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Roosh: Hillary will usher in a “techno-matriarchy” and ban talking to women in public

Roosh V, trying out the "grizzled prospector" look
Roosh V, trying out the “grizzled prospector” look

With their “God Emperor” way down in the polls, some of Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters are beginning to face the fact that Hillary Clinton will quite likely be the next president of the United States.

Or should I say the next techno-matriarch?

In a post on Return of Kings, Trump supporter and “ironic” rape legalization promoter Roosh V warns his Trump-happy readers that if The Donald doesn’t win in November, Hillary Clinton will usher in a new dark age for dudes.

All men will be negatively affected under a Hillary presidency in one way or another, meaning that the globalist boot is fast approaching our faces.

After assuming office, President Hillary Clinton will

move to establish a techno-matriarchy where men are second-class citizens to any female, [and] ensure that no movement or organization will be able to challenge her or her establishment cronies ever again. This isn’t a trivial matter of getting banned from a web site like Twitter or Youtube—many of you will be forced to escape the country for no other reason than you happening to be a man who found himself on the wrong side of the establishment.

New laws will ban men from doing man things, like pestering women they don’t know on the street.

Talking to girls in public will be illegal harassment or “hate crime,” and be enforced any time you make a girl feel bad for whatever reason, even if you merely stare at her the wrong way (such laws are currently being beta tested in the UK before wider rollout). Blatantly discriminatory “gender equality” laws in the workplace will lower the incomes of all men so that less qualified females can receive job positions and promotions at male expense.

Meanwhile, those brave souls (like Roosh) who speak up against the New Girl Order will be ruthlessly repressed.

They will target us, the alt right, alternative media, patriot groups, survivalists, traditionally conservative groups, and anyone else who strongly supports Donald Trump, tradition, or masculinity. The purpose of acute attacks is to psychologically break down, impoverish, and imprison those who have a powerful ability to counter the narrative or those who have the strength and organizational skill to resist tyranny with arms.

Wait, what?

Sorry, my head is still spinning a little from Roosh’s quick slide from “countering the narrative” to literally launching an armed revolution against a freely elected government. 

Shooting people because you don’t like the results of a free and fair election is not a form of free speech.

But Roosh still holds out hope that a matri-Hillary-archy can be avoided. If Trump wins, he declares,

I predict that a masculine renaissance will occur … where men can once again focus on their own individual goals with Trump as a patriarchal role model.

In Trump’s America, Roosh will be able to get back to what he does best, advising men how to date-rape women after giving them a fake name meet possible future wives.

I would devote more of my energy to helping men successfully pair bond with women, like I started my writing career with, instead of having to play political defense as masculinity becomes retroactively classified as hate speech.

Hillary cannot be elected soon enough.

Also, FYI, I’ve also been speaking to the same “insiders who understand the globalist master plan” that Roosh boasts he’s been speaking to, and they have revealed to me that in the coming techno-matriarchy all men will be forced to do weird dance routines under the supervision of girls in referee outfits. They even showed me footage of one secret training camp:


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8 years ago

“techno-matriarchy” sounds badass. I’m fully in favour.

8 years ago

Talking to girls in public will be illegal harassment

Yeah, well, you’re waaaaaaaaay too old to be going after girls, Roosh.

I would devote more of my energy to helping men successfully pair bond with women

Huh. The Wikipedia definition of ‘pair bond’ has nothing about following drunk women home so you can rape them.

8 years ago

Hahaha “New Girl Order.” Love your writing! So clever.

8 years ago

If the choice is between patriarchy under Trump or matriarchy under Clinton, I’d say we’ve thoroughly road-tested patriarchy and see how that turned out. Maybe it’s time to try matriarchy.

Of course, those aren’t actually the options; more like chaos vs status quo.

8 years ago

Techno-Matriarchy is the name of my new punk band.

Tiny Hermaphrodite, Esq.
Tiny Hermaphrodite, Esq.
8 years ago

In the matriarchy Roosh will be forced to wipe his own ass and maintain basic hygiene.

princess sunny burn
princess sunny burn
8 years ago

I just… what do they think is gonna happen? Do they not have the basic understanding of how our government works that we all learned in about… oh, I don’t know, 4th grade? You know, the Three Houses of Government and all that? Checks and ballances? Do they really think Hilary can get elected and immidiatly start issuing decrees like a despotic monarch?

Like, okay, even if she WANTED to pass all these masculenity oppression laws (citation needed) exactly how do they think she’d get it past Congress and the House? Which are still, by the way, mainly full of men.

8 years ago

Cool, I hate when people talk to me in public anyway.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

laws in the workplace will lower the incomes of all men so that less qualified females can receive job positions and promotions at male expense.

That doesn’t make any sense. Employers usually prefer to pay lower incomes, so unless there was also a law against hiring men in higher numbers than women, in this scenario we’d see more men employed.

8 years ago

We can add the the way the American government actually works to the list of things Roosh V doesn’t understand about reality. He sounds like he’s basically afraid that under President Hillary Clinton, women will automatically start treating men the way he treats women. The president doesn’t have that kind of power.

