antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men playing the victim post contains sarcasm reddit

Reddit MGTOWs fight the real enemy: Fat chicks

Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter
Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter

The human race faces many dire threats. War, famine, disease, terrorism, giant asteroids, Donald Trump. But the ever-alert readers of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit know that all these threats pale in comparison to the greatest threat of all. I am speaking, of course, of fat chicks.

In a post with the thoughtful title “Dear obese women I f*king hate you,” a Reddit MGTOW calling himself iamlikethewindbaby outlines his case against these horrible monsters. Speaking fluent SARCASM, he addresses fat chicks directly.

“Thanks for turning average chicks into supermodels and ugly chicks into average chicks,” he declares.

Thanks for filling up my newsfeed with memes about how beautiful fat chicks are. Do you even know how attractiveness is determined? The more healthy and fertile a woman is the more attractive she is. Being obese makes you unattractive, period. F*ck you.

Er, I’m pretty sure attractiveness is determined by whatever the hell people happen to think is attractive. Some people find skinny people attractive; some find fat people attractive; some people don’t pay much attention to weight. There are even a few perverse souls who find Donald Trump attractive, if you can believe that.

Thanks for making a generation of men feel bad about themselves because a fat chick is the best they can do, it’s not their fault 70% of you are overweight.

That’s actually not quite right. According to the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, the percentage of American women classified as overweight or obese isn’t 70%; it’s 64%. The percentage of men classified as overweight or obese? 74%.

That’s right, fellas; there are more fat dudes than fat chicks in the US.

The percentage of American adults classified as obese? 36% — exactly the same for men and women.

Look, facts!
Look, facts!

Now, there may be legitimate reasons to wonder if these categories really make sense as they’re currently defined. But one thing is clear: for every fat chick out there fat chick-ing, there’s a fat dude to match.

Thanks for being 400lbs and yet somehow still unable to cook. That’s great. It’s a good thing we did away with those sexist home economics classes.

Dudes, given that you’re all devoted to GOING YOUR OWN WAY and all, shouldn’t you be learning how to cook your own damn dinner?

Thanks for being so fat that being 20lbs overweight isn’t even considered fat anymore. Nothing is sexier than a 5’3 150lb women.

According to some number I found on the internet, the 5’5″ tall Marilyn Monroe saw her weight fluctuate from 115-150 lbs at various points in her adult life. I don’t know why we know this, or if we should, but apparently we do. Here’s a picture of her at one of her more voluptuous moments, in Some Like it Hot.


What a hideous monster!

Thanks for having personalities that match your appearance. It’s important for people’s insides to match their outsides.

Based on iamlikethewindbaby’s personality, I can only assume he looks something like this:


I can’t wait until all your cold-giant-black-hearts explode.

What a lovely fellow.

Iamlikethewindbaby also blames obese women for rising insurance premiums, and snickers a little at the thought of obese women dying before retirement.

It’s true that obesity can increase health care costs and lower life expectancy. But you know what else increases health care costs and lowers life expectancy? Being an angry dickhead. 

“There is a direct connection between being constantly angry, competitive, and aggressive, and early heart disease,” notes an article on the “health costs of anger” on

[R]ecent research suggests that men who have poor anger management skills are more likely to suffer a heart attack before age 55 than their more emotionally controlled peers. A separate study indicated that older male subject’s hostility ratings (how hostile and irritable they tend to act towards others) predicted heart disease more accurately than other known risk factors including cholesterol, alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and being overweight. … 

The evidence from numerous studies is clear: constant chronic anger, hostility, and aggression raise your risk of developing various deadly forms of heart disease by as much as five times the normal rate. The more hostility you tend to express, the more prone to heart disease you are likely to be. 

And the lovely iamlikethewindbaby is hardly the only Reddit MGTOW who fits the angry dickhead profile, as a quick skim through the comments on his post reveals.

Indeed, the lovely fellow who calls himself lordjedi may have cut several weeks off his life expectancy with all the anger in this comment alone:

Not that I haven’t tried a couple times, but my policy for many years has been my bedroom is off limits to fats.

