alt-right anti-Semitism irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis memeday memes racism reddit trump

Memeday: A visit to Reddit’s horrifying haven for Trump fans, The_Donald

Remember this antisemitic anti-Hillary meme? The_Donald is trying to Googlebomb it to the top of the results for the word "corrupt"
Remember this antisemitic anti-Hillary meme? The_Donald is trying to Googlebomb it to the top of the results for the word “corrupt”

As Trump stumbles from one self-created crisis to another, the main hub of Trump support on Reddit is thriving. The_Donald now boasts more than 200,000 subscribers, many of them eager cyber-warriors who love nothing so much as Googlebombing anti-Hillary memes (like the one above) to the top of the search engines results, or flooding online polls with votes for the man they call their God Emperor.

For today’s Memeday, here are some of the more, well, interesting memes posted to The_Donald in the last week. All these memes got upvotes, some thousands of them, others only a handful.

Though many of Trump’s most enthusiastic fans are Internet Nazis who’ve flooded Twitter with a wide assortment of antisemitic memes, more than 1200 The_Donald readers evidently felt no shame about upvoting a meme that libels lefty rich dude philanthropist George Soros as a literal Nazi working for the literal Hitler.

Not actually true

Soros, who is Jewish, was 13 when the Nazis invaded Hungary; he survived the Holocaust by posing as the godson of a government official. On one occasion, when he was 14, he traveled with this government official to inventory the belongings left behind by a wealthy Jewish family that had fled the country. This incident has been cast as “collaboration” by assorted right-wing media sources; this meme takes the false allegation one step further.

Here, in something of an ironic twist, The_Donald readers joke about murdering many times the number of people Hitler and the Nazis murdered.


It should be noted that Trump himself has made a point of saying that he won’t rule out using nuclear weapons against countries he deems enemies of the US.

Here The-Donald denizens try some cold-war style redbaiting with a meme suggesting that Hillary is a Communist agent because some of her campaign buttons make reference to a “new day dawning.” Which is apparently Commie-speak for world domination or something.

Er, you guys remember Reagan's "morning in America" thing, right?
Er, you guys remember Reagan’s “morning in America” thing, right?

And why not round out the whole bunch with a rape joke featuring accused rapist Julian Assange?


Just a reminder: When Donald Trump went to Reddit to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything), this was the subreddit he did it in. These are his peeps.

Happy memeday, everyone!

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Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Are they ever going to explain how Hillary’s “Corrupt”? Especially compared to Trump’s fraud, (alleged) embezzlement, ties to Russia, ties to the Mafia and ties to the Russian Mafia?

Potential Human Bean
Potential Human Bean
8 years ago

It’s easier to just say things and hope people who were already sympathetic to your views believe them than have a legitimate argument which could be attacked.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

They genuinely cannot decide whether they’re pro- or anti-Nazi, can they?

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
8 years ago

I really really hate the ‘Soros as collaborator’ stuff that goes around. Blaming a child for surviving genocide is disgusting.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Meanwhile, Trump promotes pro-Kremlin policies, Ivanka vacations with Putin’s girlfriend, and his (former) campaign manager is an actual Russian agent. But Hillary’s the commie.

Are these the same people who see Jesus in their grilled cheese?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

The “new dawn” one… welp, this time I can’t even find a metaphor that properly conveys just how fucking ironic that is.

Egregious accusations of dogwhistling.
McCarthyism coming from the freeze peach crowd.

GUYS ! SLOW THE FUCK DOWN ! You’ve gone so far into stupid that we can’t even follow anymore ! Please at least come back into territory that makes just enough sense for us to make fun of you !

ETA : @EJ (The Other One)

Definitely pro-nazi, but the only thing they hate more than a Jew is a race traitor.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Definitely pro-nazi, but the only thing they hate more than a Jew is a race traitor.

I’m glad to hear that my least favourite South African thought-stopping phrase has made its way north of the equator.

What complete assholes. I’m glad they’re irrelevant.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

I’m glad they’re irrelevant

I’m just not sure how irrelevant they are anymore. Racist violence was already happening before Trump, but it’s on the rise again now. And american politics seems like it might never recover from what’s happening – or what might happen after he loses the election.

On the other hand, they completely nuked the right and sabotaged themselves, so there’s that.

8 years ago

Also a fan of the rising sun motif: colonial Americans – including George Washington

Colonial inns:

George Washington’s chair for the convention:

Bonus musical interlude from the Animals (nothing to do with colonial US):

8 years ago

ScarlettAthena: Not to mention Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America”. “New Day” metaphors are so common across the political spectrum that they might as well panic about the use of vowels.

But yeah, it’ll be interesting to see hat happens when Trump loses the election. Is the center of the GOP going to shift further towards the Alt-right? Will it split off into alt-right and center-right, dooming both to irrelevance? (I kind of hope the latter happens, as it might give greater political incentive for multi-party voting reforms). Or worse, will the alt-right reject democracy as a whole, and move to become an explicitly revolutionary organization?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

Or worse, will the alt-right reject democracy as a whole, and move to become an explicitly revolutionary organization?

They’d have to get their asses up and off Reddit first. There’ll be an increase in violence, that seems certain, but outright revolution…? I don’t know, it seems to me that too many of these guys are armchair revolutionaries.

