antifeminism entitled babies memeday memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA projection PUA

Memeday: Men love idealistically (in their pants)

Adapted from a meme by Ian Ironwood
Adapted from a terrible meme by Ian Ironwood

We’ve met “Ian Ironwood” before, the prolific red pill mememaker with a fondness for retro images and retrograde sexual politics.

Today, I’ve assemble what you might call a little meme essay made up of images he’s posted. Prepare yourself in advance for a BIG IRONIC SURPRISE TWIST ENDING!

Oh dear, I’ve kind of spoiled the surprise. Oops.

I cropped out her cleavage here but you can imagine.
I cropped out about a foot of cleavage here


I would think the most interesting thing about her , at least medically speaking, would be her crushed internal organs
I guess that’s why she has an arrow pointing to it?


You met this gal, or at least her legs, earlier
We met this gal, or at least her legs, earlier


Yep, this one ACTUALLY starts with ACTUALLY
Yep, this one ACTUALLY starts with ACTUALLY


You have the option of a narrow tie, or the narrowest tie


Wait, what?
Wait, what?

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan!

I had no idea that “idealism” consisted of thinking of women as little more than vagina delivery systems. I guess that’s what the red pill teaches you, huh?

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(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

authorialAlchemy said

MRAs are just not there for gay and asexual men, are they? If they really cared about men, they would be.

They only care about themselves. They also like having strength in numbers and reinforcement for their views. These two things make up the real reasons there are organized* MRAs. I think it also neatly explains FeMRAs.

*for a certain definition of organized

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


If the mother was concerned that bullying was ongoing … would the mother have voluntarily re-enrolled the child?

Sorry Alan, msexception, whoever else, but fuck lawyers right now

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

Re: “interesting”

It really is a stupidly vague “compliment” that requires a shiload of context.

It can mean “I want to learn more about this person” or the equivalent of the southern “Bless their heart”, which can be a very polite way of implying “I hate that person”, but, again, context is important.

For instance: Ironwood* is interesting like a car wreck. I’m just here for the carnage.

*Side note: What a stupid penis euphemism. No one cares about your boner, Ian.

8 years ago

Constantly accusing feminists of misandry while not comprehending how incredibly self- loathing it is to characterize all men as only being interested in sex.

Someone call the Irony Police

8 years ago

When I see a reference to Ian Ironwood, it reminds me of Grace Underwood from Lewis’s “That Hideous Strength”. He suffers from the comparison. I suspect Lewis got the surname from Norse mythology.

During my carefree single days, I did pursue some men because they were interesting people. Whether it resulted in rumpy-pumpy or not, I never regretted the effort; if the worst case scenario is ‘I now know an interesting person’, you’ve got a good thing going.

Related, I get the impression that some of these MRA types, despite an ineluctable heterosexual inclination, are deeply squicked by the realities of a female human being. The emotive and cognitive dissonance of desiring something that also repels you reminds me of the g0ys, who are probably as small a percentage of homosexually inclined men as MRAs are of heterosexually identified men. But gosh, don’t they both go on about it.

In closing, a hopeful note. I was out with our older son yesterday. At one point, he commented to me that, now that he’s nineteen, he’s not looking at girls any more – he’s looking at women. I assured him that this was a desirable thing.

8 years ago

Well mom always said, if she looks like she can end you in a thousand ways, she’s someone you better be with.

8 years ago


Someone call the Irony Police

Don’t you mean “Ironwoody Police”?

… I’m sorry, that was terrible…

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Are you going all the way south to north? Essex County is close to us.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


After consulting with the council of otters, we have reached the conclusion that a meetup will probably be impossible. We don’t have access to a car tomorrow, and we’re having some people over in the early afternoon. 🙁

Unless you wanna drop by the house and let the 4 year olds splash around in the pool for a while. :p Long shot, I know.

Maybe some other time, I guess.

