Milo Yiannopoulos’s “Privilege Grant” was announced with great fanfare back in January. The alleged college scholarship program, designed to tweak PC sensibilities by offering money only to white males, was supposed to start offering scholarships this fall, providing 50 lucky white dudes $2500 each, for a total of $125,000 in its initial year, $25,000 of which would come from Milo himself.
Well, the school year is almost upon us, and … nothing. Not only has the fund failed to distribute any of the promised money; it hasn’t even set up an application form on its website.
Now YouTuber Margaret MacLennan, a self-described “basic monarchist and conservative” who was the original “director” of the alleged scholarship fund and who helped Milo raise money for it, is asking where the money went.
On Reddit, someone called enough__is___enough is flat out accusing Milo of taking the money and running, posting a detailed set of accusations in the EnoughTrumpSpam subreddit:
According to enough__is___enough, “the former director of the now defunct grant [says that] donations for the grant were routed into Milo’s business, Caligula Limited” — a business that has apparently since been dissolved. MacLennan — presumably the “former director” alluded to — Tweeted what appears to be the wire transfer instructions for donations, which suggest that the money was to go directly into Milo’s bank account.
Milo says the accusations in the Reddit post are “garbage,” as he put it in a Facebook comment today. On the Privilege Grant website he or one of his army of interns has put up a slightly more detailed response, claiming that, hey, he’s just running a little late with the whole “actually giving money out” thing. His excuse? He’s been TOO FAMOUS to get the grant pulled together.
“The initial flurry of interest in the Privilege Grant, and my skyrocketing media profile, left us behind on logistics,” he declares, without apology.
In an astonishing coincidence, the Privilege Grant web page also announced today that it had appointed
a new administrative lead for the Privilege Grant …
Now that the Privilege Grant has been staffed, donors, potential applicants and interested parties can expect monthly updates on the Privilege Grant’s website at https://privilegegrant.com/.
How strange that this happened totally by coincidence literally two days after people started asking questions publicly about the money! It’s all very Trumpian.
The same press release also claimed that “the Privilege Grant is in the process of applying for charity status with the U.S. government.”
And they’ve got a NEW SCHEDULE that they will totally be keeping to:
The current plan is for the Privilege Grant to run a pilot grant program for the Spring semester of the 2016-2017 school year, and then administer the full grant program for the 2017-2018 school year.
On the front page of the site, though, the Privilege Grant is still said to be on a schedule that would be possible only with the use of a time machine:
Applications will open in Spring 2016. Privilege Grants will be awarded in early Summer 2016 to be available for Fall 2016 enrollment.
It’s all very ethical.
H/T — Thanks to Margaret Pless (@idlediletante) of Internet Famous Angry Men, the first to alert me to this; I also sort of borrowed the headline from her.
EDIT: Added a few details about MacLennan.
+1 for Gravity Falls! I should really get on with watching season 2.
And +1 for that Epic Rap Battle between Gordon Ramsay and Julia Child, it’s easily one of my favorites because of how utterly destroyed Ramsay gets.
@Kasteray : thoses statues go in the battlefield Trump chose. Their lasting legacy is saying that it’s a battlefield worth being in.
Or, you know, this:
Well, the persons in internship who ghostwrite for him are not going to paid themselves or with thin air, i suppose…
By the way, is it legal to open a grant fund for persons with so many discriminative criteria ?
Have a nice day.
Also, Violet B. – the bingo is legendary and beautiful.
Thank you 😀
A battlefield that is becoming his very own Vietnam. Yeah, he chose the terms, because he thought “political correctness” (another thing of which he has no understanding whatsoever) would prevent anyone from calling him out on it, or fighting him on those terms.
And while he’s making an ass of himself trying to refute points that he invited people to make, and that literally no one besides him cares about, we’re all just hanging back watching the dumpster fire like it’s St John’s night.
And as Dan Kasteray pointed out, you can’t criticize non-existent ideas. Or rather, more precisely, since his ideas are not even wrong, you can’t actually even begin to refute them without straying pretty far into stupid territory yourself.
That’s the real sad thing with Trump : the guy actually managed to damage american politics even further, thus proving that there is no limit to how much you can break something before there’s nothing in it to break anymore.
To be fair to Milo (I know, this feels dirty) this might just be a case of gross incompetence not a scam.
I see most of the Privilege Grant materials advertise it as being available to “white men,” but a tweet in February says “straight white American men.” If I were a non-straight and/or not American Milo-loving shithead in need of school money I’d be concerned about the lack of clarifying detail.
I just bet Milo tells all his alt-right buddies that he has “queer privilege.”
