Good news everyone! “The Red Pill,” Cassie Jaye‘s long-promised documentary about A Voice for Men that was partly funded by people involved with AVFM and also to a much greater degree by Milo Yiannopoulos fans who want to stick it to feminism, will soon be hitting theaters!
Well, two theaters, in October.
The feeling of excitement is palpable at the We Hunted the Mammoth headquarters, though admittedly all of it involves one small cat who for some reason likes to RUN AROUND THE APARTMENT AT BREAKNECK SPEEDS after she poops, and none of it (the excitement, not the poop) involves the A Voice for Men Promo Reel Red Pill documentary at all.
But I can only imagine how excited the general public will be about the film. I mean who wouldn’t be THRILLED by the prospect of seeing a film centered around footage of a three-year-old total failure of a men’s rights rally that seems to have involved a little more than thirty people, with maybe half of them being rally organizers and other AVFM “staffers.”
FUN FACT: In the three years since that “historic” RALLY OF THE CENTURY most of the better-known AVFMers at the rally have ceased to be AVFMers. They quit the band, in other words, and are now pursuing highly unsuccessful solo careers.
In case you can’t read my SUPER LEGIBLE pic above with all the red text on it, here are the highlights, going from left to right, with some helpful links to posts of mine on them.
Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton … seems to have nothing to do with AVFM any more. I don’t know the details.
Dean Esmay quit AVFM, for reasons that are still unclear, and since then has kept quite busy on Twitter and on YouTube, calling women the c-word; calling feminist women of color “Aunt Jemimahs” [sic]; threatening to literally spit in the faces of some of his MGTOW enemies, and offering helpful gardening tips.
Paul Elam, seen in the pic modeling a very fashionable “I Heart FTSU [F*cking Their Sh*t Up]” t-shirt, just up and quit the men’s rights movement, stepping down as AVFM’s publisher (sort of ) and declaring himself a “former MRA” (kind of). He moved on to his next moneymaking venture, A Near For Men — sorry, An Ear for Men — which involves charging dudes $90 an hour to talk to him on Skype. No, really. His Ear for Men videos and posts, which all seem to end up on AVFM, are pretty much the same sort of crap he used to post there.
And then there’s Attila Vinczer. Hoo boy. Vinczer, formerly AVFM’s “Activism Director,” quit the site in a huff, sending fellow MRAs what I described at the time as “a bitter 8-page ‘Dear Paul’ letter full of accusations and invective and enough self-pity to fill a conference hall.” Then, logging back into his old “editor” account on AVFM, he posted a 4600-word screed attacking Elam, on Elam’s own site. It was deleted, but not before someone — who might have been me, I don’t remember — archived it!
Good times.
Actually, if the Red Pill film gets into this stuff, it might end up being worth watching.
If not, well, it should be a very exciting documentary about people who don’t actually do anything about the problems they claim are all-important, and then give up because activism is hard even if you don’t actually engage in anything that could really be called activism.
Over on AVFM, though, the locals are feeling pretty chuffed.
MGTOW-man has high hopes for the film and some thoughts about my underpants.
For most of my life I have wondered why can’t just one person, or one group, or one voice in mainstream television/communications with the real truth to tell make it into the big mainstream discussion to blurt out the lies being told? Why is it that every single time those speaking never are one of “us” who have nothing but truth to tell?
I hope this movie changes this. No wonder Futrell nearly soiled his undies. He knows the feminist bullies may have just shyt and fell in it …with it finally being in plain sight for the larger population to see.
Ray24, leaning heavily on the Milo Yiannopoulos catchphrase “Feminism is Cancer,” has more measured expecations.
[C]ancer has proven difficult to cure and I have my doubts that the societal cancer of radical feminism will be any easier to get rid of. Still, we have to keep working to find cures for killer diseases like cancer and feminism. I wonder which has caused the most pain & suffering & death, cancer or feminism? :-/
Shrek6 is a bit more confident about the feminism-slaying capabilities of the as-yet-unseen documentary:
I bet the bitches or was that ‘witches?’ Nevertheless, the bitches of East-wick, will do all they can to disrupt the public viewing of this movie.
Seriously though. If this movie is 100% balanced, level, fair and dinky die honest smack down the middle, it will still be a mortal blow to feminism.
On the Men’s Rights subreddit, the reaction has been a bit more mixed, but some of the regulars have given themselves permission to dream big.
Imnotmrabut thinks the film could have a big impact on the presidential election — and beyond!
I’m sure that it’s release prior to November will Stir up quite a set of questions for All Presidential candidates, in the media and leave many voters wondering about new questions.
It will also act as a Thorn in the next US president’s side for their first term, and I’m sure it will be delightfully painful for all in politics. Why worry abut just an election when you can have 4 years of the best show in town and some real ass kicking all for free!
EricAllonde, meanwhile, is looking forward to what he sees as the inevitable FEMINIST RIOTS.
If you remember the feminist riots on campus that we saw for people like Warren Farrell, Milo or even Christina Hoff Sommers – the level of violence by feminists trying to block a screening of this film would be multiple times greater. That would provide fantastic publicity for the film.
Note to anyone thinking about maybe blocking a screening of the film, please don’t. It would provide fantastic publicity for the film.
I, in turn, will do my best to ignore the film. After all, there are more important things to focus on between now and November. We have a Trump to beat.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
I was not aware mainstream means just two movie theatres.
