, John Barron, he told the New York Times that the pieces were “without artistic merit” and not worth the $32,000 it would have cost to remove them intact. Art historians were aghast.
– Advocated war crimes during his campaign, including killing the families of terrorists and doing “worse than waterboarding”
– Adopting Roy Cohn (McCarthy counsel and mob attorney) as his mentor and having various ties to organized crime
– Ordering black casino employees off the floor whenever he visited
– Calling Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado “Miss Piggy” and forcing her to work out in front of 80 media representatives after she gained 15 pounds
– Sending Gail Collins a copy of an article she’d written which was critical of Trump with her photo circled and “The Face of a Dog!” scrawled across it
– Promoting birther, anti-vaxxer, and anti-global warming theories
– Comparing gay marriage to a preference for weird golf putters.
One more:
– Bankrolled an ad demonizing the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe as drug addicts and criminals in order to whip up opposition and protect his own casino from competition.
These are like potato chips. You just can’t stop. It’s endless.
Definitely seconding DoctorWorm on the Central Park Five ad. Calling for the execution of five innocent teenagers is pretty heinous shit.
Really drives the point home that his bombastic, use-position-of-power-to-smear-minorities attitude towards the criminal justice system (and public policy) is NOT a recent development, he’s been operating that way for years.
Incidentally my first thought when I saw the headline for this was “Are we talking EVER, or just this past year”
Existing, really.
Paying 5 million in taxes in New Jersey when he owed 25 million.
Hiring a foreign agent as his campaign manager.
Particularly notable are his ties to the Russian Mafia, especially considering all his other links to Russia (his bestest buddy Putin, the email hacks, the on-stage “Joke” about further email hacks).
Seriously, these guys wanna talk about corruption? There‘s their fucking corruption. *annoyed GLaDOS noises* How is this not literally treason?
The Daily Show ran an old clip from when his daughter Tiffany was born. The interviewer asked some fluffy question about how the baby resembled him, and how she resembled Marla. He said something about how we’d just have to wait and see how her chest developed (can’t remember the exact wording, but it was surreal).
My god, he seriously said that? I knew he was a delusional narcissist, but even a north korean dictator would find it hard to believe that he could go from 1% to 95% of the black vote with a second campaign.
Oh yeah, and I remembered another one. There was that time a guy showed up to one of his rallies saying the klan supports Trump, which is a fact, and Trump had him kicked out while lamenting the fact that they can’t punch him in the face today because of political correctness, which is ruining everything. Now I know people who never stop whining about political correctness are really just entitled manbaby hypocrites who want to be assholes without repercussions and have anyone they don’t agree with censored, but even most of them aren’t dumb enough to think physical assault has anything to do with political correctness, it’s a law that has been around pretty much since laws have existed.
But despite encouraging violence and all the violence his supporters have committed at his rallies, when a large group of protestors showed up to one of them, he canceled his speech because he was afraid his supporters would be attacked and he’s “against violence”. It was an incredibly transparent attempt at deflection, trying to make anti-Trump protestors look like the REAL violent ones who will attack people who oppose them, even though his own supporters have been the only ones doing that.
Violent thing, sexist thing, racist thing, pedophilic rape, suspicious disappearance, stupid thing, incestuous thing, hypocritically racist thing, spousal rape, conspiratorial thing, ableist thing, fraud, cartoon villainy, conspiratorial thing, fraud, stupid thing, violent racist thing, dickish thing, violent thing, racist thing, conspiratorial thing, racist thing, stupid racist thing, racist thing, racist thing, racist thing, fraud, racist thing, violent thing, sexual assault, stupid thing, domestic violence, narcissistic assholery, cultural vandalism, war crime advocacy, thuggery, racist business practices, fatmisogyny, sexist thing, conspiratorial thing, homophobic thing, racist cartoon villainy, borderline treason, incestuous thing, stupid violent thing…
Only page one…
Oh, and the Draper Sterling (probable) campaign fund embezzlement scheme, of course.
(I’m making sure to include sources because mine all sound like the kind of thing a satirist would say before ending on “And he eats puppies!” Yet they’re all real. The fuck…)
I’m not willing to put anything past rich, white, conservative, politicians. There is a precedence among them for heinous shit involving aminals

Thanks, everyone! There are a bunch here I hadn’t heard about or had forgotten about.
Ones that come to mind for me:
– Back in the early days of his career, he was known as a realtor who wouldn’t rent to black people.
– The whole Central Park Five thing – not just because of the violent and racist rhetoric in his original ad, but also his refusal to admit that they were innocent even after DNA evidence had proved it conclusively.
– I don’t know all the details, but it’s said that he intentionally ran his casinos into the ground in the interest of shady financial machinations.
– And of course there’s his legendary stiffing of the contractors who worked on his various buildings.
– And, there are stories about how he forced people out of their homes to build his casinos.
– He’s openly called for imperialist wars of aggression against other countries – like, the idea being that the U.S. should invade smaller countries and plunder their natural resources.
– Feels like a long time ago now, but of course he spearheaded the whole ‘birther’ movement.
– As a New Yorker, I hate how his ugly buildings have eaten-up some important chunks of the skyline and taken over the Columbus Circle area, but there are plenty of renters who’ve been happy to move into those places, so I can’t entirely fault Trump for those…
Definitely not the worst thing he’s ever done, but I’m rather fond of the email his campaign sent British (and other foreign) MPs asking for money. Because right at the same time as asking for donations it would be illegal for him to receive, it mentions “crooked Hillary” and the “corrupt, deep-pocketed donors backing her”.
(I mean, I’m pretty sure it was incompetence in not checking the email list he used only had US citizens on it rather than a deliberate intention to obtain donations from foreigners, but still, you’d kind of hope someone in the running for President of any country would be conducting his operations with due care to ensure he didn’t accidentally do something illegal.)
This clip doesn’t cover anything new, and mayhap everyone here has already seen it, but …
It does a lovely job highlighting how DT has contradicted himself on basically everything, including abortion, HRC, foreign policy, healthcare, etc. etc. by juxtaposing his ‘for’ and ‘against’ statements.