
The 7 Most Surreal Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary Memes of the, Let’s Say, Week?

Poop-related content removed from meme. Well, mostly. 

Hey, remember when Friday was meme-day here at We Hunted the Mammoth? We’ve missed a couple, mostly because of horrible things happening in the world, but we’re back!

Today, some of the weirdest pro-Trump and anti-Hillary memes I’ve run across lately. Most of these are from Reddit — in particular, from r/The_Donald and r/HillaryForPrison. Enjoy, I guess.

Er, what?


I don’t think this is an actual American proverb. Also, FYI, fear the army of lions more.


Less frustrated than confused, really.


No idea what’s going on here.


Or here.

Now this last meme — which I’ve censored a little — isn’t really all that weird. It’s just kind of revealing, at least about the sort of people who sit around making anti-Hillary memes.



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8 years ago

Hahaha Trump’s convention got less viewers than Romney’s in 2012. His speech got more than Romney but still less than McCain in 2008.

Guarantee he’s pissed.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Leftwingfox OMG!! LOL!!

[Yes, I’m terrible today.]

8 years ago

Lol. Clinton and Warren scare these assholes to death.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Fuck these memes, Purvi Patel might be getting out!!!
I say ‘might he’s cos the story mentions remand. From my Law and Order research, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean free to go. Alan, anyone else, knowledge drop appreciated

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ axe

‘Remand’ is one of the most misunderstood words in criminal practice. In this case though it has the meaning of ‘adjourn the matter and transfer to another court’

So what they’ve said is “You shouldn’t have been convicted of this offence but what you did still amounts to a different (but lesser) offence” .

The original conviction and sentence have been ‘vacated’ (just another word for overturned)

So they’ve sent the matter back to the original court and ordered them to impose whatever sentence they think appropriate for the ‘new’ offence. (In practice it may be that she’s sentenced to the equivalent of ‘time already served’)

You can be ‘remanded in custody’ or ‘remanded on bail’. The article doesn’t make clear which has happened here.

Any of that make sense?

8 years ago

Wow, I think they might be getting bored/less people like them/people wising to Trump.

Wow what a centipede. Yes I’m still mad they made my favorite animal into a meme. image

Oh look, caring for young, newer generation, nurturing. Seems like things Alt Righters don’t want to do. Unless I’m mistaken and they are okay with that.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

A meme is basically a cultural reference + symbology or imagery, deep or shallow. Like humor it’s meaning and value depends on the culture in question. An insult is a cultural reference, but it is disappointingly shallow and juvenile.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Crystal clarity! ‘Lesser offense’ chaps my ass, but it’s better than nothing…

8 years ago

Following up on Alan’s remark about the shooting in Munich, here’s the latest from the AP:

The Associated Press (@AP)
3 mins ago – View on Twitter
BREAKING: Munich police say they believe shooter killed himself and appears to have acted alone.

Here’s what the Munich police say:

Polizei München (@PolizeiMuenchen)
6 mins ago – View on Twitter
We found a man, who killed him himself. We assume, that he was the only shooter. #gunfire #munic

And trust the Daily Heil–er, the Daily Fail–no wait, the Daily Mail, to take what looks like Obama’s misstep and run with it:

8 years ago

@OoglyB, those are some beautiful centipedes.

Re the memes – no, no, no. Most disappointing. Where is the evidence of effort? 1/10, resubmit please.

Banananana dakry
Banananana dakry
8 years ago


How dare you? She hunted the mouse for youuuuuuu…

(yes, I went there)

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

A favorite.

Can We Measure Memes?

A meme is a replicator, a cultural unit operating under Darwinian evolutionary principles analogous to a gene, but a distinct replicator in its own right (Dawkins, 1976; Goodenough and Dawkins, 1994). A meme in layman terms is a concept or idea, embodied by a word, a phrase, a riff, image, or gesture. A meme “exists” in the world of ideas and replicates by imitation. Memes are fluffy, non-delineated concepts rendering them somewhat untouchable by cognitive neuroscience albeit that they share considerable functional overlap with a seminal discovery in neuroscience.

8 years ago

… To replicate, memes must pass through four key stages, assimilation (multimodal perception by an individual), retention (within memory), expression (by some motoric act, speech, or gesture, which can be perceived by others), and transmission (to another individual)…

Can someone please stop the alt-right meeeeemers from replicating? There are already too many of them!

@Banananana dakry

Well it’s not like us lazy humans are actually capable of catching our own mice, we just lay around in bed all night long and wait for the hard-working genius cats to do it for us!

8 years ago

Hillary picked Senator Tim Kaine as VP; he’s got a good record on reproductive and LGBTQ rights and the environment. He speaks Spanish and has a working-class background:

8 years ago

Personally, I’m kind of jazzed about this (Wikipedia):

Kaine has attended a black Catholic Church, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, for 30 years.[

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

This thread makes a pretty good case for the guy
I’da preferred Castro, but Kaine’s hella solid. Most of all, he looks to be squeaky clean. Other than being kinda bland, there shouldn’t be much, if anything, to really hammer him over. I’m about it

8 years ago


Over on Gawker, commenter flamingolingo said this:

7/22/16 9:20pm

Everyone who is rolling their eyes at this choice needs to wait a week or so: Republicans will turn Tim Kaine into the second coming of Che Guevera.

Yes, they will.

Even though he voted to fast-track the TPP.

Tim, back away from the TPP! 🙁

8 years ago

It seems like all the oligarchs are for it.

8 years ago

Although Ivanka’s not the real villain here and although it might be understandable that she would support her father, it doesn’t mean that my head doesn’t explode every time she talks about him.

Her words remind me of my mother’s (mostly unspoken) messages when she was in her go-along-to-get-along mode (which was frequent): Everything’s fine. Why are you upset? You’re being immature.

No, things most assuredly are not fine.

And Donald Trump is no friend of women.

Like my mother did, Ivanka does a lot of damage when she spreads these lies.

Call me Cassandra — except that I’m fated to be believed. Yes!

8 years ago


BT,DT. Twice.
The first time I woke up with the cat standing on her hind legs at the edge of the bed, batting at the leg of my boxers, and soon after found out it was because a mouse she had dropped on the bed was hiding there, against my leg.

The second time, I woke up because she was bouncing around on the bed, saw something moving around my feet under the covers, and threw them back to see a mouse — which promptly charged for the first area of cover it saw, the leg of my boxers. The inner part, this time. Fortunately, I was awake enough by then to move out of the way before it got there.

8 years ago

I got good news from Cartoon Network, Show creator and producer Rebecca Sugar came out as bi during Comic Con. And she was received quite warmly.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


It seems like all the oligarchs are for it


8 years ago

Oogly, those are stunning centipedes. Round here we just have the little cyanide-producing ones, black with yellow racing stripes. Cute, but nothing to write home about.

And as for the “memes”, they’re not. Ain’t nobody going to see any of THESE go viral. That long-neck one is just plain incomprehensible, and the others are amateurish at best. Fail.

8 years ago

I’m far more afraid of lions than centipedes. At least a centipede is not over 3 times my size and wouldn’t rip me to pieces and eat me! O.O

Oogleboogles-those are some adorable centipede mamas! I didn’t know they protect their young like that. Thanks for sharing. ?

8 years ago

I would be wary of both, especially if I am alone. Both are carnivores, and since they don’t follow orders anyway, their leaders would not change a lot of thing.

Some would say a lion is more physically dangerous, to which I would answer I am more confident that lions would flee if I find an hunting rifle to scare them.