
Why former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke is so PUMPED by the rise of Trump

A handy little video from MoveOn that I thought I’d share. I’d encourage you all to share it as well.

I wish, though, that MoveOn had dealt with Trump’s later, ahem, disavowal of Duke, which was less a principled rejection of everything Duke stands for than the petulant whining of an overgrown manchild offering a half-hearted faux-apology that he doesn’t really mean — “ok, I’m soooooooory I hit my sister but she called me a fascist.”

Here’s his “disavowal,” which he gave on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years. I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK. Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now.

One person who doesn’t believe that Trump has truly “disavowed” David Duke is … David Duke.



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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I find Trump’s impatience with the press to be petulant at best.

8 years ago

Defeat the Corrupt elites!

Which ones, again?

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

How is Trump gonna do that when he is a corrupt elite ?

8 years ago

Well, for one thing it won’t be the (((Trump))) Presidency, I suppose. He also has his record of racial discrimination from his days as a NYC real estate pirate.

8 years ago

It sure took The Orange One a long time to disavow him. Is he still accepting donations from him?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

“You’re asking me to disavow an organization I know nothing about.”

Because yeah, you’ve never heard of the Ku Klux Klan. It’s totally obscure. You sure as hell knew who La Raza is, though, dincha?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK

I don’t think ‘I don’t know anything about the KKK’ count’s as a disavowal, but OK

And meanwhile, at the Dem convention, the Bernbots are acting up again. Expected but no less reprehensible. It don’t look good when a spate of people (a lot of them women) of color are booed to shit, and they can’t even shut it for moment of prayer. Even Sanders himself can’t fix what he started (maybe not started… Fostered?)
Oh, and Putin hacked into the largest political party in the US. But let’s not focus on that terrifying reality, cos it’s really about ethics in party management. It’s pretty bad when you’re not sure whether Ed Snowden is saying ‘cuck’ ironically, or he’s using it has a legit insult

This was supposed to be the good at the end of a pretty shit week and change. Nothing but bad, outlook destroying news for like 9 days, but it’s almost OK, cos the DNC will make me feel better. Somehow worse, if you can believe that shit. Hope. That’s my problem

PS. If you’re eligible and haven’t yet, please do what ya gotta do to get registered to vote. Procedures and deadlines should be in the relevant Secretary of State website for where you live. And don’t forget to pay attention to downticket coming up. Thank you

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

@Iseult: I don’t think he knew anything about La Raza. He has people — really wonderful people, amazing people, the very best — to tell him about all the things he’s missed over the last 50 years.

And Axecalibur: There are a lot of people who won’t let the Bernie fantasy go, but I suspect there are a LOT of Republican’t ratfuckers involved too.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

And of course male Bernie bros heckled Elizabeth Warren’s speech.

Lunzie Mespil
Lunzie Mespil
8 years ago

If Donald Trump really didn’t know anything about David Duke, the KKK and white supremacists, he’s too uninformed to be president.

Of course, I don’t believe that he really didn’t know anything about them. Just another example of his lies.

I am getting pretty discouraged about the future of my country. Even if Trump isn’t elected, he’s encouraging the bigots to come out into the open. Unfortunately, I don’t think they’re going to disappear after November.

8 years ago

@Virgin Mary
You see, the only moral elite is ours.
@Lunzie Mespil
Honestly I find the people who think Trump is going to coolly slink away into the night after the elections are over to be overly naive in a cynical sort of way. This is the biggest high of ego boosting and validation he has gotten and ever will have. It is all downhill from here if he’s seen as the ultimate loser, and dragged through the mud by all parties.

The bigots have always been there. I almost want them to come out so they get repeatedly curtailed like in the Oregon Standoff. But that just might be my vindictive side wanting them to have a taste of their own rhetoric about cops being jailers rather than members of the community.

Regardless of my feelings I do know for certain that they will act out in greater number, and no media will ever call them terrorists.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I suspect there are a LOT of Republican’t ratfuckers involved too

Maybe, but it doesn’t make much difference IMO
1)Let’s say, there’s a Republican contingent who’re using the existing fuckery to sneak in and rabble rouse. Why is there so much existing fuckery to begin with? Fuckery should be at an absolute minimum, but it isn’t, so I blame Bernie and his sycophants
2)To ape Occam’s Razor, Republican plants requires an extra logical step. An unnecessary step, as angry brocialists doing what angry brocialists do best seems a perfectly plausible explanation without relying on outside influence from the ‘other side’. Walks and talks like a duck…

It’s not a wholly unreasonable theory, but I don’t see it helping. At best, it’s a meaningless ‘what if’? At worst, it’s othering them to the dark side. I coulda been 1 of them. A STEMbro, an MGTOW, a BernieorBuster, what have you. They’re me without the… fuckin providence, I dunno… to choose a different path. They’re me, and, for my own good, I can’t lose that. If that makes sense?

