antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men playing the victim post contains sarcasm reddit

Reddit MGTOWs fight the real enemy: Fat chicks

Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter
Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter

The human race faces many dire threats. War, famine, disease, terrorism, giant asteroids, Donald Trump. But the ever-alert readers of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit know that all these threats pale in comparison to the greatest threat of all. I am speaking, of course, of fat chicks.

In a post with the thoughtful title “Dear obese women I f*king hate you,” a Reddit MGTOW calling himself iamlikethewindbaby outlines his case against these horrible monsters. Speaking fluent SARCASM, he addresses fat chicks directly.

“Thanks for turning average chicks into supermodels and ugly chicks into average chicks,” he declares.

Thanks for filling up my newsfeed with memes about how beautiful fat chicks are. Do you even know how attractiveness is determined? The more healthy and fertile a woman is the more attractive she is. Being obese makes you unattractive, period. F*ck you.

Er, I’m pretty sure attractiveness is determined by whatever the hell people happen to think is attractive. Some people find skinny people attractive; some find fat people attractive; some people don’t pay much attention to weight. There are even a few perverse souls who find Donald Trump attractive, if you can believe that.

Thanks for making a generation of men feel bad about themselves because a fat chick is the best they can do, it’s not their fault 70% of you are overweight.

That’s actually not quite right. According to the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, the percentage of American women classified as overweight or obese isn’t 70%; it’s 64%. The percentage of men classified as overweight or obese? 74%.

That’s right, fellas; there are more fat dudes than fat chicks in the US.

The percentage of American adults classified as obese? 36% — exactly the same for men and women.

Look, facts!
Look, facts!

Now, there may be legitimate reasons to wonder if these categories really make sense as they’re currently defined. But one thing is clear: for every fat chick out there fat chick-ing, there’s a fat dude to match.

Thanks for being 400lbs and yet somehow still unable to cook. That’s great. It’s a good thing we did away with those sexist home economics classes.

Dudes, given that you’re all devoted to GOING YOUR OWN WAY and all, shouldn’t you be learning how to cook your own damn dinner?

Thanks for being so fat that being 20lbs overweight isn’t even considered fat anymore. Nothing is sexier than a 5’3 150lb women.

According to some number I found on the internet, the 5’5″ tall Marilyn Monroe saw her weight fluctuate from 115-150 lbs at various points in her adult life. I don’t know why we know this, or if we should, but apparently we do. Here’s a picture of her at one of her more voluptuous moments, in Some Like it Hot.


What a hideous monster!

Thanks for having personalities that match your appearance. It’s important for people’s insides to match their outsides.

Based on iamlikethewindbaby’s personality, I can only assume he looks something like this:


I can’t wait until all your cold-giant-black-hearts explode.

What a lovely fellow.

Iamlikethewindbaby also blames obese women for rising insurance premiums, and snickers a little at the thought of obese women dying before retirement.

It’s true that obesity can increase health care costs and lower life expectancy. But you know what else increases health care costs and lowers life expectancy? Being an angry dickhead. 

“There is a direct connection between being constantly angry, competitive, and aggressive, and early heart disease,” notes an article on the “health costs of anger” on

[R]ecent research suggests that men who have poor anger management skills are more likely to suffer a heart attack before age 55 than their more emotionally controlled peers. A separate study indicated that older male subject’s hostility ratings (how hostile and irritable they tend to act towards others) predicted heart disease more accurately than other known risk factors including cholesterol, alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and being overweight. … 

The evidence from numerous studies is clear: constant chronic anger, hostility, and aggression raise your risk of developing various deadly forms of heart disease by as much as five times the normal rate. The more hostility you tend to express, the more prone to heart disease you are likely to be. 

And the lovely iamlikethewindbaby is hardly the only Reddit MGTOW who fits the angry dickhead profile, as a quick skim through the comments on his post reveals.

Indeed, the lovely fellow who calls himself lordjedi may have cut several weeks off his life expectancy with all the anger in this comment alone:

Not that I haven’t tried a couple times, but my policy for many years has been my bedroom is off limits to fats.

I’m sure the “fats” of the world feel just awful they don’t get to partake of lordjedi’s charms. He continues:

That means no easy money for fatties either. Get a f*cking job, Porkins, if you want to sleep indoors. Every dollar you spend in your short worthless life will be earned by you with your fine arts/wymyn’s studies degree and your $90K student loan debt, while stocking shelves on the 3 AM Walmart shift. Enjoy your Cool Ranch Doritos. Why don’t you f*cking marry them if you love them so much?