But they’re ideologues, and they motivate the odd actual shooter that crawls out of his den to kill people every so and then. I think that’s the danger they pose, no more, but definitely no less.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


She’s a woman and she’s successful. That’s enough evidence. Everyone knows women can only make babies and sandwiches so she must have done something shady to get to the top!

8 years ago


But yeah, it’ll be interesting to see hat happens when Trump loses the election. Is the center of the GOP going to shift further towards the Alt-right? Will it split off into alt-right and center-right, dooming both to irrelevance? (I kind of hope the latter happens, as it might give greater political incentive for multi-party voting reforms). Or worse, will the alt-right reject democracy as a whole, and move to become an explicitly revolutionary organization?

There’s a theory that Trump wants to play media tycoon, setting up a new news network with the aid of Roger Ailes. If that gets any traction, it could play an important role in answering your question. I suspect it’s a non-starter, though.

8 years ago

Wait, wait, wait. Did someone up there cite the World Book Encyclopedia to make a meme?

I am so confused.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

UGh, I take a few days break from WHTM to immerse myself in “The Evil Within” and return to more abusive non-memes from internet nazis. That being said I am more interested in this US election than any before and shall be eagerly and hopefully watching it online to see Trump try and spin his way out of the hoped for Clinton landslide.

O/T: Alan, I responded to the comments you left on a couple of my blog posts, for some reason I missed them when I did my check of new comments last time. You don’t need to respond or anything, I’m just letting you know I read and appreciated them 🙂

8 years ago

Not sure why George Soros gets cast as the ‘liberal’ figurehead. He has a few good ideas, but he’s still a rich dude who has no issues with currency manipulation and being wealthy.

Is it more projection? Alt-right scum love their rich, white dudes, so obviously everyone loves rich, white dudes, just the wrong ones? Wake me up when they find Joe Hill, or Mother Jones (not the website), or anyone besides Marx and Stalin to make their boogeyman.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Just had an interesting thought. Back in 1994 was when I got access to the net. It was via the university’s IT labs, no personal computer networks yet. Very quickly people started abusing it. So our uni heads had lists put up in each room of banned material to access. Most of it was stuff like porn or things like the anarchist cookbook (ahem), which would result in a slap on the wrist and banning from the net for about a week. The big exception was anyone caught accessing and/or disemminating neo-nazi related material (unless they had a research exemption), doing that got you kicked out. Off your course and out of university, no ifs no buts, you were GONE. That’s how taboo Neo Nazism was in the UK when I was at university. Funny how things change.

8 years ago

Some idiot decided there needed to be a ‘lying Hillary’ doll (which says 18 different unbelievable things) for sale and the commercial for it has been playing FAR TOO OFTEN. Like multiple times in the span of one hour of programming.

I want to find out whose idea this doll was and make them eat every last one, polyfiberfill stuffing and all. I won’t. But the idea is verrrrrrrrrrrrrry tempting.

8 years ago

Amanda Marcotte posted this meme, from a Facebook group that’s against ‘white genocide’:×959.png


8 years ago

re: the ‘Problem Solved’ one.
Mere nuclear weapons wouldn’t be enough to make a crater that big. You’d need a good sized asteroid. The last time something that big hit the planet it wiped out the dinosaurs.
I guess I’m being nit-picky, but sheesh!

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


I reckon that would still happen now. I hope. Not sure about universities though… Sadly that probably also contributed to feeding these guys’ persecution complex : goes to show that you can’t win with them, they’ll spin everything into whatever suits them.

OT, how’s The Evil Within ? I don’t generally do well with “scary” but hey, it might be below my threshold, and if it’s good…


Let’s make a deal : I help you find them, but I get to keep half the dolls. Don’t worry, they’ll still end up in that guy’s stomach, but via a different path.

8 years ago

These Trump fans have been playing too much Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri and yet have somehow missed that planetbusters are almost never a viable strategic option… unless you’re losing.

Seriously, though, I can’t take anyone even mock-seriously who thinks that nuking Mecca and/or the entire Middle East would solve literally anything. You know that Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world, is majority Islam and nowhere near the Middle East, right? You know that it’d basically make us permanent enemies of Turkey, all of Africa north of the equator, and most of Central Asia, right? You know you can’t just kill people and break their things until they give up, right?

I do like that they carefully placed it so that they don’t destroy Israel. Take that, accusations of anti-Semitism!

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

@LindsayIrene: I know…so NOT cool! I’m a dog person but I still love kitties because who doesn’t

@Everyone else: You all have said anything I may have wanted to say, so here’s a shameless plug for my Trumpkin Bingo

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@Sinkable John: “The Evil Within” is pretty damn good, although it’s more surreal mindscrew than full on fear inducing. And has some issues, Casual Difficulty is way too hard, I consider myself a decent player and I got held up way to many times at bullet sponge bosses. Also too many enemies have Instant Kill attacks you have to pray for luck not to get attacked with. They did patch Casual Mode to make it easier and sorted some of the boss issues, I’m not online with my Xbox, so for me Casual and Normal/Survival Mode have so far felt indentical. But the levelling up in an interesting idea, being able to make your guns stronger is a good way to help with those bloody bosses and the stealth element is well integrated as well. Overall, I enjoyed the story and am enjoying replaying it to get as many achievements as possible. (I might try Nightmare difficulty as well, but the unlockable AKUMA mode where everything is a OHK might be beyond even a l33t player like me!).

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


I for one absolutely love your shameless bingotry.

@Varalys the dark

I’ll look into some more then, thanks for the info 🙂

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