I’m sure the “fats” of the world feel just awful they don’t get to partake of lordjedi’s charms. He continues:

That means no easy money for fatties either. Get a f*cking job, Porkins, if you want to sleep indoors. Every dollar you spend in your short worthless life will be earned by you with your fine arts/wymyn’s studies degree and your $90K student loan debt, while stocking shelves on the 3 AM Walmart shift. Enjoy your Cool Ranch Doritos. Why don’t you f*cking marry them if you love them so much?

If you love your hatred so much, lordjedi, why don’t you marry it? Oh, wait, I guess you have.

MTGOStark, who has clearly never spoken to a woman in the real world, offers this thought.

If being not obese is literally the only thing they have to do in their life to succeed, and they still fail at it (and complain on top), it’s just truly pitiful.

Aanarchist apparently spends much of his Going His Own Way time scanning through profiles on online dating sites.

i see those online profiles where the woman is like 50 lbs overweight and she puts down average. a few extra pounds means 100 lbs overweight. big and beautiful means THAR SHE BLOWS. the funny thing is they want you to ignore their weight, like it has nothing to do with who she is. it’s like she wants you to watch her eat an entire f*cking cake with her bare hands, and treat her as if she’s eating salad and a water.

Huh. That actually sounds like a fun date. Who doesn’t like cake?

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joekster-bearded beta
joekster-bearded beta
8 years ago

Blast. We finally have a ‘fat-shaming’ thread, and not only do I join in on the second page of comments, but I don’t notice until AFTER a stiff rum and coke. 🙂

I’ve actually been sitting here taking notes on the above comments, so I can keep track of everything I’d like to bring up. This is going to be a massive wall of text. Sorry about that, but it’s something I care about, and may actually be an ‘expert’ on 😉

Overall, keep in mind, although obesity correlates with lots of different diseases, the exact causation is sometimes difficult to determine. I mentioned this before (thanks for the shout-out, Kupo), but I didn’t really elaborate. Schilfreeda, as our resident statistician, feel free to correct any mistakes I make.

To begin with, I would say, from a medical perspective, that, while obesity may be a health issue, I would place it as somewhat more dangerous than smoking marijuana, but less dangerous than, say, being a couch potato, smoking tobacco, using IV drugs, and a whole host of other issues.

In med school, I learned that to establish causation, three things are required. First, there needs to be a strict, temporal correlation. That is, proposed effect is very unlikely to occur without proposed cause occurring before it. Second, preventing or treating the proposed cause prevents or treats the proposed effect. Finally, we need to have a proposed, physiologic reason why the cause would lead to the effect.

(of course, by these criteria, we can’t even say that smoking causes

In the case of, say, type 2 diabetes, we can actually say, ‘Obesity causes type II diabetes’: Type 2 diabetics are almost always obese, bariatric surgery (or other forms of weight loss) does actually ‘cure’ diabetes (pet peeve, diabetes, type I or II, is actually never ‘cured’ just controlled without medications), and we even have a logical physiological link: adipose tissue actually does lead directly to insulin resistance.

In the case of osteoarthritis of the knees, something similar can be said, although I do have a few patients (especially at the VA) who are quite thin but have OA, I’m assuming 2′ their PT experiences in the service, the overwhelming majority of people with knee OA are in the ‘morbid obese’ category (at lease by BMI).

In the case of cardiovascular disease, the situation is much more debatable. The correlation is not one to one, weight loss does not always (or even often) cure heart disease, and the physiology is still being studied.

Also, OSA, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and many medications (including anti-psychotic meds) actually cause weight gain instead of the other way around.

Finally, there are a couple of diseases that actually correlate with a lower BMI, osteoporosis being the major one.

I would also like to emphasize that aerobic exercise has significant health benefits across the board, and actually is a well-validated treatment for depression, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pretty much everything that has been linked to obesity, and more besides. I don’t think that can be emphasized enough.

