a woman is always to blame antifeminism bad history bad science boner rage boobs butts entitled babies evil sexy ladies facebook gamebros geek girls imaginary oppression irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed post contains jokes post contains sarcasm

MGTOW Memeday: Crushed by the wheels of Ladies’ Night

The meme-maker forgot to include "Graphic Designer: No one will hire him"
The meme-maker forgot to include “Graphic Designer: $0 yr. No one will hire him”

Say what you will about the meme-makers at the Going GHOST – MGTOW Facebook page, but you have to give them credit for one thing: their laser-like focus on the issues that truly matter to men.

And I don’t mean silly frivolous fluff like prison rape or workplace safety or prostate cancer. No, I mean the issues that REALLY matter. Like ladies night. And hot chicks playing video games in their underwear.

Let’s take a look at these and other totally important issues they raise.

1) Females today being a bunch of ugly lesbians

Do not dispute this highly scientific chart
Do not dispute this highly scientific chart

2) The aforementioned Ladies Night

Time to be flaky with da boys!
Time to be flaky with da boys!

3) Hot babes playing video games in their underwear

Well, the dudes are free to play video games in their underwear as well
How exactly DO you get attention while playing video games by yourself in your underwear? (Asking for a friend.)

4) Hot babes getting more “likes” on Facebook for their cosplay pics than I got for my totally awesome Batman costume, no, I’m not bitter

Also, she's oppressing men with her butt
Also, she’s oppressing men with her butt

5) Women dressing up as sexy Darth Vader even though they probably don’t even know who he is, probably!

Also, this costume is totally inauthentic as the real Darth Vader did not have a boob window
The real Darth Vader did not have a boob window

6) Females doing Yoga wrong, and also having jobs and voting

Also, women doing downward dog are oppressing men with their butts

Clearly the only way to deal with a society this corrupt is to Go Your Own Way and live a life of quiet dignity like Henry David Thoreau devote all your free time to yelling about how women suck on the internet.

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Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
8 years ago

@Tim I really am an Alpine RN…imagine a short mountain goat with an emergency bag…

also, nobody minds that you have an internet persona…it’s that you have MANY, all for the same space, and all so that you can shout at a bunch of people who were having a lovely time without you…

As others have said, marriage (at least in most places) is OPTIONAL (and, for most men/male presenting humans, ALWAYS WAS. It’s WOMEN who made up the vast majority of those forced into marriage, usually for transactional reasons). Feel free to opt out! If, however, you opt IN, sharing assets is LITERALLY ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS FOR MARRIAGE THROUGHOUT ALL OF TIME. Thus, when a marriage contract is dissolved, dividing the assets is very much a thing that has to occur, just as asset allocation is something that also has to be done when someone dies!

8 years ago

CN: comes close to being an I-blame-the-patriarchy rant

@ sevenofnine

1. That was a good post, but (OTOH) it might just be that the gentleman in question thinks that men (during the late 20th century and into the 21st century at least) have gotten to be intrinsically hotter than women. If so, his remedy is in his own hands.

2. If not, and if I wanted to run the kind of good analysis you just ran, I’d say that free drinks for women at clubs are a kind of opportunity cost paid by straight men. They’re a fee straight guys pay to keep nightclubs on the “male space” side of the ledger. It’s been pointed out elsewhere on this thread (or maybe you did it) that when nightclubs are full of straight men, women venture in at their peril; the peril is minor, but it’s still there. The minor harassment women go through in these situations isn’t really all that hot for the guys, it’s not an aspect of romance, it’s something they do so they can continue to “run” the space and prevail in it. The problem for them is that they’re then in something of a quandary, because the entire attraction of a nightclub, so far as they’re concerned, is that there are women there. As a result, they can’t muscle women around so much that the women all leave. Free drinks (or cheap drinks) are the solution to the riddle; women come in for the drinks, and men come in for the women.