8 years ago


I’ve got raccoons too, but as I live on the edge of a small town, on what used to be a chicken farm, I’m not exactly thrilled to see them. They always rip my compost pile to shreds…unless it’s covered in well-rotted old stuff. Which, sadly, is on top of the old pile, which I flipped a few days ago. Everything else I’ve tried to deter them with has failed, including ammonia and adding pee to the pile. But my kitty seems to love chasing them, if she’s out at the same time they happen to show up. She treed a young one a couple of times.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@IP – Bummer, but yeah, probably impractical to try to arrange a meetup this time around. We’ve got a 10 hour drive ahead of us and already have a planned detour to drop off some Hillary yard signs at the other end. Tomorrow is back to work/school. 🙁

If your future travels include New England, definitely look us up (or who knows, maybe we’ll visit Sweden someday). We’ll wave in your direction as we pass through East Orange!

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Wave to the west! :p

Hope you have a nice and safe drive.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
8 years ago

I was gonna say something but you all beat me to whatever I was going to say. You snooze you lose, I guess.

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
8 years ago

Oh…here’s something I can add:
I wonder if Ironwood (I know I’m one of the last people who should talk about names, but nice name) lives in fear of being tazed, pepper sprayed, struck or whatever by people who recognize him as the slime ball who wrote that sexist (towards men as well as women) bilge. Probably not because he (probably) thinks the Internet is totally anonymous, but if I were him I would be.

To be clear, I am *not* threatening him…I’m just saying that nobody would be surprised if that stuff did happen to him. If I had written such toxic bullshit, I would always be worried about getting attacked.

8 years ago


I’m in suburbian SoCal somewhat near the beach – and I guess I’m sort of biased about which species I prefer in terms of visiting wildlife. 😛 I’ve got a preference in the petting zoos too – goats. Lol I’m just happy that we’ve got some of these critters returning to the region even if it’s most likely because they are unable to find adequate water and food sources in the mountains where they retreated to as humans increased their efforts to build suburbia. We get coyotes running down the streets at night but mostly they travel around in our cemented-over ‘flood control’ riverbeds, other wildlife has followed but seem to exit and stay a while (probably to get away from the hungry coyotes!), bunnies that were once people’s pets then abandoned in various parks and open fields that became neighborhoods do their multiplying thing like bunnies are wont to do so there are plenty of those – some areas they’re almost plague status but if you’re going to be invaded by that many of one species might as well be adorable bunnies! My gated community has trees, lakes, and streams (the water features are man-made) so undoubtedly it appeals to various critters, not just ducks and geese – which we have, the latter of which we prefer not to and don’t seem to stick around once they figure out how many ducks are here and are getting territorial towards them.

My dog would love to chase the squirrels that have recently shown up to hang out during the day in our trees and she would love to go after the raccoons here during the ‘night shift’ but the squirrels stay out of her reach and I try to keep her inside at night other than walks on-leash because I do worry that the one very friendly and extremely curious (as in enough to have started trying to figure out how to bypass the metal fencing around my patio because it wants a closer look at me ) raccoon could be more than anyone bargained for in terms of teeth and claws and biting if faced with a barky and excitable dog.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@IP – We’re home now! Did you get my telepathic wave around 1 pm?

Hope you had fun with your friends this afternoon. 🙂

I decided if I ever write a Regency romance novel, I’m going to name all the characters after Garden State Parkway exits. “Elizabeth Cranford”. “Clark Westfield”. “Linden Roselle”. All of them squabbling over the vacant Vicar of Hacksensack post.

8 years ago

Ha ha… these guys are really missing out.

I have a relationship with a man that is really just about sex or at least its primary focus by such a long, long way. During this relationship I had a big career success, such as my work got in the papers and on tv. Although the subject matter was grim, he said he found all that coverage really hot because he knew he was having sex with the author of that work.

You can be focused on sex and still find the person you’re having sex with interesting in other areas…unless of course you hate yourself and women.

8 years ago

Golly, these dudes REALLY don’t like men.

Nor women, obviously.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


To Men, Sexuality IS Our Prime Interest.

