![Remember this antisemitic anti-Hillary meme? The_Donald is trying to Googlebomb it to the top of the results for the word "corrupt"](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/don1hilstar.jpg?resize=580%2C290&ssl=1)
As Trump stumbles from one self-created crisis to another, the main hub of Trump support on Reddit is thriving. The_Donald now boasts more than 200,000 subscribers, many of them eager cyber-warriors who love nothing so much as Googlebombing anti-Hillary memes (like the one above) to the top of the search engines results, or flooding online polls with votes for the man they call their God Emperor.
For today’s Memeday, here are some of the more, well, interesting memes posted to The_Donald in the last week. All these memes got upvotes, some thousands of them, others only a handful.
Though many of Trump’s most enthusiastic fans are Internet Nazis who’ve flooded Twitter with a wide assortment of antisemitic memes, more than 1200 The_Donald readers evidently felt no shame about upvoting a meme that libels lefty rich dude philanthropist George Soros as a literal Nazi working for the literal Hitler.
Soros, who is Jewish, was 13 when the Nazis invaded Hungary; he survived the Holocaust by posing as the godson of a government official. On one occasion, when he was 14, he traveled with this government official to inventory the belongings left behind by a wealthy Jewish family that had fled the country. This incident has been cast as “collaboration” by assorted right-wing media sources; this meme takes the false allegation one step further.
Here, in something of an ironic twist, The_Donald readers joke about murdering many times the number of people Hitler and the Nazis murdered.
It should be noted that Trump himself has made a point of saying that he won’t rule out using nuclear weapons against countries he deems enemies of the US.
Here The-Donald denizens try some cold-war style redbaiting with a meme suggesting that Hillary is a Communist agent because some of her campaign buttons make reference to a “new day dawning.” Which is apparently Commie-speak for world domination or something.
![Er, you guys remember Reagan's "morning in America" thing, right?](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/donnewday.jpg?resize=437%2C521&ssl=1)
And why not round out the whole bunch with a rape joke featuring accused rapist Julian Assange?
Just a reminder: When Donald Trump went to Reddit to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything), this was the subreddit he did it in. These are his peeps.
Happy memeday, everyone!
@ varalys (and welcome back!)
No worries. You probably had your comments filter set to ‘ignore waffling’ so that would have cut me out.
Sent you an email. Nothing urgent. Just saw ‘AOL’ and got nostalgic so had to use it; like when you go to craft fairs and they let you make some butter on an antique churn 🙂
Would it blow their minds to learn that most white cats are secretly other colors? Most of them are not albinism but rather have a red or black gene in addition to a white spotting gene that expresses so strongly that all the furs are white.
Yes, guys. That cute white pussy might really be…black!!! The horror!!!
Aside from the egregious use of kitties, do they not even know what a meme is? Or how metaphors work? Rewording something so that it contains cats is not at all clever or interesting or persuasive. Or a meme, for that matter.
“Accepting refugees is white genocide!”
“That makes literally zero sense”
“… imagine it’s cats?”
Like… what??
@LindsayIrene Adding my voice to those who oppose the use of furry, warm bundles of joy to promote messages of bigotry.
And I’d also like to point out that, in the world of reality, black cats are the ones who suffer the most from neglect and abuse at the hands of humans. I feel like there’s a point in there, somewhere.
Ah tv tropes! My favourite website. After whtm of course 😉
As, so the Soviet bogeyman rears its ugly head…..again.
More accusations of Hillary being a commie. Oh dear. She most certainly isn’t. It would be much better if she actually was.
@Virgin Mary
Seconded. It’s almost funny how a lot of their disaster scenarios are our wishes.
The Assange meme is pathetic. No one really knows the truth behind the accusations, but the MRAs have made him a hero, because as a RAPIST they’ve claimed him as one of their own. If it turns out he isn’t one, will they turn against him?
@Virgin Mary
In that case, he’ll be a martyr in their eyes. Probably already is. They probably believe it’s all “false rape accusations meant to silence him” or something.
