![Donald Trump: Also known to sit down sometimes](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/trumpchair.jpg?resize=580%2C326&ssl=1)
Juicebro lawyer/Trump superfan Mike Cernovich has been pushing the ridiculous and thoroughly debunked “Hillary Clinton is too physically frail to be President” theory for some time now.
Now he’s found DRAMATIC NEW EVIDENCE to support his dubious “sick Hillary” thesis: Photos and video footage of Hillary SITTING and sometimes LEANING ON stools at public events.
Because, clearly, anyone who doesn’t want to remain standing for hours on end in the midst of a gruelling political campaign is on DEATH’S DOOR.
In a post on his blog yesterday, Cerno promoted a new hashtag — #HillarysStools — that has taken the unhinged Hillary haters of Twitter by storm, garnering retweets by some of the finest minds in the political and media worlds, from yelly red-faced conspiracy monger Alex Jones to Alex Jones employee Paul Joseph Watson to noted Twitter commenter Cuckface von Dipshit. And of course it’s been covered by Fox News.
Some scenes from #HillarysStools so far.
#HillarysStools – Another sign that she has major health problems & can barely stand up. https://t.co/X7Qm7Qosnv pic.twitter.com/ovQbv19M7J
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) August 16, 2016
Sits on a stool…wtf? Why can't Hillary stand? What is wrong with her? #HillarysStools pic.twitter.com/DTTwYBFU2H
— Lisa (@Rockprincess818) August 16, 2016
Hillary Clinton need a stool on stage? Maybe she should get up and excerise instead of sleep all day #HillarysStools pic.twitter.com/LSkIA85TVf
— Russell Wiley🇺🇸 (@russellwiley) August 16, 2016
There's nothing to see here #HillarysStools pic.twitter.com/LEkR3pbZRZ
— DeplorableWhiteMale (@WhiteMaleShame) August 16, 2016
If any of you can decipher this message, let me know:
My automatic thought was that it was just your basic misogyny – call the little lady by her first name, and all that – but then I remembered that she just went through a primary season battling someone known mostly as “Bernie.” Up here in Canada everyone knows who you’re talking about if you say “Justin.” In his case, I think it’s partly the way to make him young and hip, or, if you’re a Conservative, young and immature. I’m wondering if there’s a difference between conservatives and left-wingers there, considering that Stephen Harper first ran as “Steve” and then apparently realized that no amount of playing the Beatles offkey would actually make him a Steve.
In general I suspect it depends a whole lot on the specific politician, and also on how unusual/recognizable their first or last name is, with a sidebar of misogyny in that we’ve stopped saying Mister Trump and Mister Cruz all the same and started referring to men by their last names alone, and it feels awkward to do that to women, especially when they have the same last name as their husbands, but saying Mrs all the time would sound clunky. Not sure. Help us out, Brits — when Thatcher was in power, did the men around her, leaders of the opposition, etc., get a “Mister” when she got a “Mrs?”
And if not, was that misandry?
I read about this yesterday on Jezebel. It instantly made me think of this.
It takes me a while wearing heels for the pain to start, mostly because the years I spent wearing pointe shoes for ballet have caused a not-insignificant degree of loss to the amount of feeling I have in my feet. Most of the time they’re sort of numb. Hillary Clinton is an older woman – a fair number of her adult years being at a time women who worked, those in white collar and professional jobs at least, were expected to wear heels every day. The construction of shoes and the components used in them have changed since they were invented, and changed even more when footwear became a (near) universal requirement for everyone (almost) everywhere. I can’t imagine the high heeled shoes of the 1960’s -1980’s were more comfortable than the ones being sold in stores today (unless you’re buying the absolute crappiest and cheapest you can find, getting those to wear is just setting yourself up for some serious foot pain, possibly injuries as well). So if she wants to sit on a stool sometimes, I say give her a g’damned stool! And don’t make a big deal of it!
@ rabid rabbit
I can’t really recall how the media addressed things, but colloquially the PM was either ‘Maggie’ if you liked her, ”Maggie Thatcher’ if you didn’t like her and ‘Thatcher’ if you really hated her. ‘Margaret Thatcher’ was the neutral version.