If you love your hatred so much, lordjedi, why don’t you marry it? Oh, wait, I guess you have.

MTGOStark, who has clearly never spoken to a woman in the real world, offers this thought.

If being not obese is literally the only thing they have to do in their life to succeed, and they still fail at it (and complain on top), it’s just truly pitiful.

Aanarchist apparently spends much of his Going His Own Way time scanning through profiles on online dating sites.

i see those online profiles where the woman is like 50 lbs overweight and she puts down average. a few extra pounds means 100 lbs overweight. big and beautiful means THAR SHE BLOWS. the funny thing is they want you to ignore their weight, like it has nothing to do with who she is. it’s like she wants you to watch her eat an entire f*cking cake with her bare hands, and treat her as if she’s eating salad and a water.

Huh. That actually sounds like a fun date. Who doesn’t like cake?

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varalys the dark
8 years ago

I definitely think it’s perfectly possible to be overweight and healthy. One of the meds I take is a pretty ferocious anti-psychotic so every few months I need my blood tested, my blood pressure checked and a EKG taken because it can have serious side-effects. I always pass with flying colours which is good because I’d hate to have to stop taking the drug as it really does work, but also I feel relieved that my general health is fine as well. I am deeply saddened that people feel they can’t seek medical help due to bullshit fat-shaming doctors. It just isn’t right.

8 years ago

Crys, I went years with an undiagnosed vitamin deficiency that was causing me achiness and fatigue b/c my old doc just upped my antidepressants and told me to lose weight instead of running tests or even listening to my concerns. New doc ran tests, gave me a vitamin and I bounced right back, but all I can think is what if something had been really wrong and start tearing up.

Sometimes I think about how I lost 2 years to fatigue, having to give myself pep talks just to get out of bed and I get angry.

8 years ago

These days I see my fatness as a shield. The fatter and/or more muscular I am, the less likely these asshats are to pester me. 🙂

8 years ago

This MGTOW has managed to make this personal to me, and I know it’s petty, but their usernam “iamlikethewindbaby” is a reference to one of my favorite TV shows. The TV show that my and my girlfriend got together watching together. A TV show that constantly made provocative comments about the poor treatment of female characters in fiction. A girlfriend who has struggled with body image issues and an eating disorder all her life.

I know it’s not a big deal in the large scheme of things but somehow them having a name that references MST3K just makes it feel so personal to me and it really hurts.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

kupo said

No, that’s not true at all. There may be a correlation there (I am not up to date on the latest studies but maybe Joekster can fill us in), but correlation does not equal causation. Period.

This is a subject near and dear to me. It turns out that most of the studies about obesity are paid for by the Weight Loss Industrial Complex and should be taken with a pound of salt. This is according to J. Eric Oliver in his 2006 book “Fat Politics.”

The very good blog Junkfood Science (alas, not active for years) still has the archives up and it’s fascinating reading. The author is a nurse who also has biomedical research investigator certification. She breaks down the actual studies so that lay people can understand. There is a section in the sidebar about halfway down the page titled “Junkfood Science: Obesity Paradox Series” which has the lowdown on obesity/health studies.

It turns out that overweight/obesity actually correlates with longer lifespan in older people (55+) remembering, of course, that correlation is not causation!

Edited to correct who made the comment I responded to.

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

@cleverforagirl I so hear you! I went for most of my life up to the age of 42 with undiagnosed clinical depression. I was just “lazy,” you know?

And the thing was, it was only because I was going to a therapist, not a psychiatrist or even a psychologist, who suggested I try to get on antidepressants. I went to my GP, who basically just said, “OK,” and gave me a prescription. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad because they did work, but it does bother me that there was no real attempt to do it properly.

And yeah, there’s that lost time. How much more productive would fat people be if others would just take us seriously? It’d be a win-win.

Glad you got your deficiency sorted out. Some of those can cause really scary problems if they’re not treated in time.

8 years ago

@Crys I think we’re twinsies, my depression went undiagnosed until my 20’s and it was only diagnosed because I had a friend who was a therapist who finally said, “Clever, what you’ve been feeling isn’t normal.”

My personal favorite is when a doc tells me to move more and eat less without actually asking how much I eat or how much I move.

