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Reddit MGTOWs fight the real enemy: Fat chicks

Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter
Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter

The human race faces many dire threats. War, famine, disease, terrorism, giant asteroids, Donald Trump. But the ever-alert readers of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit know that all these threats pale in comparison to the greatest threat of all. I am speaking, of course, of fat chicks.

In a post with the thoughtful title “Dear obese women I f*king hate you,” a Reddit MGTOW calling himself iamlikethewindbaby outlines his case against these horrible monsters. Speaking fluent SARCASM, he addresses fat chicks directly.

“Thanks for turning average chicks into supermodels and ugly chicks into average chicks,” he declares.

Thanks for filling up my newsfeed with memes about how beautiful fat chicks are. Do you even know how attractiveness is determined? The more healthy and fertile a woman is the more attractive she is. Being obese makes you unattractive, period. F*ck you.

Er, I’m pretty sure attractiveness is determined by whatever the hell people happen to think is attractive. Some people find skinny people attractive; some find fat people attractive; some people don’t pay much attention to weight. There are even a few perverse souls who find Donald Trump attractive, if you can believe that.

Thanks for making a generation of men feel bad about themselves because a fat chick is the best they can do, it’s not their fault 70% of you are overweight.

That’s actually not quite right. According to the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, the percentage of American women classified as overweight or obese isn’t 70%; it’s 64%. The percentage of men classified as overweight or obese? 74%.

That’s right, fellas; there are more fat dudes than fat chicks in the US.

The percentage of American adults classified as obese? 36% — exactly the same for men and women.

Look, facts!
Look, facts!

Now, there may be legitimate reasons to wonder if these categories really make sense as they’re currently defined. But one thing is clear: for every fat chick out there fat chick-ing, there’s a fat dude to match.

Thanks for being 400lbs and yet somehow still unable to cook. That’s great. It’s a good thing we did away with those sexist home economics classes.

Dudes, given that you’re all devoted to GOING YOUR OWN WAY and all, shouldn’t you be learning how to cook your own damn dinner?

Thanks for being so fat that being 20lbs overweight isn’t even considered fat anymore. Nothing is sexier than a 5’3 150lb women.

According to some number I found on the internet, the 5’5″ tall Marilyn Monroe saw her weight fluctuate from 115-150 lbs at various points in her adult life. I don’t know why we know this, or if we should, but apparently we do. Here’s a picture of her at one of her more voluptuous moments, in Some Like it Hot.


What a hideous monster!

Thanks for having personalities that match your appearance. It’s important for people’s insides to match their outsides.

Based on iamlikethewindbaby’s personality, I can only assume he looks something like this:


I can’t wait until all your cold-giant-black-hearts explode.

What a lovely fellow.

Iamlikethewindbaby also blames obese women for rising insurance premiums, and snickers a little at the thought of obese women dying before retirement.

It’s true that obesity can increase health care costs and lower life expectancy. But you know what else increases health care costs and lowers life expectancy? Being an angry dickhead. 

“There is a direct connection between being constantly angry, competitive, and aggressive, and early heart disease,” notes an article on the “health costs of anger” on

[R]ecent research suggests that men who have poor anger management skills are more likely to suffer a heart attack before age 55 than their more emotionally controlled peers. A separate study indicated that older male subject’s hostility ratings (how hostile and irritable they tend to act towards others) predicted heart disease more accurately than other known risk factors including cholesterol, alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and being overweight. … 

The evidence from numerous studies is clear: constant chronic anger, hostility, and aggression raise your risk of developing various deadly forms of heart disease by as much as five times the normal rate. The more hostility you tend to express, the more prone to heart disease you are likely to be. 

And the lovely iamlikethewindbaby is hardly the only Reddit MGTOW who fits the angry dickhead profile, as a quick skim through the comments on his post reveals.

Indeed, the lovely fellow who calls himself lordjedi may have cut several weeks off his life expectancy with all the anger in this comment alone:

Not that I haven’t tried a couple times, but my policy for many years has been my bedroom is off limits to fats.

