Milo Yiannopoulos’s “Privilege Grant” was announced with great fanfare back in January. The alleged college scholarship program, designed to tweak PC sensibilities by offering money only to white males, was supposed to start offering scholarships this fall, providing 50 lucky white dudes $2500 each, for a total of $125,000 in its initial year, $25,000 of which would come from Milo himself.
Well, the school year is almost upon us, and … nothing. Not only has the fund failed to distribute any of the promised money; it hasn’t even set up an application form on its website.
Now YouTuber Margaret MacLennan, a self-described “basic monarchist and conservative” who was the original “director” of the alleged scholarship fund and who helped Milo raise money for it, is asking where the money went.
On Reddit, someone called enough__is___enough is flat out accusing Milo of taking the money and running, posting a detailed set of accusations in the EnoughTrumpSpam subreddit:
According to enough__is___enough, “the former director of the now defunct grant [says that] donations for the grant were routed into Milo’s business, Caligula Limited” — a business that has apparently since been dissolved. MacLennan — presumably the “former director” alluded to — Tweeted what appears to be the wire transfer instructions for donations, which suggest that the money was to go directly into Milo’s bank account.
Milo says the accusations in the Reddit post are “garbage,” as he put it in a Facebook comment today. On the Privilege Grant website he or one of his army of interns has put up a slightly more detailed response, claiming that, hey, he’s just running a little late with the whole “actually giving money out” thing. His excuse? He’s been TOO FAMOUS to get the grant pulled together.
“The initial flurry of interest in the Privilege Grant, and my skyrocketing media profile, left us behind on logistics,” he declares, without apology.
In an astonishing coincidence, the Privilege Grant web page also announced today that it had appointed
a new administrative lead for the Privilege Grant …
Now that the Privilege Grant has been staffed, donors, potential applicants and interested parties can expect monthly updates on the Privilege Grant’s website at https://privilegegrant.com/.
How strange that this happened totally by coincidence literally two days after people started asking questions publicly about the money! It’s all very Trumpian.
The same press release also claimed that “the Privilege Grant is in the process of applying for charity status with the U.S. government.”
And they’ve got a NEW SCHEDULE that they will totally be keeping to:
The current plan is for the Privilege Grant to run a pilot grant program for the Spring semester of the 2016-2017 school year, and then administer the full grant program for the 2017-2018 school year.
On the front page of the site, though, the Privilege Grant is still said to be on a schedule that would be possible only with the use of a time machine:
Applications will open in Spring 2016. Privilege Grants will be awarded in early Summer 2016 to be available for Fall 2016 enrollment.
It’s all very ethical.
H/T — Thanks to Margaret Pless (@idlediletante) of Internet Famous Angry Men, the first to alert me to this; I also sort of borrowed the headline from her.
EDIT: Added a few details about MacLennan.
Bust out the popcorn gifs y’all, this is going to be good.
Gravity Falls screengrab for the win!
P.S. I feel sorry for Milo’s victims, but not as much as I should because, well, they gave money to Milo Yiannopoulos.
@personalpest: Not to mention why they gave it to him.
Huh. So it turns out a person who has made a career out of being a loud-and-proud asshole, with open contempt for notions of justice and fairness, may not be entirely trustworthy with money. I’m shocked, simply shocked!*
* Surgeon General’s warning: Not actually shocked
Why, I am just shocked, SHOCKED, that our very own Milo would turn out to be free and easy with other peoples’ money.
Grifters gotta grift.
What baffles me though is that people seem to want to align with these grifting assholes.
It’s like the dunning Kreuger, they’re so incompetent they don’t realize they’ll be fleeced.
MILO: *whistle* Everyone give me, I mean white, male, college kids, money at once. I’ll safeguard it until further notice
MacLENNAN: How can you just keep that money? On what grounds?
MILO: ‘I’m shocked, SHOCKED, to find that fuckery is going on in here’
HIS ACCOUNTANT: ‘Your I’ll gotten thousands, sir’
MILO: ‘Thank you, thank you’
Right wing welfare strikes again.
Will they ever stop falling for it?
I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
What an asshole.
I am not surprised, but it is quite annoying.
Even more annoying is the fact the same guys who would make a riot if a black man have stolen $5 without punishment aren’t up in arm when someone who is actually rich enough to live decently stole a gigantic amount of money.
Then again, and without offense intended to actual paranoiacs, the paranoid delusions of thoses extremists make them extra guillible and easy to fool. Their intense gaze on black people remove any peripheral vision from them.
Aww, just like “Daddy”.
Explains why hes such an Trump fan. They both love other people money. Its astonishing how much the Conservative movement has become an haven for grifters and con-artists. Its not surprising they nomitted the king of con artists Donald J Trump
Ironically, this is exactly how dumb-rich-white-guy privilege really works. They just take everything that’s meant for others, wearing shit-eating grins the whole while.
