Say what you will about the meme-makers at the Going GHOST – MGTOW Facebook page, but you have to give them credit for one thing: their laser-like focus on the issues that truly matter to men.
And I don’t mean silly frivolous fluff like prison rape or workplace safety or prostate cancer. No, I mean the issues that REALLY matter. Like ladies night. And hot chicks playing video games in their underwear.
Let’s take a look at these and other totally important issues they raise.
1) Females today being a bunch of ugly lesbians
2) The aforementioned Ladies Night
3) Hot babes playing video games in their underwear
4) Hot babes getting more “likes” on Facebook for their cosplay pics than I got for my totally awesome Batman costume, no, I’m not bitter
5) Women dressing up as sexy Darth Vader even though they probably don’t even know who he is, probably!
6) Females doing Yoga wrong, and also having jobs and voting
Clearly the only way to deal with a society this corrupt is to Go Your Own Way and live a life of quiet dignity like Henry David Thoreau devote all your free time to yelling about how women suck on the internet.
Is it me or is the “Electrician” dude a dead ringer for our banned-from-Twitter buddy Milo Yiannapoulos?
They should change the name of their movement to “Men Endlessly Obsessing About Women Online”.
It would have the added advantage of it’s acronym, ‘MEOAWO’, actually sounding like the lonely plaintive wailing of an aggrieved neckbeard screaming into the wind.
It’s just a thought…
The reason why the “slutty” costume is an issue for guys is because of this BIG AND SCARY thing called AGENCY. Heaven forbid that independent and free-willed women run around in whatever they want to wear.
And then there’s the fact that these women can do an even scarier thing; they can judge you for your attractiveness! That one woman you saw dressed up as Sylvannas Windrunner turns out to think that your cheap Batman imitation and lack of personal grooming is a big disservice to everyone and everything.
Why is there that Alanis Morissette song playing in my head again?
Meanwhile, misandry! The misandriest of misandries!
kupo: I’m sure they just think the woman working in IT is just a quota-hire who soaks up a higher salary than her subordinate men who do all the ‘real work’. Remember, with MRAs, the next level down is always worse.
On the ‘male spaces’ bit…
I remember the 80s comic-book scene. And one thing I remember very, very clearly is that the comic book nerds really desperately wanted women in those spaces. It was commonplace to hear them gripe about how women didn’t appreciate geeky things. Of course, this was wrong, but it’s funny that now that women are seen as participants in the geek scene, they’re suddenly invaders. It’s almost like the rules change constantly just to ensure women can’t win no matter what they do.
#1: ditto to other comments, but also why is “gay” a separate section? I mean, I get that this dude is trying to show how he sees the world, but “attractive, unattractive or gay”? Oh, and how he sees the world: skewed.
#2: Hey let’s just make shit up!
#3: Way to buy into media stereotypes instead of investigating the world on your own.
#4 & 5: because “likes” on social media are the ultimate way to judge people’s value
#6: non-sequitur alert! Yeah, woman doing yoga and stock-image pointy-finger woman are the same and there never is a time when anger is appropriate, whatevs. And “real” yoga is not about getting into some pretzel posture or about achieving our Western notions of happiness or reducing anxiety when you’re stressed. It can reduce anxiety, but it doesn’t make your life perfect or mean you don’t have anger, fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, etc.
I remember it, too, as a girl who liked geeky things. I was invisible. See, they didn’t want the needy girls to be interested in their hobby, just the hot babes. Or whoever the crush of the week was. They didn’t want me tagging along. No one did, honestly.
How the fuck are “attractive”, “nonattractive” and “gay” discrete categories? How would they qualify really hot gay men? Or ugly gay men? Or Ellen Page? Where are bisexuals, pansexuals, polysexuals and asexuals? Do they just not exist?
More to the point, who told them it was okay to do 3D stacked bar charts? Next to pie charts and wordclouds, that’s like the worst data sin you can commit. It’s a good thing Scildfreja isn’t here, or she would be struck blind by the poor data visualisation practises.
If these guys are planning to go their own way, then wherever they go had better not need data represented, or else it’ll be a sad sad place.
Without the blue tickmark, how will we know for sure?
(Even after his banning, that’s never going to stop being funny.)
I think you need to be a cunning Linguist to make that much…
” It’s almost like the rules change constantly just to ensure women can’t win no matter what they do.”
That seems like a better definition of MRA than the one David has on the definition page.
@kupo: I just read your link, and it’s hilarious. Funny thing: while reading, I recognized several of the ‘strategies’ as ones I used as an intern while speaking in rounds to avoid angering my attending physician.
Then I realized: that’s exactly the point! The article is aimed at men who think women should always act subordinate to them.
I’m slow sometimes.
About the actual post: it still amazes me how upset these people get because of the ways other men try to sexualize women. The lack of awareness is mind boggling.
@ EJ
Some of my friends in the world of finance are experts at the 3D chart and that fisheye lens effect to disguise figures; especially after they’ve rotated it to the most misleading viewpoint.
(If they want to present accurate information they just stick it in a table)
@EJ: Couldn’t agree more!
There are some Milo fans who say that the guy who tweeted that harassment at Leslie Jones wasn’t “the real Milo”
Dave, is it possible to change the name on the above post to ‘joekster’? I’m typing nag these out on my iPad, and it autocorrected.
gay people: neither attractive nor unattractive
but somehow also unattractve women become gay question mark?
Yet more evidence that internet MTGOWs are from an alternate plane of existence that only vaguely resembles ours, and their memes leak through some unnoticed temporal pinhole. Like seriously, do these people actually do… anything? Ever? How is it possible for them to be so comprehensively wrong on such a wide array of subjects?
MRA’s aren’t the only misogynists who move goalposts. 😛
It’s such a privilege to be viewed as a slut with a hole and get ‘Likes’ for that when you are stuck with your authentic hero costume your arse is not even hanging out of.
Also, that safe space for nerdy outcast boys was you and your mates, not the entire gaming and comic world. Why is this so confusing?
I’m trying not to laugh at the attempts to make memes. Clearly graphics are not their strong suit. Not sure that mgtows have any strengths though.
But that Yuna costume is almost entirely accurate!
(Which, trust me, is incredible, considering what series she’s from)
Plus, it’s not the type of thing you can just buy at a hobby store, like the Batman one.
Good grief, the cosplay whines. So needy. Isn’t cosplay meant to be fun? If you’re ranting about how your efforts aren’t appreciated enough, or about other cosplayers doing it wrong, I’m not sure you understand what fun means.
@princess sunny burn
I’m actually wondering why they think the supermajority of men are now suddenly attractive.
Linguists do not make $83k. Linguistics is a Starbucks degree unless you get a doctorate from MIT (literally 2/3 of the linguistics faculty at my 2nd-rate state school got their doctorates at MIT, that’s how competitive linguistics professorships are) or have the connections to get hired at the CIA.
Source: I and most of my college friends were linguistics majors! I double majored in computer science so I’m working as a programmer now, but of the pure-linguists I keep in touch with, one is a manager at a Chili’s, one translates a small foreign newspaper’s articles into English for their website, and one transcribes audio recordings of business meetings.
@Rabid Rabbit
Holy shit! Swedish police are ripped!