8 years ago

As someone with relatives who have died or almost died for weight-related problems, I urge you all to consider that you’re falling prey to conspiracy theories and bad science on par with the anti-vaccination movement.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


must we discuss my glorious ass yet again

I mean, if you wanted to…

we have no way to make people thin long term

Not tryna start some shit where shit’s already been started, but… Do we “have no way”, cos it’s impossible or cos we haven’t figured it out? Regardless of the health effects of high body weight/fat, to lose a few, thinking you’re getting better, only to gain it back seems awful. If someone wanted to ‘fix’ our obesity problem, that seems like the #1 issue to tackle. Just not having people go thru that failure (even if they’re still overweight by the end) could do a world of good

8 years ago


Could you elaborate? “On par with the anti-vax movement” is a pretty strong comparison.

8 years ago

@ Seshia THIS!!! So much this. The fact that this jerk is quoting, “Tom Servo” (in a perfect Servo joke!) in his user name…ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

@clever Re “move more/eat less”: omfg, I know! I remember when I was about 32 going with my very muscular boyfriend (in your FACES, MGTOWs!) to this self-styled exercise expert, who after going over bf’s exercise routine, turned to me and said, “And you, you don’t do anything, do you?”

I immediately countered with, “I do 90 minutes of exercise bike plus 40 minutes of weights 3 times a week, 1 hour of swimming twice a week, and at least once or twice a week, I also do a 60-min aerobics class. Plus, I walk about 5-8 miles a day” (this was Barcelona, so very hilly terrain as well).

The look on his face made me very happy.

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

Also, @Kreator. I’m sorry you’ve had those experiences, but you’ve just taken it on faith those health problems were directly related to weight and not to, say, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, possible smoking/alcohol factors, inherited health issues, etc.

And I have to laugh at the suggestion that I’m a poor, deluded idiot falling for easily disprovable lies. I am in fact a trained researcher. I get my information from peer-reviewed journals and am able to judge the reliability of a source. I am also able to judge how well a study has been done from a social science perspective, and, as I said in my first post in this thread, researchers flat-out fail because they don’t control for obvious factors.

I am also the daughter of a medical doctor who told me, every time there was another OMFG THE DEAAAATHFAAAATZ!!! feature on TV, that what was on the box was lies. That medical science did NOT in fact know what made people fat, and did NOT in fact know what the true effects of fat on the body are.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

I admit that I wrote my reply to kupo right after I read their comment. My comment, which is on pg. 2, is meant to support that comment and I hope you’re feeling better now, kupo!

I’ve finished pg. 1 comments and just want to say:

Spencer, Spencer, Spencer *shaking head* Why the word hate? “Fat” is a perfectly good adjective, not a bleep-able curse! See this from the Mirriam-Webster website:

: having a lot of extra flesh on your body : having a lot of body fat

: having a full, rounded form

: unusually wide or thick

Please note that “fat” does NOT mean: ugly, stupid, jolly, lazy, unhealthy, or anything else. Those are different words with different meanings.

Won’t someone think of the poor, little three-letter adjectives? Where are my pearls? Where is my swooning couch??

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


And you, you don’t do anything, do you?

The restraint on you…

B-but think about the children. Ageism!

Crys T
Crys T
8 years ago

@Axecalibur There was a second where I was a hair’s breadth away from punching his lights out, but then I realised that just going over my weekly routine would be better revenge.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

First off, I find it offensive that you would use the term “fat.” While that may be the language that was used from those you were quoting, there was no reason for you to use it as well. And although there are those who embrace the word, others do not, and therefore it should be avoided.

Second, your joke about the posters acting like babies is ageist and inappropriate. By making fun of the posters using that picture, you’re belittling those who are simply acting developmentally appropriate and an important stage in life that we all go through.

When I come to this blog, it’s one thing to be offended by the actions of the people you’re reporting on. It’s another to be offended by the language and humor you use.

I smell a straw SJW troll trying to shit stir.

8 years ago

The stats on obesity are based in a BMI scale, is imperfect because it doesn’t account for muscle mass. I don’t think that many Americans are obese or overweight.

I’m 5’2, 215 pounds, BMI says I should be 115 pounds, and I am certain I’m not 100 pounds overweight. :/ I’m an ex ballet dancer and it’s likely I make more testasterone than other AFAB people, so I have a good amount of muscle on me. People vary so much and the BMI scale, you can’t determine what is and isn’t a healthy weight with it alone.

Also, bodies with low body fat can’t sustain a pregnancy as well as chubbier bodies! And thin people would be the first to die of starvation or thirst in a survival situation. Being fat isn’t a horrible death sentence.

8 years ago

STFU, straw troll. David, the author, is fat. I’m fat. Real fat activists make it a point to reclaim”fat”.

I… don’t think that’s how ageism works? Also, babies don’t have the capacity to be offended so why do you only care about causing offence?

