Milo Yiannopoulos’s “Privilege Grant” was announced with great fanfare back in January. The alleged college scholarship program, designed to tweak PC sensibilities by offering money only to white males, was supposed to start offering scholarships this fall, providing 50 lucky white dudes $2500 each, for a total of $125,000 in its initial year, $25,000 of which would come from Milo himself.
Well, the school year is almost upon us, and … nothing. Not only has the fund failed to distribute any of the promised money; it hasn’t even set up an application form on its website.
Now YouTuber Margaret MacLennan, a self-described “basic monarchist and conservative” who was the original “director” of the alleged scholarship fund and who helped Milo raise money for it, is asking where the money went.
On Reddit, someone called enough__is___enough is flat out accusing Milo of taking the money and running, posting a detailed set of accusations in the EnoughTrumpSpam subreddit:
According to enough__is___enough, “the former director of the now defunct grant [says that] donations for the grant were routed into Milo’s business, Caligula Limited” — a business that has apparently since been dissolved. MacLennan — presumably the “former director” alluded to — Tweeted what appears to be the wire transfer instructions for donations, which suggest that the money was to go directly into Milo’s bank account.
Milo says the accusations in the Reddit post are “garbage,” as he put it in a Facebook comment today. On the Privilege Grant website he or one of his army of interns has put up a slightly more detailed response, claiming that, hey, he’s just running a little late with the whole “actually giving money out” thing. His excuse? He’s been TOO FAMOUS to get the grant pulled together.
“The initial flurry of interest in the Privilege Grant, and my skyrocketing media profile, left us behind on logistics,” he declares, without apology.
In an astonishing coincidence, the Privilege Grant web page also announced today that it had appointed
a new administrative lead for the Privilege Grant …
Now that the Privilege Grant has been staffed, donors, potential applicants and interested parties can expect monthly updates on the Privilege Grant’s website at https://privilegegrant.com/.
How strange that this happened totally by coincidence literally two days after people started asking questions publicly about the money! It’s all very Trumpian.
The same press release also claimed that “the Privilege Grant is in the process of applying for charity status with the U.S. government.”
And they’ve got a NEW SCHEDULE that they will totally be keeping to:
The current plan is for the Privilege Grant to run a pilot grant program for the Spring semester of the 2016-2017 school year, and then administer the full grant program for the 2017-2018 school year.
On the front page of the site, though, the Privilege Grant is still said to be on a schedule that would be possible only with the use of a time machine:
Applications will open in Spring 2016. Privilege Grants will be awarded in early Summer 2016 to be available for Fall 2016 enrollment.
It’s all very ethical.
H/T — Thanks to Margaret Pless (@idlediletante) of Internet Famous Angry Men, the first to alert me to this; I also sort of borrowed the headline from her.
EDIT: Added a few details about MacLennan.
I hope Terrence sticks around for the troll challenge.
He’s the funniest troll we’ve had in a while.
Y’all. He’s serious y’all.
Since Timmarence already deuced all over the thread, I thought I’d take the opportunity to clear out some news stories from my bookmarks (never the right time, ya know?)
1)Trump advisor is a Holocaust denier
2)transwoman gets boss on camera harassing her
3)Nate Parker rape trail comes back to bite his new movie
End on a less disgusting note:
4)Twitter seems to finally be doing some things
@ Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
“What ever is “advanced prostitution” supposed to mean ?”
Think that refers to marriage as an economic institution where the woman only contributes one thing and the man the rest.
It’s hard for me to follow such limited thinking, but that’s my best guess.
Terrence,why aren’t you out raged that someone who suppose to be on your side just defrauded a bunch of people he claimed he was trying to help?
Well, being a con-artist certainly doesn’t make Milo’s positions any less valid.
Mostly because at this point, nothing could, anyway.
Ha. That is true, just not the way you think it is. And it’s also intentional!
Without his blue check mark, how can we be sure that it’s the real Milo Yiannopoulos that ran off with the money?
(That will never stop being funny.)
Nonetheless, I can’t help thinking that this whole Privilege Fund is simply not particularly well advertised. In particular, it has no Twitter presence. Maybe they should look into that.
@runsinbackground : the main problem is that, just like someone can have hallucinations without having any actual mental diseases, having paranoid delusions isn’t reserved to actual paranoid people, hence why I specifically put a sentence to remind they aren’t actually paranoid.
