"ethics" a near for men a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women cassie jaye dan perrins Dean Esmay drama kings men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW milo misogynoir misogyny MRA pandering paul elam post contains jokes post contains sarcasm red pill reddit

The Red Pill “Documentary” will be showing at a place, and another place, pretty soon

Pursuing solo careers
Pursuing solo careers

Good news everyone! “The Red Pill,” Cassie Jaye‘s long-promised documentary about A Voice for Men that was partly funded by people involved with AVFM and also to a much greater degree by Milo Yiannopoulos fans who want to stick it to feminism, will soon be hitting theaters!

Well, two theaters, in October.


The feeling of excitement is palpable at the We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, though admittedly all of it involves one small cat who for some reason likes to RUN AROUND THE APARTMENT AT BREAKNECK SPEEDS after she poops, and none of it (the excitement, not the poop) involves the A Voice for Men Promo Reel Red Pill documentary at all.

But I can only imagine how excited the general public will be about the film. I mean who wouldn’t be THRILLED by the prospect of seeing a film centered around footage of a three-year-old total failure of a men’s rights rally that seems to have involved a little more than thirty people, with maybe half of them being rally organizers and other AVFM “staffers.”

FUN FACT: In the three years since that “historic” RALLY OF THE CENTURY most of the better-known AVFMers at the rally have ceased to be AVFMers. They quit the band, in other words, and are now pursuing highly unsuccessful solo careers.

In case you can’t read my SUPER LEGIBLE pic above with all the red text on it, here are the highlights, going from left to right, with some helpful links to posts of mine on them.

Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton … seems to have nothing to do with AVFM any more. I don’t know the details.

Dean Esmay quit AVFM, for reasons that are still unclear, and since then has kept quite busy on Twitter and on YouTube, calling women the c-word; calling feminist women of color “Aunt Jemimahs” [sic]; threatening to literally spit in the faces of some of his MGTOW enemies, and offering helpful gardening tips.

Paul Elam, seen in the pic modeling a very fashionable “I Heart FTSU [F*cking Their Sh*t Up]” t-shirt, just up and quit the men’s rights movement, stepping down as AVFM’s publisher (sort of ) and declaring himself a “former MRA” (kind of). He moved on to his next moneymaking venture, A Near For Men — sorry, An Ear for Men — which involves charging dudes $90 an hour to talk to him on Skype. No, really. His Ear for Men videos and posts, which all seem to end up on AVFM, are pretty much the same sort of crap he used to post there.

And then there’s Attila Vinczer. Hoo boy. Vinczer, formerly AVFM’s “Activism Director,” quit the site in a huff, sending fellow MRAs what I described at the time as “a bitter 8-page ‘Dear Paul’ letter full of accusations and invective and enough self-pity to fill a conference hall.” Then, logging back into his old “editor” account on AVFM, he posted a 4600-word screed attacking Elam, on Elam’s own site. It was deleted, but not before someone — who might have been me, I don’t remember — archived it!

Good times.

Actually, if the Red Pill film gets into this stuff, it might end up being worth watching.

If not, well, it should be a very exciting documentary about people who don’t actually do anything about the problems they claim are all-important, and then give up because activism is hard even if you don’t actually engage in anything that could really be called activism.

Over on AVFM, though, the locals are feeling pretty chuffed.

MGTOW-man has high hopes for the film and some thoughts about my underpants.

For most of my life I have wondered why can’t just one person, or one group, or one voice in mainstream television/communications with the real truth to tell make it into the big mainstream discussion to blurt out the lies being told? Why is it that every single time those speaking never are one of “us” who have nothing but truth to tell?

I hope this movie changes this. No wonder Futrell nearly soiled his undies. He knows the feminist bullies may have just shyt and fell in it …with it finally being in plain sight for the larger population to see.

Ray24, leaning heavily on the Milo Yiannopoulos catchphrase “Feminism is Cancer,” has more measured expecations.

[C]ancer has proven difficult to cure and I have my doubts that the societal cancer of radical feminism will be any easier to get rid of. Still, we have to keep working to find cures for killer diseases like cancer and feminism. I wonder which has caused the most pain & suffering & death, cancer or feminism? :-/

Shrek6 is a bit more confident about the feminism-slaying capabilities of the as-yet-unseen documentary:

I bet the bitches or was that ‘witches?’ Nevertheless, the bitches of East-wick, will do all they can to disrupt the public viewing of this movie.

Seriously though. If this movie is 100% balanced, level, fair and dinky die honest smack down the middle, it will still be a mortal blow to feminism.

On the Men’s Rights subreddit, the reaction has been a bit more mixed, but some of the regulars have given themselves permission to dream big.

Imnotmrabut thinks the film could have a big impact on the presidential election — and beyond!

I’m sure that it’s release prior to November will Stir up quite a set of questions for All Presidential candidates, in the media and leave many voters wondering about new questions.

It will also act as a Thorn in the next US president’s side for their first term, and I’m sure it will be delightfully painful for all in politics. Why worry abut just an election when you can have 4 years of the best show in town and some real ass kicking all for free!