All of this is due to the tack the men take and the strategy they pursue. If they were to do things differently and make women welcome in nightclubs (or were to make nightclubs into places where women don’t expect to feel threatened) then they’d need no recourse to free drinks, because women would be lining up around the block to get in. But no, that wouldn’t work, because it would make the place too much like a spa…and the dude who played the game that way would be a pussy…and it would take half the fun out of the operation…from the dude’s point of view. (Of course, I don’t pretend to be speaking for every man on earth.)

So, what I’m saying is that lots of men are invested (with an intensity of which many of them aren’t even aware) in the idea of “traditional pursuit” —
a mode of woman-getting which only tangentially involves the woman (because it’s much more bound up in a man’s relationship to himself, his friends, and the territory he considers to be his). Free drinks at clubs are merely one of the many minor prices men (enough men to matter and to keep the game going) are willing to pay in order to continue to do things this way. It’s not that it’s the only way to do things…but it’s the way these guys are comfortable with. It’s the game they grew up playing and to which they believe they know the rules. Moreover, it’s the game they’re willing, in some small way, to subsidize (free drinks for chicks being one of many small subsidies which are constantly coughed up in its interest).

Conclusion: since straight men are the ones who keep the thing going (in its present form) its demerits, like its excellencies, are all down to them. (IOW, quit complaining, guys.)

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

My previous screen name was just my actual initials plus my year of birth. Inl switched names because I identify as non-binary and see no reason to cling to my legal names when online.


Your name is kinda cool. :p

And yeah, quite doxx-friendly, sadly. My name used to be extremely common, but it was made a lot more googleable by adding my wife’s last name. Several pros and cons to that, I guess. Although I wouldn’t be a prime target for internet harassment campaigns.

8 years ago

Women don’t get into clubs free because men make more money, they get in free because men won’t go if there aren’t any women. Gay men notwithstanding. Anyway, women are basically the product.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

I’m a huge, huge fan of Life of Pi. You have good taste. It’s probably the most Canadian book ever and is really really good.

8 years ago

Since we’re all being honest here…

I am actually a tree frog, but this was never my real hat. I’m so sorry for the deception, I just thought it was cute.

Austin Loomis
8 years ago
Reply to  Loquora

And I suppose you’ve never even thought about invading Pekopon.

This is my real name, but not my real face. My real face doesn’t get taken outside much. It’s not horribly, just goony (“tontone” in Italian, as any fule kno).

8 years ago

Well put, bekabot.

8 years ago


“Da” for “the” does show up in some white midwestern accents (as seen in the old SNL Bill Swerski’s Super Fans skits–it seems to show up in areas that had a lot of Eastern European immigrants), but I doubt the meme-maker was imagining the woman sounding like Mike Ditka

I loved the Super Fans! I still refer to Chicago as Da Bears in that accent. Which I get to do a lot of being a Packer fan 🙂

And I am a very dapper cat wearing a bow tie because bow ties are cool.

8 years ago

My name is currently unique in the world. My previous (dead) name was shared with 2 other living people, and there’s AFAIK fewer than a dozen people alive who share my surname. I look less like Agatha Heterodyne than I would like to though.


Gay men notwithstanding

Although speaking of gay men, lots of straight women pay the cover to get into gay bars because they can drink and dance and ogle cute guys shaking their buns while minimizing the risk of assault/harassment.

8 years ago

@ Axe

Fuckin probably, but also probably not. I mean, there are 3 black people in the meme, and the white woman says ‘da’…

Good point, I guess you’re right there.

Calling me Hoax is cool with me! It’s kinda snappy and catchy and I’m almost wishing it was my real life nickname (but it isn’t, my irl nickname is kiiiind of lame but only three people in the world call me that so it’s cool).

(((VioletBeauregarde))) Prominent Misanderer of The Gynocracy
(((VioletBeauregarde))) Prominent Misanderer of The Gynocracy
8 years ago

my name really is Fred (but perhaps should have been Freda because my humans didn’t check before naming me).

