Welcome to today’s episode of “wait, did Scott Adams really say that, Scott Adams the Dilbert guy, really?”
And the answer to that question is, as always, “yes, yes he did say that.”
In a post on his blog yesterday, Adams continued his evolution into a living Men’s Rights subreddit comment by lamenting what he sees as the MAN-DESTROYING MISANDRY of the Democratic party.
“On the surface, the convention is going great,” Adams wrote.
Michelle Obama made a speech for the ages. Bill Clinton was his masterful self. Bernie gave a full-throated endorsement of Clinton. The whole affair has been a festival of inclusiveness. The media is eating it like cake. All good, right?
Not so fast! Because beneath the sunny surface of the DNC lurks the testosterone-destroying monster that is the inadequate appreciation of dudes!
[I]f you’re an undecided voter, and male, you’re seeing … a celebration that your role in society is permanently diminished.
Adams followed this with, well, tell me if this line of thought sounds vaguely familiar to you:
And it’s happening in an impressive venue that was, in all likelihood, designed and built mostly by men. Men get to watch it all at home, in homes designed and built mostly by men, thanks to the technology that was designed and built mostly by men.
I mention that as context, not opinion.
Ok then.
To Adams, the most diabolically anti-male portion of the DNC so far has been … Alicia Keys.
I watched singer Alicia Keys perform her song Superwoman at the convention and experienced a sinking feeling. I’m fairly certain my testosterone levels dropped as I watched, and that’s not even a little bit of an exaggeration.
And he’s not making a joke here. He literally thinks his testosterone level dropped while he listened to Alicia Keys sing this:
Even when I’m a mess
I still put on a vest
With an S on my chest
Oh yes
I’m a Superwoman
Adams continues:
Science says men’s testosterone levels rise when they experience victory, and drop when they experience the opposite. I watched Keys tell the world that women are the answer to our problems. True or not, men were probably not feeling successful and victorious during her act.
Just how fragile does Adams think the male ego is, anyway?
Let me say this again, so you know I’m not kidding. Based on what I know about the human body, and the way our thoughts regulate our hormones, the Democratic National Convention is probably lowering testosterone levels all over the country. Literally, not figuratively.
Well, at least he’s using “literally” correctly.
Naturally, Adams thinks this will lead to the election of REAL MAN Donald Trump.
And since testosterone is a feel-good chemical for men, I think the Democratic convention is making men feel less happy. They might not know why they feel less happy, but they will start to associate the low feeling with whatever they are looking at when it happens, i.e. Clinton.
Wait, wouldn’t they associate it with Alicia Keys? I’m a little confused.
On an emotional level – where hormones rule – men have left the building…that they built.
Adams ended his post by reminding us all again of his fake “endorsement” of Hillary Clinton, whom, he explained, he fake-endorsed
for my personal safety, because I live in California where it is dangerous for people to think you are a Trump supporter. My political views don’t align with either candidate and I don’t vote, in order to protect my objectivity.
Yeah, I don’t think you quite understand how “objectivity” works, you human Men’s Rights subreddit comment.
H/T — @malki on Twitter, via @clinicboss
So the DNC acknowledging that people other than white men live in the United States is somehow damaging to men? Someone think of the white men. Won’t someone please think of the white men?
So Adams apparently expects men to take their balls and go home. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
Too bad Hillary didn’t buy him a v-neck sweater…
Interestingly, my sister was an architect who designed large public buildings, like malls and hospitals. I don’t think that is one of hers, but it could have been. So much for the “men make everything” idea.
When women were invisible (because they were at home making sandwiches so their man could have more time to invent and build) men did not feel threatened. When women representation in media topped the 18%, men decided that they were overrun by women and started telling everyone about how there is no more fragile being than… a man. It’s odd and pathetic.
There are theories that high testosterone causes violence. By Adam’s logic, we should misander and make men sad in the service of world peace.
Oh dear, poor muffin. How hard it must be, to know that you might not get to run everything all the time anymore. So hard to be man & supergenius Scott Adams! ;_;
Hey, Scott, from a man who’s low on testosterone and likes it that way: fuck you.
My 26-year-old Anglo son was murdered three years ago by a Mexican drug gang in Nashville. Why is it that no one at the Democratic convention mentions how the cartels are rapidly taking over every inner city in America according to the FBI? Do the women running the Democratic Party not consider the cartels a threat to peace here at home? Oh, yes… I also spent 18 months living in cartel-infested Michoacan, Mexico recently. Has anyone asked the Mexican people how they feel about the cartels? I have. They feel completely helpless, bordering on despair. So who is going to stop the cartels? HRC? Chelsea? Bill? The corrupt president of Mexico? Mexico used to be a great country to live in; so did the United States. When your son gets murdered by gangsters, your perspective changes in a hurry.
In all likelihood, Scott knows about as much about architecture, and the design and construction thereof as he does about everything else.
Which is to say, approximately two things: jack and shit.
I daresay I know more about the subject than he does, if only because I actually went to school with people who studied to get a degree in interior design and building construction.
