The human race faces many dire threats. War, famine, disease, terrorism, giant asteroids, Donald Trump. But the ever-alert readers of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit know that all these threats pale in comparison to the greatest threat of all. I am speaking, of course, of fat chicks.
In a post with the thoughtful title “Dear obese women I f*king hate you,” a Reddit MGTOW calling himself iamlikethewindbaby outlines his case against these horrible monsters. Speaking fluent SARCASM, he addresses fat chicks directly.
“Thanks for turning average chicks into supermodels and ugly chicks into average chicks,” he declares.
Thanks for filling up my newsfeed with memes about how beautiful fat chicks are. Do you even know how attractiveness is determined? The more healthy and fertile a woman is the more attractive she is. Being obese makes you unattractive, period. F*ck you.
Er, I’m pretty sure attractiveness is determined by whatever the hell people happen to think is attractive. Some people find skinny people attractive; some find fat people attractive; some people don’t pay much attention to weight. There are even a few perverse souls who find Donald Trump attractive, if you can believe that.
Thanks for making a generation of men feel bad about themselves because a fat chick is the best they can do, it’s not their fault 70% of you are overweight.
That’s actually not quite right. According to the most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control, the percentage of American women classified as overweight or obese isn’t 70%; it’s 64%. The percentage of men classified as overweight or obese? 74%.
That’s right, fellas; there are more fat dudes than fat chicks in the US.
The percentage of American adults classified as obese? 36% — exactly the same for men and women.

Now, there may be legitimate reasons to wonder if these categories really make sense as they’re currently defined. But one thing is clear: for every fat chick out there fat chick-ing, there’s a fat dude to match.
Thanks for being 400lbs and yet somehow still unable to cook. That’s great. It’s a good thing we did away with those sexist home economics classes.
Dudes, given that you’re all devoted to GOING YOUR OWN WAY and all, shouldn’t you be learning how to cook your own damn dinner?
Thanks for being so fat that being 20lbs overweight isn’t even considered fat anymore. Nothing is sexier than a 5’3 150lb women.
According to some number I found on the internet, the 5’5″ tall Marilyn Monroe saw her weight fluctuate from 115-150 lbs at various points in her adult life. I don’t know why we know this, or if we should, but apparently we do. Here’s a picture of her at one of her more voluptuous moments, in Some Like it Hot.
What a hideous monster!
Thanks for having personalities that match your appearance. It’s important for people’s insides to match their outsides.
Based on iamlikethewindbaby’s personality, I can only assume he looks something like this:
I can’t wait until all your cold-giant-black-hearts explode.
What a lovely fellow.
Iamlikethewindbaby also blames obese women for rising insurance premiums, and snickers a little at the thought of obese women dying before retirement.
It’s true that obesity can increase health care costs and lower life expectancy. But you know what else increases health care costs and lowers life expectancy? Being an angry dickhead.
“There is a direct connection between being constantly angry, competitive, and aggressive, and early heart disease,” notes an article on the “health costs of anger” on mentalhelp.net.
[R]ecent research suggests that men who have poor anger management skills are more likely to suffer a heart attack before age 55 than their more emotionally controlled peers. A separate study indicated that older male subject’s hostility ratings (how hostile and irritable they tend to act towards others) predicted heart disease more accurately than other known risk factors including cholesterol, alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and being overweight. …
The evidence from numerous studies is clear: constant chronic anger, hostility, and aggression raise your risk of developing various deadly forms of heart disease by as much as five times the normal rate. The more hostility you tend to express, the more prone to heart disease you are likely to be.
And the lovely iamlikethewindbaby is hardly the only Reddit MGTOW who fits the angry dickhead profile, as a quick skim through the comments on his post reveals.
Indeed, the lovely fellow who calls himself lordjedi may have cut several weeks off his life expectancy with all the anger in this comment alone:
Not that I haven’t tried a couple times, but my policy for many years has been my bedroom is off limits to fats.
I’m sure the “fats” of the world feel just awful they don’t get to partake of lordjedi’s charms. He continues:
That means no easy money for fatties either. Get a f*cking job, Porkins, if you want to sleep indoors. Every dollar you spend in your short worthless life will be earned by you with your fine arts/wymyn’s studies degree and your $90K student loan debt, while stocking shelves on the 3 AM Walmart shift. Enjoy your Cool Ranch Doritos. Why don’t you f*cking marry them if you love them so much?
