creepy memeday trump

Donald Trump + Zapp Brannigan = Sad realization that Brannigan would make a better president

Picture of Zapp Brannigan, actual extremely icky quote from Donald Trump
Picture of Zapp Brannigan, actual extremely icky quote from Donald Trump

For today’s MEMEDAY celebration, some memes from our side!

Some unknown (by me) person came up with the brilliant — if in hindsight totally obvious — idea of pasting actual quotes from the famously narcissistic Donald Trump over pictures of the equally narcissistic Zapp Brannigan, a spaceship captain from the show Futurama who is basically, as a show producer once explained, “half Captain Kirk, half actual William Shatner.”

The memes are hilarious in and of themselves  — you can find more here and here.

What makes them even more hilarious is that Billy West, the voice actor who played Brannigan, has started doing dramatic readings of them and posting the results on Twitter. 

Too perfect! Just so long as you can set aside for a moment the fact that we could, for real, end up with the 21st century equivalent of Zapp Brannigan as our actual president.

H/T — Wired

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reggie, the neighbour's cat
reggie, the neighbour's cat
8 years ago

Those are great! They really do seem like thinks Zapp Brannigan would say. I also like the Lucille Bluth quotes attributed to Trump meme:

8 years ago

My forte Zapp Brannigan mashup is still pairing Zapp quotes with pictures of Gul Dukat (with Damar as Kif, and Kira as Leela).

8 years ago

What a FAB start to my weekend. I shall be sharing this faaaaaaar and wiiiiiide 😀

8 years ago

Honestly for a couple of these I was like “surely these are just clips of Zap Brannigan quotes, they’re too ridiculous to be Donald Trum- oh there are citations on the bottom of the video. Good heavens.”

8 years ago
Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

@Devon August 12, 2016 at 12:59 pm
Dang, I could have sworn that was Phil Hartman’s voice, but obviously he’s been gone a long time. He was awesome, though.

My understanding was that the character was written with Phil Hartman in mind, so it seems that Billy West is doing an homage to Hartman with his voicing of Zapp Brannigan.

I so miss Phil Hartman. I always loved whenever Christopher Walken would host SNL as they’d do a ‘The Continental’ skit, and they’d use Phil Hartman’s intro; it was nice to hear his voice.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

Futrelle: That top meme with Trump’s quote about his daughter is a misquote, and it’s bad form to present it without correction. What he said, which isn’t any less gross, was, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her.” Still seriously icky, but accuracy is important.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago

OMG! Thank you so much for posting this! If Trump wins, I’m going to spend my spare time retweeting these at him. Heck, I might just do it now, for funsies.

8 years ago

I’m glad these exist to add some levity to an otherwise dire, possibly even apocalyptic situation 🙂

8 years ago

Peter Serafinowicz has also done a heap of voice overs of Trump speeches in a range of silly voices (the Liberace one is hilarious). I can’t link at the moment, but they are all on YouTube…

happy cat
happy cat
8 years ago

Nice images!

By the way, I feel sad. Nowadays, whenever a woman mentions domestic violence, everyone is all “we need proof, bring us proof now!” Amber Heard videotapped Johnny Depp and everyone is all: “You shouldn’t have done that, that’s not nice and I’m sure it’s a fake.”

I really feel sad today. 🙁

8 years ago

I love these!

It would be great to have Zap Brannigan quotes on Trump videos as well, it’d probably work just as great. 🙂

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

Semi related

I’m sure it won’t embed properly, but it’s the Bad Lip Reading of Ted Cruz’s RNC speech about Trump.

8 years ago

I want to celebrate this with some sham-paggin!

8 years ago

have more of the vids been posted on the twits?

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago

Yes. He’s making about 3 more each day.