EricAllonde, meanwhile, is looking forward to what he sees as the inevitable FEMINIST RIOTS.

If you remember the feminist riots on campus that we saw for people like Warren Farrell, Milo or even Christina Hoff Sommers – the level of violence by feminists trying to block a screening of this film would be multiple times greater. That would provide fantastic publicity for the film.

Note to anyone thinking about maybe blocking a screening of the film, please don’t. It would provide fantastic publicity for the film.

I, in turn, will do my best to ignore the film. After all, there are more important things to focus on between now and November. We have a Trump to beat.

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Didn’t Feminists allegedly run over Erin Pizzey’s dog?

Somebody killed her dog. She hinted that it was feminists despite there being zero evidence of this. Gullible anti-feminists took it and ran. Years later it’s become a sacred truth in the manosphere that feminists killed Pizzey’s dog.

Turns out that MRAs are only concerned with false accusations when a man has been accused of rape. Who knew?!

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

This is quite an interesting article about Trump, the alt-right, Milo etc.

Yes, it is. Thanks.

8 years ago

@weirdwood : “It’s only projection !”

Who knew the people most likely to do false accusations think everyone would do some too ?

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago


There are probably other isolated examples around the world of women seeking their own justice or acting in pre-emptive self defence but any ‘promotion’ of feminism is collateral to their main purpose.

I’m not sure she ever identified as a feminist, but here’s one of the more well-known recent examples.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ subtract hominem

Wow. At first it read almost like an urban legend.

I couldn’t find any follow up after the initial reports though. It’s intriguing. Is the email related to the actual killings I wonder, or was it just someone claiming responsibility for completely unrelated events?

I did find it interesting that “female assassins” are common there generally though.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

That’s probably because you and I are pathetic manginas/ladybrains, and so can’t be expected to keep these things in mind. Moggie is clearly the true power behind the throne.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
8 years ago

@Alan: I didn’t know about Garrud, thanks, that was interesting!

@Axe: Well, this isn’t the time or the place to start a rant about all I disliked, but have friends who did like it, and like I told them – it’s good to hear that some of the people watching it enjoyed themselves, even if personally I didn’t. 🙂

8 years ago

Will the skull make a comeback? I hope so.

8 years ago

About Valerie Solanas I really do have sympathy for her. She was born with schizophrenia, sexually abused by her father, beaten by her grandfather, abused by staff at mental facilities and more. That can really mess up a person. Not only did she hated men but she hated women too pretty much saying their weak and useless daddy girls. I don’t condone her actions by almost killing Andy Warhol. I’m just glad she’s gone she can finally be at peace.

Funny how a woman can go through hell and not kill a single person but when a man gets rejected and doesn’t get sex he kills dozens. So don’t f***ing tell me it’s a mental illness or something; its misogyny, toxic masculinity and male entitlement, it’s terrorism plain and simple.

Didn’t Feminists allegedly run over Erin Pizzey’s dog?

Actually it turns out that the people who killed her dog (I think she had another one who was killed too) were racists because she came from a mixed family. So yeah ‘false accusations’ and ‘lying’ it’s ok when men/boys make/do them apparently according to the ‘Manipulative-sphere’

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Any good conspiracy (theory) needs 3 types of people
1)The Masterminds: smart, devious, and ambitious. Suspiciously prone to careless failure, but all powerful nevertheless. Their charisma moves all but the craftiest seekers of truth. Sarkeesian, Solanas, Clinton, Moggie, whoever. Grand Mistresses of the Techno Gynocracy
2)The Sheeple: gullible, passive, and pitiable. Believe what they’re told and ignore the truth in front of their eyes out of fear and complacency. More than being stupid, they value the simple life and are thus ripe for indoctrination. Tropes backers and Ghostbusters watchers, basically
3)The Shills: aloof, amoral, and opportunistic. Neither know nor care about the conspiratorial ideology. In it for personal gain or to avoid the ire of the masterminds. 1st line of defense when the official story is questioned. Male feminists, allies, nonjerks, etc. Equality is irrelevant, we’re just whiteknighting for the sexy times

From that lens, everything that’s ever come outta these guys’ (and the honey badgers’) mouths makes the worst sense…

I mean, this is a died down, day old thread. If there is a place to rant about a TV show, this is probably it. Either way, no worries. Up to you. Might I ask, are you new? Don’t remember seeing you around. If so, welcome aboard! if not, wassup anyway 😀


So don’t f***ing tell me it’s a mental illness or something; its misogyny, toxic masculinity and male entitlement, it’s terrorism plain and simple

8 years ago

I was being facetious about the Feminist connection in case it wasn’t clear. It always seemed just a case of shoehorning after a tragedy. I wasn’t aware that anyone may have actually done it deliberately.

8 years ago


There’s a good explanation for cats doing that, but so far, none for anyone getting excited about anything to do with the Red Pillocks.

I always figured they felt lighter. Based on the deposits one of my cats makes, I’m sure she does.

Very glad you’re going to be all right, Bina. <3

8 years ago

Is it cat poop TMI time? Because my 26 lb cat has left human size poops before and I don’t even.

