alt-right anti-Semitism irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis memeday memes racism reddit trump

Memeday: A visit to Reddit’s horrifying haven for Trump fans, The_Donald

Remember this antisemitic anti-Hillary meme? The_Donald is trying to Googlebomb it to the top of the results for the word "corrupt"
Remember this antisemitic anti-Hillary meme? The_Donald is trying to Googlebomb it to the top of the results for the word “corrupt”

As Trump stumbles from one self-created crisis to another, the main hub of Trump support on Reddit is thriving. The_Donald now boasts more than 200,000 subscribers, many of them eager cyber-warriors who love nothing so much as Googlebombing anti-Hillary memes (like the one above) to the top of the search engines results, or flooding online polls with votes for the man they call their God Emperor.

For today’s Memeday, here are some of the more, well, interesting memes posted to The_Donald in the last week. All these memes got upvotes, some thousands of them, others only a handful.

Though many of Trump’s most enthusiastic fans are Internet Nazis who’ve flooded Twitter with a wide assortment of antisemitic memes, more than 1200 The_Donald readers evidently felt no shame about upvoting a meme that libels lefty rich dude philanthropist George Soros as a literal Nazi working for the literal Hitler.

Not actually true

Soros, who is Jewish, was 13 when the Nazis invaded Hungary; he survived the Holocaust by posing as the godson of a government official. On one occasion, when he was 14, he traveled with this government official to inventory the belongings left behind by a wealthy Jewish family that had fled the country. This incident has been cast as “collaboration” by assorted right-wing media sources; this meme takes the false allegation one step further.

Here, in something of an ironic twist, The_Donald readers joke about murdering many times the number of people Hitler and the Nazis murdered.


It should be noted that Trump himself has made a point of saying that he won’t rule out using nuclear weapons against countries he deems enemies of the US.

Here The-Donald denizens try some cold-war style redbaiting with a meme suggesting that Hillary is a Communist agent because some of her campaign buttons make reference to a “new day dawning.” Which is apparently Commie-speak for world domination or something.

Er, you guys remember Reagan's "morning in America" thing, right?
Er, you guys remember Reagan’s “morning in America” thing, right?

And why not round out the whole bunch with a rape joke featuring accused rapist Julian Assange?


Just a reminder: When Donald Trump went to Reddit to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything), this was the subreddit he did it in. These are his peeps.

Happy memeday, everyone!

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8 years ago

@Kat – I didn’t mean to imply that you’d duplicated; ’twas just a compliment on your powers of expression 🙂

I think it is my Week To Be Unclear On The Internet.

8 years ago

With Jill Stein hailing Assange as a hero, she has lost any shred of my ability to sympathize with her. As for Assange himself, now that there is some confirmation of interview, we can finally see an end to this decade long farce from a clear hypocrite and abuser of data, blind to his own Savior Complex.

Since Wikileaks is also following suit in supporting Scammer of Scholarships, repeated harasser and Gay Uncle Tom Milo, even going as far as declaring to create a different platform from twitter, this is how it ends. Considering the current trends of how everyone who claimed to be for rights simply are doing it for their own spiteful benefits, they themselves became the prime pinnacle reason for other governments to effectively alter the internet forever. The irony is rich since they are doing all the things other governments have claimed that they would do.

Apollo Icon
Apollo Icon
8 years ago

I think all of you are missing the bigger picture…

Our culture has grown so toxic, so politically correct, that millions and millions of people in the Good Ol’ USA are feed up. Just like BLM is pushing back against the police, The Donald is pushing back on political correctness. A lot more peacefully I might add…

The idea that freedom of speech and expression should ever be censored becuase it might offend someone is an anti-American sentiment. It is okay to be offended, just like it is okay to say offensive things. Maybe instead of yelling at each other are jumping to conclusions about 200000 people, engage, listen, try to find common ground. This means you have to give a little to get a little, but damn, isn’t it about time we all try to find common ground again?

As for Trump saying he would Nuke our enemies, why the hell wouldn’t he? If we were hit with an atomic weapon, a dirty bomb, or chemical agents, why the hell wouldn’t he retaliate with the very weapon that is meant to prevent those things from happening? Do you really think he would start a preemptive nuclear war becuase he doesn’t always say nice things? Obama never ruled out the use of Nucular Weapons either. No president since world war 2 has. Seriously….

