Hey, remember when Friday was meme-day here at We Hunted the Mammoth? We’ve missed a couple, mostly because of horrible things happening in the world, but we’re back!
Today, some of the weirdest pro-Trump and anti-Hillary memes I’ve run across lately. Most of these are from Reddit — in particular, from r/The_Donald and r/HillaryForPrison. Enjoy, I guess.

Now this last meme — which I’ve censored a little — isn’t really all that weird. It’s just kind of revealing, at least about the sort of people who sit around making anti-Hillary memes.
#6, to me, refers to the Nice tragedy, and HRC being mown down by a Trump fan.
@ PeeVee – I think you’ve hit the proverbial nail there
Unfortunately it’s becoming a theme; mass shooting in Munich 🙁
Aren’t memes supposed to be, like, funny? In all of the other images you can find some kind of weird-ass humor after scraping away the dense layer of Trump trivia tripe. This one – it’s just a playground insult, and not a particularly biting one at that.
Yeah, seconding the army of lions thing.
The best thing about the “army of lions” is that it is very revealing to learn that the meme-maker considers himself to be one of the centipedes.
Terrabeau: Oh I’m sure it’s hilarious to the creator.
As evidence, look at any little kid who giggles for over a minute at saying a dirty word.
#5 is a reference to a page from the manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. If you’re not aware.
That first one, with the shaving cream – I wonder if that refers to the fact that a lot of women who were accused of consorting with the enemy had their heads shaved in WWII? Perhaps a Nazi meme?
I will not hear anything ill of centipedes. They’re the cats of the arthropod world and I will have none of this ill speak.
Jokes aside the irony of using lions, the males lazy while the females do all the work.
Like they even care about the policies at hand other than to enable their racism. And to use a person in part 5 JoJo which is pretty much Godfather.
I read #2 as he’s going to shave her head. That’s an old-fashioned method of humiliation and/or dehumanization.
@freemage, that was my first thought, too!
The first one after the cut is a Photoshop of a “match” that Trump had against Vince MacMahon a few years ago.
It was called “Hair vs. Hair”, where Vince and Trump picked a wrestler and whichever wrestler lost, the man who backed them would have their head shaved.
In hindsight, I wish Trump had lost.
Does anyone know the maximum running speed of:
The centipede thing comes from a video:
@David Futrelle
NO, NO GOD NO. NO, I refuse to have Trump Supporters supplant my favorite animal with their crap.
Look at those makes me know what it’s like to be Todd from scrubs and confused by everything I see
Bloody hell, I wish Trump would have lost that “Hair vs Hair” challenge.
Although I know it’s all pre-determined.
I’m scared of and disgusted by centipedes but I still would fear the lion army more. And now I have The Rains of Castamere stuck in my head.
Or even just a cat army would be scary. Dracarys woke me up in the middle of the night last night by dropping a live mouse she caught in the basement on to my legs. Fun!
How dare you not be grateful for being given the opportunity to show her you’ve learned better hunting skills so as to be able to feed yourself in the future! She dropped that right onto your legs and you didn’t even try! 😉
@Jamesworkshop, The Todd would like to show off HIS centipede!! Trump supporter lingo five!
Oh my God, you fuckers leave JoJo’s out of this! Yes, that meme has been around forever, no, I don’t care. Something I love is now tainted by association with your bullshit! Ahgggghhghgg!
I am going to flip when I inevitably see someone put the great orange dope’s face of Josuke’s in a scene with someone shit talking his hair, aren’t i?
Long-neck trump has me very confused.
Can I now refer to Trump and the Human Centipede?