Now, specific points brought up by other posters (apologies if I mix up anyone’s name):

@kupo: It seems you’ve suffered a great deal of fat shaming in the past. That’s not right. Body weight is a part of overall health, but should never be seen as the primary one. At best, it’s a metric that the physician should use as an indicator that more w/u is needed.

@viscaria: you are absolutely correct: thinner women do have significant difficulty bringing children to term, which may be why the ‘ideal woman’ in past ages was significantly heftier: they were better able to carry a dozen children to term. However, there is some data that morbid obesity can cause enough hormonal changes to inhibit conception (adipose tissue is one of the main places where estrogen is produced in the human body, which is one of the theories with cardiovascular disease).

Also, I didn’t know that people engaged in the sort of ‘thin-shaming’ you mentioned with regard to meals. Interesting.

@Ohlman: I think I addressed many of the health-related issues above. Let me know if there is anything you’d like to talk more about.

@Kareena and Axcalibur: BMI probably isn’t the best measure of obesity, but it is the easiest to measure. I think the current data more supports using waist measurements as our obesity marker (adjusted for ethnicity, oddly enough), but it’s not catching on. Probably takes too long. It’s dreadfully important, because there is good data indicating that how much weight one carries is far less important than where the weight is. Abdominal fatty tissue seems to have a significant metabolic effect, while fatty tissue in the buttocks or thighs (ie WHERE WOMEN ARE MORE LIKELY TO CARRY FAT) seems to have an almost negligible effect. Thank you for bringing that up.

@Axcalibur: I actually have seen a number of 400+ lb individuals, but that’s a biased sample. I can say that if someone gets to that point, there a really good chance they have multiple health problems, but again, correlation/causation.

@Kale, Jansaxa: Thank you so much for bringing up the notion of using fat as a shield. When I was doing my clinical rotations in Vegas, I actually spent a month working with an internist who specializes in weight loss (for thos >400 pound individuals, mostly). His wife, a psychologist had a fascinating theory: that many people (especially women) subconsciously make themselves fat in order to make themselves less attractive to the opposite gender. Basically, these people get tired of being objectified, get tired of being hit on all the time, so they gain the extra pounds precisely to get men to leave them alone. It’s a fascinating theory because, if true, it would make fat shaming entirely counterproductive: many of the women being told ‘you’re fat, so you’re ugly’ will be confirmed in their subconscious goals.

@dlouwe: I think that we really do need to divorce health from ethics. Just because one engages in unhealthy behaviors (being a couch potato, chewing tobacco, using IV drugs, etc) does not, of itself, make someone a bad person. I think it’s related to this tendency we have to view mistakes as moral failures, and that’s an unhealthy attitude in general, but especially unhealthy in a world where everyone makes mistakes, and the only way to fix anything is to admit those mistakes and learn from them.

@Crys T: You’ll probably all get tired of hearing me say this, but (aerobic) exercise is far more important that obesity. I feel comfortable in saying that without my usual qualifiers.

@Dalilama: agreed that socioeconomic factors play a huge role in obesity and severely limit the opportunities many people have to engage in healthy behaviors. However, everyone can get more exercise.

@Everyone who’s made it to this point: congratulations. I hope I was able to provide useful info for some of you. If anything is unclear, I’m going to subscribe to this thread, and Ill get back to you. Also, I think fat shaming is repugnant and counter-productive in the strictly pragmatic sense, so my apologies if I made anyone uncomfortable or gave offense. Peace and long life to you all.

joekster-bearded beta
joekster-bearded beta
8 years ago

And, second post so I can subscribe to the follow-up comments (that was a stiff rum and coke. Good thing I don’t do that often).

8 years ago


LOL I love it. That kind of makes me want to see what other feeble attempts to explain away these images have been hilariously attempted.

But no doubt the artists of these works would think exactly the same of him and his horribly confused boner. In their lifetimes, the frail women he oggles over would have been objects of pity, not desire. His biology must be getting tricked by all this modern mass media brainwashing him into not knowing any better. *pffft* x)

8 years ago

Thanks for making a generation of men feel bad about themselves because a fat chick is the best they can do, it’s not their fault 70% of you are overweight.


