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Return of Kings: Men are being oppressed by “ugly minority girls” winning beauty pageants

Magnolia Maymuru
Magnolia Maymuru

The assault on the world’s beleaguered male majority continues, at least in the tiny minds of the readers of lady-hating internet garbage fire Return of Kings. The latest insult to all that is male and good?

Regular RoK contributor David G. Brown answers that question loudly and clearly in the title of a recent post:

Ugly Minority Girls Are Winning Beauty Pageants To Satisfy The Diversity Agenda

His evidence? Two non-white women he doesn’t think are super hot won state-level contests in the Miss America and Miss World pageants: Magnolia Maymuru, an Aboriginal woman who won the title of Miss Northern Territory, Australia in the Miss World pageant; and Arianna Quan, a Chinese-American woman who won the Miss Michigan title in the Miss America pageant.

As Brown sees it, both of these “winners’ (he puts the words in quotes)

are so unbelievably plain and even ugly that the “beauty” in beauty pageant should have been removed from the contests they each entered.

Actually, for what its worth, the Miss America pageant already has removed the word “beauty,” famously referring to itself as a “scholarship contest,” while Miss World likes to talk about “beauty with a purpose” and the charity programs their contestants support. But most people think of them as beauty contests because, well, that’s basically what they are.

The real point here is that Brown is complaining that these pageants, to some limited degree at least, reflect the diversity of the real world, a complaint that seems especially ironic when applied to the Miss World pageant, given that every single country in the world contains some portion of people who are not white, and that in many countries these “minorities,” as Brown calls them, are actually, you know, the majority. Shocking, I know. While the Miss World pageant started off with all-white winners, it has awarded numerous women of color the crown since the 1960s.

Racists may think of the US and Australia as “white countries,” in which white men should have a lock on political and industrial power and white women should have a similar lock on beauty pageant crowns, but the world is a bit more complicated than that.

Nearly a third of those living in Australia’s Northern Territory are indigenous Australian people. Meanwhile, there are 18 million Asian-Americans living in the US, nearly 6% of the total population. God forbid one of them win a pageant title once in a while.

Now, to be fair, Brown’s complaint isn’t that women of color have been winning beauty contests; it’s that “ugly” women of color have been winning beauty pageant titles. So how exactly does he determine “ugliness?”

On the street, neither of these girls is going to turn heads. Another test, whether women would want to look like them or straight men would want them, would also result in very few takers.

Has he done some sort of scientific poll to test either of these propositions? Nah. He’s just taking his own preferences and projecting them onto the world around him.

Brown insists that he’s not being racist, because, as it turns out, some Chinese people think Quan is ugly, too! An article on Shanghaist (discussed in a Roosh V forum thread I couldn’t bring myself to read) reports that “the reaction from Chinese netizens [to Quan’s crowning] has been overwhelmingly negative with many writing in to criticize her looks.”

Brown is quick to use these Chinese critics as, yes, a shield to protect himself from accusations of bigotry. “In the case of Quan, the biggest criticisms came from her ancestral homeland of China,” he writes.

Chinese netizens need not fear the kind of racism accusations that would be leveled at white Americans questioning whether she deserved the Miss America title for one of America’s most populous states … .

But from the comments Shanghaist quotes it’s clear that the issue isn’t Quan’s deviance from some universal Platonic ideal of beauty; it’s that she looks too “American.”

“She’s ugly AND she isn’t Chinese,” one Chinese commenter wrote of Quan, who was born in Beijing. “This is probably the American standard of beauty,” wrote another. “She looks exactly like Mulan in Disney.”

Yep. Chinese people can be parochial bigots, too.

As for Maymuru, Brown is convinced that political correctness is cowing potential critics into silence.

Media coverage of Maymuru’s crowning was ecstatic, namely because, in the words of many racial quota-leaning commenters, “it was about time” that an Aboriginal Australian won such a title. Few online respondents dared to call her unattractive due to the near certainty of them being labeled as racist bigots. 