Is that how the rules work around here, Ohlmann? You’re allowed to use ableist language, but only if you say that it shouldn’t be taken as offensive by the differently-abled first? Well, no offense to any coprophages who may be in the audience, but Ohlmann eats his own shit like a dirty rotten shit-eater.
And they don’t get punished nearly as much as anyone else would be in the same situation, so there’s always an incentive for someone else to give it a shot.
Not the first time he’s taken the money and run.
(Funny how his buddies in ETHICS never mention that…)
Feminists – from the bottom of my heart – I cannot thank you enough for what you’ve done for men. With each article you write – more men wake up to male disposability and cultural misandry. Gynocentrism (matriarchy), its spokesperson (feminism) and its father (Marxism) have done more to free men from their slavery to women than any ‘misogynistic’ man could have possibly hoped.
Nothing could possibly be better for men than a Hillary presidency. In fact – nothing has been better for men than the left and feminism. Think about it: You’ll have a woman ordering men to their deaths in a nearly all male front line fighting force in which women have always been exempt from conscription. The benefits for men in this one aspect alone are many. Fewer men will enlist and more will question women’s sexist exemption from the draft – as well as the lack of their presence on the front lines but increasing presence in the rear as ‘supervisors’ of male death. Fewer wars will be fought with fewer disposable males willing to sacrifice their lives under this hypocritical paradigm. The only reason this third rail of the gynocracy has even been touched so far is the possibility of a female US president. Win for men.
Feminism = fewer women sitting at home on their butts and more women in the workforce paying taxes. Win for men.
Feminism = women exploring their sexuality outside the bonds of marriage (advanced prostitution). Win for men.
Marriage and birth rates in the US are at all time lows – which is a huge benefit to men. Low marriage rate/low birth rates = less alimony, asset division, child support, palimony, and civil suit payouts following false accusations – not to mention the elimination of the shackles to women the bondage of marriage brings men. Men not engaged with wasting money on women = men with more savings for retirement. Win for men.
Women demanding access and quotas to the highest paid jobs – under threat of denial of the same jobs for men (hiring freeze on men) – without a corresponding freeze on male deaths in battle until women’s deaths/enlistments reach men’s – will be the best thing to happen to men ever. This will only serve to wake more men up to their own disposability and the hypocrisy and double standards inherent in feminism – further validating their hatred of feminism and Hillary – the two best things to ever happen to men.
Feminism has had only positive benefits for men. The much justified hatred of Hillary won’t be a result of misogyny. Instead, it will be the result of an awakening by men to cultural misandry and male disposibility. Oh – the irony.
Again – thank you feminists. The freedoms you have brought and will continue to bring men are beyond price. It’s as if you planned it this way.
“To see what is in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle.” -Orwell
When are you going to learn that none of us are interested in your verbal diarrhea? Why don’t you fuck off and find an audience that actually cares?
Maybe you shouldn’t be so quick to so viciously throw stones, huh? I mean, calling racists paranoid (a word that, internet diagnosis notwithstanding, is generally considered acceptable language around here, btw) ain’t exactly ‘Warhol didn’t do anything worthy of being allowed to live’, is it? Don’t give a shit about what Ohlmann said, but your moral indignation rings a bit hollow after justifying attempted murder in a drive by comment. Let’s just all chillax…
Keep going, I almost have bingo. Thanks, Violet!
I know it’s been a while since we had a troll challenge, but are you up for it? I think Tim/Mark/Terrance should only be allowed to post if he stays on topic to the thread he’s posting in.
@WWTH: And he has to justify it if it seems off topic.
How come he hasn’t been banned for socking?
Bloody hell, you’re so much more boring than I thought you’d be from reading your old stuff. Some “Classic troll” you are.
Literally on an article about MRM mascot Milo taking money away from men via use of capitalism.
Anyway, can the manosphere stop giving money to untrustworthy people yet, aka, every figurehead in the manosphere? Elam, Honey Badgers, Aurini and Owen, Milo–enough is enough.
Do what right and use your cash for rent, food, doctor appointments and video games because obviously spending it on “getting back at feminist” isn’t working out in your favor. Buy No Man’s Sky instead. You might not get your money’s worth but it’s still more than any of them ever gave back to you.
“I know it’s been a while since we had a troll challenge, but are you up for it? I think Tim/Mark/Terrance should only be allowed to post if he stays on topic to the thread he’s posting in.”
Ban me. Don’t care. I’ll be ever-present everywhere else – as I’ve been for many, many years. I only come here to enlighten you. That you could care less heartens me. Nothing could be better for men than you and yours ignoring common sense. Give an idiot enough rope…
I’m not switching the subject or conversation. I’m merely steering it back to its roots.
I’ll stop for now. I know how triggering I can be – invading your safe space with my toxic masculinity. See ya’ll later.
@Axe: No problem…It’s been updated yet again In true necromancer style, I have been poking around old threads (most of the “random” ones are old as hell)