8 years ago

Cat poop TMI: I almost never have to scoop cat poop from his box since the dog considers that her snack drawer no matter how fast I am.

Yes, it is vomit-inducing.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

@Alan Leftists pretty much abandoned terrorism a long time ago. It’s become less popular since the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia without carrying out terrorism against civilians. Anarchist bombing campaigns tended to make the situation worse for leftists and the Weather Underground and Red Army Faction were both complete failures. On the other hand, movements that were mostly nonviolent (not necessarily absolute pacifists) tended to succeed.

The only “violent feminists” I’m aware of are women who’ve killed their rapists or abusers and other vigilantes who’ve killed murderers and rapists. I don’t approve of vigilante violence unless it’s in self-defense, but vigilantism is hardly the same thing as political terrorism. IIRC, many feminists were very critical of the Weather Underground and paramilitary communist groups as essentially unrealistic violent male wish fulfillment.

8 years ago

Yeah, what the hell is it about dogs and cat poop?

The first time I ever owned a dog, that particular behavior really made me question that particular life choice…

…my wife started referring to cat poop as “Scooby snacks.”

8 years ago

My understanding (as a non-dog-owner) is that cat food is higher in protein than what dogs usually eat, and so the… product, smells really meaterific to the sensitive canine nose. Also, animals are lovably weird and gross.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Bailey’s usually a very good dog, but I’ve caught her pillaging Toni’s litterbox many times. Not Dracarys’ though because it’s in the basement and Bailey hates stairs.

If we’re going to talk about gross animal stuff, occasionally Dracarys will puke human size amounts. It’s especially bizarre because she only weighs about 8 lbs. Where does all that vom come from? A few weeks ago, I woke up to find my shoes filled to the brim with liquidey cat vomit. It was horrifying.

8 years ago

Hasn’t feminism helped the fight against cancer?
By getting people to notice and work on breast, cervical, and ovarian cancer.
By making sure that drugs and therapies are tested on women (almost) as well as men.
By expanding the pool of cancer researchers and doctors.
By having the conversation around sexual health and condom use.
Even by making a wife’s opinion of her husbands health important enough that he will go for a checkup if asked.
All of these things increase survival rates or even prevent some cancers.

8 years ago


“Not only did she hated men but she hated women too pretty much saying their weak and useless daddy girls.”

Valerie Solanas was a satirist, something that becomes much clearer once you read works other than her manifesto. Obviously shooting Warhol (and attempting to shoot his assistant) was shitty, but if she wanted to exterminate men she would have pulled a Marc Lepine, and not solely confined her shootings to her famous asshole “friend” who stole/misplaced her manuscript (for real!) and tried to bury her career.

So to clarify, the sexism that surrounds Valerie Solanas is;

A. That everyone thought she was “crazy” when she first accused Warhol of taking her manuscript. History proved he did so, but LOL “bitches be crazy”, right?

B. The extent that many people minimize her crime by pointing out her schizophrenia, or by implying that she wanted to kill all men. (Which, let’s be real, is the same thing as calling her “crazy”). Warhol’s shooting was a rationally made choice by a rational person.

C. The fact that society, in general, needs sarcasm tags for female writers because society has a complete inability to recognize when female writers are being purposively absurd.

I just watched “The Lobster”, a black comedy that never identifies itself as satire. However, it’s still clear to everyone that it is so, because taking it at face value would be absurd. But, then again, The Lobster was written and directed by men, so….

8 years ago

@Gaebolga, @Viscaria – I’ve heard that it’s because cat food is higher in protein and smells delicious to dogs, too. I had hoped she’d outgrow it, but nope.

We’ve gotten better at keeping her out of the litter box – I switched from regular litter boxes to a couple of those big Rubbermaid tote bins with an entry cut into the top (keeps the litter from getting kicked out, too).

Over the past year the dog has taken to carrying the cat “snacks” that she’s able to get into my room to eat at her leisure. Sigh. Always a joyful surprise to find.

8 years ago

Axe, I tried being a Mastermind. But, shit, that’s such hard work since the lizard people arrived. You always need to bring your A-game. I got a Shill gig, and I don’t regret it. Less pressure, the pay’s good, and the dental plan is second to none.

8 years ago

@ dreemr & Viscaria

Okay, that sounds plausible. And they do seem to positively relish the “treat.”

…but the memory still makes me retch a little every time a dog tries to lick some part of me.

8 years ago

@David Futrelle
I know it’s not the sorta thing you do, but getting in touch with some feminist-friendly youtubers to stream a review of this POS, when it comes out, would probably be worth the effort.

8 years ago

My thought on the “does feminism cause death?” question is that it does, but only in the way that justice movements always cause death: by motivating some supporters of the movement to open protest (peaceful or otherwise) and other forms of activism, it brings those supporters into closer, more sustained, and more frequent contact with law enforcement. This in turn increases the likelihood of being murdered by cops, in an actuarial sense at least. Every time you interact with a cop, there is a nonzero chance that she will shoot you; the more time you spend around cops, the more of those nonzero chances you take, and the greater the probability that your number is going to come up.