But I digress…

The best part about the Donald, is, well, some of those Memes are meant to be dark and twisted comedy. Others express the oppinion of the extream fringe of Trumps supporters. Most of them are meant to do exactly what they have seemed accomplished with this article, trigger a Social Justice Warrior into showing how intolerant they really are.

Going to link this article to the Donald, the Nimble Navigators will enjoy knowing how well they succeeded.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

This is not meant to be a comment on Assange, but the discussion made me think of a prominent case of false confessions. I don’t know if Thomas Quick (aka Sture Bergwall) is at all known outside of Scandinavia, but he was previously considered the most deadly serial killer in Swedish history, having confessed to more than 30 gruesome murders spanning 30 years from 1964 to 1993. After his conviction, he spent upwards of 20 years in a mental asylum. In 2008 he suddenly took back all of his confessions and was eventually cleared of all wrongdoing, since he had been convictes based on no evidence other than his confessions. It’s a very interesting (and sad) story.

8 years ago

@SFHC @WWTH Hillary thinks she’s doesn’t need to play by the rules. Using her own private e-mail server during her entire term as Secretary of State? That’s more than just basic oversight.

8 years ago

I’m like you; I never before in my life knew that lesbians wanted to be farmers. I never knew that lesbians wanted to get behind the horse and the plow and start burrowing. I never knew it.

This quote right here has me wondering if Rush Limbaugh has ever spent any time in Rual America outside of flyovers between LA and New York? I live in rual Indiana, and drive through the countryside several times a week to get to one of my jobs. And I have never seen the farmers plowing/harvesting their fields with horse-drawn anythings. I’ve always seen them use machines in their fields, things like tractors and harvesters and hay balers and such. Nothing that uses horses to move things.

Or has Limbaugh gotten the Amish – who do use horses for their plowing/harvesting – mixed up with the conservative farmers he’s trying to ‘protect’ here? Like, he’s seen pictures of Amish farming techniques and thought they were used by the modern farmer? Or something else I’m not thinking of right now?

8 years ago

With Rushbo I find that just assuming he’s both willfully ignorant AND deliberately lying suffices.

8 years ago

Interesting. I had not heard of him before but maybe I’ll read up on him. I have a fascination with sereal killers (almost typed cereal), and even if he didn’t commit the crimes it still sounds interesting. The big one from my area was Ted Bundy and they have no idea if any of the confessions he made that they never found evidence to corroborate were really him, and he was always hinting at more (probably both to mess with them and to attempt to push his execution date further out, as he was always trying to negotiate for more time and appeal his sentence).

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

I made a quick drawing of a vulture with an e-cig voicing its opinion on Assange. My scanner is down though… But then again I’m a really bad drawer so it’s fine.

If he’s admitted to what he did, but maintains that what he did was not rape even though it clearly was, then he raped two women, end of story. How can that be so hard to understand ? Fuck, even Trump’s morons seem to realize that, and they’re the ones who blame rape on “Mexico not sending their best”.

8 years ago

I’ll give you credit, out of all the concern trolls I tried to read through these forums, you’re the most readable.

Pushing back against political correctness, explain what that means. A person who constantly sues and tries to silence the media for doing their job on reporting is the opposite of your Freeze Peach.

Hate speech is not free speech. Hate speech and other forms of mob mentality harassment specifically aim to threaten their targets into silence and foster an atmosphere to silence dissent of minorities. As all forms of this is administered on private forums instead of government, the rules of free speech do not apply to their respective establishments. Yeah let’s go the South Park route of saying that gays have it rough, but they shouldn’t do anything about having rights because caring about causes is for losers. We really should meet halfway on them having 3/5’s of the vote.

Hm, reasons why we don’t use nuclear warfare? Let me run down a few, not wanting to start WW 3 which would lead to the destruction of the human race, making enemies of multiple first world countries, be seen by the entire world as the new Nazis and Imperials, genocide advocating literally being a goal of the Nazis, making entire areas irridated and unusable with decades of fallout, jackasses like you not understanding how radiation works, your love of weapons but not the tactics people use to avoid needless deaths otherwise we’d be doing naught but trench warfare and have the Civil War tier casualties as the norm, etc.