But, of course, he likes to pretend he knows stuff, in the same way I like to pretend I’m Bitch Queen of the Universe.
I don’t actually rule the universe, but it makes me feel good and powerful to think so as a visualization technique, or just for shits and giggles. The only difference between us is that I know the difference between fantasy and reality, and can actually say that I don’t know anything about ruling a universe.
No, no, no. Last week’s convention made my testicles climb up into my pelvis to hide. This week I feel great.
Betcha he thinks her hoop earrings send out dangerous rays of some sort. Rays that sap testosterone.
Someone needs to tell Adams that complaining about men supposedly doing all the work doesn’t make much sense when women weren’t allowed to do the work even if they wanted to.
So what effect does it have on women’s testosterone? I mean…he does realise women also create this hormone, right?
Hey, Scott Adams? Endocrinology isn’t a spectator sport.
Do people actually notice second to second drops in their testosterone levels? Cos I’m calling bullshit on that
Paradoxy! Ha-ah, Bitch Queen of the Universe *dun dun duh dun*
Paradoxy! Ha-ah, she’ll save everyone of us!
‘Intention’s Alive!?’
So I was laughing, first, at the sheer silliness, and at the excellent comments above from Mammotheers. Then I re-read this:
Seeing this right after reading David’s Jessica Valenti post made me feel ill. When has Adams ever had to fear for his safety (or that of his family) because of his political beliefs?
And yet, and yet … I can hold his views in contempt but not wish harm upon him! I can disagree without wanting to hurt him or silence him or force him off public platforms!
I’m about 99.999999% sure that, even if (when) Clinton gets elected, Adams will be able to continue writing dull comics and rambly blog posts which bear almost no resemblance to any known plane of existence.
In fact, I’m pretty sure that most men are continuing their current role and impact on society, despite the fact that Alicia Keys sang about Superwoman. Most of them will continue to do so after Clinton is elected. The vast majority of American men never become president–most don’t even go into politics. Men’s lives and success will pretty much continue like they always have.
It’s almost like Adams’ sadfeels have more to do with a disdain of powerful women than it does with any actual concern for men.
The RNC is literally trying to ban porn. To think they are living in any world other than there’s is simply delusional.
If I was able to rule the universe, assuming I can do things without the edgy CONSEQUENCES FOR TRYING TO BE HELPFUL, I’d try my hand at a few things. Alleviate corruption, poverty, enable interstellar travel and communications, improve the environment and living standards, education is free, enact plans to heavily reduce or possibly make racism as a concept as irrelevant to everyone as flat earth theory, stop wars and war profiteers, food distribution, eliminate diseases, right to die, society as a whole more in tune with helping each other out than the Calvinist belief that Money and Effort is Godly and Moral, mental health and therapy a priority, right to be whatever sex/gender you are, anti discrimination is understood as an inherent concept, and some other things I can’t think up of at the moment.
Why is it that I feel if I asked Scott Adams what he’d do if he ruled the universe, he’d start on the elimination of a perceived feminist world order corrupting the US from its God given right to have white,
Protestant males be the only ones in power?
Honestly this is kind of tame relative to the other sorts of people in David’s articles. relative being the key term.
@ oohlyboggles
Throw jet-packs in there and you’ve got my vote.
In reality? Never.
But he certainly thinks he is in his own little world.
But, of course, when women, especially feminist women or women of color, feel threatened and can provide documentation of being threatened, we’re told we’re doing it “for attention” or we’re “making it all up”.
And when we’re attacked, doxxed, or even murdered like in the case of Grace Mann from last year (thankfully her killer was convicted earlier this year, but he is supposedly mentally ill), well then we just deserved it for being meanie-pants feminists who hate men!
Scott Adams is really in danger from all of us evil feminists and liberals though! Especially those of us in California! Apparently we’re all out to kill him! [/sarcasm]
It’s interesting that he admitted it–Melissa McEwan has made the observation that a lot of the hate directed at directed at Hillary is coming from a discomfort that she’s not centering white men in her campaign but most of the people who don’t like her deny that they could possibly be affected by sexism even when they say kind of sexist things about her-I don’t know which is worse
@PI – word 🙂
@OoglyBoggles & Alan – jetpacks for everyone!!

@ mish
That’s a wonderfully mind-boggling picture. 🙂
Why does a pigeon need a jet-pack though? Flying fast is pretty much already their thing.
(People buy and sell homing pigeons. How does that work? Anyone know?)
Trust me guys! As bad as these guys have been in the past few years, they’re just ramping up if Hilary becomes president. The same way that bigots were always awful, but seemed to get incentivized at the election of Obama.
Note to Adams: It’s the rest of us, who are on the receiving end of their little man tantrums, whose lives will be upheaved. Not his.
What are you trying to get at? I’d be all for ending the war on drugs because that’s a huge part of the problem. Somehow I don’t think that’s what you’re trying to say though. I’m also not sure what this has to do with Scott Adams?
May a Labrador shit on his pillow.