8 years ago

Okay, Bernie was only for democratic socialist beliefs and disavowed anyone who decided to use his campaign as a front for their bigotry/blatant sexism. He never supported that in any capacity and repeatedly said that this is not what his campaign was about. UHC, Free College, regulation of wall street, amendment to repeal Citizens United, supported BLM and racial issues and reforming the police departments, raising the wages to living, how are any of these points that scream “I am a GOP who hates women, POC and others not of my religious stance.” To color him as some elaborate sexist or some GOP plant, is frankly disgusting.

How else do you want to paint Bernie or Busters? Plenty of them turned out to be simply doing it because sexism, or that some of them decided to vote Trump because they are so sexist/bigoted/hatred of status quo that anyone would do. I don’t blame the ones that decided that they do not believe in Hillary will do the points of liberal progressiveness to a point.

Lunzie Mespil
Lunzie Mespil
8 years ago

If Trump loses, my guess is he will complain loudly that the system is rigged and there was voter fraud. He’ll get support from people who feel victimized by the economic and social changes of the last fifty years. That will feed his ego and he’ll keep stirring up trouble. He’ll get a lot of mileage out of convincing his followers that someone is out to get them.

@Ooglyboggles, yes, the bigots have always been here, but it seems like they are becoming more open. The white people I know who are racist usually care enough about how they are perceived that they don’t say hateful things too publicly. Trump seems to be reversing that trend. I don’t understand how Trump can get away with saying the awful things he has said.

Unfortunately I think we’re going to see more candidates with his extreme views in the future.

Speaking of calling people terrorists, does anyone remember if the couple who shot two Las Vegas police officers in 2014 were ever referred to as terrorists?

8 years ago

BernieOrBust can just fuck off already. We lost, we need to deal with it by supporting the candidate who won by playing the broken system.

If the Republican candidate wasn’t so scary, I probably wouldn’t vote, but Hillary is the only person standing between Trump and the oval office.

8 years ago

@Lunzie Mespil
I can explain this, this is the zeitgeist of decades of GOP propaganda. They want so badly to bring back the past of being superior, and the younger ones indoctrinated with the beliefs that older = superior. Trump makes bigotry to them seem normal, exciting, with bombast and confidence that they desire in authoritarian rule. If he can get away with saying so much racist things, and the media will stay silent because they want ratings, why can’t they be openly bigoted?

They don’t even have to mind the cognitive dissonance, they just have to refer to the handy method of parroting every bullshit claim until either they decide the person is a leftist jewish lizard, or the other person leaves and they decide it’s victory. But now, the GOP is finally letting the inner narrative of hatred come out of their rhetoric of seeming to be for the people. Religious zealots who want Israel as Jesus, Atheists who are no different than the zealots aside one or two political issues that somehow makes them better, Neo nazis, anti semites, racists, fascists, Boomer worshipers, all find something they want in Trump’s speeches. Said speeches being the same as a fill the word’s book, it says whatever they want it to say in their heads.

That’s why they are so bold, because the one who cast the first stone already had, and he’s been validated for it by being the nominee.

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

For the record, fooling the poor/working class whites into thinking that their situation is the result of black people taking away “their’ jobs (the hatred of affirmative action) is probably the oldest strategy elites use to keep poor people at each others’ throats instead of uniting to challenge the elites. The only difference is that now the losing class whites are being encouraged to hate the Latinos and women as well. Working-class men are taught that they are not real men unless they can support a family, and then the economy doesn’t provide nearly enough decent jobs to go around. Basically it’s like putting ten hungry dogs in a cage and throwing in five steaks. Then the elites sit back and snicker about how rude those working class people are.

A moral question: is it worse to be a racist because you were brought up that way, or to nurture and exploit the racism of others even though you know it’s wrong.

8 years ago

@GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina

A moral question: is it worse to be a racist because you were brought up that way, or to nurture and exploit the racism of others even though you know it’s wrong.