I’m curious – how often do we need to recalibrate the feminist radar to pick up on this sort of glorious MGTOW magnum opus?
While I get that your legibility quip was self-deprecating, I would appreciate it if you’d use a black outline around your letters when writing on images. Just because MRA image macros are terrible doesn’t mean yours have to be terrible.
Also, I love how some idiot thinks this is going to get the attention of the presidential campaigns. Yeeahhh, right.
I find it interesting that Jaye spent so much time and effort desperately trying to drum up controversy, harassing David, threatening all sorts of nonsense… And then she just fell silent. Did she realise that trying to provoke us into going after her was futile, or that her “Research” was turning up nothing and her hit piece won’t have anything to hit?
(Though I’m surprised she hadn’t just run off with the money. That’s usually how these things end.)
Wow, two theatres! That’s a big jump from Sarkeesian Effect’s record of having more people who were in it than who have seen it.
Boycotting this film worldwide will no doubt lose them billions of dollars, just like their boycotts of Ghostbusters, Mad Max and Star Wars lost billions of dollars for Universal, Sony and Disney!
The revolution draws nigh!
(And then I woke up and it was all a dream….)
Well, if you can’t make movies, you can at least make movie titles I guess: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/feministamovie
I had a look at that commemorative coin thing, it looks like a condom, a rolled up one out of the packet, with maybe a splurge of sperm above it.
He’s a treat! Apparently he really really wanted to sue me for the posts I wrote about his coins, on what grounds I have no idea. I’m pretty sure it’s legal to think that those coins sort of looked like vulvas.
Remember when he tried to dox me and somehow convinced himself that I lived in Amfohare, Illinois — that is, in the Air Mail Facility at O’Hare airport.
@Button, in my defense all the info that was on the unreadable graphic was in the post, in more detail. Except that I forgot Dan Perrins, though I’m not sure why he broke with AVFM.
Please do NOT protest this movie.
“shyt in undies?”
Has anyone else seen Documentary Now on Netflix?
They are spoofs of famous documentaries and they’re hilarious.
I know this documentary won’t ever qualify for the Documentary Now treatment, but I wish would. Fred Armiston would make a fantastic spoof Paul Elam.
I am reminded of The Sarkeesian Effect. GG idiots and MRAs talking about how it was totally going to be the death blow to feminism and whatnot, and then the debut attracted a crowd of 9 people. Including the “director.” I think we ended up giving more of a shit about it than the people who funded it.
Yeah, I think someone forgot to tell her the “supah-edgy controversy” marketing tactic only works if it’s fresh in people’s minds when it actually releases. This is the first I’ve heard from this project in like 6 months.
There’s a good explanation for cats doing that, but so far, none for anyone getting excited about anything to do with the Red Pillocks.
If his gardening tips are anything like his “advice” to feminists (and any man who dares offend him), his plants must all be wilted and rotten. I feel sorry for them.
Because Pillocks’ “nothing but truth” is more full of shit than a constipated bull elephant? Just a random guess.
Buhhhh, I dunno…why don’t you ask an oncologist? I’m sure THEY could tell you.
As for me, I’ve had a cancer scare recently (a lobular breast lesion, which was removed, that turned out to be benign), and frankly, feminism helped me face the whole process without fear, self-loathing, or shame. That’s not what cancer does, is it?
I bet they’ll yawn, laugh at all the rubes, and then go back to their regularly scheduled bonbon munching.
They really don’t care about men and boys do they? And no Feminism doesn’t kill people like cancer does, Patriarchy and Misognyistic Rapey A-holes do.
They will, it’s always a woman’s fault.
Sending Love and hugs to ya ❤️
As someone who identifies as both a “bitch” and a “witch”, I do not give a single solitary fuck about your little movie beyond the lulz it will generate.
You can pull yourself down from the cross now, dear. Gleeful Martyrdom isn’t a good look for anyone.
The funny part is them thinking that two theaters makes a cult classic on par with Brazil and John Wick. Last time I checked none of them look like they watched an Animal Planet Documentary. If they did, maybe they could have learned from those films and get THREE theaters to play their movie.
MRAs are like Wile E Coyote, they’re always one Acme purchase away from taking down those crafty feminists. I hope no one paints a tunnel to one of the two theaters playing this on a solid wall.
Mine would have to be Kristina “Woolybumblebee” Hansen. That’s partially because of the sheer chaos created during her departure, and partially because she subsequently made attacks against both Milo Yiannopoulos and Carl Benjamin.
Clearly your cat knows that the closet is a portal for monsters, and simply lacks the opposable thumbs to open the door so as to battle the monsters lurking inside there! To save you from the closet-monsters!
I thought it was just my cat! She’s missing a leg, so it’s hard for her to navigate the whole pooping thing. (She never covers her poop, for instance.)
When poop gets stuck to her fur, she flies out of the cat box closet like a bat outta hell. I think that she’s trying to shake the poop off.
Hugs if you want them. I’m so glad that the lesion proved to be benign.
MRA John Wick is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard of…
One cannot but intensely hope Davis Aurini is involved, for that extra F*CKED UP effect.
Maybe he can once again explain the Holocaust didn’t really happen/well, happened a bit, sort of/kind of/maybe/probably involved “Feminazis” somewhere.