8 years ago


If they seem to want to address obesity, at the very least offer things like public gyms and welcoming environments for fitness or a fitness club. Isn’t that the whole mindset that weight loss programs do, encourage people to keep at it with a positive attitude?

Leaving aside what Jen mentions below, re: gyms being welcoming environments, the simple fact is that telling people to do something still doesn’t make a policy platform. Forget about whether there’s gyms available, forget about whether people have spare time/spoons to go to them, the fundamental reality is that most people are never going to go to the gym regularly. It’s just not going to happen, it’s not how people are. If, as a policy position, you think that people should get more exercise (and, in aggregate, you’re right, they should), what needs to happen is changes to zoning and infrastructure such that getting to most or all of the places you need to go under your own power is a feasible option. You need to have places where people can go for pleasant walks, play frisbee with their friends, chase Pokemon, dig gardens, build cool stuff, and otherwise do fun and/or productive things that are also active. Telling people about a lifestyle is one thing; making a lifestyle easy and convenient is another, and actually, you know, works.

Same goes for diet, incidentally; if horrible junk food weren’t heavily subsidized and hence artifically cheap, and if people actually had money in their pockets, I guarantee that the American diet would improve by leaps and bounds virtually overnight.

And we’d see a lot less issues with diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.

@ kupo

Personally I believe my weight is linked to my health conditions, but as a symptom, not as a cause.

This, this, this. There’re dozens of medical conditions that cause/encourage weight gain (diabetes is one that’s also definitely diet/lifestyle related in a lot of cases. Please note that there is no moral judgement attached to this statement, as noted above; I don’t know of any way to phrase it that doesn’t sound that way because of how embedded fat-shaming is in our language and culture).

Put differently, there is a link between high body fat and ill health: many forms of ill health lead to weight gain

That’s not the fault of the people here but it does tell me I need to bow out of the discussion because I’m starting to cry at work now.

*hugs* if desired, or other gestures of support, if you come in again.

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

Axe – That’s just one of the studies over at Junkfood Science; there are plenty more! Studies that show juvenile Diabetes is more about diet and exercise than size, people of ALL sizes suffer consequences from poor diet and lack of exercise (being thin doesn’t protect you from bad choices) and fat people can indeed be fit and healthy. Ms. Szwarc also has articles about food deserts and why we shouldn’t blame the poor for being fat.

btw, fat hate is really sticking in my craw right now because my sister-in-law is currently dying (as in dr.’s don’t expect her to last out the week) due to complications from bariatric surgery she had years ago. She will be leaving my brother-in-law and her three boys, two of which are special needs.

Now I have to go and join kupo in the time-out from this thread.

8 years ago

@Kupo, I’m sorry if my post seemed like I was piling on. You’re entirely right that being overweight is quite often a symptom of some health condition and not a cause – the whole concept of symptoms and root causes sort of breaks down when one is dealing with a really complex system, like health!

It’s also true that a lot of studies regarding health are funded by the health industries involved, as well. Weight loss companies studying the effects of their treatment have clear bias towards finding positive results, and can’t be trusted pretty much on their face.

You’re totally right on all of that, and I shouldn’t have let my focus on the pedantic differences between the definitions of correlation and causation get in the way of that. All the love and support in the world to you <3 I'm very sorry.

@Seshia, maybe this is useful for you

@WWTH, wow, I missed that one! @Spencer Lewis reads very much like a troll trying to be clever. There are always pretty big tells, though. Mimicking words without really knowing what they mean is one of them. Sorta like a parrot squawking phrases it overhears. Sure, they're legitimate sounds in the English language, but there's a certain distance between that and a meaningful sentence.

(p.s. Spencer, a joke about a person with the cognitive skills of a baby isn't ageist. That would be ableist, if that's what David was doing. It's not.)

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


I smell a straw SJW troll trying to shit stir.

Is it just me, or has the concern-trolling/strawmanning been cranked up a few notches recently ? This is, what, the third in as many days ?

These could all be the same person, judging from the language.

Also, equating the baby tantrum pic to ageism ? Seriously ? They aren’t even trying, are they ?

8 years ago


people of ALL sizes suffer consequences from poor diet and lack of exercise (being thin doesn’t protect you from bad choices) and fat people can indeed be fit and healthy.

This; my cholesterol levels were reaching dangerously high last time I was at the doctor’s office (to the point as well that there were concerns about continuing my hormone replacement therapy), and you can count my ribs at a hundred paces when I’m topless.