a woman is always to blame antifeminism bad history bad science boner rage boobs butts entitled babies evil sexy ladies facebook gamebros geek girls imaginary oppression irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed post contains jokes post contains sarcasm

MGTOW Memeday: Crushed by the wheels of Ladies’ Night

The meme-maker forgot to include "Graphic Designer: No one will hire him"
The meme-maker forgot to include “Graphic Designer: $0 yr. No one will hire him”

Say what you will about the meme-makers at the Going GHOST – MGTOW Facebook page, but you have to give them credit for one thing: their laser-like focus on the issues that truly matter to men.

And I don’t mean silly frivolous fluff like prison rape or workplace safety or prostate cancer. No, I mean the issues that REALLY matter. Like ladies night. And hot chicks playing video games in their underwear.

Let’s take a look at these and other totally important issues they raise.

1) Females today being a bunch of ugly lesbians

Do not dispute this highly scientific chart
Do not dispute this highly scientific chart

2) The aforementioned Ladies Night

Time to be flaky with da boys!
Time to be flaky with da boys!

3) Hot babes playing video games in their underwear

Well, the dudes are free to play video games in their underwear as well
How exactly DO you get attention while playing video games by yourself in your underwear? (Asking for a friend.)

4) Hot babes getting more “likes” on Facebook for their cosplay pics than I got for my totally awesome Batman costume, no, I’m not bitter

Also, she's oppressing men with her butt
Also, she’s oppressing men with her butt

5) Women dressing up as sexy Darth Vader even though they probably don’t even know who he is, probably!

Also, this costume is totally inauthentic as the real Darth Vader did not have a boob window
The real Darth Vader did not have a boob window

6) Females doing Yoga wrong, and also having jobs and voting

Also, women doing downward dog are oppressing men with their butts

Clearly the only way to deal with a society this corrupt is to Go Your Own Way and live a life of quiet dignity like Henry David Thoreau devote all your free time to yelling about how women suck on the internet.

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8 years ago

Kat-I support this idea. 🙂

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

The bouncers will all be Brienne of Tarth.

Love it!

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Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
8 years ago


I dunno, I’ve seen some board game nights with drinks involved, and they never ended well. Add potentially sore losers armed with cats, and things might get out of control.


Now now, we don’t want to be sexist. Men are assumed to have an invitation if they aren’t self-declared PUAs. It’s just that their invitations are very, very easily revocable.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

Ugh, my uncle’s being an ass and gatekeeping the internet because he’s mad at cousin’s boyfriend over a stupid backyard turf war, so I was left without a way to communicate with all of my friends for most of the day.

Yay, I get to suffer in isolation from everyone I talk to on a regular basis because my family’s full of assholes.

Speaking of names, someone mentioned dead names, and that’s something else I’ve been thinking about.

Personally, my birth name is nice, but it doesn’t suit me at all, especially considering my genderfluxy stuff going on. So, I’m hoping to change it to something more agender.

I’m also hoping to adopt my grandma’s maiden name to go with it.

8 years ago

@ axecalibur- I have a neglected WordPress from an old assignment, and I probably made this picture my gravatar. Thanks. :3

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Ugh, my uncle’s being an ass and gatekeeping the internet because he’s mad at cousin’s boyfriend over a stupid backyard turf war, so I was left without a way to communicate with all of my friends for most of the day

That entire paragraph. Like, it’s in English, but I got nothing. How does one “be an ass” to the point of disallowing one’s niece access to the internet because of some entirely other thing? What the fuck is a “backyard turf war”?
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You have my sympathies

You are most welcome :3

8 years ago

OHH so clubs run ladies night as a kind of charitable hand-out, not a bid to make their club a better cruising spot for men. ok then

8 years ago


Second the board game night. Besides board games being awesome, I understand that women are almost as much at risk of casual sexism in the board game community as in bars, so it would be wonderful to have a safe space for this.

8 years ago

@ weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Love the clip.

8 years ago

ViolinlessHoax: Whenever I see your name, my brain sort of melds “violin” and “lioness” together. My brain is weird like that.
My name comes from my having a cat, once, named Leda, so it is more-or-less me, at some times and places.

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: Richard Parker (the tiger)

He’s named after both a fictional cabin boy who was cannibalised and an eponymous real life cabin boy who was cannibalised in identical circumstances to the fictional one.

Intriguingly the fictional one came first.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Unrelated: Hey, who wants to be pissed off at Facebook? Because they got called out for being whiter and maler than Reddit, and the response given by their “Global Head Of Diversity” was essentially “PoC and women are too stupid to work here” with classism on the side.

8 years ago

That’s interesting! I guess it isn’t a word your brain recognizes (because I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t come across it every day), so it’s trying to make sense of it whenever it’s trying to read via word-shape recognition alone. Brains are weird like that, not just yours 😀

Re: Facebook.
Ahh, victim blaming, is it ever useful for white dudes in power.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Huh I got a job offer from Facebook recently, to work as a data person. Now I know why.