I’m sure the “fats” of the world feel just awful they don’t get to partake of lordjedi’s charms. He continues:

That means no easy money for fatties either. Get a f*cking job, Porkins, if you want to sleep indoors. Every dollar you spend in your short worthless life will be earned by you with your fine arts/wymyn’s studies degree and your $90K student loan debt, while stocking shelves on the 3 AM Walmart shift. Enjoy your Cool Ranch Doritos. Why don’t you f*cking marry them if you love them so much?

If you love your hatred so much, lordjedi, why don’t you marry it? Oh, wait, I guess you have.

MTGOStark, who has clearly never spoken to a woman in the real world, offers this thought.

If being not obese is literally the only thing they have to do in their life to succeed, and they still fail at it (and complain on top), it’s just truly pitiful.

Aanarchist apparently spends much of his Going His Own Way time scanning through profiles on online dating sites.

i see those online profiles where the woman is like 50 lbs overweight and she puts down average. a few extra pounds means 100 lbs overweight. big and beautiful means THAR SHE BLOWS. the funny thing is they want you to ignore their weight, like it has nothing to do with who she is. it’s like she wants you to watch her eat an entire f*cking cake with her bare hands, and treat her as if she’s eating salad and a water.

Huh. That actually sounds like a fun date. Who doesn’t like cake?

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8 years ago

@Sinkable John, they’re trying to find a ‘gotcha’, trying to show some sort of hypocrisy. “you’re saying it’s bad to insult fat chicks, but look at you makin’ fun of babbies! You’re just as bad!” All part of a pretty normal, tired troll/channer MO. Demonstrate how both sides are terrible-wrong-evil, therefore shut up.

It’s all just to make the troll feel superior to all sides. So, actually landing the hit doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s real at all – if it makes the troll feel like they came out on top, that’s all it’s about.

(I think!)

8 years ago

@Axe, well how about, it’s impossible with what we know now. I mean, who know, maybe we’ll figure out something eventually? but right now, it’s impossible for all but a very select few. For everyone else attempting to lose weight usually leaves the person in worse health than before.

Long story short: my standard before attempting to lose weight.

1. Proven to work long term for most people. I actually hate the way people treat me b/c of the fat so anything approaching 50% I’m very likely to give a try.

2. Safe-ish, I would prefer something as safe as what I do now, but I’m not made of stone, so let’s say safer than bariatric surgery.

3. Can’t leave me in worse health than I started. I’m in pretty good health right now, as much as I’d like people to treat me better and for clothes to be cheaper, I’d like to stay healthy more.

This is just my standard, and those standards get higher whenever I feel a little better about myself.

8 years ago

Hey, I’m obese and I have a fine arts degree! I don’t have any student debt, though, and I do not like Cool Ranch Doritos. Original Nacho Cheese Doritos for me! I don’t think they’d make a good spouse, so I’m going to just stay single. Play the snack-chip field, as it were.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

So sorry if I said anything to make this worse for you, and sorry even if I didn’t <3

Makes sense

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

No, Axe! It’s not you, it’s the thing about my sister-in-law. And how it makes me feel about this stuff, especially right now. My brother-in-law didn’t even care that she was overweight; she was heavy when they met. She got taken in by the whole bariatric-surgery-will-solve-all-of-your-problems-and-make-you-thin-and-beautiful-forever sales pitch.

Which is pretty much all lies.

When a good friend told me she was getting a Lap Band, I joined an online support group for people who were having problems post-WLS (they approved me for research purposes, I couldn’t comment) I wanted to talk her out of it, you see. The stories were heartbreaking. Most gained back what they initially lost, along with a host of chronic health issues.

My friend actually got gastric bypass surgery (she admitted that she misled me because she knew I’d try to talk her out of it) and six years later, most of her lost weight has returned and she’s having health issues, too.

Fat shaming is TOXIC y’all. This is what comes of it; people so desperate, they will have surgeons mutilate their digestive tract for the chance to be thin.

fuck these fucking guys and their fucking fat hate.

8 years ago

The thing that always puzzles me is the absolute fixation on fatness as the thing that makes women horribly, irredeemably ugly. What about severe acne? Or missing teeth? Or thinning hair? Or warts? No one should be shamed for any of these, of course. It’s just…what is so specifically and especially hideous about bodily plumpness?