IT’S JUST A PRANK BRO, JUST A JOKE. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, as ironic racism is still racism. #NotAllTrumpSupporters

“For you see SJW’s being intolerant of Neonazi anti-semetic, genocidal, anti-muslim, anti-women’s rights, anti-minority crap is the real problem here folks.”

Also as an aside, because your Das lieber Führer is committing political Sudoku, and because I see that everyone’s polls are showing your hổ giấy plummeting like a bird dropping, I see nothing but tick tock.

Also fuck you for trying to appropriate my favorite animal. The centipede is territorial, cares for its young, certain species helps keep the household free of pests and keeps itself hygienic.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago


This is what’s known as a point refuted a thousand times, or a PRATT.

@SFHC @WWTH Hillary thinks she’s doesn’t need to play by the rules. Using her own private e-mail server during her entire term as Secretary of State? That’s more than just basic oversight.

Most Secretaries of State do this. Colin Powell did it too, as did Condoleeza Rice. It’s the way things are done in that job. It is not unusual or surprising, and it’s certainly not a scandal.

So that’s the refutation of your point. Thanks for raising it and I hope you found the answer useful.

If I may ask a question in return: why did you feel it necessary to raise the point for the thousand-and-oneth time? Have you not heard the response this month? Has it not been raised on this particular thread yet? Are you hoping that we would be ignorant of it?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Context? Cos there is none

So it’s OK to say offensive things, and it’s OK to be offended. But you can’t tell people that you’re offended and why? And that’s in accordance with free speech? Oh, I get it now. You can say you’re offended, but not in a way that hurts the offender’s feelings…
Wait, that’s not it. I think I’ve figured it. So the offenders and the offended are meant to talk, to engage. So long as the offended don’t speak out against the offensive language…
Wait, that makes no sense. Lemme try again. So offensive language can be used to ‘trigger’ intolerance. Assuming, of course, that those offended don’t mock anyone for their intolerant beliefs…

8 years ago

@Apollo Icon

Maybe instead of yelling at each other are jumping to conclusions about 200000 people, engage, listen, try to find common ground. This means you have to give a little to get a little, but damn, isn’t it about time we all try to find common ground again?

Great idea.

What are you willing to give?

In what ways are you engaging those on the left?

What are they saying?

What common ground have you found?

I ask because your language seems designed to inflame, not seek common ground:

Our culture has grown so toxic, so politically correct, that millions and millions of people in the Good Ol’ USA are feed up. Just like BLM is pushing back against the police, The Donald is pushing back on political correctness. A lot more peacefully I might add…

As for Trump saying he would Nuke our enemies, why the hell wouldn’t he? . . .

Most of them are meant to do exactly what they have seemed accomplished with this article, trigger a Social Justice Warrior into showing how intolerant they really are.

Then there’s this:

If we were hit with an atomic weapon, a dirty bomb, or chemical agents, why the hell wouldn’t he retaliate with the very weapon that is meant to prevent those things from happening?

By your own definition if the weapon didn’t prevent the attack, it has failed. What’s the point of using it for a purpose for which it wasn’t designed? To make sure that no one on this planet survives? How would that benefit the USA?

8 years ago


@Kat – I didn’t mean to imply that you’d duplicated; ’twas just a compliment on your powers of expression ?

I think it is my Week To Be Unclear On The Internet.

No worries, Mish!

Thanks for the compliment — I’ve always wanted to be pithy.

And your writing is very clear indeed.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


Not sure about “concern troll”. Feels to me more like a plain ol’ troll.


I think all of you are missing the bigger picture…

You’re off to a great start, mate.

Our culture has grown so toxic, so politically correct, that millions and millions of people in the Good Ol’ USA are feed up.

“Politically correct” in conservaspeak seems to mean that someone dared call you out on something stupid you said. Gotta give you guys “credit” on this, though : you managed to hijack the term so well that the original meaning had to be renamed “conservative correctness”. Small victories are still victories, heh ?

Just like BLM is pushing back against the police, The Donald is pushing back on political correctness. A lot more peacefully I might add…

Totally peaceful, dude. I can’t even begin to refute that, mostly because not even wrong. And to be fair, refuting anything you said would require a translation effort on my part that I’m not willing to make. I’ll stick to pointing out the problematic parts in your post (that is, all of your post) and mocking them.