The Dread Vampy
The Dread Vampy
8 years ago

The graph fascinates me because it shows female gayness (do wlw of all stripes count? Or is gay meant to indicate sexually uninterested in the ‘opposite’ gender? In which case do ace people count as gay? What about bi/pan people dating members of the same gender? Where do I and my partners fit as bi poly people who are open to and currently dating people of multiple genders? IT JUST RAISES TOO MANY QUESTIONS) as consistently higher than male gayness. But I thought women’s EVIL FEMINIZING GYNOCENTRIC SOCIETY turned men gay? Also that women are only gay for attention? Also it implies that gay women’s lack of attraction to men is in any way respected by this kind of dude.

On a similar note, I’ve been to a couple of (sort of) ladies nights at uni (the cheap drinks for people wearing x type) and it was awful. Forcible kissing happened. And I was followed home until I saw a friend in McDonald’s and ducked in to hide out. FEEEEEEMALE PRIVILEGE U GAIZ. The only times I’ve felt good about ladies nights type things is the one lesbian bar I went to in London where men have to be vouched for by their female friends. Never felt so chill in a bar (especially since whenever I go with my girlfriend to the gay bar I am reminded that certain men are incredibly good at being wilfully dense about when women are not after male attention. Like, bro, I’m making out with my girlfriend I’m not sure where you think you chatting me up is gonna end up)

8 years ago

Yet another reason to not like Facebook. Yay.

As for the memes … are there still Ladies’ Nights? Around here a lot of cities banned them because they were discriminatory. I actually support that because nobody should get into a bar/club for free based on gender. A couple of places replaced them with Skirt Night — half off your drinks from x to y o’clock for anyone who wore a skirt, but that idea petered out after a while.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

Off-topic :

David, have you seen a new erm piece by Roosh which is an email by a totally real and completely not made up 16-year-old girl? Similar to the totally real and not made up HB10 cancer chick.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


I don’t even know if any of the clubs or bars in my area have a ladies night. If they did, I probably wouldn’t go because I don’t like clubs and any place that has that would probably be chock full of harassers. I don’t recall seeing any ads in the recent past though.

The only place I’ve ever been that let women in for free and charged men and mixed gender groups cover was in Las Vegas. Which makes sense to me. It’s a more popular tourist destination for men than it is for women so of course they have to try and get women in the door. Once inside, I still had to pay for overpriced drinks though!

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

If ladies’ night ticks them off, See Jane Go will really make steam come out of their ears. Never mind that it was co-founded by a man.

8 years ago

Totally off topic, but has anyone else seen Startrek Beyond? My wife and I went yesterday, and although it wasn’t terrible, I was bothered by the roles played by the only two main actors of African descent. No spoilers, but I think they could have been better.

Less off topic: I finally figured out how to transfer my own pictures to my computer, so I changed my profile pic to one of my lizards literally hiding under his rock. In honor of that, I was thinking of changing my name to ‘joekster: male attention w***e’. Any objections?

8 years ago

I’m also tempted to go with ‘beta attention w***e’, as it’s accurate*, but MRA’s may get confused by combining two memes that way.

*By manosphere definitions, I’m a beta, my father’s a beta, and his father was a beta. It works for us. Of course, my father was born in Minnesota, where ‘the women are strong, the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.’

8 years ago

To counterbalance that, a good news : Publicis, the biggest french advertisement firm, put one of their administrators in forced vacation after he said some scandalous shit about how women aren’t getting promotions because they don’t seek promotions.

Publicis is notoriously misogyne, so when that happen, it’s kind of signaling a shift.

Also, I liked today’s Cracked article about women, who is two pages of “well, here’s proof you should listen to women and stop think they alway exagerate and stuff”. Nothing groundbreaking, but in a sense it’s one of the most important woman issue in Europa and US, so even basic pedagogy seem good.

Of course, it’s still a long way before doctors actually believe women when they say they are in a world of hurting.

8 years ago

I know it’s a typo, but I imagined Jupiter’s moon having been colonized and women still not being taken seriously. Probably not inaccurate as far as future predictions go. :p

8 years ago

I think I’ve mentioned before that I own a restaurant in college town. So I’d like to think I’m pretty plugged in to the hospitality industry. “Ladies’ Nights” have mostly gone the way of the dodo, in part due to anti-discrimination laws. But mostly because they are an outmoded means of reaching a demographic.

The research on where money gets spent in food and beverage sales shows that bars/restaurants/clubs where women frequent make A LOT more money than male dominated ones. The first reaction to this was to basically bribe women to visit, with the idea that if you can get them in the door, they’ll keep coming back.

We now know that customers who “price shop” and only come in the door because they’re getting a discount (which is essentially what a Ladies’ Night is), are very unlikely to become a repeat customer. It makes more sense to make your place one where women want to come spend time than to make your place one where women can save a little money.