It’s because nothing scares a would be Nazi like a good dose of the Red Army. 🙂
BTW I don’t think these dumbfucks know that they are not really fascists, they do not fit Trotsky’s definition of fascism, all they are a lumpen rabble high on racism and misogyny, rallying behind a Bonepartist demagogue. Mussolini rose to power without having to use racism. He simply used oppression and violence against the working classes and the unions.
I don’t think they think that. They want him to be a proud rapist who’s dodged the system. If he was falsely accused that would make him a beta male mangina.
I still don’t know what to think about Assange myself. For a clever man he sure acts stupid.
Women Against Rape have this to say.
Virgin Mary,
I thought Assange admitted to penetrating an unconscious woman? Did he not?
I don’t know, if you have a link, please post it to clarify. I didn’t think he’d confessed to anything.
Sadly your argument that they aren’t even real fascists is irrelevant because it’s grounded in reality. And I can’t believe we’ve gotten to a point where I can actually say that with strictly no exaggeration, while talking about the support base of a nominated presidential candidate. Whatever the fuck happened to this world ?
Regarding Assange, I think they’ll spin it however they need to glorify him, whether he’s guilty or not. Right now I’m guilty of assuming he is, and it seems they are too. But if, and that’s a big if, he turns out to be innocent, they won’t hesitate to make him into a martyr.
However, if he ever says anything they don’t like, like how (I presume) he’s not a fascist, they’ll turn him into either an “evil fucking rapist” (aka… a rapist… just not justified in their eyes… which I can’t believe I also just said, still without exaggeration, still while talking about the main support base of a goddamn nominated presidential candidate) or as you said a beta male mangina (cuck too, probably).
Interesting times we live in, indeed.
He raped two women.
For some reason, it keeps posting the wrong link.
Gimme a sec.
Is it the one titled like this ?
Closest one I could find with the keyword “Assange” that mentionned something like that.
I honestly know very little about the case so I’m not exactly useful here.
Assange Lawyer Concedes “Disrespectful,” “Disturbing” Sexual Acts
July 12, 2011 in Gender, Litigation, Police, Politics, Sexual Violence
Wednesday Update | A representative of the Swedish prosecution team is forcefully rebutting the Assange defense’s definition of consent in today’s hearing. Click here for ongoing coverage.
• • •
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is in a London court today, contesting an order that he be extradited to Sweden to face allegations that he raped two women there last year.
Assange’s attorneys are contending that the extradition order is invalid because the actions alleged are not criminal under English law. In doing so, they appear to be conceding the sincerity of at least some of those allegations. “Nothing I say,” Assange lawyer Ben Emmerson told the court this morning, “should be taken as denigrating the complainants” or to “trivialize their experience.” His arguments should not be construed as disputing that they honestly consider Assange’s behavior “disrespectful” or “disturbing,” he said, or that Assange “push[ed] at the boundaries of what they felt comfortable with.”
Emmerson went on to provide accounts of the two encounters in question which granted — for the purposes of today’s hearing — the validity of Assange’s accusers’ central claims. He described Assange as penetrating one woman while she slept without a condom, in defiance of her previously expressed wishes, before arguing that because she subsequently “consented to … continuation” of the act of intercourse, the incident as a whole must be taken as consensual.
In the other incident, in which Assange is alleged to have held a woman down against her will during a sexual encounter, Emmerson provided this summary of the allegations: “[The complainant] was lying on her back and Assange was on top of her … [she] felt that Assange wanted to insert his penis into her vagina directly, which she did not want since he was not wearing a condom … she therefore tried to turn her hips and squeeze her legs together in order to avoid a penetration … [she] tried several times to reach for a condom, which Assange had stopped her from doing by holding her arms and bending her legs open and trying to penetrate her with his penis without using a condom. [She] says that she felt about to cry since she was held down and could not reach a condom and felt this could end badly.”
As in the case of the first incident, Emmerson argues that subsequent consent renders the entire encounter consensual, and legal.
While Emmerson was not vouching for the accuracy of these accounts but merely offering them as summaries of the charges against his client, his introductory statement, excerpted above, was striking in its tone and approach:
“Nothing I say should be taken as denigrating the complainants, the genuineness of their feelings of regret, to trivialise their experience or to challenge whether they felt Assange’s conduct was disrespectful, discourteous, disturbing or even pushing at the boundaries of what they felt comfortable with.”