If you love your hatred so much, lordjedi, why don’t you marry it? Oh, wait, I guess you have.
MTGOStark, who has clearly never spoken to a woman in the real world, offers this thought.
If being not obese is literally the only thing they have to do in their life to succeed, and they still fail at it (and complain on top), it’s just truly pitiful.
Aanarchist apparently spends much of his Going His Own Way time scanning through profiles on online dating sites.
i see those online profiles where the woman is like 50 lbs overweight and she puts down average. a few extra pounds means 100 lbs overweight. big and beautiful means THAR SHE BLOWS. the funny thing is they want you to ignore their weight, like it has nothing to do with who she is. it’s like she wants you to watch her eat an entire f*cking cake with her bare hands, and treat her as if she’s eating salad and a water.
Huh. That actually sounds like a fun date. Who doesn’t like cake?
His apparent pure *anguish* that larger women exist without apologizing for it, or feeling miserable about it, fills me with a dark, dark happiness.
As a fat chick in her early 40s I am so glad these guys are not into me. From the stats, odds are better than 50/50 the fat chick hater is himself fat. I wonder how he feels about women who aren’t into fat men…
No, that’s not true at all. There may be a correlation there (I am not up to date on the latest studies but maybe Joekster can fill us in), but correlation does not equal causation. Period.
You know, the whole point of exercise is not only for health but also some social activity and the feel good hormones. I fail to see how putting people down to the point of not even wanting to change is somehow going to remedy their perceived problem.
Though I am 100% sure I am out of my element here. I’ve been underweight my entire life so I wouldn’t know what problem they’re having. If they seem to want to address obesity, at the very least offer things like public gyms and welcoming environments for fitness or a fitness club. Isn’t that the whole mindset that weight loss programs do, encourage people to keep at it with a positive attitude?
Maybe if dudes quit thinking of romantic partners as playthings and status symbols whose value/effectiveness is defined by looks, they wouldn’t feel bad about what qualifies as “the best they can do.”
Besides dude, you’re an MGTOW. I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with any women anyway, regardless of her size.
I wonder how fat MGTOWs ,Redpillers and MRA’s (etc) feel about themselves? Not good I am guessing, amongst all this blind hate. Or do they only see fat women? Do fat men get more of a pass? How much the cognitive dissonance machinges in their heads are overworked? I find it very disturbind , how much are they fixated on attractiveness. Also “fertility and health”. LOL. There are a ton of women who are healthy, thin and fertile, who whould’t get a 5 on their imaginary scale, bc they are “butterface” or some such nonsense. (I am not calling this group of women ugly, I am just trying to make a point about these people having their heads very very far up in their butts)
Apparently, off-the-rack clothes are made with a basic pattern for women who are 5’4”, 144lbs and 36-26-38, and adjusted up or down. Huh.
In Britain, when off-the-rack sizes were established, the average woman was supposed to wear a 14 (US 10-12, depending on your converter). In 1948. In the middle of post-war food rationing.
Those are the things I remember when tempted to try to squeeze myself into a Monsoon number that could probably fit only a barely-pubescent Asian girl.
The people I feel sorry for is the unfortunate women who’ve apparently been on dates with these pisskidneys.
Btw, no disrespect to thin people, but historically hasn’t voluptuousness been associated with fertility? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf
This is the latest article and the largest data pool in the millions in multiple countries.
snork maiden: I once made the mistake of linking a google image search of “Reubenesque” in a post, thinking it would bring up the artwork of Peter Paul Reubens.
I say “mistake”, because what came up were plenty of nude photographs of women who would have made good models for Reubens, but was decidedly not safe for work.
No no no, you see, attractiveness is largely based on fertility because evopsych, and thin women are the most attractive because boners, thus thin women are the most fertile.
AFAIK, being fat has no measurable impact on one’s ability to become pregnant. However, being extremely lean makes it much harder to conceive and support a pregnancy. Your theory of Totally Objective and Rational Ranking Of Lady Sexiness has some flaws.
I don’t doubt that some men feel bad about themselves because they’re constantly trying to prove their superiority to other men, and “display ownership of conventionally attractive female” is one of the ways that they do that. But strangely enough, I don’t hold their girlfriends accountable for their bullshit made-up objectifying nonsense.
Edited because I used the word bullshit twice in 5 words XD
“and treat her as if she’s eating salad and a water.”