And it’s hard to qualify their ideas about poor people by something other than paranoid delusion : the (non-cynical profiteer) alt right is deluded into thinking black and poor people are just parasite ; and thoses delusions represent extreme and irrational fear and distrust, which is one of the definition of a paranoid delusion.
It’s similar to how a lot of perfectly fine people believe one (or several !) conspiracy theory.
Isn’t it normal to apply for charitable status before collecting a bunch of money? And the idea of giving money to such a known-untrustworthy person is laughable; I’d sooner give it to Father Ted.
Should have called the fund “College Awards for Society’s Heroes”, and asked for cheques made out to “CASH”.
Dear Terrance:
@ Moggie
“That money must have been awfully tired Ted; that was quite a long rest” ~ Father Dougal
Marxism is about class struggle, not “the battle of the sexes”, sorry to disappoint you Terry. It’s also absolutely nothing to do with being a Jooo ™.
I was hoping someone would mention Father Ted 🙂
Loving the Stan Pines gif, I recently discovered Gravity Falls and have been binge watching it.
As for Milo embezzling a scholarship fund, not shocked. at. all.
The amusing part is that litteraly nobody is shocked.
Right winger drone are not shocked because they will refuse to believe it even in Milo were admitting it on prime time. Other people are not shocked because anyone knowing Milo expect him from doing that.
One million points for the Father Ted referenced.
Even for Milo, this is pretty shady. Not that it’ll matter to the sycophants who need him to do their thinking for them. Milo could sneak up and kick each one of them square in the bits and they’d be grateful for the experience.
To be honest, I would’ve been shocked if he had actually followed through.
So, unusually, a prominent manospherian may end up actually helping some men, instead of just ranting. And it looks like it will be against his will. Such activist. Very charity.
That’s arguable though. Although a legitimate issue, it’s not really a men’s issue.*
I mean they seriously managed to even fuck that up from the start, even without considering how stupid the rest of the whole thing is.
At this point they really have to change what they call themselves. Men’s Rights Activists, none of these three words accurately represent whatever the hell it is they are and do.
ETA : *and by that I mean education costs in general, not the “minority only grants” they rant about, of course.
Eh, I can think of mostly one issues who impact mostly men of all colors, and it’s toxic masculinity. And no MRA actually see that as a problem even despite it causing them a lot of troubles. In fact, MRAs are likely created by toxic masculinity, but not as an answer to it, more like an outgrown of it.
Terrance, you’ve told us multiple times now that what’s we’re doing is great for men, so why don’t you get lost and let us get on with it? You’re only slowing us down! Every minute we spend replying to you we could be spent writing more stuff that’ll help your cause!
Or better yet, if what we’re doing is so great for men, why don’t you join us? You could help EVEN MORE men! Just divert your energy away from telling us how great we are, and start helping us be greater! The power is in your hands.
As for your specific point about the draft, I agree that it’s sexist that men should get drafted and women don’t. I think both genders should be allowed to fight equally, but unfortunately for a long time, people thought that women weren’t strong enough to fight, so we weren’t allowed to. The Navy tried employing women back in the 17th century, but men got SO ANGRY about it that the Navy had to get rid of its female staff.
I live in a country without the draft, but even so, women still weren’t allowed to serve in close combat roles until last year! How unequal is that?! But our previous PM, a bloke by the way, lifted that ban. So now women will get to be in the infantry, and even in the Household Cavalry! It’ll take a while to train women up for these roles, but in a few years the Queen could have female bodyguards!
I’m sure you’re just as happy about this new equality as I am.
Unrelated : from what I have seen of that naked statue of Trump, I hate it. Attacking Trump on his physics and saying he is not masculine enough, which seem to be the two main focus of it, is the litteral opposite of what we need.
Trying to bring down the symptom (Trump) with something that will reinforce one of its roots causes cannot end well by any mean.
To ohlman:
With reference to the Trump statue. The idea behind that is that Trump made this about his physical form long before anyone else did.
It’s not that he’s not man enough, but that he falls short of every metric he claims to pass.
He’s also a notorious ego goblin who will be hurt by the slightest criticism. This is the man who made a presidential debate about his dick size. Who spent twenty years fretting about his hand size and who literally can’t comfort the family of a dead soldier, ever. Or any human in any circumstances
As for criticising his ideas, frankly he has none.
Seeing those statues made me think of Moocow, for some reason. I haven’t seen him around for ages. I hope he’s okay.