Watching self-proclaimed pickup artists and Men Going Their Own Way going at each other is vaguely reminiscent of watching Trotskyist sects fight it out over the precise lessons that true revolutionaries should draw from the Russian Revolution.
The fact that, in both Trot-fights and in the interminable online squabbles between PUAs and MGTOW, combatants agree on almost everything only seems to make them madder about the things they disagree about. Freud famously called this phenomenon “the narcissism of small differences.”
The latest skirmish between the forces of pickup artistry and MGTOW-ism was inspired by a Return of Kings post, published earlier this month, declaring MGTOWs to be a bunch of bitter whiners jealous of PUAs’ success with women,
RoK contributor Corey Savage acknowledges plainly that PUAs and MGTOWs aren’t really all that different at all.
All things considered, MGTOW, ROK, and other men’s groups have more things in common than the differences. We all recognize the disease that is feminism and we are all faced with the new realities that modern society has to offer for men.
But despite having basically the right — horrifically negative — views on women and feminists, Savage complains, MGTOWs are … a bunch of pussies.
MGTOW may have started with the right intent of defying the gynocentric system that exploits men, but it has quickly turned into a congregation of young men who come together to validate each other’s bitterness and frustration. …
I can somewhat accept bitchy behavior from feminists as they’re women, but to watch these “men” throw a hissy fit over articles on attracting women or becoming a better man (none of which they were forced to read) is both hilarious and cringeworthy at the same time.
In the comments, assorted RoK readers suggested that most MGTOWs are such pathetic losers that their much ballyhooed boycott of the sexual marketplace won’t even register with most women.
As someone called Ainigmaris put it,
The worst aspect of MGTOW that I have seen is the asserted belief that men withdrawing from the sexual marketplace to go their own way will somehow force change in women over time. That is so naïve, petulant and utterly blue pill, it is laughable. …
Unless you are getting the top 20% of males to MGTOW, women won’t even *notice* you have left the sexual marketplace.
Ainigmaris finished up with some thoughts on vaginas.
Also, there are legions of blue pills who will never abandon the quest for the Holy Vag. Women will continue riding the carousel until their loins are so epically stretched out that they slide right off and tumble into some stalwart blue pill White Knight waiting to hoist their pulped roast beef snatches up onto the highest of pedestals.
Philosoraptor41, meanwhile, suggested that MGTOW is little more than a “a cop-out/denial mechanism” for guys no women want.
[I]f someone such as the comic book guy from the Simpsons goes MGTOW, then it’s a cop-out on their part.
Why? It’s very easy to say “screw game and self improvement” if someone hasn’t ever succeeded.
The MGTOWs didn’t take these insults lying down. As MGTOW defender Matthiu Ryin sees it, it is the PUAs who are the true simp manginas (probably).
Are you f*cking kidding? Mgtow is populated by highly successful men who’ve had their lives ruined in divorce court. What exactly are you bringing to the table with any of this bullsh*t anyway? … No all you’re really doing is mocking and that’s what women do.. I mean you might just be a simp mangina too its pretty hard to tell the difference online … you haven’t addressed any of the issues mgtow addresses all you did was try to infantalize the entire movement. I think your website might be run by women.. just a thought.
In a followup comment, Matthiu insisted that the MGTOW reverse-Lysistrata maneuver is the only way to truly put the ladies in their place:
Why do women act the way they do now? Because of the way men act and let them get away with it. If we stand up as men they will have to change whether it’s logical or emotional or whatever. We’re supposed to be the ones setting the precedent anyway and somehow we’ve lost it and started giving women a voice and it’s infecting our minds to where we think a woman’s point of view is more valid than our own.
Enlishbob suggested that perhaps Matthiu was a teensy bit jealous:
You can’t get laid. So you pretend that you don’t want to get laid.
Matthiu in turn accused Englishbob of being “pussy whipped and controlled” by women and their hypnotic vagina powers.
Omg the you can’t get laid card.. please dude.. you’re showing your hand that you totally use pussy for validation.. and so you are pussy whipped and controlled. … You’re putting pussy on a pedestal and worshipping it for self validation and eventually when it gets pregnant you’ll just get mopped up in court and maybe even go to jail over it.
When “it” gets pregnant?
You put up with women’s head games and maybe are even a little bit of a bitch around women. … our whole society has been under mind control in the media for a long time to turn women into nasty people and make men subservient to them. … You have this vision of yourself as a man who does this and that woo woo but the reality is you just pick up after your women and they sit back and collect your money.
And so on and so on and so on.
This sort of internecine warfare amongst the internet’s biggest misogynists is such a pleasure to behold. Whoever “wins” this round in this interminable argument, we can rest assured that all the combatants are total and utter losers.
@Virgin Mary
Hugs. I’ve had similar, myself. I recall having to apologize multiple times for being hurt by him, as he would somehow twist my reaction to him being awful to me into some kind of lack of trust or take something I’d said in response to him as being more hurtful than the thing he did. This made it nearly impossible to leave because he would turn my empathy, anxiety, and depression against me whenever I tried to talk to him about anything I was unhappy about in the relationship.
Anatomy fail. Read a gods-damn book!
I personally think Anita Sarkeesian (the boogey-ma’am of #Gamergate) eating popcorn NEVER gets old
I got into a argument in the comments of a YouTube video (hey, I don’t judge your hobbies). I can’t remember what the video was about, but guy #1 made some claims. First, he said that conservatives don’t commit crime, then he said that immigrants are rapists. Lastly, he said he was “ashamed that I had a Nordic name.” So, you know, racist. Oh, it gets better: Some other guy got mad at him for using the argument “even if only one apple was poisoned, you would still reject the whole basket.” Why did guy #2 get mad? Because he thought the argument was close to an argument Sarkeesian supposedly made. I know he was a MRA because of his usage of the word “feminazies”, as well as using “triggered” sarcastically. So those two started going at it, and I couldn’t be happier: no matter who wins, I still win.
Conservatives commit crimes all the time, take a good look at the billionaire banksters and hedge funders. And that’s only the politicians.
What Mary said (I realize that you’re just reporting what the others said, i know you don’t believe that all criminals are progressives!)
Funny thing about being the conservative establishment is that you get to write the rules, too, so naturally you aren’t gonna incriminate the things *you* like to do. Patriarchy 101 right there, really.
Hey guys, I got a new expression for such delicious infighting: like two vultures fighting over a smelly carcass in the desert (except that vultures are cooler and smarter)
I can’t let this slide. Cult leader or not, sad or not, full of bogus physics or not, dangerous AI idea haver or not, Yudkowski has consistently opposed all versions of the Alt Right, explicitly.
I’m sure both sides r just angry that they didn’t know about each other in the first place…