At a minimum, such language would seem to preclude two of the defenses that have previously been offered by Assange defenders — that the complainants were merely spurned lovers or government plants concocting fantastical stories for their own purposes.
• • •
(Sorry, couldn’t resist spamming my WWE World Tag Team chaaampiiionnnns!)
Echoing varalys a bit, but also adding: I’m a huge fan of old-school survival horror games (Like the original ResiEvils and the Silent Hills that aren’t American), and The Evil Within didn’t quite scratch that for me. It’s more ResiEvil 4 than early ResiEvils. More guns and linear paths and the like.
Not that that’s a bad thing, but it wasn’t as scary as I was hoping it would be, so it might be right up your ally? The first bits are more tense, but after you get some guns and upgrade them a bit, it’s not as terrifying. Still kind of tense, but I can’t help compare it to ResiEvil 4. It’s SO SIMILAR.
Oh, and to keep it kind of non-spoilery: They did leave it open for a sequel at the end.
I will say though: if horror’s not your thing, skip the DLC called The Assignment and The Consequence. I personally loved The Assignment. It was SO GOOD. The Consequence wasn’t as scary, but both of them are connected, so you can’t play the second bit and understand what’s going on without playing the first bit.
The Assignment had an old-school survival horror feel to it and I loved it. You had no gun*, no way to defend yourself, you had to sneak past everything. It was tense, it was scary, and I jumped more than once.
However, I feel like they kind of ruined it for me though when they went back to the shooty-shooty bang bang in The Consequence. : /
Not that shooty-shooty bang bang is bad, it’s just not as scary to me as having no weapons and having to run away from something that will insta-kill you if it thinks you’re breathing anywhere in a three mile radius.
I had to redo one part of The Assignment at least seven times because you have to hide from the big bad (A spotlight monster named Shade, who I have lovingly referred to as “Pyramid Head’s ex-datemate from college”) in a room full of servers while you wait for an elevator to power up. Shade constantly moves around, and you have to keep out of its line of sight. Also, sometimes the servers blow up and can hurt you/stun you so you can’t move, and thus can make it easier for Shade to find you, because it’s attracted to the noise.
Good times.
*There was one bit where you did get a gun, but it was only so they could take it right back afterwards, which I love as a device because nothing makes you feel more powerless than giving you a powerful way to defend yourself, and then making it useless immediately afterwards. The horror gods giveth, and the horror gods taketh away~
EDIT: Kat, can you put a trigger warning on stuff like that next time please? I got a little panicky reading that…
So, he admits to penetrating women who have not given consent, but argues that because they consented to sex with him previously, he can do what he likes to them at any time.
Julian Arrange is an independent rapist.
Unrepentant. Not independent.
Re: Assange
I posted something from the judgment in the extradition hearing a while ago that goes into this. Currently I’m dangling out of a window to get a phone signal so can’t search for it, but if it’s relevant I’m sure someone more tech savvy could find it.
These clowns are still on about Soros? http://mediamatters.org/research/2010/09/20/toronto-sun-corrects-soros-nazi-smear/170877
Debunked arguments Are being rehashed like Zombie Lies.
@David Futrelle
Echoing Pararoxy. If you can, Dave, please add a Trigger Warning to Lea’s post
Bookmarked 🙂
One drop rule, eh? We gotta get them kittehs tested. For science! What? Test me? Oh, nay, nay. I’m 100% pure hwite (not a typo). Go on then, you won’t find any of that [slurry slur] blood in me:
They do fall into another definition of fascism. Perhaps. It’s all rather interesting. Caught my attention when people were tryna calculate whether Trump was a literal fascist or just seemed like one. The most commonly used definition is from Griffin: “a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultranationalism”. That is, a return to the semi historical halcyon days of glory thru the state and the (narrowly defined) nation. I tend to think that, yes, Trump is a fascist. ‘We can make the real America (ultranationalism) great again (palingenesis) by kicking out the undesirables (more nationalism)’ is picture perfect fascism. There are reasonable disagreements. Fascism or fascismo? Protofascist? Interesting indeed