For politicians generally the tendency was to use both first and surnames (‘Neil Kinnock, Michael Foot, Ted Heath, Shirley Williams, Barbara Castle etc). The only exception I can think of was Norman Tebbit who was sometimes just referred to as Tebbit. So with hindsight it seems that the use of just surnames was reserved as an expression of strong dislike, but the use of just first names was rare, except for ‘Maggie’.
My favourite ever thing like this was when someone referred to “Arthur ‘so called’ Scargill”.
ETA: Hmm, come to think of it, you did sometimes hear “Mrs Thatcher” but that seemed to be an older generation thing.
Sinkable John – Glad you liked it, sorry about the burning!
Full disclosure: I got ‘cranial-rectal inversion syndrome’ from either Pharyngula or Dispatches from the Culture Wars a long time ago, back in their Sciblogs days. I just added the pseudo charity thing.
Reading over the OP (and whyyyyyyyy did one of those guys use the old Hannah-Barbara character Blue Falcon for his name/avatar? That was one of my favs growing up 🙁 )it makes me wonder how they would’ve treated the late Sen. Strom Thurmond over the needing-to-sit issue. During his last few years in the Senate he was using one of his young(er) aides to help him walk around the building. Or do senior citizen men get a pass on such things?
Oh, and the latest issue of one of the US gossip mags (The Globe, I think) claims Clinton has MS, and that’s why she’s always sitting on stage and stuff. Just thought folks here might be interested in that tidbit, given this thread’s subject matter.
Wow, I must also be on death’s doorstep, for I sit at work, I sit at home, if there’s a chair, I sit in it. Otherwise, I’d sit on the floor.
Then, have one hell of a time getting up off of the floor. :/
But, we know where this all came from.
First, we had “crooked Hillary” from Trump, now “sick Hillary”. Just another fine product from the nonsense factory.
Further to what Alan Robertshaw says, the BBC’s usual style is, and was, to refer to a politician for the first time in an item by political-post+firstname+surname, then as Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Lord/General/Bishop/whatever+surname. The exception is a man with a knighthood or baronetcy, who would be Sir+firstname. However, thinking about it, further, I think Thatcher was, uniquely, generally just “Mrs. Thatcher” even the first time she was mentioned*. In everyday-speak, I largely agree with Alan, but surname-only doesn’t always imply dislike, especially among lefties (e.g., Jeremy Corbyn is often just “Corbyn” to his supporters). Firstname-only is as far as I can recall currently limited to Boris Johnson, and in Scotland, to Nicola Sturgeon.
*There’s a possibly apocryphal story that asking the name of the Prime Minister was used as a diagnostic test for dementia, but this stopped working during Thatcher’s rule, only to start working again afterwards.
Thinking further about the semiotics of naming British politicians, I think the BBC names female public figures who’ve been awarded the equivalent of a knighthood as Dame+firstname. (Yes, the fairly recently invented female equivalent of “Sir” is “Dame” – which always sounds faintly ridiculous, because the only other common use of the word now is for pantomime dames, who are men playing middle-aged or older women in deliberately absurd drag. But I guess whoever came up with it was stuck for an alternative – “Lady” is used both for female peers in their own right, and for the wives of male peers and knights, and in some cases for the daughters of peers – I don’t know exactly what the rules are.) Of course a great deal of trouble could be avoided if we abolished the ludicrous honours system, but these baubles are useful to the ruling elite both as signifiers of their own importance, and as rewards or outright bribes.
I normally just try to make sure whether I’m using first name, last name, or both, I use it the same way for whichever two I’m referring to. I do sometimes refer to Hillary as just Clinton if the context makes it obvious I’m not talking about Bill.
I am wondering if referring to her as Rodham Clinton would be better? Or maybe just HRC? Maybe once she’s elected, I’ll just call her ‘Madame President.’
They just found out about basic biology and realized they couldn’t claim that bleeding from her wherever would make her unfit anymore because of her age, so they resort to stools