Hi Fred! Nice to meet you! There is a story called Once Upon A Mattress and the princess actually has your name as a nickname

8 years ago

My name is just the same name I have(/had?) in the MSPA forums. It’s a clever way of saying “I make fanworks/I’m a writer.”

Speaking of usernames and avatars, how do I change my avatar? Because that’s my real face. I didn’t put it there, it just happened, idk how.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

If you have a WordPress account or a Gravatar, that pic should show up here. I’m assuming you can change that and fix the problem

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
8 years ago

All this discussion of how nightclubs work just reaffirms my intention, should I suddenly inherit wild amounts of money from a longlost uncle, to open a feminist-friendly nightclub. It shall be called The Friend Zone. The bouncers will all be Brienne of Tarth. While flirting will not be banned, harassers will be given a single warning before being bodily evicted. PUAs who post their photos online will find them on a billboard at the entrance and will be denied entry. And that video of Roosh getting a beer thrown in his face will be on a loop in the washrooms, just because.

Oh, and there won’t be Ladies’ Night. Sometimes, however, there may be Bring Your Cat and Get In for Free Night.

8 years ago

Thanks to authorialAlchemy, I’ve finally decided to add this email to my gravatar. I’m really a moogle named kupo. It’s kind of like being a cat named meow, since ‘kupo’ is what moogles say all the time. I guess my parents weren’t very creative.

8 years ago

Thus Spake ZaraRabid Rabbit:

All this discussion of how nightclubs work just reaffirms my intention, should I suddenly inherit wild amounts of money from a longlost uncle, to open a feminist-friendly nightclub. It shall be called The Friend Zone.

I love this idea.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

@Axe & @Oogly

8 years ago

Aktually, I’m a kat.

Given my outspoken feline-centric opinions and my wish to return to the cat worship of ancient Egypt, my true identity will come as no surprise to regular commenters.



This woman went along with Roger Ailes (had sex with him) to get along with Roger Ailes. She ended up having a series of nervous breakdowns, which she attributes to the stress of her situation.

8 years ago

All this discussion of how nightclubs work just reaffirms my intention, should I suddenly inherit wild amounts of money from a longlost uncle, to open a feminist-friendly nightclub. It shall be called The Friend Zone. The bouncers will all be Brienne of Tarth. While flirting will not be banned, harassers will be given a single warning before being bodily evicted. PUAs who post their photos online will find them on a billboard at the entrance and will be denied entry. And that video of Roosh getting a beer thrown in his face will be on a loop in the washrooms, just because.

Oh, and there won’t be Ladies’ Night. Sometimes, however, there may be Bring Your Cat and Get In for Free Night.

Can there be a board game night?

Metal Shoggoth
Metal Shoggoth
8 years ago

About the memes themselves – why the hell are manospherian memes always so ugly looking and full of TL;DR? Do brodudes not know how to meme? How hard is it to take a picture and add a short caption in Impact font?

About the costume meme: 100% chance these jackasses whine about video games “censoring sexy women.” Funny how when one gets more likes than them it’s suddenly “slutty” and indecent.

About yoga: Yoga is pretty much a religion of its own. Doing it just to “relax yourself” would also be considered superficial. Honestly, I’m not even sure why these dipshits brought it up – I thought yoga was supposed to be “unmanly” and things “hippies” did. Shouldn’t these REAL MEN be wrestling bears to relax, or something?

About my screenname: I’m neither made of liquid metal, nor an eldritch abomination. This is a reference to a Lovecraft crossover idea I had. 😉

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Well, that’s 2 now. I’d be stunned if there aren’t more women waiting in the woodwork to say Ailes is a creep

Well, this is a guy who watches his own network with the sound off, at least in part, to ogle at the hostesses’ legs, so more of a creep

8 years ago

About the costume meme: 100% chance these jackasses whine about video games “censoring sexy women.” Funny how when one gets more likes than them it’s suddenly “slutty” and indecent.

Yeah that has pretty much been proven every time the subject of sexual harassment at conventions comes up. We say cosplay is not consent and they say dress like a slut,get treated like a slut.