Brown has no need to worry on this front. The author of such lovely previous posts as 3 Reasons I Will Never Apologize For Being WhiteOnly White Countries Are Expected To Let In Hordes Of Illegal MigrantsWhy Isn’t Anyone In The Establishment Talking About Jewish And Asian Privilege? and The New Star Wars Movie Spinoff Reaffirms Disney’s Hatred Of White Males has already made pretty clear how he should be labeled.

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Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Assholes being assholes all around the world.

8 years ago

I was in a contest when I was a toddler. What I know about beauty pageants is that it’s not just about who’s prettier it’s about talent, intelligence, confidence, etc. Miss Maymuru and Miss Quan may not be attractive at all but they probably won because they passed those other tests with flying colors.

I see a lot of jealousy, they know they will never accomplish anything like these awesome women have.

Eitan rosen
Eitan rosen
8 years ago

it is not like the us and China are in Luke warm relations or anything it is definatly the ugly thing. That was sarcasm. Apparently he is not aware of the so so relation between the us and China.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, there is no universally agreed upon standard for beauty. So Brown can stuff it.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

It’s almost like his personal preferences on the subject of beauty aren’t the only ones that matter! It’s almost like people have different preferences and standards of beauty! It’s almost like no one cares what he (or his penis) thinks!

It’s a tragedy, truly, that we ignore the opinions of such an obviously well-known, obviously well-educated person on the subject of beauty! How dare we awful, awful SJWs not pay any heed to this man’s boner, and the opinions he has because of it?! Truly, we are the most evil beings for not paying any heed to his almighty white penis! [/sarcasm]

Nah, but really:

comment image

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Isn’t he failing to dudebro properly by even being interested in pageant results in the first place?

8 years ago

I hate beauty pageant normally. But this guy make me want to like them.

Regardless of my opinions on the pageants, I only have sympathy for thoses ladies, because they worked hard to be here, and quite a lot of them aren’t here by there free will but are pushed by their parents.

I read recently an article on the intelligence of chickens. Chickens, as social animals, are a lot more intelligent than people usually give them credit for. The various example of intelligence were almost all rudimentary (by human standards) tricks destined to A – get laid, B – increase the risk of their competitors to be eaten by a predator and C – share their food only with their friends, not with the entire community. Based on that, I think the chicken have achieved MRA-level of intelligence. Not hard, I know, but RoK now know where to find intellectual giants of their calibers !

8 years ago

Few online respondents dared to call her unattractive due to the near certainty of them being labeled as racist bigots.

Well, if the shoe fits, DANCE IN IT, CINDERFELLA.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I will reaffirm (and I’m a guy, so you can trust me, menzers) that nobody gives a shit who you find beautiful. Even if your preferences take all non white women from contention for your precious junk. You can think Chinese or Aboriginal women are, as an ethnicity, as ugly as a dehydrated mole rat. Maybe think about why you feel that way, but you do you

Here’s the thing tho. We don’t care who you think is hot, so long as you don’t tell everyone else how they’re wrong for having differing views. You don’t think Maymuru or Quan are foine? OK. Accept that other people do, and move the fuck on wit ya life

8 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
Isn’t he failing to dudebro properly by even being interested in pageant results in the first place?

No, you see, beauty pageants are where the ‘boobs and butts’ are and that’s where feeemales are judged and we all know feeemales are only good for teh menz pleasures. /s

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I’m usually fairly “meh” on pageants, but hey, if it makes the MRAs unhappy, I shall drink their tears and toast the winners.

8 years ago

Dunno how to put this without seeming creepy, so…ok. I’m used to looking at posed and unposed pictures of Australian Aboriginal women due to my job. We do a climate calendar and we have photos coming in sometimes of local experts in their regions. Always gives me a valuable perspective on the area.

The lady is attractive.

Indeed, she’s beautiful by conventional standards anyway:

With the usual pageant makeup.

Even her freaking NAME is pretty.

She’s from the Yolngu people in the NT.

So cry moarrrrrr! Anyway, there is concern from Aboriginal feminists about beauty pageants that covers the empowerment angle, I’d rather listen to them than whiny MRAs.