8 years ago

Re: ageism

Doesn’t even work as a concern-troll. It’s expected for babies to act like babies, and no one belittles them for it because that’s normal for their age. It’s another for grown-ass men to act like babies and, in my opinion, perfectly acceptable to mock (mental handicaps/etc not withstanding).

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


They’ve convinced themselves that being fat is 100% avoidable, to make themselves feel justified in shaming fat women. They also love pretending that being fat is the only thing that can make a woman not traditionally attractive, since they can then whine about how easy life is for women. Just don’t get fat, and then you can marry any rich dude you want, and your life will be great! This is just a step in their ridiculously transparent strategy to portray men as oppressed.

8 years ago

because they want women as small as possible

8 years ago

Possibly because news outlets aren’t full of reports about an “acne epidemic” or such. So they don’t get to blast as many women as possible if they focus on a feature that they still deem negative but is less common.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I’ve mentioned this before, but I also have experience with doctors blaming all my problems on weight. If I have joint pains, I should just lose some weight. If I have a rash, I should lose some weight. If my heel hurts so bad that I can’t walk, I should lose weight. If I suddenly start sweating 300% more than normal, I should lose some weight. If I randomly start going semi-catatonic from time to time, I should lose some weight. If I feel depressed, it’s probably because I’m fat.

Fat shaming doctors are a fucking menace. They’ve stolen years of my life and left me in so much worse health than I would’ve been if they had taken my concerns seriously. I stopped visiting doctors and just tried to ignore my arthritis for years, while becoming severely depressed in the process.

Things are better now though. But I’d still hesitate to seek medical help for new problems. It’s just too stressful and time consuming.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Apologies if this has already been addressed (coffee hasn’t kicked in yet):

The more healthy and fertile a woman is the more attractive she is. Being obese makes you unattractive, period.

Okay, translating “Obese” to what he really means, “Not supermodel-thin”…

… Aren’t women with a little extra fat more fertile, because pregnancy draws so much more energy from the body?

8 years ago

All the hugs. I’m currently trying to get up the strength to go see an Otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) about a new problem that’s been happening with my ears lately, plus to ask some questions about whether hearing aids or active noise filters could help with some nerve damage I’ve had since I was a baby. I know the chances of them bringing up weight are slim to none. I have never had a bad experience with an ENT and I’ve been going to them my whole life. But the dread at the thought of seeing any doctor…ugh. I keep trying to remind myself that the podiatrist was nice to me last month and that I have what’s supposed to be the best health plan available in my area now, and that ENTs have always been good to me, but it’s just so hard.

Your glorious ass. 😀 I still want those rhinestone studded glorious ass pants.

I’m so, so sorry. It’s so damn hard to watch people deal with the side effects of bariatric surgery knowing our damn society did this to them and actual goddam surgeons helped.

I know you didn’t intend to pile on and that factual correctness is very important to you. Still, I’mnot going to lie, I felt a little betrayed and felt like you were inferring things I didn’t say. Maybe you weren’t addressing that part at me, but at everyone, and I did try to look at it that way, but it still hurt. I still love you and very much respect you, though. <3

@Crys T
I get that all the time. "Just eat less and exercise more and if you just lose 10% of your body weight you'll see so much improvement!" "But I'm only eating 1400-1600 calories a day and I'm walking 5-8 miles a day and I've lost 30% of my starting weight already." "Great, you're on the right track! Keep it up!"

Thanks, as always, for the shoulder.

@WWTH & Paradoxy
Hugs and thanks for the support.

Sorry if I missed anyone. Thanks to everyone for all the support and links and everything.

8 years ago

The following is totally OT, but it’s the sort of thing that’s going to be of interest to the SJ community in general, so… yeah:

(TW for verbal description of prisoner maltreatment, with a distinctly sexist overtone)

8 years ago

And these are the same men who say women are the shallow ones.

I used to be obese, it was a nightmare and now that I’m thin people make jokes about me so I guess whatever I do it’s wrong so I just love myself for who I am. Love for all obese and thin people out there.

I don’t use the word fat myself but if others want to use it to describe themselves then that’s ok. I do believe, in my opinion, that calling hateful bigots ‘babies’, ‘children’ etc is offensive because it downplays and excuse their actions, takes part in ‘boys will be boys’, etc.

