Ok, so I’m assembling a list of the worst things Donald Trump has said and done, at any point in his long and illustrious career. I’ve got dozens of examples already, but I don’t want to miss any good ones.
If you’d like to help out, please post any you can think of in the comments. These can be vague — “didn’t he once say something along the lines of x?” — to specific, with links to sources, if you’ve got them.
I think the “Second Amendment people” comments tops (bottoms?) the list. He all but put out a hit on his opponent.
It might be useful to consult Chris Hayes’s top ten list — it’s a rotating list, which means that as outrageous things enter the list, the elderly outrageous things from a couple of days ago have to go.
I think the “blood coming out of her… wherever” remark has to go on the list, because it’s succinct and captures his disdain for women so pithily.
Accusing the judge in his “university” scam case of bias because he was “Mexican” (by way of Indiana).
He (allegedly) raped a 13-year-old girl (TW: Everything).
It could only be worse if he raped and “Disappeared” a 12-year-old girl – oh, wait, he (allegedly) did that too (TW: Everything squared).
What SFHC said.
And just below that, running for president and all that ensued.
I think he made fun of Clinton during one of the primaries for taking a restroom break.
A lot of mine have already been said. Perving on Ivanka has got to rank high as well. And the Mexicans are rapists comment was another gem
Raping his ex-wife was a low point too.
How about when he accused Ted Cruz’s dad Rafel Cruz of being an accomplice in the Kennedy assassination which is considered one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century.
“criminals, rapists, mexicans” does it for me.
I think it would be interesting (and fair!) to challenge Trump supporters to come up with a matching list of ‘terrible’ things Clinton has said. The contrast would be surely fairly telling?
A quick Google tells me one time a right wing website once got in a tizzy that she said whites are the beneficiaries of systemic racism, which to me seems like, um, fairly basic common knowledge and sense, but hey, to Trump supporters may be like declaring WWIII.
This may not compare with the rapes he’s done, but I found it disgusting when he made fun of that disabled reporter. As someone with high-functioning autism myself that really pissed me off! (It would piss me off even if I were neurotypical)
Well don’t forget that he pretended to be his own publicist for years, then confessed to it, saying it was all a big joke, even though he did it all seriously and there was nothing to indicate it was a joke. Then when asked about it recently, he said that never happened and he didn’t know what they were talking about, even though he already confessed to it.
But no, Hillary is the corrupt liar who we can’t trust, totally.
I also remember something about him trying to get this old scottish couple kicked out of the home they lived in for decades so he could build a golf course. He like blasted them with music and lights all night to try to get them to leave.
Accusing Obama of creating ISIS.
Trump doesn’t pay subcontractors or contract workers, pretty much ever. Or his own employees half the time. He’s even occasionally stiffed his lawyers.
For all his talk about jobs creation, he’s probably destroyed more jobs than anyone else in the US.
(Edit: I tried to provide a link, but the entire comment doesn’t show up when I include it)
Doesn’t compare to rape allegations, but I thought his comment about Mccain was especially shitty:
Impressive that it didn’t sway more of the supposedly pro-military republican voters.
Going back a while, he took out a full-page newspaper ad calling for the Central Park Five to get the death penalty. They were innocent, by the way.
He also gleefully celebrated the housing crash because he could buy up lots of property for cheap.
I don’t agree with Ted Cruz on anything politically, but I will give him props for refusing to back someone who levied lots of personal attacks against his family. Trump was way out of line for attacking his family like that. His father, his wife (which Trump later “apologized” for), everyone.
Good on you, Senator Cruz. You have my respect for that. Whatever a pansexual girlflux pagan liberal feminist’s respect is worth to you.
The blood coming from “her wherever” is the worst one from me. I guess the fact it was so gratuitous and random got me.
When told of his supporters beating an Hispanic man on the street, his response was “people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/08/21/trump-says-fans-are-very-passionate-after-hearing-one-of-them-allegedly-assaulted-hispanic-man/
Trump attacking Somali refugees in Minnesota and Maine
Trump saying of President Obama and ISIS: “Look guys, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart or has something else in mind. And the something else in mind — people can’t believe it. People cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism. There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on.”
“My African American”: he wanted to say [slur] so bad
‘The terrorist in Paris and San Bernardino didn’t come from Sweden: not an exact quote. Regardless, pretty fuckin stupid, considering one of the most prolific modern terrorists came from Norway
‘If you want me to’: again, not a direct quote. His answer when asked to denounce David Duke
Edit: better pic
I’m gonna toss the whole “nobody will elect a black person to office again because President Obama is so terrible” statement into the ring. It’s the sort of thing that would only ever be said of a minority politician. When a straight white older male politician messes up, nobody ever suggests that we might (or we should) stop electing straight white older men.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that.
Anyway, of course, the Muslim ban and the Khan family have to go on the list. So does the “build a wall” comments, of course. Just wanted to get the obvious out of the way.
Tweeting a picture of his dick.
(I really, really hope this is a hoax, but I can’t tell anymore)
abcnews.com.co? I thought the site was abcnews.go.com
I’m going with bullshit. And the article makes no sense either
ETA: definitely bullshit. That is some of the weakest satire…