8 years ago

Ms. Maymuru lives in a very remote part of the NT, following a traditional Aboriginal lifestyle. An Australian magazine did an outdoor photo shoot and the results are STUNNING.

This man has no eyes.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

@Latte Cat

Uh, neither of those are Magnolia Maymuru or Arianna Quan? What is the point of those pictures? I mean, yeah, they’re both beautiful, but they aren’t the people this article is talking about? At all? I mean, the picture above is of Maymuru and, like, she’s not the woman you posted? I don’t understand why you’d post those pictures?

8 years ago

I was in two beauty pageants, one in 5th grade and one in 8th. I did them for fun, because I didn’t have much to do and I had gotten some neat dresses secondhand. I didn’t do them to impress anybody, since I had few friends and was considered really weird. I would not have been considered ‘pretty’ by most standards.

But the weirdest thing happened during the 5th one. I suddenly became more popular. My stock went up. I wore a ton of makeup at it, so I guess I looked like I was playing the game, and had something in common with the other girls for once. And then I moved, so no ground was really gained socially. It was fun though. Weird.

Robyn blanpied
Robyn blanpied
8 years ago

What makes him think his sperm is so special?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Latte Cat
Uhm… 2nding Jack here. Not the women in question. Not even close. The 1st woman isn’t an Aboriginal Australian, and reverse image search leans toward the second being Korean, not Chinese

@you and Tosca
Regardless, are we arguing that this dude’s wrong, cos Maymuru and Quan are actually hot? Not that he’s a racist, judgmental asshole? Like, if he’d found a pair of ugly enough women to make an example of, it’d be fine? Is that OK? I’m thinking that’s not OK. I’m pretty sure who does or doesn’t trigger his erections ain’t the problem, so much as him writing RoK screeds about it. You’re basically doing the (admittedly less toxic) version of what he’s doing, ie ‘having different measures of attractiveness from me is bad’. That ain’t cool…

He’s male, nuff said. Besides, some fella’s sperm did technically hunt the egg for you 😉

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

The unstated corollary: “if we start rewarding PoC for being attractive, they’ll start developing self esteem”, which is a Bad Thing for racist bigots who like to bigot without pushback.

The cynical part of me thinks they want beauty ideals to be as narrow, rigid, universal, and unattainable as possible, so that a larger percentage of women feel inadequate, which translates into “easier to manipulate into bed”.

The even more cynical part of me cackles gleefully when, practically in the same breath, they whine about how unfaiiiirrr it is that the vast majority of Western women are totally unacceptable and don’t meet their stringent requirements and why haven’t they been allotted a shampoo model.

8 years ago

Meanwhile, Mr. Brown has nothing better to do than take a dump on women far more accomplished than he and his RoK cohorts will ever be.

8 years ago

If there were a pageant for ugly personalities, the entire manosphere would all be winners.

8 years ago

Brown and his ilk are simply pissed off that Black/people of colour have enjoyed enough emancipation to be able to participate in pageants and even win them.

Unlike the ‘good ole’days’ when racist colonialists could shag any black female (or females of colour) without any consequences (or consent).

Loss of white power is what infuriates them.

8 years ago


“The unstated corollary: “if we start rewarding PoC for being attractive, they’ll start developing self esteem”, which is a Bad Thing for racist bigots who like to bigot without pushback.”

I’m not certain that being attractive to the Male Gaze really builds self esteem. Because what is given is also under constant threat of being taken away.

So, both these women are tall and thin. He can argue that their faces are plain, but they’re pretty much the unfortunate standard otherwise. So glad we can watch “minorities” try to twist themselves into the waif beauty box now as well. (/sarcasm)

8 years ago


Tip for the future: please avoid nouning “female(s)” – use “woman/women” instead. (Or “women and girls” if you were trying to age comprehensive). This sort of language usage is really really prevalent among regressives (the gays, the blacks, etc.) and is in general pretty “othering” and clinical sounding, so yeah, best to not.

8 years ago

when I talk about MRA shitheads and their odious votes, I like to use “womz.”

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