One is done that way because of society, and can possibly change given enough circumstances to make that change happen. The latter is worse in my opinion, using the former as cynical bait for their own devices, exploiting others to enact their petty need for short term gains and greed. It’s poetic that the people who bought into their propaganda now took over their positions and rule the GOP now.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I’m not saying that Bernie is a sexist asshat. I’m saying that he was messing with things he couldn’t possibly understand. Most of us knew that ‘the left’ is home to a cavalcade of shit merchants who prize their own intellectual superiority over actual people. #GGers complaining about Wall Street. People who quote ‘black on black crime’ stats in 1 post and decry private health insurance in the next. He, somehow, didn’t realize these people exist. That’s his failing, and now those aforementioned merchants are energized to let the world Bern (along with all the marginalized peoples in it)

I don’t blame the ones that decided that they do not believe in Hillary will do the points of liberal progressiveness to a point

Who gets to decide what the “points of liberal progressiveness” are? If I agree with her policies, does that make me not a progressive? Unfortunately, people exist that would scream that very thing at me, just as they did (and continue) to do with other black people who ‘are voting against their best interest’. The are plenty, and they are, figuratively and literally, very loud. But they don’t own ‘the left’

I’m sorry, Oogly, you’re making sense. And I was overgeneralizing. Most Bernie supporters are wonderful people. But ~10% (I think I remember that figure, maybe a little more) of them say they will never vote for Hillary under any circumstances. And a lot of that 10% is in Philly right now throwing a tantrum, cos their guy didn’t win

All things being otherwise equal, the latter is far worse. I’ve been the target, on multiple occasions, of ethnic slurs throw from speeding cars. The worst part is imagining them rolling away laughing, cos all they wanted to do was get their jollies watching me to flinch. And I always do

8 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Well I’m glad we were able to explain ourselves. Though I will posit that if Bernie hadn’t ran these people would just as easily been for Trump, and without him, those people who are for his values because they believe it’s right, rather than being the political version of a helicopter parent, wouldn’t have been able to mobilize and see that they should make a change. And because of him, and those who support him, they’ve been able to understand and make changes for those values they believe in. The ones that use liberal progressive values as “we know what’s best for you minorities”, or a front for whatever neo fascist, I see would’ve gone Trump no matter what.

I’m sorry you have to deal with people who are treating the situation as more of a sports event, rather than focus on making the changes that his campaign was for.

Again I’m sorry for coming in hostile. I’ve had too many experiences with people who I thought were for leftist values, to be self serving nihilists with no regards to humanitarianism. And people who use said nihilists to paint anything Bernie has done to be proof that those values just cannot work in today’s society, that he was naive to even try. It’s like realizing that those around you were holding masks, to save face on being good, and underneath it’s just the same as any other jerk, just in a condescending form.

8 years ago

I can’t help but wonder if Trump’s recent disavowal of David Duke (as opposed to his previous “who’s that? What’s the KKK? I can’t be expected to now these things on the spot” dodge) is because he’s now the Republican nominee and will probably lose more supporters from the general population (as opposed to the GOP rank and file) than he wins by cozying up to white supremacists.

8 years ago

Yeah it seems like he’s doing the classic slide towards moderates to appeal to more people. At this point the die hard fans don’t care what he says that’s against their beliefs, to them it’s just a way to get people to vote for him.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Bernie’s campaign has done more good than harm, I think. The problem is that the good will be felt slowly, over time. The harm is now. Growing pains, or whatevs. In a few years, the Bernie playbook will be required reading for ‘left wing’ politicians, and, should Hillary win, her life appointed Supreme Court justices will be at the forefront of doing what Congress won’t in moving towards a better future for decades to come. But right now, Liz fuckin Warrem has to deal with being heckled, cos she’s a sellout shill or something

The ones that use liberal progressive values as “we know what’s best for you minorities”, or a front for whatever neo fascist, I see would’ve gone Trump no matter what

I don’t think so. Anti social justice lefties will vote blue, so long as nobody mentions that issues that don’t affect them are just as important. Focus on wars and wealth inequality, and you’re golden. Bring up war refugees or the gender and ethnic basis of said inequality, and you’re a ‘regressive, SJW, yadda yadda’. A lot of those people voted Obama in ’08. In ’12, they stayed home, and now they’re voting Trump/Stein/Johnson. In a practical sense, there’s a difference, but not that much…

8 years ago

Of course David Duke doesn’t believe Trump disavowed him, that’s how dogwhistling works, right?

“I disavow David Duke and the KKK.” *Fat wink to the camera*

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

We lost, we need to deal with it by supporting the candidate who won by playing the broken system.

While the system is broken, the candidate who’s more qualified, more widely known and has more clout winning isn’t what makes it so.

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