I dated a couple of guys who seemed to want to show me off. It was baffling. Believe me when I tell you that I am not Kat Kardashian, the less-well-known (also mythical) Kardashian sister.

Not only was it baffling, it was annoying. It was painful. It was weird. It was the opposite of intimacy. It was something I tried to laugh off and hoped that these guys would get over really, really soon. Nope.

And these two guys were the most objectifying of the guys that I’ve dated. And the ones who cared the least about what a woman thinks or how she feels.

Hey, Wind Guy, as long as we’re dealing with statistics: It’s the “fault” of women that 100 percent of us will have nothing to do with guys like you.

In the name of Katie, may it be so.

8 years ago

My boyfriend likes to tell me that he’s The Wind.

The first time he said that, I stopped, looked at him, and said very seriously, “Honey, you’re not the wind. At all. Although you are full of hot air. Is that what you mean?”

8 years ago

Honestly, the whole ridiculously over-simplified ‘literally all you need to do to not be fat is eat less and be moderately active’ BS is where I get extra frustrated. Of course there are people who are very overweight because of very unhealthy diets or obsessive eating and so forth, but the idea that the ONLY way a woman could be even 10 pounds overweight is because she eats an entire cake every day is crazy, willfully ignorant. They only cling to that idea because they WANT to be able to hate “the fats” self righteously.

A few years ago, I had to start anti-anxiety meds to put my life back together, and the damn things made me pack on weight that I still can’t get rid of, even though I’m eating an average of 1,000 calories per day (I get full really quickly and I don’t feel hungry very often. Idk man.), and I’m usually on the go all week, and I generally make a point to only eat nourishing things. Yeah, I’ve gotten a bit of a belly I’ll admit I’m embarrassed by, but what gets to me more is knowing there are random strangers who will look at me and not only judge, but literally HATE me for it, or go online and vent about how they hope I’ll die young from it.

And even if a woman IS fat from overeating – who the hell really cares? Food is awesome and least she has something in her life she loves, which doesn’t seem to be the case for all these bitter, resentful, hateful MGTOWs. You have to be a really loveless, miserable person to write those kind of diatribes.

8 years ago

People in fat houses shouldn’t throw scones.

8 years ago

Fuck fat shamers, even if you gain extra wait from eating or whatever, who cares other than these sad, strange little men? One of these days, I want to make some pancakes in a rice cooker to cut down on the mess that comes with making pancakes while still enjoying that pancake-y goodness. I’m pretty sure pancakes are misandry too, I still remember the post from January where some bodybuilder got worked up over his girlfriend getting pancakes, and that’s my favorite example of how joyless the manosphere is.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Oh, and as I was reading this post earlier in the breakroom at work, the paper was sitting on the table. What was on the front page of the variety section? A headline screaming “why are women losing the battle of the bulge?” with a big picture of female feet/ankles on a scale. Sigh.

8 years ago

Dear fatphobic fuckfaces,


Go cry my fabulous fat ass a river. No one wants your aproval and no one cares about what gives you a boner.

No one ever will. Get over it or choke on your bitterness. *shrug* It makes no difference to anyone but you.

8 years ago

You mentioned Marijuana being harmful to health. Could you elaborate?

8 years ago

@(((Ham))) I’m so sorry to hear about your SIL. Jedi hugs if you want them.

If you’re looking for another blog that goes over scientific studies regarding weight loss, fat discrimination and the like, bigfatscience is active. It’s a tumblr blog, but I don’t think you need a tumblr account to view it.

8 years ago


Wow, just wow. That certainly wouldn’t cause their impressionable readers to be part of the anorexic statistic, or develop unhealthy images of themselves /s

Seriously what the hell, this is on par with that time magazine cover that had drug abuse be colorful and bright, and not taking it is grey and drab, with the “me” in time being in the colorful side.

8 years ago

And in other man babies news, disgruntled fans want to shut down Rotten tomatoes for linking to bad reviews of Suicide Squad.