The idea that freedom of speech and expression should ever be censored becuase it might offend someone is an anti-American sentiment. It is okay to be offended, just like it is okay to say offensive things.

Refer to what I already said about “political correctness” : calling you out on your bullshit absolutely doesn’t infringe on your freedom of speech. It’s actually a manifestation of ours. Are you saying we shouldn’t be allowed freeze peach ? That’s anti-American.

Oh and since we’re on the subject… no, it’s not anti-American. I know, because I’m not American. It’s anti-democratic. It’s unacceptable no matter where you live, and the great thing about America is that no one fucking censors you. Get a grip and accept it.

Maybe instead of yelling at each other are jumping to conclusions about 200000 people, engage, listen, try to find common ground. This means you have to give a little to get a little, but damn, isn’t it about time we all try to find common ground again?

The Trump crowd advocating for reasonable debate and democratic process. That made my day, and it’s not even noon yet. Thank you.

Allow me : maybe instead of yelling at everyone else and jumping to conclusions about the rest of the goddamn world, including but not limited to entire countries, engage, listen, try to find common ground. This means you have to actually listen for once, but damn, isn’t about time you people took your heads out of your asses ?

As for Trump saying he would Nuke our enemies, why the hell wouldn’t he? If we were hit with an atomic weapon, a dirty bomb, or chemical agents, why the hell wouldn’t he retaliate with the very weapon that is meant to prevent those things from happening?

Why the hell not ? Well, first, for obvious reasons that mostly amount to : hot damn what is it about nukes that you people don’t get ? Besides, no one‘s aiming nukes at you. Dirty bombs ? Dude, do you even know what a dirty bomb is, what it does ? It does strictly nothing more than, you know, a bomb. Might even do less, since there’s a very real chance that the guy carrying it might keel over before he even has the time to set it and arm it. The fallout from a dirty bomb is, well, zero. That’s a point I made in another thread : whenever you mention ISIS’s supposed “dirty bombs” you’re only just fueling the only real danger they pose : a huge panic over nothing. Now, chemical weapons. You mean like the ones in Iraq ? Dude, no one’s aiming chemical weapons at you. Please stop wanting to go to war over non-existent WMDs, seriously, haven’t you learned your lesson yet ?

Obama never ruled out the use of Nucular Weapons either. No president since world war 2 has. Seriously…

That’s actually the only legitimate thing you’ve said, and I’ll give you credit for that. As for the end of your comment, about “dark and twisted comedy”, I’ll just refer you to what others have said. They said it really well. They went to the best schools, they have lots of words, they have the best words. So you can trust them.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


Going to link this article to the Donald, the Nimble Navigators will enjoy knowing how well they succeeded.

Go ahead, I’m sure this will go super well, like it always does.

@Everyone who’s not Apollo

Alert, alert. Fat Futrelle/feminazi jokes incoming. Maybe a repost of an old meme that hurt us SO MUCH the first time that we all cried. /s

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

@EJTOO, thanks for that link re Powell’s and Rice’s emails. Pretty fairhanded I thought it. Powell’s justification:

The former secretary of state explained in a statement that they were forwarded messages that two American ambassadors sent to state department staff. “My executive assistant thought I should see them in a timely manner so sent them to my personal account,” he said.

IOW: I pay a lot more attention to my personal stuff than my work stuff.
Rice’s justification:

Georgia Godfrey, Rice’s chief of staff at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, said the former secretary of state did not use email while in the job nor have a personal email account. It was her understanding that the emails in question were sent to Rice’s assistant

IOW: don’t bother me with information I might have to respond to – that’s what my Wall O’ Minions is for.
Good to know, even as hindsight.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

@Apollo whatever:

This means you have to give a little to get a little, but damn, isn’t it about time we all try to find common ground again?

Going to link this article to the Donald, the Nimble Navigators will enjoy knowing how well they succeeded.

Yes, Thankyou for the totally trustworthy map for finding common ground.
But on the bright side, you did distract us for a while from Gert doing what Gert does best.

8 years ago

@Oogly: “hổ giấy”?

