a woman is always to blame antifeminism bad history bad science boner rage boobs butts entitled babies evil sexy ladies facebook gamebros geek girls imaginary oppression irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed post contains jokes post contains sarcasm

MGTOW Memeday: Crushed by the wheels of Ladies’ Night

The meme-maker forgot to include "Graphic Designer: No one will hire him"
The meme-maker forgot to include “Graphic Designer: $0 yr. No one will hire him”

Say what you will about the meme-makers at the Going GHOST – MGTOW Facebook page, but you have to give them credit for one thing: their laser-like focus on the issues that truly matter to men.

And I don’t mean silly frivolous fluff like prison rape or workplace safety or prostate cancer. No, I mean the issues that REALLY matter. Like ladies night. And hot chicks playing video games in their underwear.

Let’s take a look at these and other totally important issues they raise.

1) Females today being a bunch of ugly lesbians

Do not dispute this highly scientific chart
Do not dispute this highly scientific chart

2) The aforementioned Ladies Night

Time to be flaky with da boys!
Time to be flaky with da boys!

3) Hot babes playing video games in their underwear

Well, the dudes are free to play video games in their underwear as well
How exactly DO you get attention while playing video games by yourself in your underwear? (Asking for a friend.)

4) Hot babes getting more “likes” on Facebook for their cosplay pics than I got for my totally awesome Batman costume, no, I’m not bitter

Also, she's oppressing men with her butt
Also, she’s oppressing men with her butt

5) Women dressing up as sexy Darth Vader even though they probably don’t even know who he is, probably!

Also, this costume is totally inauthentic as the real Darth Vader did not have a boob window
The real Darth Vader did not have a boob window

6) Females doing Yoga wrong, and also having jobs and voting

Also, women doing downward dog are oppressing men with their butts

Clearly the only way to deal with a society this corrupt is to Go Your Own Way and live a life of quiet dignity like Henry David Thoreau devote all your free time to yelling about how women suck on the internet.

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EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

My real name abbreviates to EJ. I’m not very creative. The real question is, why did someone name a lion with two names?

Garen Truscott
Garen Truscott
8 years ago

That graph is a thing of beauty. The longer I look there is more stuff in it that makes no sense. It is like one of those “find the error” pictures, except everything is wrong.

8 years ago

… and I do actually have opposable thumbs!!!! 4 realz!!!!!

\¬¬/ o noes, I have docksed me and given away my sekret eye-denty-tea ::iz v. aghast::

(and “graphing” attractive, unattractive and gay as apparently non-overlapping categories? What genius thought this made sense on any planet anywhere?)

8 years ago

My name really is Valentine! Or Валентин. Though I made it English on here since I’m a romantic. 😉

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

So… What I’m getting out of this is that the Minters broke up and Mark’s taking it out on us for some fuck-knows reason?

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

Damn, now I regret not actually being called Argle Bargle. But that would make for a cool MLP character, I just have to figure out the cutie mark.

8 years ago

@ Axe

‘Da’ is often used to phonetically spell ‘the’ in the African American Vernacular or Ebonics. It seems, both in writing and speaking, to be more used by those mimicking the dialect than actual speakers. We tend to just spell out ‘the’. Easier that way. At best, it’s an extremely rare corruption (or if there’s a better, descriptivist word than ‘corruption’)

Right, so… do you think that meme-maker is racist? I mean, reading your explanation of it, it smacks a little of some white dude thinking “well, that’s how black people talk, right? And black people are thugs and we all know women are into thugs, right?” It’s probable that he’s a racist anyway (bigots gonna bigot, I guess), so I can just imagine his thought process went along those lines. (Erm, just ETA: Didn’t mean to imply anything with those words, just trying to explore the heart of darkness, so to speak, and I would value anyone’s opinion.)

As a sidenote, I like how you call me Hoax as opposed to Violinless 😀

Sidenote sidenote, I really am a violinless hoax. It’s not the mask I wear, it’s who I really am. My so-called “real” identity is my mask, my disguise, my fake facade, when in truth I am not the hoax you need, but the one you deserve.

8 years ago

@Violinless Hoax

I really am a violinless hoax. It’s not the mask I wear, it’s who I really am. My so-called “real” identity is my mask, my disguise, my fake facade, when in truth I am not the hoax you need, but the one you deserve.

That was inspired.

8 years ago

Thanks, Mish! (But it just goes to show I think about Batman wayyyy too much.)