The Real Cie
8 years ago

Weight actually has far less bearing on overall health than the multi billion dollar diet industry would like to lead people to believe. I worked with the geriatric population for close to 25 years and dealt with very elderly people of all sizes. Yes, there are fat people in their 80’s and 90’s, and some of them are doing quite well, considering their advanced age.
Most of the so called “diseases of obesity” are actually diseases of aging. The older a person gets, the more likely he or she is to develop conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, or cancer.
There are certain conditions which may be correlated with having a larger physique, but correlation is not causation. Type 2 diabetes has some correlation with a larger physique, but so called “pre-diabetes” tends to cause people to gain weight and have trouble losing it. Also, a person can’t eat themselves into diabetes: they have to have the genetic trigger for diabetes in order to develop it.
It really doesn’t cost more to be heavy than it does to be any other size. It is also fallacious to assume that big people are more likely to miss work. I am a big person myself, and I call in to work for health related (or any other) issues less than once a year.
Overall this post was spot on, but I wanted to address the statement that obesity may raise health care costs and lower life expectancy. This really isn’t as true as we have been lead to believe.
What does lower life expectancy is constant stress. Fat people are constantly bullied and stigmatized. This causes about a metric f**k ton of stress. It is good for neither body nor soul.
I suggest that everyone google Health At Every Size to learn more. Also look for Dances With Fat. Ragen Chastain, who is the blog’s author, has a lot of excellent information. She’s also a frequent target of the Reddit a-holes.

8 years ago

@joekster, what are your thoughts on people regaining weight after weight loss surgery? (Incidentally the diabetes comes back) from my, albeit lay, perspective people who have had various weightlOSS surgery always seem worse off after gaining the weight back, plus interest, going back to being diabetic, and dealing with the health issues associated with losing weight through a low cal diet plus any problems from the surgery.

And while working for the weight loss doc, how many people would you say kept the weight off 5+ years?

(I’m not picking on you, but you can’t just drop a load of everything that runs counter to my research and expect me not to ask follow up questions.)

8 years ago


How much do you want to bet that more then a few of those people were the ones who gave the new ‘Ghostbusters’ bad reviews with out even seeing it.

8 years ago

The fact he thinks it is reasonable to decide how treat someone based on what they just had for lunch AND thinks women should think his opinion of them matters just blow me away.

How can anyone be such a raging hemroid and still think of themselves as desirable company? He thinks fat women think too much of ourselves! The lack of self awareness is staggering.

No one is after his money, his time, his esteem or his cock. Proclaimng those things off limits to fat women is kinda like putting a velvet rope around a pile of cold dog poop. No one is after it. There is no line forming to the left. Throngs of disappointed fans are not wiping tears from their eyes.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


Actually, it’s about ethics in film journalism.

8 years ago

Them filthy lycopersicum orbiters are to blame for this injustice. Such unfair biased reviews can only come from Gigantomos and their legion of Tomato Knights.

8 years ago

Given that, as somebody else already pointed out, low weight is associated with low fertility, and that pregnancy (particularly multiple pregnancies) tend to affect women’s metabolism and result in weight gain post pregnancy, it seems pretty clear that if there is a correlation between weight and fertility, it is heavier women who should have that correlation.

This is what happens when almost every woman in the media is makeupped, photoshopped, styled, and strategically lit. The women we see on TV, movies, and advertisements are ludicrously unreal. Guys like this end up with the weird idea that that is what women are supposed to look like, and that they are entitled to one of those shiny ladies they see on the TV. But, see, those images don’t exist in real life, and even if they did this big baby wouldn’t be entitled to one like she’s a prize that he gets in the crackerjack box of being a man. I wonder too if it also has something to do with consumer culture. We get so used to the “have a problem – buy a solution” model for our lives. So we watch ads (“Greasy dishes? Buy this soap! Thirsty? Buy this soft drink!”) so much we think everything works this way. (“Lonely? Horny? Get your free female today!”) After all, everything they want and need can be bought from a smiling, hyper-sexualized lady on the TV — why isn’t the sexy lady for sale too?