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

The Rush Limbsugh thing make me kinda face palm. It’s exactly the same when I see quotes about Alex Jones. It’s so stupid, it’s almost funny, but it isn’t funny because it get a lot of working class white Anglo Saxon males up on their hind legs about things which are really no concern or threat to them

I watched a documentary last night on BBC I player about the eighties. One of the programs had a section on the ‘Loony Left’, the GLC and Ken Livingstone. They were accused of using tax payers money to fund lesbian events as well, and were falsely accused of trying to ban the kiddies nursery rhyme ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’, which is a song that even now very often gets the words changed to ‘Baa Baa Wooly Sheep’ in England by nursery school teachers eager to be PC.

By the way, the use of ‘politically correct’ as a go to insult by the alt right is ridiculous, as the term was originally coined by lefties themselves.

According to the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Kremlin advisers were the first to widely use the term. They did so without a trace of irony. Calling someone “politically correct” in Soviet Russia meant they toed the party line. A PC Kremlin insider was one who could reflect what Moscow was thinking—exactly the sort of person who would go far.

Now, to hear right-wing pundits ironically appropriated a Communist term to attack left-wingers wouldn’t be all that strange. What is strange is that they didn’t. Left-wingers beat them to it.

When “politically correct” first entered common English, it was used almost exclusively by left-wing groups to poke fun at themselves. New Left feminists deployed it to make fun of the old guard who spent too much time worrying about how to define things like a “feminist sexuality.” Progressives used it to mock their trade union–affiliated elders. Others used it as a reminder to avoid becoming like the Russia-sponsored lefties of old.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

Trump’s new campaign manager Steven Bannon is a proper Twitter warriors wet dream. I think it’s getting harder to tell fantasy from reality these days, and I really don’t like where this is leading. Even though as I pointed out, these people are not real fascist (yet!) they are well on the way, and are most certainly supporters of an in democratic Bonapartist regime (the Trump / Pinochet helicopter meme proved this point)
Now that Steven Bannon is taking time out from being CEO of Breitfart, we seem to be in alt right Inception, the echo chamber is closing in on itself and, like I said many months ago, what was alt right has now become mainstream. It’s a wonder anyone can even take this seriously, it’s like a reality show that’s gone very wrong indeed, and instead of voting for the sock puppet winner of ‘I’m a Celeb’, they’re being duped into voting for the ‘Leader of the Free World ™’.
If this is a joke it has gone way too far.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Just like BLM is pushing back against the police, The Donald is pushing back on political correctness. A lot more peacefully I might add…

Are you seriously equating the murder of unarmed black people with some dude being told he can no longer harrass the secretaries at work?

“Political correctness” is nothing more, or less, than recognizing that other people exist as thinking, feeling, functioning human beings, not punchlines to jokes. Why is this a bad thing?

Sure, you have the right to say offensive things, but why do you need that right? Why is it so important to you? What is it about having the freedom to spread hateful racist, anti-Semitic, misogynist sentiments that is so central to your identity? What is it about having to behave with basic courtesy and respect towards out-groups that you find oppressive?

As for nukes, using them on other areas of the world has consequences for the entire globe. EVERYONE has to suffer the effects of fallout, radiation exposure, atmospheric dust, reduced sunlight, ozone depletion, and the ecological chain reaction that would set off. Fifty years later, we’re still experiencing the effects of genetic damage from atmospheric testing in the 1950s and 60s.

That’s aside from the fact that you’d be condemning millions of innocents to horrible deaths and lingering aftereffects, as well as making their land uninhabitable for centuries. I’m only pointing out that nuclear detonation affects everybody because you dank alt-right types are so gleeful about catastrophe, and don’t give a shit until it affects you personally.

And if you don’t think Trump wouldn’t hesitate to launch a strike if someone said something mean to him or negotiations didn’t do well, you don’t know Trump.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Didn’t *go* well. Stupid timer ran out on me.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

And if you don’t think Trump wouldn’t hesitate to launch a strike if someone said something mean to him or negotiations didn’t go well, you don’t know Trump.

I voiced yesterday in an offline conversation the thought that he may very well nuke the US itself provided he gets angry at a specific area. Especially since, were he actually elected, it wouldn’t take long for most reasonable people to riot.

Stupid people stop being funny and start being scary when you give them power.

ETA : Regarding Bannon : and we used to say Breitbart was Trump’s Pravda…

8 years ago

“Political correctness” is just how bigots say, ” basic respect for other people”.

If you feel that needs to be pushed back against, you’re an asshole bigot.