8 years ago

Abour the graph, honestly, I see no way it can even be BASED in reality. How can you measure something as relative as attractiveness for so long? Okay, SUPPOSING you gather a lot of pictures of faces and run them through a computer program made to try to recognize facial beauty, maybe you can even do it.
A graph on subject with data this old is, by itself, impossible to be scientifically true, no?

8 years ago

I think the graphs make a kind of sense if you remember that attractiveness for these guys includes a willingness to bend one’s entire existence around their whims.

The first two are war times so a lot of men are dying but women are still largely adhering to traditional gender roles. Hence they’re striving to dress and act according to the preferences of men and mostly keeping out of spaces that men consider theirs. Male population is depleted by war but the silver lining is there are a lot of attractive, subservient women to choose from.

From 1970 on, we’re no longer at war so they think the numbers of men vs women even out but 3rd wave feminism happened so women no longer have any fucks to give about what men want. Women are dressing, acting, living their lives according to their own desires and encroaching on territory men consider theirs. The attractive men aren’t all getting sent off to die in some war and the women are all unattractive by virtue of considering themselves equal to men.

8 years ago

“Da” for “the” does show up in some white midwestern accents (as seen in the old SNL Bill Swerski’s Super Fans skits–it seems to show up in areas that had a lot of Eastern European immigrants), but I doubt the meme-maker was imagining the woman sounding like Mike Ditka.

8 years ago

On the ‘Ladies get in free’ – I live in London we don’t have them here. I live with 3 young men who go to night clubs now and then. They always notice the lack of women, and would prefer more women around – they don’t want the ‘sausage fest’!

Why don’t women go to nightclubs in the same numbers as men? It may just have something to do with the likelihood of minor sexual assaults that ruin their evening. Just about every woman that goes to clubs where hetero men dominate gets assaulted at least once (source: everydaysexism website).

Lesson: women prefer to not be groped, pinched, grabbed, forced against walls etc when they go out for an evening!

(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
(((Hambeast))) Now With Extra Parentheses
8 years ago

Way late to this party.

I really am a hambeast, it’s descriptive and not my name. I don’t use my real name because long ago, someone over at Pharyngula once linked to a website that calculated how unique a person’s name is. According to that, I am the only person with my name in the U.S. Yikes! And it’s not a particularly strange name, either; just slight spelling tweaks in the first and last names (which aren’t terribly common, but certainly not vanishingly rare) with a middle name of Renee.

Handsome Jack – Alan is actually a very photogenic palomino horse who had a popular U.S. sitcom in the 1960s.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I think I’m quite possibly the only one in the country with my name. My first name is very common although spelled the somewhat less popular way. My surname is fairly rare though.

There might be a couple of people with my name in the UK however. My surname is Anglo-Saxon and my first name is even more popular there than it is in the US.

8 years ago

I actually found one other person with the same name as mine. She was rather younger and blonder and probably does need to catch any flak from sharing my name.

8 years ago

I am actually a dog on the internet, and my name really is Fred (but perhaps should have been Freda because my humans didn’t check before naming me).

Misandry! Man’s best friend is actually a feminist. All of us are, because we love our humans, and humans, no matter who they are, deserve equal love, slobbery kisses, and dog hair. Lots of dog hair.

All hail Katie!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

My name’s probably not that uncommon in Ireland (it’s very Irish), but I’m pretty sure I’m the only one in Australia or America with it. Which is why I just go by M; anything more would get traced and doxxed before I’d even finished typing.

Aside from that, though, I’m totally GLaDOS.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Da Bears!

It’s a noun, it has fewer letters, and I’m not gonna put myself thru constantly autocorrecting to Villainess or Violinist for no reason (unless you’d prefer Violinless, in which case I’ll do my best)

Right, so… do you think that meme-maker is racist?

Fuckin probably, but also probably not. I mean, there are 3 black people in the meme, and the white woman says ‘da’…

Re: graphing attractiveness
I gave it some thought (for no good reason), and I’m not sure it’s even possible. It could be done, but:
1)it’d be hella complicated and frought with every methodological and/or personal fuck up imaginable. That is, a sufficiently advanced sexbot could do it, but a person of my or the memer’s statistical acumen… fuggedaboudit

2)it couldn’t be generalized. So follow me here. 1st of all, I’m predominantly gynephilic, so anyone with a different orientation would have a significantly different graph than me. Then, even among gynephiles, what would the axes look like? 2, 3 of them? Proportion on X, Femininity on Y, Personality on Z? Not everyone values the same things to the same degree. And, even if they did, the existence of boobs vs butt people shows that the golden ratio (and other such ‘objective’ criteria) is, at best, outdated guidelines

3)it definitely won’t work if ‘gay’ is considered an appropriate category for attractiveness. Stupid ass…

8 years ago

Okay, the graph, the “authentic” costume, and the ladies’ night have been thoroughly dissected.