God, can you imagine what it must be to be one of these dudes? To go around seething because real ladies don’t look like the ladies on the TV, and the real ladies don’t want anything to do with him EITHER!!??

Pfft. Anyway. This guy has taken too much of my attention away from this delicious pad thai. Maybe I’ll eat enough to gain a pound and this guy can dissolve into paroxysms of rage.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Fabe | August 3, 2016 at 10:44 pm


How much do you want to bet that more then a few of those people were the ones who gave the new ‘Ghostbusters’ bad reviews with out even seeing it.

That’s a sucker’s bet and you know it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

It’s just…what is so specifically and especially hideous about bodily plumpness?

It’s the perception that fat = selfish. Women aren’t supposed to take up space, and they’re not supposed to indulge themselves. They’re supposed to be as small and weak as possible, so they’re easier to dominate physically (also, bulk is men’s domain and GOD FORBID women ever tread there because dating anyone who deviates from the Woman Checklist results in a loss of precious Bro Points). Women are also supposed to devote themselves 100% to man-pleasing, which includes self-denial. Cupcakes do not signify that you are serious about this goal.

There’s also the quasi-puritan thing where they can’t stand the idea of a woman having fun or receiving sensual pleasure. It gives women uppity notions about what’s possible. MGTOWs don’t want to have to compete with creme brulee.

Do you even know how attractiveness is determined?

You FOOLS. Don’t you know attractiveness is ratified by a majority vote following debate on the motion, and can only be rescinded by a two thirds majority with previous notice, as per the bylaws of the Attractiveness Central Committee? Why aren’t you following proper parliamentary procedure?

The more healthy and fertile a woman is the more attractive she is.

Tell that to all the thin, conventionally attractive twenty- and thirty-somethings undergoing assisted reproduction. Walk into any IVF clinic’s waiting room. You’d be surprised.

I never stop marveling at how shallow MGTOWs are, with their blind adherence to the facial symmetry/hip-waist ratio/cattle assessment gospel. They’re so smugly convinced they can size a woman up at a single glance and know everything there is to know about her health, fertility, sexual history, and motherhood potential based on how much she weighs and if her hair is dyed and whether she has a retruded maxilla. An HB10 appears, and they immediately set their phasers on “Duggar”. That’s…not how it works.

Not only do these idiots approach dating as if it were a livestock auction, they can’t even judge the livestock correctly.

Enjoy your Cool Ranch Doritos. Why don’t you f*cking marry them if you love them so much?

Somebody’s bitter that Cool Ranch Doritos get more attention from the ladies. Sorry, MGTOWs. Salty dudes just can’t compete with salty snacks.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Not that I haven’t tried a couple times, but my policy for many years has been my bedroom is off limits to fats.

So you eat all your bacon and ice cream in the living room instead. Got it.

(I have a feeling nobody ever voluntarily enters his bedroom, regardless of their BMI…he’s just decided to have this policy because if he only allows imaginary supermodels past his imaginary bedroom bouncer, then that makes him more discerning and alfalfa than guys who are actually sleeping with real flesh-and-blood women. And as we all know, flesh makes women icky.)

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Prominent Misanderer of the Gynocracy
8 years ago

Eating some Misandry Chocolate-Covered Blueberries right now 🙂

@Kereea: I have the same “problem” as you but I stand 5’6″ and weigh 225 lbs. People always call BS when I tell them because I have a lot of muscle (especially in my limbs and shoulders). Most would guess 140-160. The closest I’ve ever been to appearing fat was when I retained a lot of fluid and incidentally that was the only time I actually weighed less than I looked (and I felt like my usernamesake). I was lucky enough to experience minimal judgment. Excuse the wall of words…I know you probably don’t care about my “life story”.

@Everyone else: Just curious, has anyone ever had this happen to them: Someone says something really hateful about fat people, you call it out and the offender says “What do you care? You’re not even fat…”

I have and it annoys the crap out of me.
Dude, it’s called empathy…try it.

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