Right, because the date every man dreams about is the one where he takes a woman out to a good place to eat and the watches her peck and sniff and listens to her analyze how many calories there are in This Thing or That Thing. Truly an experience second to none, and looked forward to with eagerness by all hearty males. How do I know? Why, because Aanarchist says so, and he couldn’t possibly be spinning a fable. Listen to Aanarchist; he knows!!
@kupo : depend on what David mean.
Morbid obesity, as its name belie, is well known to create real problems pretty fast, and the causation is shown by the fact we know the mechanism explaining that. Of course, it concern relatively few people.
Being overweight having an impact on life expectancy is however much more speculative. The mechanism are a lot less clear ; there is a set of advantage and drawback in being overweight ; and it’s likely only small % increases or decreases in specific area of health. In addition to that, the mere self-image consequence will have a pretty hefty impact on health. It’s also somewhat different between male and female, among a lot of other factors.
So, in other words, it’s not a problem of statistic alone. At best, statistics would allow to say “male who would prefer themselves thin, who have that kind of genetic profile about mass distribution, work in a typical american office with a typical american lifestyle, and are obese have X% more percent odds of having an heart attack but Y% less odds of dying of an infectious disease”.
@OoglyBoggles – I’ve been overweight ever since puberty hit (yay, polycystic ovaries!). I would say that most of those fitness clubs and gyms are actually pretty unwelcoming to overweight people – at least the in-shape members who are harsh judges of fat people exercising. It’s a no-win situation for us to be fat. Because we are told to go exercise and stop eating, fatty, but then we’re picked on and laughed at when we do attempt those things in the view of other people. =/
And the weight loss programs dress up as positive thoughts about it, but still manage to push the shame for failure. I came to dread going to my Jenny Craig appointments when my scale didn’t drop that week – or even went up. After all, they are still businesses making money off of people. Then again, even if you succeed at the weight loss, they also depend on you gaining it back after you leave, so they can continue making money off you.
Indeed. And now, all the women who have been on a date with a man, ordered a salad, and got a whole spiel from your date about how annoying it is that women eat like rabbits and God can’t you just eat like a normal person, why do women obsess about this stuff, UGH, it’s okay to just EAT alright???? raise your hand. *Raises hand*
@Everyone who wants to say that obesity causes lower life expectancy
Unless you can actually back that claim up with hard evidence of a causal link, not a correlation, please stop. It does not help anyone and actually causes harm to keep perpetuating this myth.
@Jen : it’s not even that they depend on you coming back. It’s that losing weight (outside of extrem case) is almost impossible, and the diet they sell don’t work, because it’s the wrong approach. (except if you need to lose some weight before shooting a movie I guess ?)
The only thing that can work is permanently changing your way of life, even while your body will freak and do everything in his power to make you go back to your old weight. Stopping tobacco have nothing on losing weight in term of sheer difficulty.
Some of these people really are filled with rage tbh, I wonder how their view of ‘equality’ would work in practice.
So his ideal date would be an anorexic woman, weighing in at around 100 lbs only if she’s 5’10”. I give you that figure, because I have been anorexic, 100 pounds, and 5’10”, and if that isn’t thin enough for them, then they must want a corpse – I had very little meat on my bones, I was very ill, and I fainted a lot. Fainting might seem like a really, really feminine thing to do, but it was really just low blood pressure.
I think I would rather have cake than a date with one of these guys. In fact, I would rather have nails shoved under my fingernails than a date with one of these MGTOW guys, so I just want to say thanks, guys, for going your own way and leaving us alone.
@kupo : https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/highland/bariatric-surgery-center/questions/morbid-obesity.aspx
It’s not just a causal link if you’re obese enough. Just like the fact being 2m50 tall is a mortal disease, but the link between being 2m and life expectancy isn’t super clear.
You seem fixated on the wrong idea that obesity have zero consequence on health, which is not wrong : it’s a meaningless sentence.
Well, I can lose the weight but they can’t change their shitty personalities.
Please stop.
That’s not what I said at all. I said that it’s untrue to claim it’s a “fact” that obesity causes health problems.
Lots of fat women have children, so how is it that fat women are bad because fertility and evopsych?
I love how our bodies are supposed to be all about the men. Apparently we’re supposed to subsist on only salad and water because otherwise we might make them feel bad? Haha. Fuck you, reddit MGTOWs. I think I’m going to make a plate of nachos when I get home and revel in your tears as I eat them.