So I’m going to pick on #3 – Nerd outcast men vs. “Female attention whores”

Are these our only two choices? There were never any nerd outcast women? Men can’t be “attention whores?” And nobody can just be an enthusiastic fan without being either a nerd outcast or an “attention whore?”

(Which has made the phrase “attention Madonna – attention whore complex” pop into my head,)

8 years ago

When I hear ‘Da’ instead of ‘the’ I generally think New Jersey or angry New Yorker accents.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

I wanna join the party too!

My name might not be RosaDeLava, but my avatar is a picture of me, just not a very good one. I don’t like people making fun of my skin problems!

8 years ago

Ohhhh boy, where do you even begin?

1. I assume graphic #1 was done by American MGTOWs because of the mention of Vietnam. If that’s the case then the first graph makes no sense at all because we weren’t in WW2 in 1940, just saying.

2. The 2nd histogram in graphic #1 doesn’t remotely add up to 100%…are MGTOWs tacitly admitting that a portion of the population doesn’t fall in to the male/female dichotomy? If so, I’m stunned. Don’t worry, I’m not holding my breath on that one because:

3. Is the first graphic stating that gay guys and gals are neither attractive nor unattractive? Are gay people Magical Schrodinger’s Cat-people? Because if so…I kinda wanna be gay. 😛

4. First graphic just generally doesn’t make any sense. Also, nice catty swat putting gay people at the bottom of the list. Like if this was just a random graphic, I’d say w/e somebody has to be at the bottom and probably they didn’t mean anything by it, but since it’s MGTOWs, you KNOW some 19 year old dude was giggling to himself while he put them at the bottom of the histogram. You just know it. Ug.

5. Ok so some fact-checking on the 2nd graphic with the night club attendees. MGTOWs are cherry-picking here. Raise your hand if you’re surprised! Nobody? Didn’t think so. Specifically, they are using the MEDIAN income for the guys and using the HIGHEST income or third-quartile incomes for the ladies. Case in point, a cool 2.7 seconds of Google searching landed me with the median income in the USA for security guards (which, by the way, are not all male, because being a security guard in a mall is not the same thing as being John Rambo ffs!). That figure is correctly(ish) listed here. It’s ~$24,020/year so they’re rounding it off.

By contrast, the median salary for a ‘linguist’ which is their fancy term for a translator or interpreter is $43,590/year. “Woah David, then where did they get the $83,000 figure from?” Well I will tell you! The highest-paid interpreters reported earn ~$80,650/year, so MGTOWs took that and said “Eh, what the hell, we’ll slap a couple extra thousand dollars on to that because I have to pay alimony to my ex who left me because I’m a sad, terrible person, so therefore ALL WOMEN RECEIVE ALIMONY and it’s at least $3,000, so slap it on there!”

That’s the famous STEM logics of them there MGTOWs. has reports on income for IT employees with the Dept. of Defense (which is what I assume they mean by DOD). The median salary there is $72,947/year, which is higher than, say, a security guard gets paid, but is not anywhere near $96,000. Now the HIGHEST paid IT specialists at the DOD report an income of $117,000/year. To be fair, this is a report based off of 24 employees at Glassdoor. I’m not going to spend oodles of time researching this because it’s apparent to me the dude who made this graphic didn’t either and screw that.

6. Nope. I am out of fucks to give. Ah, and it’s only 14:15…what to do with the rest of the day? 🙂

8 years ago

@EJ (The Other One):
Read or watch “Life of Pi” sometime. The tiger in it is named Richard Parker, so there is at least *fictional* premise for giving big, murderous stinkbeasts two names. Oh, yea, sorry, I dislike cats after having owned 3. Sorry if you like cats. <3

Edit: Maybe better to say “After I had the opportunity to provide shelter and sustenance to three.”? Point is, never again. Just…no.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

I’m really an ape, but my area is not really arctic by any common definition. Just in relation to the distribution of most ape species.

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