Cat of Many Faces
Cat of Many Faces
8 years ago

the first time i met with a doctor several years ago, right away immediately after hello he told me he wants me to consider getting gastric bypass surgery.

I mean, maybe ask me what’s up first? do i have any issues i’d like to talk about? any conditions? I mean he didn’t even check my chart first.

Now i am VERY obese. I weigh 375lbs at 6’1″ and feel pretty bad about it, but yeesh…

8 years ago

Also, for the manbabies’ viewing displeasure, allow me to spam the thread with magnificent celebrations of substantial-figured women through world art history.
comment image,_Hagar_Qim_and_Mnajdra_files/shapeimage_2.png
comment image

May the fact that these figures have represented the embodiment of female beauty/desirability through human history (and heck, still do outside of modern western culture) induce many a sad, sad boner for these people and their ridiculous evopsych trufax.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

@ Karalora

Good point. I don’t doubt that women with acne, to use your example, would be mocked too. Even supermodels are decried for being “gold diggers”.

In addition to what’s been said, my guess is that a lot fat women wouldn’t have anything to do with these men. The idea that an “ugly” woman can reject them or decide that they’re unattractive is a major ego punch.

Plus, attacking body type, when so many people have body image hang ups, makes for an easy way to hurt someone’s feelings and to feel powerful.

@ Scildfreja

Reminds me of this XKCD comic (including the mouse over text).

@ snork maiden

I know it was a hypothetical question, but yeah, absolutely. These guys want everyone to believe that thinness has been the standard for health or “health” and beauty since forever. But standards change over time. A lot of classical art depicts curvy or muscular women as beautiful (as Sarity shows). And standards or ideals vary by culture, too.

8 years ago

Kupo, I know I need those rhinestone pants too, but if it helps, the writer of the webseries I’m in has incorporated a “glorious ass” rant into a future episode.

Giant hugs for anyone who has been hurt by fat shaming. (And wants hugs of course) I wish we could all meet up and be fat at people.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


I think I’ve told this story here before, but I get into a most hilarious argument about evopsych with this guy on Jezebel (I think). He was saying that the rigidness of beauty standards in the media was proof that our current beauty standard must be what men have evolved to find beautiful. I used similar images to what you just used to illustrate that beauty standards are not monolithic across time and place, therefore the logical conclusion is that culture influences what physical traits we find attractive.

His rebuttal to that was that artists who considered cellulite or round bellies beautiful just made that art because they didn’t know any better. Today’s beauty standard are the results of focus group testing. Men before the existence of mass media and the marketing and advertising industries were apparently too stupid to know what their biology was telling them to like.

How that makes sense, I don’t know. But it was pretty funny.

8 years ago

@kupo, lots of hugs if wanted, from me. I always love your comments and contributions.
Whatever the possible links between weight & health, the fact that you cannot get the health care you need, because doctors can’t look past one issue, makes me want to cry. I’d love to package up my doctor and send her to you!

8 years ago

Why the obsession with alleged fertility?

Aren’t a lot of these people not interested in being responsible fathers? That was my impression based on all the paranoia about ‘sperm jacking’ and how awful it would be to discover they’d contributed to a pregnancy with all the social and legal considerations that would entail.

I get the distinct that they would flee in panic from many of the women who’ve ‘proven’ their fertility by becoming mothers.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

Men before the existence of mass media and the marketing and advertising industries were apparently too stupid to know what their biology was telling them to like.

All hail Don Draper, our Lord and Savior.

You gotta love men who’s entire philosophy could be summarized as: I watched a commercial and believed it to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me Don.

Aren’t these the same guys who tell us to question media propaganda? Strange. I guess a man can’t be a man unless he smokes the same cigarettes as me!

8 years ago

If it’s linked to fertility then clearly evolution selected for it, making it objectively better and therefore they aren’t shallow assholes for feeling that way.

Or something. Their logic and rationalization can be hard to follow.

8 years ago

I’m so very sorry about your sister-in-law. She just wanted to be beautiful. I can understand that.

A few years ago, some group in San Francisco put up anti-lapband surgery billboards downtown. They sure scared me.

Although I’m not fat, I have had an eating disorder. (Not anymore, thank goodness.) So that — and just the fact that I’m a woman — makes me see red on the subject of fat shaming.