
Why former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke is so PUMPED by the rise of Trump

A handy little video from MoveOn that I thought I’d share. I’d encourage you all to share it as well.

I wish, though, that MoveOn had dealt with Trump’s later, ahem, disavowal of Duke, which was less a principled rejection of everything Duke stands for than the petulant whining of an overgrown manchild offering a half-hearted faux-apology that he doesn’t really mean — “ok, I’m soooooooory I hit my sister but she called me a fascist.”

Here’s his “disavowal,” which he gave on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years. I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK. Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now.

One person who doesn’t believe that Trump has truly “disavowed” David Duke is … David Duke.



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8 years ago

…Vladimir Putin is a fascist strongman, not any type of communist? (Yes, I am aware that the CCCP was ostensibly Communist; North Korea is ostensibly democratic).

8 years ago

Ah, Bernie Bros. Even in Canada they exist, weirdly.

My friend today on Facebook: I don’t know how I can be so incredibly feminist and still have people criticizing me for being misogynistic, of all things? Haha women and their silly opinions.

Also my friend today on Facebook: *shares something that refers to Hillary Clinton as a whore*

8 years ago

Modern Russia is a pretty good example of where a Trump presidency would lead; an ostensibly democratic nation with a facade of checks and balances. An authoritarian leader from having as much control as they desire, and a market economy governed more by wealth and corruption than by law.

8 years ago


I didn’t either–it made sense to me that the party establishment wouldn’t like someone who regularly bashes them and other more politically knowledgeable people have said that what they said in the email really wasn’t that bad given what’s normal in politics and the real story is the fact that Russia was involved