Juicebro lawyer/Trump superfan Mike Cernovich has been pushing the ridiculous and thoroughly debunked “Hillary Clinton is too physically frail to be President” theory for some time now.
Now he’s found DRAMATIC NEW EVIDENCE to support his dubious “sick Hillary” thesis: Photos and video footage of Hillary SITTING and sometimes LEANING ON stools at public events.
Because, clearly, anyone who doesn’t want to remain standing for hours on end in the midst of a gruelling political campaign is on DEATH’S DOOR.
In a post on his blog yesterday, Cerno promoted a new hashtag — #HillarysStools — that has taken the unhinged Hillary haters of Twitter by storm, garnering retweets by some of the finest minds in the political and media worlds, from yelly red-faced conspiracy monger Alex Jones to Alex Jones employee Paul Joseph Watson to noted Twitter commenter Cuckface von Dipshit. And of course it’s been covered by Fox News.
Some scenes from #HillarysStools so far.
#HillarysStools – Another sign that she has major health problems & can barely stand up. https://t.co/X7Qm7Qosnv pic.twitter.com/ovQbv19M7J
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) August 16, 2016
Sits on a stool…wtf? Why can't Hillary stand? What is wrong with her? #HillarysStools pic.twitter.com/DTTwYBFU2H
— Lisa (@Rockprincess818) August 16, 2016
Hillary Clinton need a stool on stage? Maybe she should get up and excerise instead of sleep all day #HillarysStools pic.twitter.com/LSkIA85TVf
— Russell Wiley🇺🇸 (@russellwiley) August 16, 2016
There's nothing to see here #HillarysStools pic.twitter.com/LEkR3pbZRZ
— DeplorableWhiteMale (@WhiteMaleShame) August 16, 2016
If any of you can decipher this message, let me know:
@ joeb
Crossfit enthusiasts pay 50 quid a month to do that sort of thing.
But yeah, some things are best kept quiet (although in my experience it’s usually because they’re embarrassing rather than threats to the defence of the realm)
I miss Leonard Nimoy
Also, this bigfoot sweater is amazing. I want one.
Alas, it’s probably shopped, based off this photo:
The sweater IS a real thing, though I don’t know if it’s still in stock: http://mcphee.com/products/bigfoot-sweater
Damn you, untrustworthy Google image search!
Yes but on yooooge, Classy, gilded chairs!
NOT stools!!
Yeah, I’m 21 and can’t stand on (most) heels for more than 2 or three hours, and even normal shoes hurts my feet sometimes, which is why I always take flip flops in my purse and am ALWAYS sitting or leaning.
So you have an idea of how helplessly tired I am, I once had to write and perform in a 2 hour long play about Florbela Espanca and Fernando Pessoa
– and I wrote it to be a conversation in a bar table between them two (them seven, actually, cause Fernando’s most famous personas made appearances), especially so I could be sitting down most of the time.
My mother, much younger than Hillary, hasn’t wear heels in two decades, due to leg,feet and back pain, and due to not giving a damn as well.
So, yeah, call the ambulance on us, we’re too old and sick to function. I’m just about to die.
Man,some of those twitter images look more like they should be parodies of alt-right posts
ETA: Well, it wasn’t just because of feet pain that I wanted to sit down. The huge fur coat and shyness were part of it. It’s much easier to make dramatic readings while sitting down, and being able to sip on water like it was an alcoholic beverage when I forgot the text or was too nervous. And I could keep dramatically stirring the cup instead of staring at the 200 people in the crowd.
And why, yes, it was one of the most mortifying experiences of my life, thanks for asking.
Please, Madame Secretary, sit down as much as you need. Far from showing frailty or an unfitness to lead, it shows humility and good sense. I’d much rather have a President who’s unafraid to use a railing, than one whose ego is so inflated as to be unable to admit to any mistake, weakness, or failing and who openly, happily mocks disabled people. Besides, when she’s back in office come January, she’ll be doing a whole lotta sitting anyway
Straight up, as a late-twenties man in generally good health, I couldn’t take that much standing in a pair of comfy sneakers without having to sit or otherwise awkwardly pace around the stage due to back complaints.
Also, Donnie has got lousy posture. Taking to a stool once in a while might have helped.
This is just desperate. I don’t have anything else to say, they’re reaching so hard that anyone who isn’t a diehard Trump supporter would start to cast doubts on their contemporaries’ ability to reason.
The most ridiculous thing about this new conspiracy theory, is that Trump’s doctor letter is a clearly amateurish fake written by Trump himself. Its a comically bad forgery.
His entire campaign seems to have devolved into “I know you are but what am I?”
I don’t get the obsession with this latest conspiracy theory. Hillary Clinton could keel over tomorrow and I’d still vote Kaine.
From the link posted by Thiazin Red :
I’m no doctor, but I believe this may have something to do with his head currently being stuck pretty far up his own ass.
Don’t be silly! Don’t you know that women age at an accelerated rate compared to men? In fact, one human year is roughly the equivalent of two to three ‘woman’ years. This is why it’s totally okay for 40 year old men to lust after 16 year olds, and why women become haggard old crones by the age of 25! That’s, like, 60 in woman years!
One thing I noticed about the Hilary stool pictures, was that the majority take place when someone else is talking. It can be distracting for the audience when the candidate is looming over the speaker. By moving to the side, sitting or leaning, the candidate signals to the audience that they should be listening to the person at the podium.
What is it with the American right wing’s obsession with chairs.
Could you imagine how TERRIBLE it would be to have a president that couldn’t walk? Good thing America has never had to suffer that indignity before.
#HillarysStools is an unfortunately scatological name for a hashtag.
As odd physical behaviour goes, it’s worth noting that trump has not taken off his jacket in public for many, many months now. There’s an article on it which I’m to lazy to link to.
It seems like only three and a half years ago the right wing was screaming that she was well enough to testify before Congress even though she was in the hospital with a blood clot on the brain. Good times.
You’re right! Is the neo-Nazis’ favorite candidate packing heat?
Maybe he’s got a sandwich in the inside pocket that he doesn’t want stolen?
Or maybe he’s got a good book in that pocket — Mein Kampf?
It can’t be that he’s skipping the gym.
Thrones. Actual, golden thrones. WTAF? Yes, yes, I know – it’s old news.
But thrones?!!
Who thought that was a good idea?
The GOP sure has come a long way from the ‘Republican cloth coat’ days.
I remember at the time thinking that it was a little odd that DJT didn’t put Pence into a smaller, less ornate throne.
And Pence… for all of his many, many, many faults – he must have thought the throne thing was a bad idea.
Remember Kuato from Total Recall?
The not taking jacket off thing, is – I assume – to hide the paunch-accentuating bullet proof vest. Only the very fittest people can wear one with ‘style’. Hillary Clinton has also had some fashion commentary about wearing a heavy jacket when she went to see her new grandchild and daughter on a hot day – again, I’m assuming to hide BPV.