Nathan Hevenstone
8 years ago

I, for one, welcome our techno-matriarchal overlords…


(Okay okay… tired old worn-out joke is tired, old, and worn out. Sorry.)

I may not be Clinton’s biggest fan, but this just gives me even more motivation to vote for her (not that I didn’t already have major motivation to vote for her already, but still… more is always good).

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I am so totally behind Clinton’s new techno-matriarchy. I was a supporter of hers anyway, but now…

If I had any photoshop skills, I’d make a Borg Clinton portrait.

8 years ago

Like they care about anything they theoretically would have learned all the way back in 4th-12th grade! They don’t care about those silly checks and balances, why let facts, reality, or laws get in the way of working themselves into a frothing rage-panic.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

It’s being beta tested in the UK, whut? I know we now have a woman Prime Minister and of course a woman Queen, but I don’t think it’s illegal for men to talk to women in public just yet. I’ll have to inquire further when next we have a family get together and I see my Not-brother-in-laws again. One of whom it has to be said rocks the huge bushy beard a lot better than Roosh does.

8 years ago

One of the many reasons to hope for a Clinton presidency: these guys will lose their minds and it will be hilarious.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I wonder if Roosh’s “pair bond with women” plan involves the use of Super Glue?

8 years ago

Talking to girls in public will be illegal harassment or “hate crime,” and be enforced any time you make a girl feel bad for whatever reason, even if you merely stare at her the wrong way (such laws are currently being beta tested in the UK before wider rollout).

Oh, if ONLY. I’d be quite all right with men not being allowed to ogle and catcall us. But I have the strangest feeling that they’re doing nothing of the sort, in the UK or anywhere.

This isn’t a trivial matter of getting banned from a web site like Twitter or Youtube—many of you will be forced to escape the country for no other reason than you happening to be a man who found himself on the wrong side of the establishment.

Translation: Buy my shit before they make it illegal (I know they won’t, but you don’t need to know that. Just buy my fucking shit.)

Blatantly discriminatory “gender equality” laws in the workplace will lower the incomes of all men so that less qualified females can receive job positions and promotions at male expense.

Translation: Waaaaa, we won’t be getting the 30% Penis Benefit anymore! If women are actually equal to us, that means we’ll be lesser, because women are lesser! WAAAAA!

They will target us, the alt right, alternative media, patriot groups, survivalists, traditionally conservative groups, and anyone else who strongly supports Donald Trump, tradition, or masculinity. The purpose of acute attacks is to psychologically break down, impoverish, and imprison those who have a powerful ability to counter the narrative or those who have the strength and organizational skill to resist tyranny with arms.

Actually, that would be a good idea! Thanks for the helpful hint, Roosh the Doosh!

Only, of course, it’s not because you’re countering any narrative, but because you’re spreading FASCISM, and most people fucking hate that, for reasons you’d know if you hadn’t slept through history class.

(‘Course, I strongly suspect that what he’s really doing here is projecting what he’d like to do to anyone who doesn’t think like HIM. Because really, where else WOULD he get those cockamamie ideas?)

I would devote more of my energy to helping men successfully pair bond with women, like I started my writing career with, instead of having to play political defense as masculinity becomes retroactively classified as hate speech.

Oh sure. Because it’s totally normal for men to only pick on drunk, too-young, or otherwise disadvantaged women to rape — oh sorry, SUCCESSFULLY PAIR BOND WITH.

And if it’s such a great success, why isn’t Roosh still doing that, instead of moaning about how nobody wants him now that he’s become the old creeper who hangs around the bars, the one that all the women, whatever their age, know enough to avoid?

8 years ago

@Varalys : also, what the fuck have Clinton to do with anything happening in the UK ? Did Roosh lost the memo that the UK is actually another country entirely ?

8 years ago

I just renamed my PC “Techno-Matriarchy” and it’s made my day. So, thanks Roosh?

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

I am totally in favor of any law that would ban Roosh from talking to women in public, private, or anywhere in between.

8 years ago

@ Varalys – I suspect he is referencing Nottinghamshire Police’s decision to classify misogyny as a hate crime:

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

My photoshopping skills are terrible, but my google fu is alright.
(Someone who’s better at this than me just search for “borg template”)

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@Ohlmann: Well quite, I know the UK and the USA have a (lol) Special Relationship but I don’t think we beta test their laws for them. I’m still scratching my head over it. I guess he saw we have a woman in charge now and faaaarted out a totally made-up warning from it.

ETA: @ALW, good catch, that does sound like it might send misogynists alarm bells ringing, but he seems to have blown it out of all proportion and again, I don’t see how it would affect the USA. Although good on that police force, even if it might prove hard to police in practice.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I thought globalism, capitalism and technology were male domains and evidence of male superiority. Now, all of a sudden they’re matriarchal?


8 years ago

If the alt-right want proof that too many one night stands are bad for you, they only have to look at Roosh. He has gone from being a sex tourist to being a paranoid conspiracy theorist, whose theories get wilder and darker by the minute.

I keep wondering where he can take it from here. Hopefully not down the same dark road as his hero, the Unabomber.

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