Why doesn’t he just go ahead and offer the money only to rich people too? They’re the real victims. #AtlasShrugged
Re: Trump statues
I thought they were mildly funny but too juvenile to me more than that, but then this happened:
Thus Spake ZaraBerdache from a previous zaralife:
It’s strange how resistant those Red Pill types are to the notion that women have sex for pleasure, affection, and intimacy — just as men do.
Then again, from the way Red Pill men describe their own sexual encounters, there seems to be damn little pleasure, affection, or intimacy in it for Red Pill dudes, either. For most of them it seems to be about winning in some abstract way: “I just nailed an HB9! Take that, girl who wouldn’t date me in high school!”
I imagine it must really cheese off the typical MRA that women are not only allowed to have sex however they please, most of them are also enjoying it much more than the MRA is.
When it comes to Milo, assume that Hanlon’s razor is broken and works in reverse.
They sure think they are.
Although some of them seem to understand the system a little better.
I could also buy the theory that Milo never thought that far ahead. He liked the part where he could clamour for attention, but the more actual work involved, the more he lost interest.
@Boogerghost, I seem to recall Milo saying women made him gay. Unless he’s referring to having come out of his mother’s womb with that orientation, I fail to see how it’s possible. But he sure is one unhappy self-hating dude. Maybe he’s hoping that by absconding with the money, he can buy himself some more of that liquid comfort he seems to be taking so much of.
A large number of scholarships are restricted de facto to able bodied white people. Sponsors are allowed to deny your application if you aren’t able bodied and there’s plenty of “German American” scholarships.
Also, disadvantaged people often end up having to take out more in loans than the typical middle-class white guy even if they qualify for special grant programs based on race, disability, or family income. Paying for school might suck for some middle-class white families, but they often end up in a better economic situation anyway.
Also more expensive private schools tend to have more GPA inflation compared to state universities (no offense intended to anyone who went to a private school). So the lowering of academic standards often has more to do with rich white kids and less with women and minorities going to college.
If I remember well, he said he “became gay so that he wouldn’t have to deal with nutty broads”.
To add insult to injury, he didn’t actually imply that homosexuality is a choice… no, he outright said it, and that statement was meant to support his point.
You can get much more cynical without your blood turning to acid and eating through your own body.
ETA : You can’t* get much more cynical. Or at least, I hope. One has to wonder how can a single person be so toxic, yet not choke on their own words.
rrh said
Yes, I think he has that in common with his “daddy” Trumplethinskin, too, whose erstwhile ex-campaign manager has hinted that his VP would be doing a lot of his work for him.
Quoting Mr. Manafort: “He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO” (bolding mine)
Yes, Terrance will be ever-present and tirelessly crusading… until he gets called out for debate or mockery, then he crumbles like a cookie and quietly slinks away, never to return… to that particular thread at least.
Like daddy, like son.
Which is silly, really, because inane behavior is hardly gender-specific. There are plenty of ridiculous gay guys, too…case in point, of course, being himself. And oh my gawd, just ask any straight woman about how completely off-the-wall straight guys are. You refuse to have sex with one? You’re fat! You’re ugly! And you’re a dumb slut! Whereas, before you said no, you were feckin’ gorgeous.
Milo really does deserve a prize…for stupidity. If only they were handing ’em out for that. But they’re not, so the only way to get his hands on that sweet, sweet cash is to actually STEAL it.
Re: the Trump statues:
I love that the rug matches the drapes. Perfect illustration for the definition of “merkin”.
Other word nerd matter:
Timmarance seems the living embodiment of the definition of the antonym of limerence.
She’s also a big supporter of Donald Trump. She sells custom-made Trump hats:
Please, don’t anybody tell this Canadian that we don’t do monarchy here in the USA. In fact, we waged a revolution over that issue.
Another Canadian Trump supporter to keep this a secret from: Andrea Hardie/aka Janet Bloomfield/aka Judgy Bitch. You know, the infidelchick.
And please don’t tell either of them that they’re not US citizens and thus can’t vote for Donald Trump.
It would break their hearts.
@Kat: Margaret MacLennan’s blog – is she taking the piss out of ASMR devotees there or not? I really can’t tell, I have enough aural reactivity to find genuine ASMR stuff profoundly satisfying but not to experience the euphoria that some do. I have no doubt that a bad tune played on a good fiddle can still sound OK, but content aside, her instrument is also not doing it for me. Some whisper voices have great subtle resonances, for me hers isn’t one of them. It’s like she doesn’t understand that low volume and slight raspiness aren’t all it takes to sound good ASMR wise.
But she has also given me a link to a Jon De Lancie Q&A that looks much more rewarding.
ETA: more rewarding in terms of both content and execution.