I am not sure that walking on three legs (or less, if you have a disability) the whole day is an interest or good for the health…
And as making ridiculous posters with shitty comments on them seems to be your Prime Interest, i would suggest to re-read yourself sometimes before posting anything…

> “Interesting”
It is a term men are counselled to put in their dating profile (e.g. “I am looking for interesting women”) to simulate a broad mind nature, because writing “I want HB8 at least” only bring you pencils. Sometimes it is true (that you are looking for interesting women), the rest of the time it is used to reject the woman because saying “you do not please my boner” may have you banned of the dating site (and thus you have to drop Biggusdickus987651321698 and re-inscribe yourself as Biggusdickus987651321699, because girlz like Monty Python, arh arh arh *nudge nudge wink wink*)

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

trash pandas!! ha!

“raccoon could be more than anyone bargained for in terms of teeth and claws and biting if faced with a barky and excitable dog.” good call – racoons can be pretty vicious when attacked and neither dog nor coon understand each others body language.

Btw – people can actually get rabies vaccine shots, tho you can’t just show up at the local clinic and get one, you have to call around and maybe have it special ordered.

This may sound mean, but when I lived in cities I used to make a point of scaring the wildlife – chase the geese, honk at the deer, yell at the racoons, etc. on the theory that we don’t want wildlife getting the idea that people are sources of food or comfort. People and civilisation are generally dangerous to other animals. You might think they are cute and give them peanuts but your neighbor might think they are scary and lay out the poison.

bina, I live in the middle of a forest so have lot’s of animal visitors – we put all our compost piles in cages made of wired up pallets (wire-hinge one for a door to facilitate turning) anchored at corners with metal garden posts and put another pallet (loose) on top to keep the critters out. Pallets are strong, light, racoon resistant and free behind the supermarket/hardware store.

On-topic: I’m starting to understand why some of y’all appear to be in favor of sexbots. I guess they will also have to be programmed to do the chores and cook because there is more than 2 minutes in a day!

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

I don’t believe zoos etc should call the Firefox the ‘red panda’ anymore, as it is a taxonomic anomaly from the Victorian age when they believed them to be ‘lesser pandas’ genetically related to the giant panda. In reality they are closely related to ferrets and raccoons. They are beautiful tho. I think they like to use the Panda name to trick punters into thinking they have giant pandas.

8 years ago


Since I do the majority of my work in my lovely home office area (a desk with computer, printer, and a crapton of files in 4 going on 5 file cabinets) I don’t even have to put pants on for work if I don’t want to – and not required to be in court or meet with client/other lawyers that day – technically as long as I don’t mix up browser windows with document form windows, *EVERYTHING* is safe at my work. ?

Hi five! Home offices are great!


On-topic: I’m starting to understand why some of y’all appear to be in favor of sexbots. I guess they will also have to be programmed to do the chores and cook because there is more than 2 minutes in a day!

Sort of on that topic! Workin’ on some concept/relationship comprehension algorithms lately. It’s beginning to appear that a system that can understand a general context, and understands its own states, will also be able to understand its place within that context. So I am against sexbots, because they don’t deserve to be put in that horrible context! Boo MRA sexbot research! Booo!

8 years ago

Oh I’m totally against the idea of sexbots myself (not for your reasons tho, they would just be machines so couldn’t know of their own degradation. i think?) because i’m against humanoid robots in general.

People should do their own dishes, mop their own floors, wipe their own kids snotty noses, fight their own wars, and make love to real humans.

On the other hand, sometimes I’m called upon to repair welding and parts handling robots so maybe I’m being a hypocrite.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago


The thing that scares me about sexbots, is even though they are nonsentiant machines, the intention is there to do worse things. They can get sexbots of children and babies, or even animals. You know those lifelike newborn baby dolls? I hate to imagine the deviants who buy these. The original short story AI, by Brian Aldiss (who had an interest in child sex, also wrote The Hand Reared Boy) originally wrote that the other David robots were sexbots, Jude Law’s character is a much younger looking teen robot in the book. Ick.